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1、上海行知中学2022-2021学年第一学期期中英语试卷II. Grammar and vocabulary;ANow I still remember my first day at a fast food restaurant three years ago. I wanted to save up money and buy my own car, so I applied everywhere I _25_ that summer. The restaurant called me right away and I thought to _26_ . “This is going to

2、be easy.” But within four hours of my first shift, I had angry customers who complained how slow I was. I watched in fear as a kid spilled his milk everywhere. and I heard _27_ words that no 16-year-old boy or anyone for that matter wants to hear. “Mike, theres a problem in the mens bathroom and you

3、 might want gloves for this one.” I realized right away that _28_ (work) at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic.Over three years later I still work at that restaurant whenever I go home during vacations, I love my co-workers there and all the customers know _29_ I am. Every morning, the same

4、 senior citizens come in and get their morning coffees. They chat with us and joke around. Our smiles have just as _30_ (much) to do with them making us a part of their everyday lives as the coffee does.From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork, and devotion. I also learned staying pos

5、itive _31_ _ _ rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant _32_ me as Igo forward in my life.BOn Christmas morning, Linda wakes up, and tries to imagine the wide-eyed surprise of children in another household as the well-chosen presents _33_ (unwrap)

6、. Linda has never met the children, but thats all part of the joy of giving as secret Santas.“Its an amazing feeling to buy gifts on an anonymous匿名的 basis,” says Linda, who does charitable work as a member of the American Womens Club of Toronto.To find her “adopted” family, Linda goes to the local s

7、chools and requests a wish list for a family thats struggling _34_ (survive). It was a single mother with three children _35_ she helped last year. The mother works as a cleaning lady in a nursing home.“_36_ the list includes is always heartbreaking. They have an opportunity to ask for anything and

8、do just the opposite, _37_(ask) for basic clothes or simple toys,” she says. “We always buy the kids a new winter coat, hats, and gloves.” She also buys gifts for the parents.Last year Linda asked the mother for a second wish list-one _38_ didnt include the basics. “Every child should have a Christm

9、as that sticks with them for a lifetime.” She _39_ (purchase) iPods for the two older children and a video game system for the youngest. Linda says that the valuable lesson _40_ (learn) in all of this is to pay attention to whats going on in your own backyard-wherever you live.Section B. A. concerns

10、 B. unfriendly C. symbols D. shocked E. proud F. boastingG. teasing H. targeted I. attractions J. incredibly K. interactionAh, Paris! The city damour(爱), where loved ones walk by the River Seine, kiss under the Eiffel Tower, and enjoy romantic candle-lit dinners at the famous Le Meurice restaurant.

11、Across the city, “love locks” _41_ of a couples love, are put on its famous bridges to stay there forever. But in the city of love, all is not as it seems.Instead of romantic streets, there are dirty ones, instead of world-class service, there are rude waiters, and instead of carefully watched _42_,

12、 there are pickpockets (thieves).These are some of the _43_ of tourists visiting the French capital who have been _44_ after experiencing a kind of Paris very different from the one seen in the popular films Chocolat and Amlie.The “Paris syndrome (综合征)”, as it is known, describes the feeling of dise

13、nchantment (觉醒) after building up a romantic view of the city.As there are expensive Louis Vuitton, Hermes, and Cartier stores on the famous Champs-Elysees, it is easy to see why 60 percent of Chinese tourists shop in Paris. But because they are often carrying large amounts of money, many Chinese to

14、urists are being _45_ by the citys pickpockets.However, stories of rude Parisians have long been told throughout Europe. Britons have been _46_ the French for being _47_ for a long time, and even many French people outside of Paris admit that Parisians can be a little bad-tempered. But dig deeper th

15、an the general nice tourist _48_ and youll find a pleasant side to Paris and Parisians. If youre willing to go to places that you might not see in postcards, there are many _49_ beautiful and surprising spots hidden all around the city that will give you a taste of the romance you imagined. Paris is

16、 simply a(n) _50_ city that sometimes gets a little tired of tourists.III. Reading comprehension:Section AIn most cultures throughout the world, there is an expectation that when a person reaches adulthood, marriage should soon follow. In the United States _51_ ,each month upwards of 168,000 couples

17、 wed, vowing to love, honor, and respect their chosen life mates until _52_ parts them. The expectation is deep-rooted. _53_, the social functions, purposes, and relevance of marriage are rapidly changing in _54_ society, making them less clear-cut than they have been throughout history. For instanc

18、e, in a Pew Research Center random polling of over 2,000 specimens fewer than half of all of the adults polled _55_ that if a man and a woman plan to spend the _56_ of their lives together as a couple, it was important that they nominally (名义上地) marry.Those of us who choose to marry have _57_ reason

19、s why we decide to marry the person we do. There is a _58_ , however in our Western, individualistic culture: We tend to marry for reasons that benefit ourselves, _59_ for reasons that benefit the society _60_ , such as found in collectivist cultures. Research in Western cultures has found, for exam

20、ple, that the number-one _61_ people cite for marrying to signify a lifelong commitment to someone they love. However, this reason is not the only _62_ to why people wedtoday, people get married for reasons of commitment, security, and personal belief systems. The Pew Research Centers recent finding

21、s _63_ that the main reasons people get married are for mutual happiness and commitment, and bearing and missing children. As the date from this _64_ show us, there are racial, age, and religious differences in what people _65_ to be the main purposes of getting married.51. A. alone B. barely C. sol

22、elyD. again52. A. warB. deathC. tragedyD. illness53. A. HenceB. ThenC. HoweverD. Therefore54. A. contemporaryB. constructiveC. conclusiveD. consequent55. A. determined B. indicatedC. sworeD. criticized56. A. wholeB. leftoverC. totalD. rest57. A. neutralB. specificC. constantD. casual58. A. worryB. m

23、ythC. tendencyD. confidence59. A. rather thanB. not onlyC. or elseD. as well60. A. at lengthB. at randomC. at mostD. at risk61. A. caseB. reasonC. beliefD. concept62. A. guideB. contributionC. solutionD. response63. A. raiseB. suspectC. suggestD. resolve64. A. legendB. surveyC. episodeD. blueprint65

24、. A. observeb. substituteC. discountD. considerSection B. ASea Life Melbourne Aquarium (水族馆) The all-new Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, situated in the heart of Melbournes CBD, is one of Victorias leading visitor attractions and an unforgettable outing for the whole family. Having 12 amazing zones of

25、discovery, Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is the very place that you cannot miss when you visit the city.* Opening Times Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is open from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm every day of the year, including public holidays. Last admission is at 5:00 pm, one hour before closing.* Location ( 位置

26、) Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is located on the corner of Flinders Street and King Street, Melbourne. It is siyuated on the Yarra River, opposite Crown Entertainment Complex.* Getting to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium Train The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium train stop is located on the free City Circle T

27、ram route (公交线路) and also routes 70 and 75. City Circle trams run every 10 minutes in both directions. Shuttle Bus The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is a free bus service, stopping at key tourist attractions in and around the City. Running daily, every 15 minutes from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Car Parking

28、While there is no public car parking at Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, there are several public car parking lots available only a short walk away.* Wheelchair Access Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones. Each floor also has wheelchair accessible t

29、oilets.* Terms Tickets will be emailed to you immediately after purchase or you can download and print your ticket once payment has been accepted. Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry!66. Sea Life Melbourne Aquar

30、ium _ . A. is located at the center of the CBD in the city B. has 12 most attractive places in Melbourne C. admits visitors from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm D. is beside Crown Entertainment Complex67. Getting to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, visitors can take _. A. trains from southern Cross train station

31、B. shuttle buses around the train station C. boats across the Yarra River D. either tram route 70 or 7568. Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium offers visitors _. A. free car parking B. wheelchair access C. Internet connection D. transportation service69. Tickets to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium _ . A. are fre

32、e to all visitors B. can be pursed by email C. are checked at the entrance D. can be printed at the ticket officeBFranz Kafka wrote that a book must be the ax (斧子) for the frozen sea inside us. I once shared this sentence with a class of seventh graders, and it didnt seem to require any explanation.

33、Wed just finished John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men. When we read the end together out loud in class, my toughest boy, a star basketball player, wept a little, and so did I. Are you crying? one girl asked, as she got out of her chair to take a closer look. I am, I told her, and the funny thing i

34、s Ive read it many times. But they understood. When George shoots Lennie, the tragedy is that we realize it was always going to happen. In my 14 years of teaching in a New York City public middle school, Ive taught kids with imprisoned parents, abusive parents, irresponsible parents; kids who are pa

35、rents themselves; kids who are homeless; kids who grew up in violent neighborhoods. They understand, more than I ever will, the novels terrible logicthe giving way of dreams to fate (命运).For the last seven years, I have worked as a reading enrichment teacher, reading classic works of literature with

36、 small groups of students from grades six to eight. I originally proposed this idea to my headmaster after learning that a former excellent student of mine had transferred out of a selective high school-one that often attracts the literary-minded children of Manhattans upper classesinto a less compe

37、titive setting. The daughter of immigrants, with a father in prison, she perhaps felt uncomfortable with her new classmates. I thought additional cultural capital could help students like her develop better in high school, where they would unavoidably meet, perhaps for the first time, students who c

38、ame from homes lined with bookshelves, whose parents had earned Ph. D.s.Along with Of Mice and Men, my groups read: Sounder, The Red Pony, Lord of the Flies, Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. The students didnt always read from the expected point of view. About The Red Pony, one student said, its about

39、being a man, its about manliness. I had never before seen the parallels between Scarface and Macbeth, nor had I heard Lady Macbeths soliloquies (独白)read as raps (说唱) , but both made sense; the interpretations were playful, but serious. Once introduced to Steinbecks writing, one boy went on to read T

40、he Grapes of Wrath and told me repeatedly how amazing it was that all these people hate each other, and theyre all white. His historical view was broadening, his sense of his own country deepening. Year after year former students visited and told me how prepared they had felt in their first year in

41、college as a result of the classes.Year after year, however, we are increasing the number of practice tests. We are trying to teach students to read increasingly complex texts, not for emotional punch (碰撞) but for text complexity. Yet, we cannot enrich (充实) the minds of our students by testing them

42、on texts that ignore their hearts. We are teaching them that words do no. amaze but confuse. We mav succeed in raising test scores, but we will fail to teach that reading can be transformative and that it belongs to them.70. The underlined words in Paragraph 1 probably mean that a book helps to_. A.

43、 realize our dreams B. give support to our life C. smooth away difficulties D. awake our emotions71. Why were the students able to understand the novel Of Mice and Men? A. Because they spent much time reading it. B. Because they had read the novel before. C. Because they came from a public school. D

44、. Because they had similar life experiences.72. The girl left the selective high school possibly because_. A. she was a literary-minded girl B. her parents were immigrants C. she couldnt fit in with her class D. her father was then in prison73. The author writes the passage mainly to_. A. introduce

45、classic works of literature B. advocate teaching literature to touch the heart C. argue for equality among high school students D. defend the current testing systemCMany things make people think artists are weird and the weirdest may be this: artists only job is to explore emotions, and yet they cho

46、ose to focus on the ones that feel bad.This wasnt always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere in the 19th century, more artists began seeing happiness as insipid, phony or, worst of all, boring as we went from Wordsworths daf

47、fodils to Baudelaires flowers of evil.You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen such misery. But its not as if earlier times didnt know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. The reason, in fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the world today.After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost

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