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1、高考倒计时第20天.常考句型【句型1】on the contrary,.by contrast,.相反地,仿写:相反地,少数同学还在混日子。On_the_contrary,a_few_students_are_still_going_around_without_anything_ to_do.By_contrast,a_few_students_are_still_going_around_without_anything_to_do.【句型2】On the other hand,.“另一方面,”仿写:政府应严格执法。另一方面,大众也应当养成削减污染的好习惯。The_government_s

2、hould_enforce_laws_strictly.On_the_other_hand,the_public_ also_ should_develop_the_good_habit_of_reducing_pollution.【句型3】However,it is a pity that.“然而,很惋惜的是”仿写:然而,很惋惜的是他总是不用功。However,it_is_a_pity_that_he_always_does_not_work_hard.话题写作感谢信感恩伴侣假如你是新华中学的同学李华,刚参与完“美国高校一周游”的夏令营活动,在离开之前,你想给新结交的美国伴侣Monica写一

3、封感谢信。内容应包括以下要点:1表示感谢;2描述参与本次夏令营的收获;3邀请她参与明年在中国的夏令营。【审题】依据提示,文章层次三步走1表示感谢;(开门见山)2描述参与此次夏令营的收获;(留意时态:一般过去时或现在完成时)3邀请她参与明年在中国的夏令营。一、将短文中可能用到的关键词、短语或句式结构翻译成英语。1表达我诚意的感谢 express_my_heartfelt_gratitude2夏令营 the_Summer_Camp3一次难忘的经受 an_unforgettable_experience4获益良多 benefit_a_lot5美国文化 American_culture6给了我很大挂念

4、 give_me_great_help7提高我的英语口语 improve_my_spoken_English8供应一个更好的英语学习氛围 provide_a_better_English_studying_atmosphere9适应新环境 adapt_to_the_new_surroundings10邀请某人来某地 invite_sb_to_sp11参与在中国进行的夏令营活动 join_/take_part_in_the_Summer_Camp_ to_be_held_in_China二、以下是本感谢信的主要内容,依据所给汉语,完成下列句子。(一)表示感谢的几种方式1Im writing to

5、 express my heartfelt gratitude/appreciation(表达我诚意的感谢) to you for your generous help during the Summer Camp.2Having experienced an unforgettable week in the Summer Camp,Id like to convey my heartfelt thanks(表达我诚意的感谢) to you.3Thanks for your help./Thank you for your help/doing sth.感谢你的挂念。4Im grateful

6、 to(感谢) you for your generous help.5Im more than thankful(格外感谢) to you for your generous help.6I really appreciate(感谢) your help.7do sth with gratitude 感谢地(二)描述参与此次夏令营的收获1总括句(1)我真的是从这个活动中获益良多。I really learnt a lot gained much experience from the activity this week.2收获:(For one thing.for another.)(2)

7、我独立性更强了,并且学会了如何照看自己,这对我将来的生活也有很大好处。Ive become more independent and have learned to take care of myself,which will be of great benefit to me in my future life.(3)没有你的挂念,我不行能在英语上取得那么快的进步。Without your help,I couldnt have made such rapid progress in English.(4)多亏了你慷慨的挂念,我才很快适应了新的环境。Thanks to your genero

8、us help,I adapted to the new surroundings quickly.3邀请她明年来中国的夏令营。(5)很圆满你还没有来过中国,为什么明年的夏令营不来呢?Its a pity that you havent been to China,but why not come here next year for the Summer Camp?(6)我想邀请你来参与在中国举办的夏令营活动。Id like to invite you to join the Summer Camp to be held in China.(7)我真的期望你能明年来参与中国的夏令营。I re

9、ally hope you can take part in the Summer Camp in China with me next year.三、依据以上内容,选择合适的连接词,组成一篇完整的文章。_【参考范文】Dear Monica,I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your company while I was on this summer camp,which was an unforgettable experience for me and I also benefited a lot from it.Thr

10、ough visiting American universities,I got a good knowledge of American universitiestourist attractions in some way,which broadened my horizon and introduced me to more about American culture.Besides,during the summer camp,I made some American friends,just like you,who gave me lots of assistance.More

11、over,in an environment exposed to English language,my English listening and speaking skills got improved greatly.Would you like to join the summer camp in China next summer? Ill be your best guide and you can experience traditional Chinese culture,and enjoy tasty Chinese food,etc.Im looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Hua

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