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1、 2021高考英语阅读理解精英定时训练题(21)及答案 【广东省中山市2021模拟(2)】 CThirteen vehicles lined up last March to race across the Mojave Desert, seeking a million in prize money. To win, they had to finish the 142-mile race in less than 10 hours. Teams and watchers knew there might be no winner at all, because these vehicles

2、 were missing a key partdrivers.DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, organized the race as part of a push to develop robotic vehicles for future battlefields. But the Grand Challenge, as it was called, just proved how difficult it is to get a car to speed across an unfamiliar desert

3、 without human guidance. One had its brake lock up in the starting area, Another began by throwing itself onto a wall. Another got tied up by bushes near the road after 1.9 miles.One turned upside down. One took off in entirely the wrong direction and had to be disabled by remote (远距离的) consol. One

4、went a little more than a mile and rushed into a fence; another managed to go for six miles but stuck on a rock. The “winner,”if there was any, reached 7.8 miles before it ran into a long, narrow hole, and the front wheels caught on fire.“You get a lot of respect for natural abilities of the living

5、things,” says Reinhold Behringer, who helped design two of the ear-size vehicles for a company called Sci-Autonics, “Even ants can do all these tasks effortlessly. Its very hard for us to put these abilities into our machines.”The robotic vehicles, though with necessary modern equipment such as adva

6、nced computers and GPS guidance, had trouble figuring out fast enough the blocks ahead that a two-year-old human recognizes immediately. Sure, that very young child, who has just only learned to walk, may not think to wipe apple juice off her face, but she already knows that when theres a cookie in

7、the kitchen she has to climb up the table, and that when she gets to the cookie it will taste good. She is more advanced, even months old, than any machine humans have designed.36. Watchers doubted if any of the vehicles could finish the race because _. A. they did not have any human guidance B. the

8、 road was not familiar to the drivers C. the distance was too long for the vehicles D. the prize money was unattractive to the drivers37. DARPA organized the race in order to _. A. raise money for producing more robotic vehicles B. push the development of vehicle industry C. train more people to dri

9、ve in the desert D. improve the vehicles for future wars38. From the passage we know “robotic vehicles” are a kind of machines that _. A. can do effortlessly whatever tasks living things can B. can take part in a race across 142 miles with a time limit C. can show off their ability to turn themselve

10、s upside down D. can move from place to 101ace without being driven by human beings39. In the race, the greatest distance one robotic vehicle covered was . A. about eight miles B. six miles C. almost two miles D. about one mile40. In the last paragraph, the writer implies that there is a long way to

11、 go . A. for a robotic vehicle to finish a 142-mile race without any difficulties B. for a little child who has just learned to walk to reach the cookie on the table C. for a robotic vehicle to deal with a simple problem that a little child can solve D. for a little child to understand the importanc

12、e of wiping apple juice off its face【参考答案】36-40 ADDAC 阅读理解Kate: Has your sisters baby arrived yet? John: Yes, Ive been an uncle since yesterday noon. Kate: Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl? John: An eight-pound boy. They named him Francis. Thats spelled with an “i” before the “s”, you know. Ka

13、te: Thats right. Frances with an “e” is a girls name. But they are both pronounced the same. Why did they name your nephew Francis? John: I dont know. They considered a lot of other names, like Richard, Edward, Philip, David, and several others. Kate: What if the baby had been a girl? Didnt they hav

14、e any girls names in mind? John: They couldnt agree on any. Whenever he suggested a girls name, she said, “I hate that name!” Some people have very strong feelings about names. Kate: I think most people do. Sometimes I decided not to like someone I havent even met, just because I dont like his name.

15、 John: That reminds me of something I read a few days ago. Somebody had found out that school children with certain names get low marks in school just because of their names. Kate: Their family names? John: No, their first names. Thats what the article said. 1. The first sentence “Has your sisters b

16、aby arrived yet?” means _. A. Has your sisters baby come here yet? B. Has your sisters baby reached your home yet? C. Has your sisters baby been sent to you yet? D. Has your sister given birth to that baby yet? 2. Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage? A. Francis is boys name.

17、 B. Frances is a girls name. C. Francis and Frances have the same pronunciation. D. There is no difference between Francis and Frances. 3. According to the passage, we can infer that a nephew is _. A. a baby boy B. a baby girl C. the son of ones brothers or sistersD. the daughter of ones brothers or

18、 sisters. 4. Reading the passage, we can know _. A. Americans have only first namesB. Americans have only family namesC. Americans have both first names and family namesD. Americans have either first names or family names【答案与解析】本文是一篇对话,是 John 和 Kate 关于人的名字的谈论。1. D。细节推断题。依据原文 John 说的话 Yes, Ive been a

19、 uncle since yesterday noon可知 Kate 是问 John 他的姐姐生了小孩没有。所以正确答案为 D。2. D。细节题。依据原文可知 John 的姐姐生了个男孩,取名 Francis,Francis 是男孩名,而 Frances 是女孩名。Francis 和 Frances 的读音是相同的。由此可推断出此题正确答案为 D。3. C。推断题。依据原文可知 John 的姐姐生了个男孩,取名 Francis。然后再依据Kate 问 John 的话可推知 nephew 是指一个人的 sister 或 brother 的儿子。所以答案为 C。4. C。细节题。依据最终两句 Ka

20、te 和 John 的话 Their family names? No, their first names可知此题答案为 C。阅读理解What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry, geology, engineering, medicine or any other science? We all know that science plays an important ro

21、le in our societiesHowever, many people believe that our progress depends on two different aspects of scienceThe first aspect is the application of the machines, products and systems of knowledge that scientists and technologists developThe second is the application of the special methods of thought

22、 and actionthat scientists use in their workHe does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence availableHe rejects authority as the only basis for truthScientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectivelyFurthermore,he does not readily accept

23、 his own idea, since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instruments and that a number of factors tend to disturb objective investigationLastly,he is full of imaginationsince he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incompleteFur

24、thermore,he needs imaginationif he wants to guess how processes work and how events take placeThese seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist or technologist thinks and acts10Many people believe that science helps society to progress through_Aknowledge onlyBmore than one aspect Cte

25、chnology only Dthe use of machines11Which of the following statements about a curious scientist is TRUE?AHe doesnt find confidence and pleasure in workBHe is interested in problems that are explainedCHe makes efforts to investigate potential connectionsDHe looks for new ways of acting12According to

26、the passage, a successful scientist would NOT_Aeasily believe in unchecked statementsBeasily criticize others research work Calways use his imagination in workDalways use evidence from observation13Which word can be used to describe the data that a good scientist uses?Acomplete Bobjective Ccomplicat

27、ed Daccurate14What does the passage mainly discuss? AApplication of technologyBProgress in modem society CScientists ways of thinking and actingDHow to become a successful scientist参考答案 BCACC There is no denying that students should learn something about how computers work, just as we expect them at

28、 least to understand that the internal-combustion engine (内燃机) has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons (活塞) being driven. For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do. Further, students might be helped by a course that considers th

29、e computers impact on society. But that is not what is meant by computer literacy. For computer literacy is not a form of literacy (读写力气); it is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art.Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities. A case

30、 might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers. But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who have chosen programming as a career. While programming can be lots of fun, and while

31、 our society needs some people who are experts at it, the same is true of auto repair and violin-making.Learning how to use a computer is not that difficu1t, and it gets easier all the time as programs become more “user-friendly”. Let us assume that in the future everyone is going to have to know ho

32、w to use a computer to be a competent citizen. What does the phrase “learning to use a computer” mean? It sounds like “learning to drive a car”, that is, it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that, once acquired, enable one to use a computer.In fact, “learning to use a computer” is mu

33、ch more like “learning to play a game”, but learning the rules of one game may not he1p you play a second game, whose rules may not be the same. There is no such a thing as teaching someone how to use a computer. One can only teach people to use this or that program and generally that is easily acco

34、mplished.41. To be the competent citizens of tomorrow, people should . A. try to lay a solid foundation in computer science B. be aware of how the things that they use do what they do C. learn to use a computer by acquiring a certain set of skills D. understand that programming a computer is more es

35、sential than repairing a car.42. In the second paragraph “violin-making” is mentioned to show that . A. programming a computer is as interesting as making a violin B. our society needs experts in different fields C. violin-making requires as much skill as computer programming D. people who can use a

36、 computer dont necessarily have to know computer programming43. Learning to use a computer is getting easier all the time because . A. programs are becoming 1ess complicated B. programs are designed to be convenient to users C. programming is becoming easier and easier D. programs are becoming readi

37、ly available to computer users44. According to the author, the phrase “learning to use a computer” in Para. 3 means learning . A. a set of rules B. the fundamentals of computer science C. specific programs D. general principles of programming45. The authors purpose in writing this passage is . A. to

38、 stress the impact of the computer on society B. to explain the concept of computer literacy C. to illustrate the requirements for being competent citizens of tomorrow D. to emphasize that computer programming is an interesting and challenging job.参考答案 41-45 C D B CB 【广东省中山市2021模拟(2)】 DAt the beginn

39、ing of the 20th century there were more than a million lions worldwide. Today there are less than 30,000 in the wild. The remaining lions are increasingly threatened by habitat loss, hunting and activities to protect farms and cattle. For generations, Masai tribesmen on the large African plains in s

40、outheastern Kenya have hunted lions to protect their farms and cattle. Today they celebrate the lions life. Noah is an elder in the Masai community. “We have decided as a community of the Masai to lay down our spears, and there will be no more killing of lions in our community.” He is part of a grou

41、p of Masai visiting the United States promoting the Predator (捕食性动物) Compensation Program. Conservation Internationals Frank Hawkins explains, “The Masai have been living with wildlife for many generations and it has been a conflicting relationship in many ways. They compete with the animals for foo

42、d as lions eat their cattle. Were trying to find ways in which the wildlife will become something useful to them.” They had the Predator Compensation Fund founded in 2003. After much discussion, a group of Masai farmers agreed to protect lions. In turn, if lions or other predators kill their cattle,

43、 the Masai owner will be paid market value for the dead animals from the fund. One man said that in the past, when a lion killed cattle, they killed it on the spot. And now, after the start of the program, the Masai see the lion population growing. Since 2003, only four lions have been killed here.4

44、1. What is this passage mainly about?A. The wildlife in the world.B. Lions and the Masai.C. The reason why lions are killed.D. The living ways of the Masai.42. What is the aim of the Predator Compensation Program?A. To protect people in the wild.B. To help the Masai protect their farms and cattle.C.

45、 To protect lions only.D. To protect the wildlife.43. Masai tribesmen killed lions before 2003 _.A. because lions were dangerous for people there B. because dead lions were worth a lot of moneyC. because they wanted lions meat D. because they wanted to protect their farms and cattle44. According to

46、the passage, why havent Masai tribesmen killed many lions since 2003?A. Because lions dont eat their cattle any more.B. Because they will be fined if they kill lions there.C. Because if a lion kills their cattle, they will be paid for the dead animals from the fund.D. Because there are less than 30,000 lions in the wild now.45. What do you think of the Masai?A. Reasonable. B. Cruel. C. Poor. D. Stupid.【参考答案】41-45 DDDCA

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