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1、阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。For five days, Edmontons Downtown Park is transformed into one huge stage where artists are able to share their talents, and where people are able to celebrate and enjoy themselves. Since its beginning in 1980, the Edmonton Folk Music Festival has been commemorat

2、ing (纪念) the true feeling of what folk music is all about and thats the traditional togetherness (友爱) that is felt when people gather to share stories and feelings through song. This year will be the sixth year when volunteer Riedel will be offering up her time to the festival. “People coming off a

3、busy spring and summer have a moment of relaxation,” Riedel said. “Its really easy to relax, and its great seeing family and friends have fun together.” These families and friends come from all different kinds of musical tastes. People who take pleasure in Blues are there, so are people who love Blu

4、egrass. This festival does its best to develop everyones musical interests. With so many years of experience, the festival has become a well-oiled machine, and does whatever it can to make attendees feel as comfortable as possible. There are free water stations throughout the venue (举办地) for people

5、to fill up their travel cups. When people buy food, reusable dishes are given a $2 plate fee, but that is returned when the plate is brought back. The festival has completely sold out of tickets, and in record time. But with big names such as Van Morrison and Jakob Dylan, its easy to see how that wa

6、s going to happen. There is no parking area during the festival, so using the Park & Ride system or Edmonton Transit is highly recommended. A bike lock-up area is provided and will be available Thursday until Sunday one hour before the gates open until 45 minutes after the gates close. The Edmonton

7、Folk Music Festival begins on Wednesday, Aug. 4 with Van Morrison playing the special donation fund (基金) concert, and will finish up on Sunday, Aug. 8. 1. The Edmonton Folk Music Festival is held mainly to.A. gather people with different musical tastesB. remind people of the real sense of folk music

8、C. exhibit the good voices of great talents in folk musicD. collect old stories of folk music2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Riedel has volunteered for the festival for at least 5 years.B. Its hard for people to appreciate Blues. C. It costs people a little to fill up

9、their cups from water stations.D. People have to pay $2 for a plate of food.3. We can learn from the passage that.A. people can get tickets easily for the festivalB. the Edmonton Folk Music Festival is well organizedC. driving ones own car to the festival is highly recommendedD. bikes are available

10、at the festival from Wednesday to Sunday4. What would be the best title for this passage? A. Folk Music of BluesB. One Festival for AllC. Festival for Family GatheringD. Edmontons Downtown Park【参考答案】1-4 BABB阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2021郑州市二模,A)“Croeso I Gymru!” If you dont know what this

11、 means, read on to find out more.When you cross over the border from England into Wales, you dont have to show your passport but you do notice a difference immediately. All the road markings and signs are shown in two languagesEnglish and Welsh (威尔士语). Not all visitors to Britain know that other lan

12、guages are spoken here. Theres the Gaelic (盖尔语) language in Scotland and a few people speak Cornish (康沃尔语) in the southwest of England, but the most widely spoken language in the UK besides English is Welsh.Perhaps the first Welsh word youll see on the road into Wales is ARAF. Theres a helpful Engli

13、sh translation next to itSLOW. As you can see, Welsh looks quite different from English. It sounds very different, too. Welsh looks and sounds so different from English because its a Celtic language. Celtic cultures still exist around the edges of the UKin Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and al

14、so in parts of France. For hundreds of years, almost everyone in Wales spoke Welsh, but nowadays there are about 600 thousand Welsh speakersaround 20% of the population.So is Welsh dying out? Not at all! Nowadays, all school children in Wales study Welsh and many choose to go to an all Welshspeaking

15、 school. You can get public information in Welsh, speak Welsh in court or take a course at university in Welsh. People surf the Internet in Welsh, keep up with friends on Facebook and write blogs in Welsh.By the way,“Croeso I Gymru!” means “Welcome to Wales!” I hope youll be able to visit it one day

16、.文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了威尔士语,包括威尔士语的特点、使用的人群、进展前景以及与英语的不同。1According to the passage, Welsh _.Ahas developed from CornishBis still widely used in the UKCsounds a little similar to EnglishDis more widely spoken than before答案:B细节理解题。依据文章其次段最终一句中的“but the most widely spoken language in the UK besides Engl

17、ish is Welsh”可知,威尔士语在英国应用比较广泛。故答案选B。2How does the author feel about the future of Welsh?AOptimistic. BCurious. CWorried. DConfused.答案:A观点态度题。依据文章倒数其次段第一句“So is Welsh dying out? Not at all!”可知,作者信任威尔士语不会消逝。故答案选A。3What is the authors purpose of writing the passage?ATo explain a typical Welsh term.BTo

18、compare English with Welsh.CTo give an introduction to Welsh.DTo encourage people to visit Wales.答案:C写作意图题。文章主要介绍了威尔士语的特点、使用的人群、进展前景以及与英语的不同。故答案选C。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2021郑州市二模,B)It was an autumn morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were up

19、stairs unpacking, and I was looking out of the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. “What are you doing out there?” I called to him.He looked up, smiling, “Im making you a surprise.” I thought it could be just about anything. When we were kids, he always created somethin

20、g surprising for us. Today, however, Dad would say no more, and caught up in the business of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise.Until one gloomy day the next March when I glanced out of the window, I saw a dot of blue across the yard. I headed outside for a closer look. They were c

21、rocuses (番红花) throughout the front lawnblue, yellow and my favorite pink, with little faces moving up and down in the cold wind. I remembered the things Dad secretly planted last autumn. He knew how the darkness and dullness of winter always got me down. What could have been more perfectly timely to

22、 my needs?My fathers crocuses bloomed (开花) each spring for the next five seasons, always bringing the same assurance: Hard times are almost over. Hold on, keep going, and light is coming soon.Then a spring came with only half the usual blooms and the next spring there were none. I missed the crocuse

23、s, so I would ask Dad to come over and plant new bulbs. But I never did. He died suddenly one October day. My family were in deep sorrow, leaning on our faith.On a spring afternoon four years later, I was driving back when I felt depressed. It was Dads birthday, and I found myself thinking about him

24、. This was not unusualmy family often talked about him, remembering how he lived up to his faith. Suddenly I slowed as I turned into our driveway. I stopped and stared at the lawn. There on the muddy grass with small piles of melting snow, bravely waving in the wind, was one pink crocus.How could a

25、flower bloom from a bulb more than 18 years ago, one that hadnt bloomed in over a decade? But there was the crocus. Tears filled my eyes as I realized its significance.Hold on, keep going, and light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a day, but it built my faith for a lifetime.文章大意:本文是

26、一篇布满爱和哲理的记叙文。文章主要叙述了搬家之后,作者的父亲在她家草坪里种下了番红花。这让作者在寒冷的冬天心情也不会低落。多年之后的一个下午,作者发觉18年前种下的已有10多年未曾生长开花的球茎,如今重新开放,这让作者理解了其深刻的含义:只要坚持不懈,光明就会来临。4According to the first three paragraphs, we learn that _.Ait kept bothering the author not knowing what the surprise wasBthe author was unpacking when her father was

27、making the surpriseCit was not the first time that the authors father had made a surpriseDthe author knew what the surprise was because she knew her father答案:C细节理解题。依据文章其次段第三句“When we were kids, he always created something surprising for us.”可知,作者的父亲从她小的时候就始终给她惊喜,这已不是第一次了。故答案选C。5Which of the followi

28、ng statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThe author usually felt depressed in the season of winter.BThe authors father planted the crocuses to lift her low spirits.CThe author often thought about her father after he died.DThe crocuses bloomed each spring before her father died.答案:D细节理解题。依

29、据文章第三段倒数其次句“He knew how the darkness and dullness of winter always got me down.”可知,A、B两项正确。依据文章倒数第三段其次句“It was Dads birthday, and I found myself thinking about him.”和第三句可知,作者经常会想起她的父亲,所以C正确。所以本题应选D。6The authors father should be best described as _.Aa parttime worker who loved flowersBa kindhearted m

30、an who lived with faithCa fulltime gardener with skillful handsDan ordinary man with doubts in his life答案:B推理推断题。依据文章中叙述父亲为防止作者在冬天心情低落而为她种了番红花可知,他有爱心且心地和善;依据文章倒数第三段第三句中“remembering how he lived up to his faith”可知,父亲实践着自己的信仰。故答案选B。7What can be the best title for the passage?ACrocusesMy Source of Fait

31、hBCrocusesFathers SurpriseCA Pink CrocusMy MemoryDCrocuses in BlossomMy Favorite答案:A标题概括题。依据文章最终一段其次句“The pink crocus bloomed for only a day, but it built my faith for a lifetime.”可知,作者在父亲为她种的番红花上找到了人生信仰。故答案选A。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2021太原市二模,B)MARCH 05, 2021TOKYO (AFP)A father froze t

32、o death while sheltering his nineyearold daughter from severe weekend snowstorms that swept northern Japan. Mikio Okada, one of at least nine people killed as snowstorms swept across Hokkaido (北海道), died as he tried to protect his only child Natsune against winds of up to 109 kilometers per hour in

33、Yubetsu, Hokkaido, as temperatures fell sharply to minus 6 degrees centigrade.Okadas body was uncovered by rescuers looking for the pair after relatives raised the alarm. Natsune was wearing her fathers jacket and was wrapped in his arms. The pair had last been heard from at 4 p. m. on Saturday, aft

34、er fisherman Okada picked his daughter up from a school where she was being looked after while he was at work. Okada called his relatives to say his truck had become stuck in the driving snow, which was several meters deep in places. He told them he and Natsune would walk the remaining kilometre. Th

35、e two were found just 300 meters from the truck at 7 am. on Sunday.Okada had his body bent over his daughter, gently holding her in his arms and apparently using his body and a warehouse wall to provide shelter. The small girl was taken to hospital, where she was found to have no serious injuries. H

36、er father was officially pronounced dead by doctors at the same hospital.The newspaper Yomiuri said Natsunes mother had died of illness two years earlier. The paper quoted neighbors as saying Okada had been an extremely caring father who would often delay the start of his working day to enjoy breakf

37、ast with his daughter.His death came as families all over Japan celebrated Girls Day, a festival in which they gather at home and decorate houses with dolls. “He reserved a cake for his only daughter and was looking forward to celebrating Dolls Festival together,” a neighbor told the Yomiuri.文章大意:本文

38、是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了在日本发生的一场暴风雪,父亲为了疼惜女儿被冻死的感人故事。8When the disaster happened, the father and daughter were _.Areturning home after visiting relativesBjust 300 meters away from homeCdriving home after a visit to a hospitalDon their way home from the girls school答案:D细节理解题。依据文章其次段第三、四句“. after fisherman Okada

39、 picked his daughter up from a school. his truck had become stuck in the driving snow.”可知,D项正确。9Which of the following doesnt show the fathers love for his daughter?AOkada called his relatives to say his truck had become stuck.BOkada had his body bent over his daughter.COkada had been looking forwar

40、d to Dolls Festival.DNatsune was wearing her fathers jacket.答案:A细节理解题。文章其次段第四句“Okada called his relatives to say his truck had become stuck in the driving snow.”只是在陈述一个事实,并不能显示父女情深。故A项正确。本题可用排解法。10What can we infer from the passage?AThe relatives were not careful enough and raised the alarm too late

41、.BNo one cared for Natsune at home while her dad was at work.CThe rescuers delay resulted in the avoidable death.DOkada had just celebrated Girls Day with his daughter before he died.答案:B推理推断题。依据文章其次段第三句“. where she was being looked after while he was at work”可推知,在Okada上班时,没有人照看女儿。故B项正确。11Which of t

42、he following might be the best title for the passage?A9yearold girl made orphan in snowstormBSnowstorm takes away 9yearold girls fatherCFather dies sheltering daughter from snowstormDJapanese dad dies in snowstorm答案:C标题概括题。依据文章第一段第一句及对文章的整体描述可知,C项做标题最恰当。【辽宁省庄河市2022高考英语一模试题】完形填空。阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项

43、 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。That morning, I stepped into the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with seventy-five students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in 36 for seventeen years, I had no 37 about my ability to hold their attention and to 3

44、8 on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue. I was shocked when the monitor shouted, 39 ! The entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat 40 about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness was over, I quickly 41 my calmness and began what I thoug

45、ht was a fact-packed lecture, sure to gain their respectperhaps 42 their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement. It was a long term, and it 49 became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as_50 of my students. I thought a teache

46、rs job was to raise 51 questions and provide enough background so that students could 52 their own conclusions. My students thought a teachers job was to provide _53_ information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference! _54 , I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese stu

47、dents has made me a 55 American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture. 36. A. the UK B. the US C. China D. Australia 37. A. worry B. idea C. doubt D. experience 38. A. impress B. put C. leave D. fix 39. A. Attention B. Look out C. At ease D. Stand up 40. A. puzzled B. sure C. curiousD. worried 41. A. found B. returned C. regainedD. followed 42. A. moreB. even C. yet D. still 43. A. passed B. borrowed C. read D. kept 44. A. replaced B. taken C. caught D. moved 45. A. Naturally B.Perhaps C. Fortunately D. Reasonably 46. A. different B. strong C. simi

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