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1、定时训练(5).专题特训(特殊句式)1Who _ that played a trick on the new English teacher?Ait was Bwas it Che was Dwas him解析考查强调句。句意:到底是谁戏弄了新来的英语老师?本题是强调句的特殊疑问句结构:疑问词is/wasitthat句子其他成分。故选B。答案B2Such an inspiring speech _ at the graduation ceremony that every one of us was deeply moved and strongly encouraged.Adid he m

2、ake Bhe madeChad he made Dhe had made解析考查倒装句。句意:他在毕业典礼上做了如此鼓舞人心的演讲,以至于我们每一个人都深受感动和鼓舞。“such名词”或“so形容词/副词”位于句首时,主句应用部分倒装结构。又依据语意和that从句中的时态可知,此处应用一般过去时。故答案选A。答案A3_ no ad during TV plays.Great move! I cannot tolerate those annoying ads appearing every several minutes.AThere is said to have BIt is said

3、to haveCThere is said to be DIt is said to be解析考查句式用法。句意:据说电视剧中间不再插播广告了。好举措!我再也忍受不了每隔几分钟就消灭的那些无聊的广告了。have表示“某人/物有”,there be表示“某处存在某物”,两者不能在同一句中同时使用,排解选项A;be said to意为“据说”,常作插入语,相当于“主语be said to.”。该句可改成It is said that there will be no ad during TV plays.故C项正确。答案C4Only when he returned _ that the war

4、had ended and the army had come back.Awe tell Bwe toldCdid we tell Dwere we told解析考查倒装句型。Only放在句首时,句子要用倒装语序;依据句意“我们被告知”可知,此处要用were we told。故答案选D。答案D5Under no circumstances _ the door to the Data Centre unlocked.I promise Ill be more careful in future.Ayou need to leave Bshould you leaveCneed you lea

5、ve Dyou should leave解析考查倒装句。句意:你无论如何都不能不锁数据中心的门就走了。我答应你下次我会留意的。under no circumstance相当于in no case/in no way/on no account/by no means/never,意为“决不”,置于句首时,句子要部分倒装,即:将助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。若句中没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did,并将其置于主语前。由语境可知,此处有责怪的意思,情态动词应用should。故B项正确。答案B6How many countries _ the European Union m

6、ade up of, do you know?Ais Bare Chave Dhas解析考查主谓全都。分析句子结构可知,专出名词the European Union是句子的主语,谓语动词应用单数形式。由此结合固定短语be made up of可排解C、D两项,空格处应用is。故答案选A。答案A7Hardly _ to speak _ someone interrupted him.Ahad he begun;when Bhe had begun;whileCdid he begin;when Dhe begun;when解析考查倒装句。hardly.when.意为“一就”,当hardly置于句

7、首时,句子要用部分倒装,由此可排解选项B和D;begin这一动作先于interrupted发生,由此应用过去完成时。故A项正确。答案A8In his speech, he said that it was his primary school teachers that he was fond of _ influenced his whole life.Awhat Bwhich Cas Dwho解析考查强调句。句意:在演讲中,他说是他宠爱的学校老师影响了他的一生。分析句子结构可知,句中接受的是强调句式,其中被强调的部分是“his primary school teachers that he

8、 was fond of”,指人,故选who。答案D9The China dream is the peoples dream. Only when everyone is hardworking and full of energy to make their due contribution _Ait can better realize Bcan it better realizeCit can better be realized Dcan it better be realized解析考查倒装。only后接状语,句子要部分倒装。由句意可知,应当用被动语态。答案D10We all se

9、e Deng Chaos performance skills, yet little _ attention to his singing talent.Ado we pay Bwe paidChad we paid Dwe have paid解析考查倒装句。否定词little放在句首,句子用部分倒装,排解B、D两项;再由主句时态可知,A项正确。答案A11When did you come back last night?It was not until 11 oclock _ the party ended. Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dhow解析考查特殊句式。when引导定语

10、从句,省略了强调句的后面成分,完整的句子为:It was not until 11 oclock when the party ended that I came back. 答案B12How long do you think _ the computer company brings out a new product?Ait will be before Bwill it be beforeCit will be that Dwill it be when解析考查do you think 后陈述语序的用法。句意:你认为公司要过多久才能推出新产品?本题中所考句型为:it be 一段时间be

11、fore 从句表示“才”,do you think 之后用陈述语序。故排解B、D 选项。C 选项不符合语法规章。 故选A项。答案A13_ money if you can and many poor children in the poor mountainous areas will be able to go back to school.AHaving given BGivenCGive DTo give解析考查祈使句and/or简洁句。句意:假如你能赐予一些钱,贫困山区的很多孩子将能够重返校内。本句中空格处部分为祈使句,应当填动词原形,故正确选项为C。答案C14We should gi

12、ve the disabled encouragement to live _ as we do.Aas a rich and full life Bas rich and full a lifeCso a rich and full life Dso rich and full a life解析考查as.as的用法。句意:我们应当给那些残疾人以鼓舞让他们过上和我们一样的生活。当so,as,how等后面跟的名词是可数名词时,把形容词放在冠词之前,如so cold a day,故选B项。答案B15I wonder _ makes the video Gangnam Style so popula

13、r.The unique dance moves and funny horse riding scenes.Ahow is it that Bwhat is it thatChow it is that Dwhat it is that解析考查强调句型及宾语从句的语序。句意:我想知道什么使神曲江南Style这么流行。是独特的舞蹈动作和搞笑的骑马舞。这里用了强调句型it be被强调部分that其他,在这个宾语从句中缺少的是主语,本句被强调的是疑问词what,它可以做主语,How不能做主语故排解A和C项。又由于宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序,故排解B项,所以选D项。答案D16A new survey

14、 shows that 54 percent of Americans do not take prescription medicines _ though they are important to their health.Aas they instruct Bas were instructedCas to be instructed Das instructed解析考查省略句的用法。句意:一项调查表明54%的美国人不依据医生的指导服用处方药,尽管这些要对他们懂得健康很重要。完整的结构为as they are instructed,当状语从句中的主语和主句的主语全都时,同时从句的谓语含

15、有be动词时,从句中的主语和be动词可以省略。答案D17The ground is wet all over, so Im sure it must have rained last night,_?Awasnt it Bdidnt itCisnt it Ddoesnt it解析考查反意疑问句。句意:地面全湿了,因此我确定昨天晚上下雨了,是吗?must have done表示对过去事情的推想,假如句中有具体的时间状语,反意疑问句用过去时,假如句中没有时间状语用完成时。本句中有last night,故选用B项。答案B18“Freeze, you guy!_, and Ill shoot you.

16、” an old man with a gun in hand shouted at me.AIf you go for one more step BGoing for one more stepCOne more step DYou going for one more step解析考查祈使句。句意:“别动,家伙。假如你再走一步我就开枪了。”一个端着枪的老人冲我大喊。“and”是并列连词,前面应当是个句子。A是状语从句,B、C项是分词。A项是省略动词的名词词组,相当于“go for one more step”。答案C19Not until I came home last night _

17、 to bed.ADad did go Bdid Dad goCwent Dad DDad went 解析考查倒装句。句意:昨晚,直到我回家,父亲才上床睡觉。not until时间状语用在句首,半倒装。倒装其实是比较好记忆的:当主语是名词时,一是表方位的词(介词,副词)用于句首,全倒装,二是否定词(大多表否定意义,也有不表的,比如:not until.,但它是以否定词开头的)用于句首,三是几个特殊的短语:so/such,so/such.that.,“如此以致于”(当so位于句首)和only状语。答案B20I really dont know _ I had my money stolen.Aw

18、hen was it that Bthat it was when Cwhere it was that Dit was where that解析考查强调句特殊疑问句式的语序。强调句型:itbe(is/was)被强调部分that/who其他成分。变成一般疑问句将be动词提前,构成Beit被强调部分that/who其他成分?假如被强调部分是特殊疑问词(wh),将特殊疑问词提前,构成特殊疑问词(wh) beit被强调部分that/who其他成分?而本句强调句作know的宾语,故用陈述语序,故只能选A项。答案A.完形填空 体裁:夹叙夹议话题:人生经受时间:15分钟I was feeling a li

19、ttle blue because my mother had been out of work and she had lots of bills to _1_It left me wondering what was going to _2_But it gave me some _3_ when my mother told me she was pleased to be leaving since her boss wasnt the _4_ person to be around.I got off the college shuttle bus and started walki

20、ng.Thats when I heard _5_ music and singing.I walked a little _6_ so I could find out where it was coming from.Through the crowd I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.She was singing songs about love,keeping on _7_,and thinking highly of the power within yourself.Her _8_ comforted me a bit.I stood t

21、here watching her play,thinking that it must take _9_ to perform in the middle of a crowded New York port.So I stood there _10_She must have felt my being there because she would _11_ look in my direction.By now I was telling myself that if she could perform in front of hundreds of people she didnt

22、_12_ then I could at least tell her how good her music _13_I walked over and put some _14_ in her cap.Instead of _15_ my way home,I said to her,“I have been going through a rough time lately,but youve made me _16_ again.”“Im happy that I could _17_,” she replied.“Why are you so sad?”“Well,my mum tol

23、d me she had lost her _18_,and Im not so sure what to do.”“You see,heres the _19_,” she explained.“Your head was down.Because opportunities come in different ways and if your head is down you might never _20_ it.”【语篇导读】生活中难免会遇到让人悲伤、郁闷的事情。这个时候,别人的一首歌、一句话、一个微笑乃至一个眼神都会起到意想不到的作用。1A.buy Bspend Cpay Dchec

24、k解析考查动词。由首句信息“I was feeling a little blue because my mother had been out of work”可知,作者因母亲失业感到很悲伤,所以可推知家庭有很多账单要付。答案C2A.come Bhappen Cfall Dfail解析考查动词。母亲失业,经济拮据,这使我感到不知道要发生什么事情。happen“发生”,符合语境。答案B3A.comfort Badvice Cstrength Dspirit解析考查名词。由下文“my mother told me she was pleased to be leaving”可知作者感到一些劝慰。

25、答案A4A.strongest Btallest Ccleverest Dnicest解析考查形容词。由语境“母亲很兴奋辞职”可以看出母亲的老板不是很友好。nice“友好的”,符合语境。答案D5A.piano Brock Ccountry Ddance解析考查名词。由下文中的“Through the crowd I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.”可知此处应用piano。答案A6A.quicker Bcloser Cslower Dfaster解析由下文作者的目的“so I could find out where it was coming from

26、”可知作者是放慢脚步以便听出音乐的来源。答案C7A.testing Bstanding Cadvertising Dtrying解析考查动词。由句中的love和“thinking highly of the power within yourself”可推知这些歌曲格外乐观向上,故此处应用trying。keep on trying意为“连续努力”。答案D8A.reason Bact Cplace Dtime解析考查名词。依据上文可知她唱歌的内容很乐观向上,且结合下文“她是在繁忙的纽约港口中间表演”可知她的这种行为让作者感到格外安慰。答案B9A.courage Benergy Cpower Ds

27、pace解析考查名词。由下文的“perform in the middle of a crowded New York port”可知,作者认为在繁忙的纽约港口中间表演格外需要士气。答案A10A.hearing Bsleeping Cwondering Dlistening解析考查动词。依据上下文的内容可知作者站在那里听了起来。答案D11A.gladly BoccasionallyCeagerly Dseldom解析考查副词。她肯定意识到了我在场,所以会时而朝我的方向望一望。occasionally“间或”。答案B12A.remember BconsiderCknow Dlike解析考查动词。

28、上文提到“她格外英勇”由此可知此处表示“她可以在自己不生疏的众多人面前演奏音乐”。其余动词“记得”“考虑”“宠爱”均不符合语境。答案C13A.sounded BfeltClooked Dseemed解析考查动词。由于作者是在听人演奏音乐,所以认为她的音乐“听起来很动听”。答案A14A.gifts BflowersCnotes Dcoins解析考查名词。结合语境可知,作者格外宠爱她的演奏,所以朝她的帽子里扔了一些钱。答案D15A.losing BcontinuingCfeeling Dpushing解析考查动词。由下文他们之间的沟通可知作者给完钱之后,没有连续赶路而是与她攀谈。答案B16A.ca

29、reful BhappyChopeful Dwonderful解析考查形容词。由上文的“I have been going through a rough time lately”及but可推知hopeful最适合语境。答案C17A.help BsingCwork Dsucceed解析考查动词。此处表示“格外兴奋能帮上你的忙”。这里与上文的“你让我又布满期望”相呼应。答案A18A.heart BjobCbalance Dpatience解析考查名词。此处用“lost her job”与句首的“my mother had been out of work”相呼应。答案B19A.difficult

30、y BtroubleChome Dproblem解析考查名词。此处表示“这就是问题所在”,这与下文中“作者的头总是低着”这一事实相呼应。故选D。答案D20A.miss BloseCsee Dlisten解析考查动词。由于机会会以不同的方式消灭,假如你低着头,你可能永久也不会看到它。答案C.阅读理解 体裁:谈论文话题:环境爱护时间:7分钟The fourth round of heavy smog that hit Beijing in four weeks has sent more people to the hospital with respiratory(呼吸的) illnesses

31、and led to calls for laws to control the pollution.Pan Shiyi,a real estate developer,said he is planning to propose(提出)a Clean Air Act to the local government.As a representative of the Beijing Municipal Peoples Congress,he started an online survey at 9:20 am.Within three hours,more that 25,000 web

32、users,or 99 percent of total respondents,welcomed his proposal on Sina Weibo,Chinas Twitter.They have good reasons to stand alongside Pan.The latest round of haze(雾霾)reduced visibility to under 500 meters in many parts of the city.The smog has also led to a great increase in respiratory illnesses,pa

33、rticularly among children and the elderly.Anxious parents and doctors almost all blame the smoggy air for the illnesses.Though most schoolchildren are home for the winter holidays,the bad air can easily move indoors.Besides,ordinary medical masks fail to provide adequate protection,so some people ha

34、ve turned to gas masks and respirators(呼吸器)The causes of the scary smog are rather mysterious,though experts blame excessive emissions and the mountains around Beijing that trap pollution in winter,unless there is adequate wind to clear it away.Some critics have pointed fingers at Chinas top two oil

35、 firms,China National Petroleum Corp and China Petrochemical Corporation,saying the companies outdated production technologies produce large quantities of substandard,highpolluting gas fuel.Meanwhile,concerned Beijingers have moved their brainstorming sessions to cyberspace.If Pans proposal for a Cl

36、ean Air Act is adopted,netizens say the new law should include items providing for “carfree days” in times of smog,higher standards for vehicle fuel,stricter restrictions on industrial and exhaust gas emissions,and more effective protection for the public.Beijing is not the only city that has ever l

37、ost the blue sky.Five days of thick fog caused thousands of deaths in Britain in December 1952,urging the government to pass the first Clean Air Act in 1956,which introduced smokeless zones and cleaner fuels to reduce pollution.That may provide some experience for Beijing to refer to.【语篇导读】北京持续的雾霾天气

38、引发了公众对空气污染的关注,网民们纷纷呼吁政府制定清洁空气法案。1Why did Pan Shiyi start an online survey?ATo investigate the publics opinions on pollution.BTo tell people the danger of the smoggy weather.CTo call on more people to support his proposal.DTo collect supporting evidences for his proposal.解析推理推断题。依据文章其次段内容可知,潘石屹发起网上调查

39、,是由于他方案向地方政府提交清洁空气法案的提议(proposal),首先排解A、B两项;再依据常识推断,网上发起投票调查,是为了收集提议受到支持的证据,使其更具说服力,故答案选D。答案D2What can we learn from the passage?APeople are clear about the causes of the smoggy weather.BChildren staying indoors will not get respiratory illnesses.CSmog is worse for people with lower resistance to di

40、seases.DMasks can give people protection against the smoggy weather.解析细节理解题。依据第三段第三句可知选C,雾霾导致呼吸系统疾病的增长,尤其在老人和儿童中(抵制力较低的人群)。依据第四段第一句可知A项错误;依据第三段倒数其次句可知B项错误;依据第三段最终一句可知D项错误。答案C3Britain is mentioned in the last paragraph to _Asuggest Beijing should learn from other countriesBlet people know many places

41、 have this problemCtell people the situation in Britain is worseDcall on the government to pass Britains Clean Air Act解析推理推断题。依据全文最终一句可推断出,举例是建议北京向英国学习,早日制定清洁空气法案。答案A4Whats the best title for this passage?AThe Use of Gas Masks and RespiratorsBBeijingers Call for a Clean Air ActCEffective Protection for Blue SkyDThe Mysterious Causes of the Scary Smog解析主旨大意题。文章介绍了北京持续消灭的雾霾天气导致的严峻危害以及网民们呼吁制定清洁空气法案,故B项符合文章主旨。答案B

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