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1、2021高考英语学案:完形填空(记叙文)练习(5)及答案记叙文【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三上学期第一次月考(202208)】第一节:完形填空 (共20小题,每小题.1.5分, 满分30分) 阅读下面短文。从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string _56_ players in our town. He could not _57_ music, but if he hear

2、d a tune a few times, he could play it. Dad loved to play the mandolin for his _ 58_ for he knew we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play. He was always there, _59 _ his time and efforts to see that his family had enough in their life. I had to grow into a man and have children of my own _60_I reali

3、zed how much he had sacrificed. I joined the United States Air _ 61_ in January of 1962. Whenever I would come home _ 62_ , I would ask Dad to play the mandolin. He could _ 63_ _your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his _64

4、 _ in his ability to play so well for his family. In 1950, our family moved to Maryland. While working at Todd Steel, he was _ 65_ in an accident. On that particular day, Dad got the third index finger of his left hand _66_ by the machine. He didnt lose enough of the finger _67_ it would stop him pi

5、cking up anything, but it did _ 68_ his ability to play the mandolin. After the accident, When I came home and asked him to play, Dad would make _69_ for why he couldnt play. For the family it didnt make any _70_ _ that Dad couldnt play as well.In August of 1993, my father was discovered with lung c

6、ancer. He chose not to receive treatments so that he could live out the rest of his life _71 _ dignity. About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us. He made excuses but said okay. He knew it would probably be the _ _72_ time he would play for us. He tuned up the

7、old mandolin and played a few _73 _ . When I looked around, there was not a _ 74_ eye in the family. We saw before us a quiet man with an inner strength. Dad would never play the mandolin for us again. Dad was doing something he had done all his life, _ _75_. As sick as he was, he was still pleasing

8、 others. Dad sure could play that Mandolin! 56. A. equipmentB. instrumentC. musicalD. musician57. A. readB. seeC. look atD. copy58. A. audienceB. employerC. familyD. friends59. A. employingB. devotingC. spendingD. wasting60. A. sinceB. whenC. afterD. before61. A. PowerB. EnergyC. ForceD. Strength62.

9、 A. on dutyB. on holidayC. on vacationD. on leave63. A. feelB. touchC. contactD. keep64. A. proudB. prideC. please D. praise65. A. involvedB. participatedC. took partD. joined66. A. cut inB. cut upC. cut offD. cut out67. A. whichB. thatC. what D. where68. A. destroyB. affectC. effectD. injure69. A.

10、usesB. preparationsC. excusesD. impressions70. A. differenceB. senseC. commentD. decision71. A. atB. onC. offD. in72. A. firstB. latestC. lastD. longest73. A. notesB. billsC. symbolsD. signs74. A. wetB. dryC. criedD. crying75. A. sponsoringB. takingC. distributing D. giving【答案】【学问点】B1 记叙文【文章综述】文章叙述了

11、曼陀林琴手父亲的一生。他总是毫不吝啬地用曼陀林琴把欢快带给家人和四周的人,即使生命已走到了终点,他却仍尽力为他人制造欢快。【答案解析】56.B 依据下文but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it. 但是假如听几次曲子,他就能演奏出来。可知,爸爸是乐器演奏家。57.A 他看不懂乐谱。英语中看书、报纸、乐谱用read。58.C 后面的we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play.可知他是给家人演奏。59.A employ to do 用来做他总是那样,用自己的时间和精力让家人生活得满足。60.D 父亲

12、的这种付出是只有当我长大成人,而且是有了自己的孩子后才能体会到的。留意事情发生的先后挨次。61.C air force空军62.D on leave休假63.B touch 触及,感动 他在那古老的曼陀林上抚出的旋律能够触及你的灵魂。64.B proud adj.傲慢的;pride傲慢。这里需要用名词。你可以看出,父亲为能给家人弹奏出如此奇怪的旋律,他是多么的傲慢。65.A be involved in an accident 卷入交通事故;出交通事故66.C cut in 插嘴;超车;插入;cut up vt. 切碎;抨击;cut off 切断;中断;cut out 删去,省略。他左手的第三

13、根手指被切断了。67.D 从句中主谓宾成分全,排解了A、B、C。那个手指并没有完全丢失拿东西的力气。 68.B affect v. 影响;effect n. 影响。这里需要用动词。但是却影响了他弹奏曼陀林的力气。69.C make excuses for 找借口;make preparation for 为作预备。他以种种借口解释不能弹奏的缘由。70.A 对我们家人来说,父亲弹得好不好并没有分别。71.D in dignity 有尊严地 他不想接受化疗,由于他想有尊严地过完他生命最终的时间。72.C last adj.最终;lastest adj.最新的。他知道这可能是他最终一次为我们弹奏了。

14、73.A A. notes音符 B. bills 账单C. symbols符号,记号D. signs 符号他为老曼陀林调弦,弹了几个音。74.B 家人都哭了,但是前面用了not,这里要选B。我环顾四周,家人个个都泪水满眶。75.D giving奉献,taking索取父亲做着他一生都在做的事情:奉献。完型填空。阅读下面短文,把握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。I used to walk my dog every morning. Later when we got back home, I would give it some food. This usually cau

15、ght the 1 of a mynah bird. The most 2 feature of this bird was its brightly-coloured 3 mouth, so I found it a bit strange.Later I read a book and found that the colour yellow 4 “communication, optimism and inspiration”. I took the “c” from 5 , “o” from optimism, and “in” from inspiration to form the

16、 word “Coin”. This became the birds 6 .Every time when my dog finished his 7 , Coin would look at me and sing , “Raack! Raack!” After singing, she would start picking up the food left by the dog. When winter came, Coin 8 . It was the longest winter that we had ever had. When spring 9 came, it was th

17、e time for the birds to fly back and I often 10 what had happened to Coin. One day after I had given my 11 its food , a mynah bird flew down. It was then that I heard the 12 “Raack! Raack!” Coin was back! Sometimes, I wondered how Coin knew to come back to the same 13 she had left.Each morning Coin

18、would come with her sweet 14 . Both I and my dog accepted her as a member of our family. Now, I understand that if we have optimism and inspiration in our life, and if we communicate often with others, we are sure to be 15 by everyone.1. A. realizationB. viewC. sight D. attention2. A. specialB. comm

19、onC. centralD. possible3. A. black B. white C. yellow D. sad4. A. stands forB. achievesC. organizes D. changes5.A.communicationB. festival C.celebrationD.custom6. A. foodB. cage C. nameD. story7. A. song B. communicationC. meal D. walk 8. A. died B. hidC. disappeared D. escaped9. A. suddenly B. fina

20、lly C. happily D. luckily10. A. complained B. recordedC. wonderedD. wished11. A. doorB. bird C. daughter D. dog12. A. strange B. familiar C. crazy D. terrible13. A. placeB. cat C. person D. sky14. A.songB. face C. appearanceD. voice15. A.confirmed B. acceptedC. agreed D. impressed1.【答案】D【解析】考查名词及语境的

21、理解。A. realization实现; B. view观点; C. sight视力; D. attention留意力。依据After singing, she would start picking up the food left by the dog.可知这引起八哥的留意,故选D。 2.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. special特殊的; B. common共同的; C. central 中心的;D. possible可能的。由于它的喙的颜色令人留意。依据这种鸟最特殊的(special)特征格外亮的黄色的喙,故选A。3.【答案】C【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. b

22、lack黑色的; B. white 白色的;C. yellow 黄色的;D. sad难过的。依据下文found that the colour yellow可知,这种鸟最特殊的(special)特征格外亮的黄色(yellow)的喙,故选C。4.【答案】A【解析】考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. stands for 代表;B. achieves获得; C. organizes组织; D. changes转变。依据句意黄色是这几个单词中的字母。后来我读过一本书发觉黄色代表“沟通、乐观、灵感”,故选A。5.【答案】A【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.communication 沟通;B. festi

23、val 节日;C.celebration 庆贺;D.custom习惯。由于只有communication的首字母是C。我从communication取一个字母C,故选A。6.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. food食物; B. cage笼子; C. name名字; D. story故事。依据Coin would look at me and sing , “Raack! Raack!” 可以推想这是它的名字,这就形成了鸟的名字,故选C。7.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. song歌曲; B. communication沟通;C. meal 一餐;D. walk步行。

24、依据she would start picking up the food left by the dog.每一次等狗完成了它的大餐(meal)以后,故选C。8.【答案】C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. died死; B. hid隐蔽; C. disappeared消逝; D. escaped逃离。依据常识咱们知道鸟有迁徙的习惯。冬天来了八哥就消逝(disappeared)了,故选C。9.【答案】B【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. suddenly突然; B. finally最终, 最终;C. happily 兴奋地;D. luckily幸运地。这里用最终表示作者盼着鸟的归来。当最终春天

25、来时,鸟又都回来了,故选B。10.【答案】C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. complained 埋怨;B. recorded 记录;C. wondered纳闷; D. wished期望。依据what had happened to Coin可知我经常纳闷我的小八哥怎么样了,故选C。11.【答案】D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. door门; B. bird 鸟;C. daughter 女儿;D. dog狗。依据上文可知作者经常喂狗。有一天当我喂狗的时候,小八哥飞了下来,故选D。12.【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. strange 惊异的;B. Familiar生疏的;

26、 C. Crazy疯狂的; D. Terrible可怕的。依据上文可知作者格外了解八哥的叫声。就在那时我又听到了生疏的声音,故选B。13.【答案】A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.place地方; B. cat 猫;C. person人; D. sky天空。有时我纳闷鸟怎么会又回到它以前离开的同一个地方,故选A。14.【答案】A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.song 歌曲;B. face 脸C. appearance外貌; D. voice声音。依据上文可知八哥爱唱歌。每天早晨八哥就带着甜甜的歌曲来了,故选A。15.【答案】B【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.confirmed 确认;B. accepted 接受;C. agreed同意; D. impressed给人印象。依据Both I and my dog accepted her as a member of our family.可知假如我们经常能和其他的人沟通,我们确定能被接受其他的每一个人,故选B。【参考答案】完型填空 115、DACAA CCCBC DBAAB

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