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1、八年级上册期末重点短语复习 1. cheeron 为某人加油。 2. prefer = like. better 更喜欢做某事。 3. favorite = likebest 最喜欢做某事4. preferto 比起什么来更喜欢 5. quite a bit=quite a lot =very often =usually 6. join in=be in=take part in 参加,加入7. table tennis=Ping-Pong 乒乓球8. my dream 我的梦想9. grow up 长大成人,成长。10. in the future 在将来。11. gold medal 金

2、牌12. give up 放弃 13. shame 遗憾,可惜。Whats a shame! = What a pity! = Its a pity! 真遗憾,真可怜。14. hour 小时,an hour一个小时 half an hour 15. do exercise = do sports做运动16. pretty well =very well 相当好。17. on weekday =from Monday to Friday在工作日on weekend =Saturday and Sunday在18. the high jump跳高, the long jump跳远19. all o

3、ver the world= around the world 全20. over = more than 超过,多于 反义词:less than 少于21. be good at 擅长于 be good for 对。有益,be bad for对。有害。22. the day after tomorrow 后天,the day before yesterday前天。23. keep fit =keep healthy= be healthy保持健24. arrive in/at=get to=reach到达25. play against和。比赛, play for 为。26. leave f

4、or 动身去某地。27. enjoy oneself =have a good time= have lots of fun 玩得开心,过得愉快。28. fever 帮助,do me a favor=give me a hand =help me 帮我一个忙。29. fall ill过去式:fell ill生病,患病。30. throw about=throw around 乱扔。31. make ones bed 整理床铺。32. manage 设法,想办法。mange oneself 自己处理, manager 经理,管理人。 33. a good chance 一次好机会。34. sho

5、ut at sb, 对某人大叫,35. 四个也的区别:also放句中, ,too=as well放肯定句句末, ,either放否定句句末 36. be angry with sb 生某人的气。37. do ones best to do sth = try to do sth 尽某38. turn down 开小,调小。turn up开大,调大。 turn on打开 turn off 关上39. 动词:open 开,打开 close 关,关上。形容词:open 开着的。closed 关着的。40. dirty =not clean 脏的,不干净。41. in a minute=right n

6、ow=right away=at once 42. take a seat =have a seat = sit down 坐下。43. 名词:Russia 俄罗斯。 形容词: Russian 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的。 44. 名词:Canada加拿大。 形容词:Canadian加拿大的,加拿大人的。45. 动词:invent 过去式invented发明,创造。 名词: inventor 发明家。invention发明 46. outdoor = in the open air 在户外,在野外。47. become,过去式 became 变成,成为 = be 48. more and more

7、越来越。49. fresh fruit , 新鲜水果 fresh vegetables新鲜蔬菜。 50. instead of =take the place of 代替(放句中) instead = take the place (放句末)51. build过去式 built 建筑,建设。build sb up 52. feel过去式 feet感觉,觉得。 feel well 感觉很好。Feel better 感觉好多了。53. foreign 外国的,foreigner 外国人。54. have fun、 have a lot of fun玩得开心。55. be read for +名词/

8、代词或动词ing =be ready to do sth 为。 做准备。56. relay race 接力赛, the boys relay race男子接力赛 the girls relay race女子接力赛57. maybe=perhaps 也许,大概。58. Congratulation 祝贺,恭喜。答:Thank you59. win 过去式won 获胜,赢得。 winner 获60. finish过去过 finished 结束,完成。The finished line 终点线。61. be able to = can 能,会。can不能用于将62. visit过去式 visited

9、 参观,拜访。 visitor 参观者,拜访者。63. stand for 代表。 at least 至少。64. have the flu 患流行感冒。65. tooth复数 teeth 牙,have a toothache 66. have a cold = catch a cold 患感冒,得感冒。have a cough 咳嗽。have sore eyes 眼痛have a backache 背痛have a fever发热,发高烧。 have a stomachache 胃痛。have a headache 头痛。67. take a rest =have a rest 休息一下。6

10、8. plenty of = a lot of =lots of 修饰可数名词复数时= many, 修饰不可数名词时= much 许多,大量。69. boiled water 开水。70. be(am, is, are) 过去式 was和were 过去分词been How long have you been like these? 你像这个样子有多久了?71. day and night 日日夜夜 at night 在晚上。72. 动词:brush 过去式brushed 刷,擦。复数:brushes刷子73. care for = take care of = look after 照顾,照

11、看。take good care of = look after well 74. check over = examine为。做检75. worry about 为。担忧76. by taxi =in a taxi =take a taxi 坐出租车。77. bothand 两者都。betweenand 在两者之间。among 在三者或三者以上之间。78. 名词中:health健康。 形容词:healthy健康的。副词: healthily健康地。 79. without没,没有。80. litter =rubbish 垃圾,81. enough足够的, 形容词+enough+名词 not

12、enough to do sth =tooto do sth82. empty空的,反义司 full 满的,饱的、on an empty stomachache 空腹。83. get into 进入, through穿过。84. 形容词:ill 名词: illness = disease 生病的,疾病。85. tomato复数 tomatoes西红柿。 Potato复数 potatoes 马铃薯 86. hurry up =come on 赶快,加油。87. go ahead 开始,着手,去吧,做吧,您请! 100.just a moment =wait a moment = hold on

13、请等等,别挂断。101. ill = sick 病的,生病。102. patient = sick people 病人。103. ring sb up=call sb = phone sb = give sb a call. 打电话给某人。104. bicycle = bike 自行车。by bike = take a bike = ride a bike. 奇自行车。105. roller skating 滑汗冰。 go skating 去滑冰。go skiing 去滑雪。106. first aid 急救。 save water. 节约用水。107. 形容词:happy愉快的,高兴的。反义

14、词:unhappy = sad 不高兴,不快乐。 副词:happily 名词:happiness = joy = pleasure幸福,快乐。108. 动词:care关心,照顾。形容词:careful小心的,仔细的。反义词: careless 粗心的, 109. 动词或名词:help帮助。 形容词:helpful有帮助的,有益的。副词: helpfully 110. 名词:danger危险。 In danger 处于危险状态。形容词: dangerous危险的,可怕111. a kind of一种。 all kinds of各种各样。 different kinds of 不同种类。112.

15、动词:break摔破,打破。过去式:broke break out过去式:broke out 爆发。 113. own 自己的,拥有,所有。owner 主人,114. the World Cup 世界杯。in the world 在世界上= on the earth 在世界上,在地球上on earth空间,如何。115. since then = from then on. 从那时起。from now on 从今以后,从现在起。116. grandmother =grandma奶奶,外婆, grandfather=grandpa爷爷,外公。grandparents=grandfather an

16、d grandmother 117. 形容词:busy繁忙的,= heavy 拥挤的。名词:business 生意,职业。118. tell 过去式told 告诉,讲诉。tell a lie 撒谎。tell the story 讲故事119. ask 过去式asked 要求,要请,提问。ask for向。请求。 ask for leave 请假。ask for sick leave 请病假。ask for two days leave. 请两天的假。120. 三个太多:too many+名词复数。 too much +不可数名词。too much 修饰动词放句末。Much too + 形/副。

17、121. miss = dont catch = lose 错过,赶不上,失去。过去式:missed 和lost122. be healthy = keep healthy = keep fit 保持123. 留言: 打电话的人要留言用:leave a message;接电话的人想帮打电话的人留言用: take the message124. 确定能做某事: :Im sure = Im sure that= Im sure to do sth 我相信 125. be afraid of doing sth = be afraid to do sth = be afraid that害怕做某事。

18、126. in ones spare time = in ones free time在某人的空闲时间。127. share with 和某人分享128. holiday = vacation 假期。summer holiday =summer vacation暑假。129. 形容词放在疑问代词和不定代词之后:不定代词有:some 和any 与及和他们的合成词:nobody=no onesomebody=someone nothing=noneeverywhere = here and there到处,处处。130. chat with sb=talk with sb 和某人聊天。 chat

19、on the Net 在网上聊天。Chat on the telephone 在电话里聊天。131. friend朋友。friendly友好的。反义词:unfriendly不友好的。名词:friendship友谊,友情。178. daily = everyday 每天的,日常的。daily life = everyday life 日常生活。179. bath 洗澡,浴室。 have a bath = take a bath = take a shower .洗洗澡,洗个澡。180. if =whether 是否。注意:当句子后有or not 时,只能用whether 而不用if. 181.

20、must be表肯定猜测cant be表否定猜182. movie fan影迷。soccer fan = football fan 183. teach过去式taught教,传授。 teacher 教 184. teach oneself = learn by oneself 自185. know about =learn about 学习到,了解到。learn from 向.学习。186. 在前面:in front of指物体外部的前面。 in the front of 指物体外部的前面。187. keep pets = feed pets 养宠物。 188. language 语言。for

21、eign language 外语。189. 三个借的:borrow 过去式borrowed, 借进。borrowfrom从。借来。,lend 过去式lent 借出。lendto把.借给 keep 过去式kept 借一段时间。常与how long 190.动词:sing 过去式sang,唱,歌唱。 名词:singer 歌星。191.instument 乐器。 guitar,吉他。piano,钢琴。violin,小提琴。drums,鼓。 play erhu 拉192. 名词:art 美术,艺术。名词:artist. 艺术家。an artist 一个艺术家。193. 不可数名词:music音乐。 形

22、容词:musical音乐的, 名词:musician 音乐家。 以classical music 古典音乐, pop music流行音乐。folk music, 民间音乐。其中,流行音乐包括:country music,乡村音乐。 rock music 摇滚音乐。jazz 爵士音乐。194. drawing = painting 绘画,图画。 195. pay .for 为。付款。为。开钱。196. simple = easy 简单的,容易的。 197. set up 建立,创立。 198. be famous for = its known as 因。199. at last = final

23、ly = in the end 最后,终于。 200. occupation = job = work = business工作,201. 动词:weigh, 称.的重量。名词:weight重,重量。 in weight 体重。202.名词:height, 高,高度。in height身高。形容词:high, 高的。203. lovely = lively= cute 可爱的,活泼的。204. member成员。be a member of 成为当中的一员, = join加入。205. at the concert 在音乐会。 at the party 206. the same song 同

24、一首歌 。 the name of 的命名。的名称。named = called 称作,叫做。207. such as = for example 例如,比例。208.close friend 亲密的朋友=good friend 209. 动词:agree 同意,agree with sb 同210.just so-so = not good and not bad 一211. handsome英俊,帅气。 beautiful = pretty 美丽的,漂亮的。反义词是:ugly 212. make a face 复数make faces 做鬼脸。 213.say过去式said 说,表达。sa

25、y hello to sb向某人问好。 say goodbye to sb 身某人说再见。say sorry to sb 向某人说对不214. at this time 在这个时候at that time 在那个时候。= at the moment. 215.sky = air 开空,空气。in the sky = in the air 在天上 by plane = by air 坐飞机。216. 单、复数形式相同词有 sheep复数 sheep绵羊,deer复数 deer鹿, Chinese复数 Chinese中国人,Japanese复数 Japanese日本人。fish复数 fish鱼,

26、people复数 people 不规则变化:mouse复数 mice, goose复数 geese ,foot复数 feet, tooth复数 teeth Wolf复数 wolves狼。 216.形容词alive = living活的,有生命的。 217.feed on = live on以为主食,以. 218.in fact 事实上,实际上。 219. fillwith用填充。= putin fill in = fill out用填写,填入。220.dig 过去式dug挖,掘 221. mistake 过去式mistook 弄错,犯错。 by mistake意为 “错误地, 无意地” mis

27、takefor 把错当成222. make up 组成,构成。 be made up of 由组成 (能看出原材料)be made up from由组成 (看不出原材料)223.man-made,人造的,人生产的。224. wake up 醒来。wake sb up 把某人叫225. mend = repair = putright修理。226.Look up 查询, look for 寻找, look like 看起来像 look the same 看起来很相像。 look after 照顾/看。 look at 看一看。pay attention to 注意。 227. think过去式t

28、hought 想,认为。think about = think of考虑,思考。 think of 思念,想念。think over 仔细思考,深思熟虑。228. end with 以.结束,以为结局。 begin with 以为开端。229.by subway = by underground 坐地铁。230. pull 拉,pull down拆毁,拉倒反义词:push 231. 动词wonder = want to know想要知道the Summer Palace 颐和园 232.因面著名/出名: be famous for + 物, be famous as + 人。233. rega

29、rdas 把。当作/看作。234.two meters high = two meters in height 2米高 235. jointogether 将拼连在一236. Whatfor? = Why? 为什么?237. 用动词原形的有:1. let sb do sth, 让某人做某事2.make sb do sth 使某人做事。3.help sb do sth, 帮助某人做某事。4.had better (not)do sth 最好(不)做某事5.should (not)do sth 应该(不)某事6.情态动词:can/could, will/would, may/might, shal

30、l/should, must, need + 动词7.why not +动词原形?= why dont + 人称 + 动词原形? 为什么不。?8.祈使句please/Dont + 动词原形, 238用动词不定式的有:1.ask sb (not)to do sth 要求某人不/做某事2.tell sb (not) to do sth, 应该(不)做某事3.encourage sb to do sth, 鼓励某人做某事4.manage to do sth, 设法做某事5.do ones best to do sth = try to do sth, 尽某人最大的努力做某事情。6.order sb

31、to do sth = ask sb to do sth 命令/7.remember to do sth记得做某事8.forget to do sth 忘记做某事remember = 9.used to do sth过去常常做某事。didnt use to do sth = usednt to do sth 过去10.be able to do sth 能,会做某事11.want to do sth = would like to do sth 想要12.afford to do sth 负担得起做某事。13. its ones duty to do sth, 做某事是.的14.Its nec

32、essary to do sth 有必要做某事15. its hard to do sth 很难做某事。16.its important to do sth 做某事很重要。17.Its + 形容词+ to do sth 18.advise sb to do sth 见意某人做某事。19.teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事。20.be glad to do sth 乐意做某事。21.Pleased to see you = Nice to see you.=Glad to see you. 见到你真高兴。 happen to do sth 碰239.用动词ing的有:1.pref

33、er doing sth =like doing sth better prefer doing sth to doing sth2.have fun doing sth 高兴做某事。3.finish doing sth 结束做某事。4. .love/like/enjoy doing sth = be fond of doing sth 喜欢做某事。 5.hate doing sth 讨厌做某事。讨厌:hate=dislike=dont like不喜欢。 6.stop doing sth = drop doing = give up doing 停止做某事,放弃做某事。7.use sth. f

34、or doing sth. = use sth to do sth 使用某物8.spend(in) doing sth 花费时间做某事。9.be good at doing 擅长于做某事。10. prevent doing sth =keep away from doing sth 预防做某事,远离。 11. be interested in doing sth感兴趣做某事。 12.be good at doing sth = do well in doing sth 在某方面做得好。13 feel like doing sth 想要做某事14. go on doing sth = keep doing sth = continue to do sth =continue doing sth 继续做某事。15. mind (no) doing sth 介意做某事。 16.mind not doing sth 不要做某事。17.practice doing sth 练习做某事。18.in, on, at, of, for, about, from, with, without等介词+代词宾格或动词ing.5

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