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1、A单元 单项填空名目A单元 单项填空1A1 名词2A2 代词2A3 冠词3A4 形容词4A5 副词4A6 连词与介词4A7 动词4A8 动词短语4A9 非谓语动词410 情态动词与虚拟语气4A11 动词的时态与语态4A12 数词与主谓全都4A13 名词性从句4A14 状语从句4A15 定语从句4A16特殊句式4A17 情景交际4A1 名词 【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省盐城中学高三10月月考(202210)】22. Mrs. Johnsons has many _ including gardening and wine-making. A. inspirations B. ambition

2、s C. affairs D. occupations【答案】【学问点】A1 名词【答案解析】D。解析:A. inspirations 启示B. ambitions 雄心C. affairs 私通,大事D. occupations消遣,职业。句意:约翰逊有很多消遣,包括园艺和酿酒。【英语卷(解析)2021届安徽省黄山市屯溪一中高三上学期其次次月考(202210)】22. -If you like, I can do some shopping for you.-Thats very kind of you for your _A. service B. point C. offer D. su

3、ggestion【答案】【学问点】 A1 名词【答案解析】C。解析:A服务;B意义,要点;C提议;D建议。题干中对方提出要帮自己购物,故应当是感谢堆放地额主动“提议”,依据题意选C。A2 代词 【英语卷(解析)2021届山东省潍坊一中高三10月第一次月考(202210)】4. I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A. this B. it C. which D. that【答案】【学问点】A2 代词 【答案解析】B,这是主语(I)+谓语(dont think)+形式宾语(i

4、t)+宾补(possible)+真正宾语(to master.language)+状语(without.work) 若是“its ”也正确,但整体结构就都变了,就是主语+谓语+宾语从句,但是连接词that省略了,假如加上就是“I dont think that its possible to . work”【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省扬州中学高三10月质量检测(202210)】25. We all consider _ significant that we should cancel the order immediately.A. howB. whichC. thisD. it【答案】

5、【学问点】A2代词【思路点拨】对于复合句的分析,要先分析是并列复合句还是主从复合句,然后分析从句所缺少的成分,确定引导词。【答案解析】D。解析;此处it作形式宾语,that引导的是真正的宾语从句;【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省盐城中学高三10月月考(202210)】38. Music should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits _ can have on the development of the brains of young children. A. which B. that C. it D. one【答

6、案】【学问点】A2 代词【答案解析】C。解析:it 指代句中music。这是一个省略关系代词that/which的定语从句。完整结构:Music should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits that/which it can have on the development of the brains of young children.将整个句子换成“Music should be taught routinely in schools because it(music)can have benefits on t

7、he development of the brains of young children”就更简洁理了。句意:音乐应当成为学校的常规的教学科目,由于音乐对青少年智力的开发大有裨益。【英语卷(解析)2021届安徽省黄山市屯溪一中高三上学期其次次月考(202210)】31. Of all the books on show in the book fair, _ is of use for children.A. no B. none C. neither D. nothing 【答案】【学问点】 A2 代词【答案解析】B。解析:句意:在书籍市场展销的全部书中,没有一本是适用于孩子的。A形容词

8、,不能做主语;B没一个,没有一本,没有一点;C两个都不;D没有一点东西。None可代指可数名词,也可代指不行数名词,此处代指“没有一本书”,故选B。 【技巧点拨】熟记代词的代指用法,别无他法。【英语卷(解析)2022年山东省日照一中高三10月第一次阶段复习质量达标检测(202210)】6. Susan made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. A. that B. this C. it D. her 【答案】【学问点】A2 代词【答案解析】C。解析本题考查代词之形式宾语。依据句意可知从句“她想为自己制造新

9、生活”是made的真正宾语。故空格出应填入形式宾语it。 A3 冠词【英语卷(解析)2021届陕西省西安一中高三上学期二模考试(202210) 】12The story of Li Tianyi, the son of _ famous military singer, driving a BMW without a license and attacking a couple on the road has drawn the attention of _ public.Athe; the B/; the Ca; an Da; the【答案】【学问点】A3 冠词【答案解析】D。解析:第一个空

10、泛指,其次个空固定搭配the public 公众。【英语卷(解析)2021届山东省枣庄三中高三第一次学情调查(202210)】8.I dont know who invented _ telephone, but its really _ most wonderful invention.A. the; theB. a; theC. the; aD. a; the【答案】【学问点】A3 冠词【答案解析】解析:选C,指众所周知的科学创造,应用定冠词the,其次空是一个格外精彩的创造,a /an与most连用表示“一个格外的”。故选C。【技巧点拨】熟记冠词的各种用法,别无他法。【典型总结】冠词用法

11、速记口诀名词是秃子,常要戴帽子,可数名词单,须用a或an,辅音前用a,an在元音前,若为特指时,则须用定冠,复数不行数,泛指the不见,遇到代词时,冠词均不现。【妙语诠释】冠词是高考必考的语法学问之一,也是高考考查的主要对象。以上口诀包括的意思有:名词在一般状况下不单用,经常要和冠词连用;表示不确指的可数名词单数前要用不定冠词a或an,确指时要用定冠词the;如复数名词表示泛指,名词前有this,these,my,some等时就不用冠词。【英语卷(解析)2021届江西省新余一中高三其次次模拟考试(202210)】24 Why do you think he is feeling spiritl

12、ess?Because staying up late makes him at his worst _ physical situationAin terms ofBin addition toCon account ofDregardless of【答案】【学问点】A3冠词【答案解析】A。A“在方面”B“除之外”C“由于”D“尽管”句意为“由于熬夜使得他在身体状况方面很糟糕”【英语卷(解析)2021届江西省新余一中高三其次次模拟考试(202210)】21I felt _ sudden urge to tell him all my problems but I held back beca

13、use I was afraid that he would make _ fun of meAaBthe;Ca;theDthe;a【答案】【学问点】A3冠词【答案解析】A.第一空表泛指“一个突然的渴望”其次空fun是不行数名词【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省扬州中学高三10月质量检测(202210)】21. To get _ thorough understanding of onerselfalso requires doing oneself_favor when its needed.【答案】【学问点】A3冠词【答案解析】D。解析:前面的空是“一个完整的了解”表泛指,故用a;后一空do

14、 sb。a favor固定短语“帮某人一个忙”A . the; a B.不填;a C. the;不填 D.a;a【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省启东中学高三上学期第一次月考(202210)】21. -Have you seen _ iphone? I left it on the desk this morning. -Is it _ white one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. an; the B. the; the C. an; a D. the; a【答案】【学问点】 A3 冠词【答案解析】C,第一空表示“一”,即一部Iphone手机,其次空问的时候

15、并不确定是不是一部白色的Iphone手机,所以用a来泛指,翻译成中文就是:是一部白色的iPhone手机吗?【英语卷(解析)2021届安徽省黄山市屯溪一中高三上学期其次次月考(202210)】21. The TV shows create a false image of _ success that anyone can do it and its just _ matter of luck rather than hard work.A. /;/ B. a; a C. a; / D. /; a【答案】【学问点】A3 冠词【答案解析】解析:选C,两个空都表示特指,都是指人们所熟知的。第一空是t

16、he mall购物中心;其次空特指现在的事实the new reality。【技巧点拨】熟记冠词的各种用法,别无他法。【典型总结】冠词用法速记口诀名词是秃子,常要戴帽子,可数名词单,须用a或an,辅音前用a,an在元音前,若为特指时,则须用定冠,复数不行数,泛指the不见,遇到代词时,冠词均不现。【妙语诠释】冠词是高考必考的语法学问之一,也是高考考查的主要对象。以上口诀包括的意思有:名词在一般状况下不单用,经常要和冠词连用;表示不确指的可数名词单数前要用不定冠词a或an,确指时要用定冠词the;如复数名词表示泛指,名词前有this,these,my,some等时就不用冠词。A4 形容词【英语卷

17、(解析)2021届山东省莱州一中高三10月月考(202210)】10Whoever has_sense knows that smoking is harmful to peoples healthAnormal Bgeneral Cordinary Dcommon【答案】【学问点】A4 形容词【答案解析】D 考查形容词。Anormal正常的;Bgeneral一般的;Cordinary一般的;Dcommon共同的;句意:有常识的人都知道,抽烟有害健康。Common sense 常识,固定短语,故选D项。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】35. -Would

18、it be _ for you to help me take my luggage to the area where taxis are available? - With pleasure. A. free B. available C. handy D. convenient【答案】【学问点】A4 形容词【答案解析】D。解析:A. free 自由的;B. available可利用的 C. handy手边的,四周的 D. convenient便利的,便利的句意:你便利帮我把行李送到有出租车的地方吗?乐意效劳。 【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】34.

19、My father is knowledgeable. Whenever we plan our vocation, he always offers_ suggestions. A. practical B. stable C. innocent D. bearable【答案】【学问点】A4 形容词【答案解析】A。解析:practical有用的, stable稳定的,innocent天真的,bearable可以忍受的。句意:爸爸是个学问渊博的人。无论我们什么时候方案去度假,他总能供应有用的建议。【技巧点拨】熟记高考英语需要把握的词汇,特殊是名词、动词和形容词。【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省

20、扬州中学高三10月质量检测(202210)】28. The Foreign Secretarys remarks clarify an_statement issued earlier this week.A. ambitious B. ambiguous C. amateur D. arbitrary【答案】【学问点】A4形容词【答案解析】B。“外交部的发言澄清了本周早些时候发布的意义不明确的一段陈述”。A “有雄心的”B “ 意义不明确的,有歧义的” C “业余爱好的“D”任意的、主观的“。【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省扬州中学高三10月质量检测(202210)】23. In yeste

21、rdays business training course the consultant instructed us that a good salesman must be _ if he wants to succeed.A. aggressive B. conventional C. visual D. fragrant【答案】【学问点】A4形容词【答案解析】A。解析;句意为“一位售货员要想成功就必需有闯劲儿”。A是“强有力的,坚持己见的”B是“传统的”,“视觉的”和“有香味的”更不对。【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省盐城中学高三10月月考(202210)】27. “But he is

22、nt_ in his support for the reform,”_ the director. A. subjective; chanted B. absolute; contradicted C. consistent; objected D. bureaucratic; objected【答案】【学问点】A4 形容词【答案解析】C。解析:A. subjective; 主观的chanted 颂扬B. absolute确定的; contradicted反对 C. consistent始终如一的; objected 反对D. bureaucratic官僚的; objected 反对;句意:

23、“但是他对改革的的支持不是始终如一的”,导演说。【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省盐城中学高三10月月考(202210)】21. The selection of the date for the picnic was rather_, for it mattered little to most of the club members who were free during the holidays. A. vague B. compulsory C. arbitrary D. sacred【答案】【学问点】A4 形容词【答案解析】C。解析:A. vague 模糊的,模糊的B. compul

24、sory 义务的,必修的C. arbitrary 任意的,随心所欲的D. sacred神圣的。依据后半句的句意“由于这对俱乐部的大部分成员来说是无关紧要他们在整个假期都有空。”可推断出,野餐的日子是任凭选择的。【技巧点拨】熟记重点形容词。【典型总结】A5 副词【英语卷(解析)2021届陕西省西安一中高三上学期二模考试(202210) 】15You _ a child. You can take care of yourself. Really? But I am only 15 years old.Ano longer are Bnot any more are Care no longer

25、Dno more are【答案】【学问点】A5 副词【答案解析】C。解析:no longer 不再 常放在助动词或be动词后。【典型总结】no more / no longer 放在 be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前.nolonger意为“不再”可用notanylonger代替。如:Annienolongerliveshere.安妮不住这儿了。Sheisnolongeramusiclover.她不再是一个音乐爱好者了。shenolongerwenttoschool.=shedidntgotoschoolanylonger)她的父亲去世了,此后她就不再上学了。【英语卷(解析)202

26、1届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】26. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only_.A. apparently B. occasionally C. practically D. abruptly【答案】【学问点】A5 副词【答案解析】B。解析:apparently 明显地B. occasionally间或地 C. practically 实际上,事实上D. abruptly突然地句意:由于他在偏远地区工作,他只能间或探望他的父母。【英语卷(解析)2021届江西省新余一中高三其次次模拟考试(202210)】

27、32. He telephoned to inform me of your birthday_,I would have known nothing about itAHoweverB. OtherwiseCThereforeDThus【答案】【学问点】A5副词【答案解析】B。句意为“他电话通知了我你的生日,否则我什么也不知道。”【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省盐城中学高三10月月考(202210)】28. We do not have a big car, old expensive vases or paintings. _, what I value about my father i

28、s the care and love he shows for me and my family.A. ThoughB. RatherC. Or ratherD. Further【答案】【学问点】A5 副词【答案解析】B。解析:A. Though尽管;B. Rather宁可,宁愿;C. Or rather更精确地说,倒不如说;D. Further进步地。句意:我们没有大车、古老的昂贵的花瓶或者字画,相反我更珍惜的是父亲对我和我的家人的照看和爱。【英语卷(解析)2021届安徽省黄山市屯溪一中高三上学期其次次月考(202210)】29. The Bitcoin is a form of elec

29、tronic money which has been created _ for use on the Internet.A. perfectly B specifically D. extremely C. especially 【答案】【学问点】A5 副词 【答案解析】B。解析:句意:Bitcoin是一种为特地适用因特网而诞生的电子货币。A完善地;B特殊地、特地地;C格外地;D特殊地。依据题意选B。A6 连词与介词【英语卷(解析)2021届陕西省西安一中高三上学期二模考试(202210) 】18Did you hear_ John? Yes,he rang me this morning

30、 and we agreed_ a date to meet.Aof; to Babout; with Cfrom; with Dfrom; on【答案】【学问点】A6 连词与介词【答案解析】D。解析:hear from sb收到某人的来信;agree on就达成协议;商定做某事。句意:你收到约翰的来信了吗?是的。今日早晨他给我打电话了并且我们见面日期也商定好了。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】28. Although he tried to focus on his reading in the study, _ Thompsons attention

31、was attracted by the loud music outside. A. on time B. in no time C. now and thenD. at time to time 【答案】【学问点】A6 连词与介词【答案解析】C。解析:A. on time 按时;B. in no time很快地;不久 ;C. now and then 间或,有时;D. at time to time 没有这个搭配 句意:尽管汤姆森尽力集中精力看书学习,但是他的留意力有时还是会被外面的音乐所吸引。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】24. Every yea

32、r, No. 1 high school will provide scholarships for students _ financial aid. A. in favor of B. in honor of C. in face of D. in need of 【答案】【学问点】A6 连词与介词【答案解析】D。解析:in favor of 支持;in honor of 为了纪念;in face of 面对;in need of 需要。句意:每年,一中都要为那些需要经济救济的同学供应奖学金。【技巧点拨】熟记固定短语搭配【英语卷(解析)2021届江苏省启东中学高三上学期第一次月考(2022

33、10)】34. The accident that happened at an oilfield _ the southeast coast of the USA has caused great damage to the environment.A. awayB. from C. off D. beyond【答案】【学问点】 A6介词【答案解析】C,句意:这个事故发生在远离美国东南海岸的一个油田里,已经对环境造成了很大的损害。off意为“远离”的意思,依据句意选C。【英语卷(解析)2021届安徽省黄山市屯溪一中高三上学期其次次月考(202210)】34.Britain _ many ot

34、her industrialized countries, _major changes over the last 100 years.A. together with; have experienced B. as well as; experiencedC. in common with; has experienced D. instead of; experiences【答案】【学问点】A11 动词的时态与语态 A6 连词与介词【答案解析】C。解析:句意:不列颠,与其他很多工业化的国家一样,在过去的100年里经受了重大的变化。题干中over the last 100 years是与现

35、在完成时连用的时间状语,主语是Britain,谓语动词选用单三形式。in common with与一样。故选C。【英语卷(解析)2021届安徽省黄山市屯溪一中高三上学期其次次月考(202210)】23. -What do you mean _ saying “The boy is overgrowing”?-I mean that he is tall _ his age.A. about; at B. as to; withC. by; for D. by; to【答案】【学问点】A6 连词与介词 【答案解析】C。解析:What do you mean by saying?你这样说是什么意思

36、?for对于。句意:-你这样说“那个男孩长地太快什么意思”?-我的意思是对于他这个年龄来说个有点高。故选C。A7 动词【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】32. He is a person exact in time and very careful, and he never _ any little items. A. notices B. deletes C. undertakes D. overlooks【答案】【学问点】A7 动词【答案解析】D。解析:A. notices 留意 ;B. deletes 删除 ;C. undertakes 担当,保证

37、;D. overlooks忽视,忽视 句意:他是一个很细心的人,从不忽视任何细节。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】31. - How do you know he is from Scotland? - Well, his special accent _ when he spoke. A. appeared B. showed C. betrayed D. displayed【答案】【学问点】A7 动词【答案解析】C。解析: appear 消灭;show显示,呈现;betray 暴露;display 呈现,呈现;。你怎么知道他来自苏格兰。他说话时特殊的口

38、音暴露了(他来自哪里)。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】30. As party members, we should always _ the interests of the people in mind. A. place B. bear C. show D. drop 【答案】【学问点】A7 动词【答案解析】B。解析:bear sth in mind“记住”,句意:作为党员,我们必需牢记人民的利益。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】27. -Im sorry to _ you, but could you tel

39、l me the way to the nearest supermarket? - I will do some shopping too. Shall we walk there together? A. bother B. resist C. affect D. award【答案】【学问点】A7 动词【答案解析】A。解析:Im sorry to bother you相当于excuse me“对不起;打搅一下。【英语卷(解析)2021届江西省新余一中高三其次次模拟考试(202210)】27. Both students and parents appreciate the great im

40、portance schools have_to eyesight protection.A. reactedB. attendedC. attachedD. adapted【答案】【学问点】A7动词【答案解析】C。attachto.把相关联schools have_to eyesight protection.是定语从句。同学和家长都很感谢学校重视眼睛视力的爱护。A8 动词短语【英语卷(解析)2021届陕西省西安一中高三上学期二模考试(202210) 】13You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I supp

41、ose.Aagree with Bagree to Cagree on Dagree about【答案】【学问点】A8 动词短语【答案解析】A。解析:Aagree with同意某人,适合 Bagree to 同意Cagree on就达成全都 Dagree about 没有这种搭配 句意:你看上去气色很好。我猜,三亚的空气和海鲜肯定很适合你。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】29. Teaching is a sort of work that _ a high level of patience, determination and devotion. A.

42、 calls for B. makes up C. lies in D. stands for 【答案】【学问点】A8 动词短语【答案解析】A。解析:call for要求;make up弥补,虚构,化妆;lie in在于;stand for代表,代替,象征,支持。句意:教学是一种需要高水平的急躁、决心和奉献。【英语卷(解析)2021届宁夏银川一中高三其次次月考(202209)】25. The so- called flavor of hometown is thought to be _ with the familiar growth surroundings and delicious food cooked by Mother at home. A. condemned B. bound C.involved D. associated【答案】【学问点】A8 动词短语【答案解析】D。解析:A. condemned 被责难的B. bound 有义务的,受束缚的be bound up with 与有亲密关系C.be involved with 卷入,牵扯 D. associated 有关的 be associated with与.有关系的 句意:所谓家乡的味道被认为是和生疏的生长环境、妈妈做的美味的食

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