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1、1(2022届山西忻州一中、康杰中学、临汾一中、长治二中高三其次次联考)You should try to get a good night sleep _ much work you have to do.Ahowever Bwhatever Cno matter Dalthough解析考查让步状语从句。句意:无论你有多少工作要做,你应当保证有充分的睡眠。however /no matter how可以引导让步状语从句,结构是:however/no matter howadj./adv.主语谓语,B项whatever应当接名词,C项少了how,D项although不能接倒装句,选A项。答案A

2、2(2022届北京市第四十四中学高三第一学期期中测试)_ I say Clancy is a smart boy,he still needs to work hard to achieve his goal.AThen BWhen CWhile DAs解析考查连词的用法。句意:虽然我说Clancy是一个聪慧的孩子,但他仍需努力工作来实现他的目标。as引导让步状语从句时,需要倒装,所以排解。故选C项。答案C3(2022届北京市第四十四中学高三第一学期期中测试)_,the players began the game.AHaving taken our seats BTaking our sea

3、tsCBeing taken the seats DAfter we had taken our seats解析考查状语从句的用法。句意:我们坐下之后,运动员开头竞赛。当主句的主语和从句的主语不全都时,不能用分词作状语。故选D项。答案D4(2022届湖南省桑植一中皇仓中学高三其次次联考)It was quite a long time _ I figured out what had happened to the manager.Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dsince解析考查连词的用法。句意:有很长时间我才弄清经理发生了什么。这句话用了固定句型:It was一段时间befor

4、e从句,表示“过了很长时间才/就”假如是It is一段时间since.,自从有多久了,选B项。答案B5(2022届重庆市重庆一中高三上学期期中考试)It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life _ weve actually had that lesson.Auntil Bafter Csince Dwhen解析考查连词的用法。句意:在我们的生命中,直到我们真正经受那一课才会学会那一课。until直到才;after在之后;since自从;when当时候,可知选A项。答案A6(2022届安徽省“江淮十校”协作体高三上学期第一次联考)When w

5、ill the visas be ready,sir? _ everything goes well,you should get them in 14 workdays.AAlthough BAs far asCUnless DAs long as解析考查连词的用法。句意:什么时候签证可以下来,先生?只要一切顺当,14个工作日你就可以得到了。although虽然;as far as一就;unless除非,假如不;as long as只要,选D项。答案D7(2022届江西省余江一中高三第四次模考)When you read the book,youd better make a mark _

6、you have any questions.Aat which Bat whereCthe place Dwhere解析考查地点状语从句。句意:当你读书的时候,你最好在你有问题的地方做好标识。本句很简洁会使用定语从句。但是依据句意可知缺少表示地点的先行词。故使用where引导的地点状语从句来修饰谓语动词make a mark。故选D项。答案D8(2022届江西省余江一中高三第四次模考)_ you lose the paper document,sign in www.S,_ you might download all you need. AIf;which BSo long as;what

7、 CIn case;where DEven if;as解析考查连词辨析和定语从句。句意:以防你丢失纸质文档,你可以在新浪网注册,你可以在这里下载你需要的一切。if假如,引导条件句;so long as只要;in case以防万一;even if即使,尽管;依据句意可知第一空使用in case,其次空是一个定语从句,从句的句子结构很完整,故使用关系副词where引导起这个定语从句,修饰先行词www.S。故选C项。答案C 9(2022届辽宁大连育明高级中学高三上期第一次验收)Ill go to the party with you _ you dont wear those strange tro

8、users.Aas though Bin order thatCin that Dproviding解析考查状语从句。句意:如果你不穿那么怪异的裤子的话,我就和你一起去聚会。as though仿佛;in order that为了;in that在于;providing假如。从语境可知后句话you dont wear those strange trousers是前面句子Ill go to the party with you的条件,故选D项。答案D10(2022届云南省部分名校高三第一次联考)I was feeling left out in the new school _ Alice,an

9、 easygoing girl from Canada, came to stay with me.Aif Bonce Cwhen Dunless解析考查连词的用法。句意:我正感觉被遗弃在新学校 ,这时爱丽丝,一位来自加拿大随和的女孩,来和我呆在一起。if 假如;once一旦;when 这时;unless除非。故选C项。答案C11(2022届河北衡水中学高三上期二调)_ they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures.AOnce BWhile CUntil DAs解析考查状

10、语从句连词的用法。句意:一旦确定要上哪所高校,同学都应当去查询这个学校的录用程序。once 一旦;while当什么时候,然而;until直到;as当什么时候,正如,由于。故答案应为A项。答案A12(2022届福建省安溪一中、德化一中高三摸底联考)Li Yuchun is said to have been invited to 2022 CCTV Spring Festival Show.Really? Its been a long time _ she won the champion in Super Girl in 2005.Asince Bthat Cwhen Dbefore解析考查

11、时间状语从句的用法。句意:据说李宇春被邀请参与2022年中心电视台春节晚会。真的吗?自从她在2005年赢得了超级女生的冠军已经好长时间了。A.since自从;that 引导宾语从句没有词义;when当时候;before在之前。依据句意故选A项。答案A13(2022届福建省德化一中高三上学期其次次质检)The entire hall burst into a great cheer and applause _ the Nobel Prize winner appeared on the stage accompanied by the chairman.Auntil BwhileCby the

12、 time Dthe moment解析考查连词的用法。句意:当诺贝尔获奖者在主席的伴随下消灭在台上时,整个大厅爆发出掌声和欢呼声。until直到;while当时候;by the time到为止;the moment一就。until用于确定句时,谓语应当用连续性动词,while引导的状语从句中谓语也应当是连续性动词,而burst 和appear都是短暂性动词,排解A、B选项;by the time后面的从句假如是过去时态,则主句应当用过去完成时,故选D。答案D14(2022届山东省威海市高三上学期期中)Have you ever met a man who is always the centr

13、e of attention _ he goes?Awhenever Bhowever Cwherever Dwhere解析考查让步状语从句。句意:你遇到过一个人无论走到哪里都是留意的焦点吗?whereverno matter where引导让步状语从句;whenever无论什么时候;however无论怎样,where哪里,选C项。答案C15(2022届河南省南阳市高三五校联谊期中)Have you known each other for long?Not really._ we started to work in this school.AJust after BJust whenCEv

14、er since DJust before解析考查连词的用法。句意:你们认得彼此很长时间了吗?不是,(我们认得)是自从在这个学校学习以来。Just after就在后面;Just when就在时候;Ever since自从;Just before就在前面,这句话的主句We have known each other被省略了,所以从句用ever since(和现在完成时连用),选C项。答案C16(2022届河南省郑州市第四中学高三上学期第三次调考)In case of fire,stay low to the ground in a smoky room,_ smoke always rises

15、towards the ceiling.Aas Bwhen Cwhile Donce解析考查连词的用法。句意:万一遇见了火灾,在有烟的房间里要弯腰到地面,由于烟总是向上到天花板的。as由于,随着;when当时;while当时;然而;尽管;once一旦;依据句意说明上下文之间有因果关系,故使用as连接上下文。故选A项。答案A17(2022届安徽省马鞍山二中高三上学期期中)Considering the time limits,we also provide CDs _ our students may prefer to study at home.Aso that Bso long asCin

16、 case Das if解析考查连词的用法。句意:考虑到时间的限制,我们也供应CDs这样我们的同学可能更宠爱在家学习。so that为了,结果是;so long as 只要;in case以防;as if好像,选A项。答案A18(2022届甘肃省兰州一中高三上学期期中)Talking about his success,the famous scientist said,“Ive been lucky _ there are many people who have helped me”Aexcept that Bnow thatCso that Din that解析考查连词的用法。句意:谈到

17、他的成功,那位科学家说道:“我很幸运,由于有很多人挂念我”。except that除了;now that既然;so that以便于;in that由于。这里表示因果关系,故选D项。答案D19(2022届甘肃省部分一般高中高三目标诊断)_ the police thought he was the most likely one,they could not arrest him since they had no exact proof about it. AAlthough BAs long asCIf only DAs soon as解析考查连词的用法。句意:虽然警察认为他是最有可能的一个

18、,但是他们不能逮捕他,由于他们没有明确的证据。Although虽然;As long as只要;If only 但愿;As soon as一就,选A项。答案A20(2022届浙江省衢州一中高三上学期期中)We became good friends quickly,_ our life experiences couldnt have been more different.Aas long as Beven thoughCin case Das though解析考查连词的用法。句意:即使我们的生活经受可能完全不同,但是我们还是很快就成了好伴侣。as long as只要;even though

19、即使,尽管;in case以防;as though好像,好像;依据句意可知选B项。答案B.依据上下文和括号里的提示,运用状语从句完成句子Long time no see! I miss you very much.Now I am so excited 1._(我迫不及待地和你共享一次难忘的经受)I gave my first lesson today,which left me a deep impression.2._(当我的同学看到一位年轻的老师走进教室的时候),they began to make more noise.I stood on the platform,feeling e

20、mbarrassed and not knowing what to do,3._(由于我缺乏教学阅历)Then I realized something must be done.I asked the kids whether they liked English songs.4._(我深呼一口气后),I sang a song I had practiced many times.To my surprise,all the kids were concentrating on my class later on.From this thing,I came to realize 5._

21、(无论发生什么事),we must stay clam first and then find a wise solution.答案1.that I cant wait to share with you an unforgettable experience2.When my students saw a young teacher enter the classroom3.because I was lacking in teaching experience4.After I took a deep breath5.whatever happens.完成句子1_(无论哪国) you go

22、,you should observe the law of the land.2The firefighters showed _(极大的士气) that they were highly praised by the government.3_(无论身在何处),you can keep an intimate contact with the rest of the world.4I believe that youll build a good friendship with the people around you _ (只要你想)5There are some other fact

23、ors that need to be considered,_ (即使你是正确的)6The task was difficult and the time was not planned well,_(结果他没有按时完成任务)7You cant see the president of the university _(除非你预约)8Table tennis is such an interesting and popular game _(我们都宠爱玩)答案1.No matter which country2.such great courage3.No matter where you are4.as long as you want to 5even if you are right6.so that he didnt finish it on time 7unless you make an appointment8.that we all like it

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