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1、模块测评五Module 5Cloning本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the woman advise the man to do?A. To learn something about first aid.B. To listen to a firs

2、t aid radio programme.C. To join a first aid training class.2Where does the conversation take place?A. In a museum. B. In a shop. C. In a restaurant.3Where is the man from?A. Atlanta. B. New York. C. London.4What has the man bought?A. A shirt. B. A sweater. C. A skirt.5What can we learn from the con

3、versation?A. The woman is a close friend of the man.B. The woman is tired of her work.C. The woman is seeing a doctor.其次节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67题。6What makes the man so tired?A. Playi

4、ng the games.B. Surfing the Internet.C. Searching for interesting people.7Whom did the man chat with?A. People from Canada.B. People in need of his help.C. People on the same project.听第7段材料,回答第810题。8Why does the woman want to buy a farm?A. Because she dislikes working in the factory.B. Because she w

5、ants to live with a farmer.C. Because she loses her job in the factory.9Which do you think the farm equipment can do?A. Cut down the trees.B. Make the soil rich.C. Do sowing.10Which of the following statements is true?A. The man has his own farm.B. The man sold his farm at a high price.C. The woman

6、has her own farm.听第8段材料,回答第1113题。11What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Work. B. Health.C. Wealth.12What is the mans trouble?A. He cant go to sleep at night.B. He doesnt like his work.C. He will lose his job.13What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Find an easier job. B. Make less mo

7、ney.C. Take some medicine.听第9段材料,回答第1416题。14What is the man?A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A student.15Why is the boy not good in study?A. Because he has no time to study. B. Because he has a bad cold.C. Because he is buried in computer games.16What should the woman give to the boy?A. Attention. B. M

8、oney. C. Time.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17Who is the speaker?A. He may be a conductor. B. He may be a travel guide. C. He may be a teacher.18What cant you see in Buckingham Palace when it is open to the public?A. Famous paintings. B. The queens jewelry. C. The queen.19How long is the palace open to the publi

9、c when the queen is away from London?A. Three weeks. B. Three months. C. Eight weeks.20From which of the following can we know that the queen is in Buckingham Palace?A. When the national flag is flying on it. B. When her royal flag is flying on it. C. When her guards are standing nearby.答案15.CBAAC61

10、0.BAACA1115.BAABC1620.ABCCB听力材料Text 1M: Where can I learn something about first aid?W: I learned it from a radio programme, but you can try joining a class.Text 2W: Hello, can I help you?M: Its OK. thanks. Im just looking.W: OK. Ask me if you need any help.Text 3W: Where are you from?M: I am from At

11、lanta, but I live in New York now.W: I live in Washington DC.Text 4W: Have you got Marys birthday present yet?M: Yes, I got a shirt.W: But I told you to get her a Tshirt or a skirt.M: I know. But this shirt is very nice. Look!Text 5M: Hello, Mrs. White, what can I do for you?W: I dont know whats the

12、 matter with me? Im always feeling tired. Im usually worn out at the end of the day.Text 6W: You look tired.M: Yeah, Im worn out. Ive been surfing the Internet.W: Were you doing homework or playing games?M: Well, I wanted to get some information about Canada for my project, but I found a really inte

13、resting chat room with people from that country and started chatting.W: Did you get the information you needed?M: Yes. But then we spent a lot of time chatting about other interests.Text 7W: I want to buy a farm. I think Id like to grow wheat. Is the ground here good for that?M: No, I dont think its

14、 good for farming.W: How do you know that so well?M: I own a farm here, but farming is very hard work.W: But modern farm equipment can make farming easier.M: Yes, but you should cut down trees, clear a lot of land and make the soil rich.W: I dont mind hard work. I just want to get away from my facto

15、ry.M: You can have my farm at a low price $200, if you want it.W: All right. Youre giving me the farm, arent you?Text 8W: Well, theres nothing very much wrong with you, Im glad to say. Youre working too hard and worrying too much. Do you often take exercise?M: No, doctor. I never have time for exerc

16、ise, I go to work very early in the morning and come back very late. Then I cant go to sleep. Can you give me some medicine to help me sleep?W: I can, but Im not going to. You dont need medicine. You need advice. Dont work so hard, because too much work is bad for you. And its no use worrying about

17、your work. Take exercise every day.M: But I may lose my job, doctor! Its hard to get a job like mine.W: Then find an easier one, even if you can make less money. Which do you think is more important, health or wealth?Text 9M: Sit down, please, madam. We invited you to our school because I want to ta

18、lk about your son with you.W: Thank you, sir. What is the matter with him? Did he fight with his classmates?M: Of course not. He is getting on well with his classmates. But his study isnt good recently.W: Sorry. I dont know this. You know, I am busy with my work and often go on business.M: Although

19、you have your own work, you should pay attention to your son. It is more important, I think. W: You are right. I will have a talk with him after school.M: I have talked with him. I know he buried himself in computer games this term.W: I am a bad mother. I didnt know it at all. I thought he was alway

20、s working hard with his study.M: Dont worry, madam. I think your son is a good child and if you pay more attention to him, he can give it up. W: Thank you for telling me. If it is convenient to you, I hope that I can have a talk with you often.Text 10M: Hello, everybody. We have come to Buckingham P

21、alace. It is one of the most important landmarks of London and it attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. People often say that the journey to the UK is not complete without a visit to Buckingham Palace. During the summer, the palace is open to the public. All the halls and rooms ins

22、ide are special and wonderful with many valuable things in them: famous paintings, the queens dresses and jewelry, etc. so many to catch your eyes. Buckingham Palace is open to public in August and September. And thats when the queen is away from London. And its possible to turn her working palace i

23、nto a tourist attraction for the 8week period. Whenever the queen is in, her royal flag will be flying on it. When she leaves Buckingham Palace. Her royal flag will come down and the national flag will be in its place. Today is a good chance for you to visit the best attraction in London.其次部分阅读理解(共两

24、节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AScience and technology have advanced at such a rate that cloning has now become a reality. The possibility of cloning humans is a serious issue(争辩点) and raises ethical(伦理的) questions. In my opinion,cloning is useful for research into

25、cures for disease. However, I think that it needs to be approached with caution(当心;谨慎) and carefully monitored by governments.Research into cloning and stern (严格的) cell production is primarily aimed at finding new treatments for currently incurable illnesses. While this would improve the quality of

26、life for many, not enough is understood about what effects cloning would have on the world in the future. This is primarily because we do not understand enough about the effects of cloning and both the physical and psychological effects that it is likely to have on cloned humans and on the rest of t

27、he world. Furthermore, it is thought that a cloned human would be unlikely to survive birth and would suffer from complications (并发症) resulting from malformed (畸形的) organs.There are also serious ethical issues in danger. In essence (在本质上), those who are against cloning would argue that scientists ha

28、ve no right to play God and to interfere (干扰) with natural process. Producing embryos (胚胎) for the purpose of harvesting stern cells for research presents important questions about the nature and status of the embryo being produced. It may also make us question whether throwing it away after use red

29、uces the value we place on human life.In conclusion, I do not agree that research into cloning using human embryos should continue. This is not only because it may reduce the value we place on human life, but also because not enough is known about the effects. However, I do think that if there is a

30、way to produce stern cells using cloning which does not put human life at risk, then governments should continue to support it.21What is the writers general opinion on cloning?A. It is useful in every area of research.B. It needs to be carefully controlled by governments.C. It is useful for research

31、 into cures for disease if it is controlled.D. It is only useful for research into cures for disease.答案与解析C作者认为“In my opinion, cloning is useful for research into cures for disease. However, I think it needs to be approached with caution and carefully monitored by governments.”22The underlined word

32、“approach” in the first paragraph means “_”A. reach a high level or amountB. move forwardC. come nearD. deal with答案与解析C从“However, . with caution .”可推想出。23The writers main reason against cloning is that_.A. not enough is known about the effects of cloningB. a cloned human would be likely to die of ma

33、lformed organsC. cloning has negative physical and psychological effects on clonesD. it would affect the quality of life for many答案与解析A依据“This is primarily because we do not understand enough about the effects of cloning and both the physical and psychological effects that it is likely to have on cl

34、oned humans and on the rest of the world.”24In the last paragraph, the writer thinks governments should_.A. not put human life at riskB. support all forms of research into stern cell productionC. not support any form of research into stern cell productionD. support research into stern cell productio

35、n harmless to human life答案与解析D从文中最终一句可知。BBritish scientists have done something that many people thought was impossible: they created the first clone of an adult mammal (哺乳动物). The clone, named Dolly, is a sevenmonthold sheep, grown from a cell of an adult female sheep.What is a clone? A clone is a

36、copy a genetic copy. Genes are the instructions for life. They tell a cell what to do and how to do it. Genes make each individual plant or animal different and unique. But a clone has the same genes as the original organism(生物体)Cloning is not new. Plants have been cloned for centuries. New plants a

37、re often grown from cutting from another plant. Also, plants like pineapples, strawberries and carnations (康乃馨) are sometimes cloned. One benefit of cloning is that we can make many copies of the best and healthiest plants.It has been much more difficult to clone animals. Frogs have been cloned, but

38、 they died as tadpoles, never living long enough to become adult frogs. Mice, sheep and cattle have been cloned from embryos (胚胎). But Dolly is the first healthy clone of an adult mammal. How did they do it?(1) An unfertilized egg was taken from a sheep.(2) The egg nucleus (细胞核) was removed.(3) A ce

39、ll was taken from the udder (乳房) of a pregnant (怀孕的) sheep. It was “starved”, so that it stopped growing.(4) The two cells were combined into one then implanted in a third sheep, where it grew normally.(5) The clone was born. It was genetically identical to the pregnant sheep in step (3)This sounds

40、much easier than it actually was. To end up with one clone, the scientists started with 277 udder cells. And they needed in a way to make the egg cell accept a new nucleus. They did that by starving the cell in step (3)It may soon be possible to clone many types of animals. Will we also be able to c

41、lone human organs, or even whole human beings? We have only begun to think about the morality of cloning technology. Maybe the question to ask is not whether we can clone humans, but instead, should we clone humans?25Dolly is a sheep_ because she is grown from a cell of an adult female sheep.A. that

42、 has not her fatherB. that has not her motherC. that has no parentsD. that has not any tail答案与解析C从文中可以看出,多莉是从一只成年羊的细胞中克隆出来的,所以它没有父母,而是那只羊的一个翻版。26Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Only plants can be cloned.B. Only strawberries and carnations can sometimes be cloned.C. Animals and plants ha

43、ve quite a long history of cloning.D. Genes can tell a cell what to do and how to do it during cloning.答案与解析D由其次段第三句可推断出答案。第三段叙述植物可以克隆,第四段讲动物也可以克隆,虽然植物已有几个世纪的克隆历史,但并没有提到动物的克隆历史。27From the fourth paragraph we can know that_.A. a tadpole is the early stage of a grownup frogB. a tadpole is a frog witho

44、ut a tailC. a tadpole is a kind of animalD. a tadpole is a clone of an adult mammal答案与解析A由文章第四段其次句推断,蝌蚪是青蛙的早期形态,故A项正确。28Which is the RIGHT order in the process of the clone of Dolly?a. Taking an unfertilized egg from an adult female sheep.b. Removing the eggs nucleus.c. Combining the two cells into

45、one and then implanting it in a third sheep.d. Taking a cell from the udder of a pregnant sheep.A. a, b, c, d B. c, a, b, dC. a, b, d, c D. d, c, b, a答案与解析C由文章第四段后的步骤挨次可以推断出。CThe incident took place on Sunday, the 25th of June. On that particular day, a south wind had been gusting (劲吹) on and off al

46、l morning. It was not strong enough to cause us any concern, so we carried on with our daily work, not suspecting what was about to happen.The storm gave us very little warning. Black clouds loomed over the distant horizon (地平线) so suddenly that we were taken by surprise. Even then, we were not real

47、ly worried, as the clouds seemed to be moving over our house and towards the distant mountains. Then, just as the clouds had moved inland, the wind suddenly swung around in a full circle and we were facing a major storm.Instantly, we were busily preparing for the worst. The whole family had experienced such a storm before and everyone remembered the damage it had caused to stock and crops. There was very little we could do about the crops. But we needed to protect the animals in case the river flooded again. My older brother called his sheepdog and began driving

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