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1、2021高考英语单项选择精英定时训练题(11)及答案【齐齐哈尔市试验中学2021高三英语综合训练(6)】第一节 语法和词汇学问(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项填入空白处。21. What makes a play _ masterpiece is that the ideas behind _ play are about problems which are still important to_ people of different ages in _ modern times.A.the; the; the; / B. a;

2、the; the; / C. a; the; /; / D. a; a; the; / 22. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _ drawing millions of tourists from all parts of the world every year. A. interest B. attraction C. view D. scene 23. When _ comes to saving energy, big changes start with small steps, like turning off the lights. A.tha

3、t B. this C. it D.one 24. -Volunteering is becoming _ popular in China. - Yeah, people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.A. naturally B. successfully C. splendidly D. increasingly 25. Well, he did succeed, but he was _ than successful in our opinion. A. more lucky B. much lucki

4、er C. luckier D. more luckier26. - You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, Barbara. - Are you _ me of lying?A. charging B. criticizing C. catching D. accusing 27. In hot and dull summer afternoons, icy coffee _ a wonderful drink.A. produces B. makes C. remains D. gets 28. Before 1966 in the l

5、and we now call Great Britain _ people belonging to two major language groups. A.lived B. lives C. has lived D. are living 29. - Be careful! Dont forget you are on a ladder. - But you are holding it for me, nothing _.A.worry about B. to worry about C. is worried about D. worrying about 30. -The terr

6、ible accident is under investigation. - Actually, quicker action _ those workers trapped in the mine.A. may have saved B. must have saved C. should have saved D. could have saved 31. Newton is shown as a gifted scientist with every human weakness _ stood at the point in history _ magic ended and sci

7、ence began. A. who; where B. which; where C. who; when D. which; that 32. The Romans originally lived in northwest India in _ is now southeastern Pakistan. A.what B. which C. that D. where 33. Peace and development remain the permanent themes of our times, _ the world we live in is anything but quie

8、t.A. and B. if C. so D. but 34. He is supposed to make his visit to the farm soon, but I am not sure whether he _ or not. A. does B. is C. had D. will 35. -Id like to be on my own for a while. Do you mind? - _. Go ahead.A.Not in the least B. No way C. Yes, of course D. Im afraid not 【参考答案】21-25 CBCD

9、A 26-30 DBABD 31-35 AADDA 1(常州调研)James, we have lost the last match against LA. I suppose I should be the one to blame.Oh, _. It was just a game, and we still have nearly a whole season to go through.AForget it BTake it easyCNot at all DDont say so解析:本题考查情态子依据语意可知,此题应选A项意为“没关系,不要提了”。B项“别焦急,放松”;C项“根本

10、不”;D项为汉语式表达。答案:A2(2022长沙模拟)I must be off now, or it will be too late to see Tom._? Do you really want to see that dull boy?AFor him BWhy soCFor what DSo what解析:依据语意可知,此题应选D项意为“那又怎样”。B项“为什么这样”;C项“为什么”;均不符合语境。答案:D3(2022无锡模拟)Mr. Smith never means what he says. I dislike him._,as the saying goes.AA sing

11、le flower does not make a springBA still tongue makes a wise headCA man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weedsDActions speak louder than words解析:A项意为“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”B项意为“寡言者智。”C项意为“光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长剌。”D项意为“事实胜于雄辩。”答案:C4(潍坊检测)May I serve your dishes,sir?_.ANo, go aheadBYes, help your

12、selfCHurry upDYes, please解析:问话者在征求对方意见,意为“先生,我可以为你上菜了吗?”所以,答话者应回答“Yes,please”,表示“好的,请”。答案:D5(福州模拟)Im not good at singing, you know._. Its just for fun.AAll right BNo problemCCome on DCheer up解析:依据语境可知,此题应选C项,表示鼓舞的语气。答案:C6(杭州模拟)The party will start at 700 sharp. Come earlier._.AGood idea BYoure right

13、CI think so DI will解析:依据上句Come earlier.可推知答句为I will,可以补全为I will come earlier.答案:D7(杭州模拟)How do you find the latest movie Under the Hawthorn Tree by Zhang Yimou?_. I cant think too highly of it.AIts really wonderful.BIt all depends.CNo one knows for certainDIt is not my cup of tea.解析:依据答句中I cant thin

14、k too highly of it.可知答话者对这部影片高度赞扬,故选A项。答案:A8(辽宁模拟)Caroline, I am leaving for the US. I come over to say goodbye._.AGood luck. BAll the best!CGoodbye. DYou, lucky dog!解析:依据上句可知对方在道别,所以答话者应对其祝愿,故选B项意为“万事如意”。答案:B9(抚顺模拟)You are telling me Im lazy. Look what a mess your room is!_AThats a nobrainer!BDont

15、be a wet blanket!CThat is like the pot calling the kettle black!DDont pull my leg!解析:A项“不用动脑子的,很简洁的”。B项“不要做扫兴的人”;C项“五十步笔百步”;D项“别开我的玩笑”。答案:C10(合肥模拟)Dont you feel cold, Tim? You wear such a jacket in a day at 5._.Im boiling.ANo worry BTake it easyCNot in the least DThats OK解析:依据答句中Im boiling.可推知,答话者根本

16、不感觉寒冷,故选C项意为“根本不”。答案:C11(安庆模拟)Shall I give you some tips on how to fight against Cybercrime?Thanks. _.AIt couldnt be better BOf course you canCIf you like DIts up to you解析:句意:就如何打击网络犯罪我可以给你提些建议吗?感谢,你真是太好了。A项符合句意“没有比这更好的了”。答案:A12(福州质检)My mum is ill in hospital, Im so worried._. I think she will be be

17、tter soon.ATake your time BTake it easyCDont mention it DYou must be joking解析:句意:我妈妈生病住院,我格外担忧。别焦急,我想她不久就会好起来的。A项“不焦急,渐渐来”;B项“别焦急”,用于劝慰对方不要焦急,与心理状况相关。符合题意;C项“不用谢”;D项“你确定在开玩笑吧”。答案:B13(抚顺期末)It is getting late. I am afraid I must be going now.OK. _.ASee you BGo slowlyCStay longer DTake it easy解析:考查情景对话

18、。I am afraid I must be going now.是对方动听提出道别,故A项See you “再见”符合题意。答案:A14(福州模拟)Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it._. Hes very good at this sort of thing.ADont worryBI couldnt agree with you moreCOf courseDA piece of cake解析:依据语境和回答的后半句可知说话的人是在打消对方的疑虑,故选A。Dont worry,不要担忧。答案:A15(2010济

19、南模拟)Im taking my driving test tomorrow. Would you please take care of my dog?Sure! _.ACheers BGood luckCCome on DCongratulations解析:Good luck是当别人要从事某项活动时,向对方表示祝愿用语,依据语境,B项符合。答案:B16(2010青岛质检)Good afternoon,madam. _?No, can you help me, please?AAre you waiting for meBHave you been waited onCWould you l

20、ike anything elseDWhat can I do for you解析:考查情景对话,依据对话内容可知这是商店服务员与顾客之间的对话。Have you been waited on 意为:有人为你服务吗?这儿“wait on”是“侍侯、款待”之意,故选B。答案:B17(大同模拟)Shall I look after your house while you are away?_.AIf you like BIt couldnt be betterCOf course you can DIts up to you解析:考查交际用语。对于对方提出的挂念应表示感谢。It couldnt

21、be better “没有比这更好的了”符合语境,故选B。答案:B18(临沂模拟)May I take your order?Yes. Id like a cup of coffee, a hot dog and some salad. What about you, Lisa?_.AMe tooBSame again, pleaseCIts all the same to youDThe same to me解析:考查情景交际。依据对话,说明说话人在餐馆吃饭时点菜的对话。Same again,please.“同样的,再来一份”。符合语境要求。答案:B19(大连模拟)This is my tr

22、eat and next is yours. Hows that?OK. _.ANo way BIt dependsCIt doesnt matter DIts a deal解析:考查交际用语。句意:这次我款待,下次你款待,怎么样?行,一言为定。D项Its a deal,一言为定。符合题意。答案:D20(长沙质检)Mr. Li, Christmas Day is coming._? Just occupy yourself in your study.AHow come BWhat ifCSo what DWhat for解析:考查交际用语。依据回答的后半句可知说话人对前者没有集中精力学习感到

23、不满。so what “那又如何”符合题意。答案:C 【齐齐哈尔市试验中学2021高三英语综合训练(5)】第一节 语法和词汇学问(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项填入空白处。21. If we make _best of this new equipment, there will be _ rise in our production this year. A. /;/ B. the; a C. /; a D. /; the 22. All the students in our class are working hard ever

24、y day, which _ to be a good result in the coming 2022 NMET. A expects B. promises C. supposes D. thinks 23. _she forgets to bring a health certificate? AWhat if BHow about CWhat for DSo what24. _ back to China, all the staff who had worked in Libya strongly felt that our country is very powerful. A.

25、 To fly B. Being flying C. Having flown D. To be flown25. - Its many years since I saw you last; I _ you at all. - I wouldnt have, either, if someone _ you by the name. Adidnt recognize; hadnt called Bdidnt recognize; didnt call Chavent recognized; didnt call Drecognized; had called 26. .More than o

26、ne _ the people heart and soul. A. official has served B. officials have served C. officials has served for D. officials have served for 27. When can I use your computer? Never! _ should you touch it. A. At one time B. In no time C. At any time D. At no time28. - Its no easy task to catch a ticket o

27、n a website that receives 1 billion clicks daily. - I cant agree with you more. There _ be errors for every single step. A. should B. must C. will D. can29. Martin Smith who,at 22,is one of the male nannies(保姆)admits that it will be some time _male nannies are totally accepted.A. since B. until C. b

28、efore D. after30. The TV series of GongSuo Heart Jade became popular and the song “ Love the feed” sung by Yangmi was a _ at once and loved by young people. A. shock B. strike C. hit D. beat31. They produced two reports, _ of which contained any useful suggestionsAeitherBbothCnoneDneither32. - I was

29、 walking along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down - You can never be _ in the streetAcareful enoughBmuch carefulCvery carefullyDtoo carefully33. I had wanted to help you last night but I couldnt spare any time, for I _ a composition which I have to hand in this morning.

30、A. wrote B. was writing C. had written D. have written34. it is normal for parrots to talk, Einstein, a small bird, is unusual in that whenever she hears a new word or sound, she repeats it over and over until she masters it.AAsBWhenCWhileDSince35. -Is the chemistry experiment easy? - _. Ill just do my best.A. I think so B. Certainly C. Not a little D. Anything but【参考答案】单选:21-25BBACA 26-30ADDCC 31-35DABCD

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