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1、越狱第一季07精品文档前情提要Previously on Prison Break:那人不是我杀的, Micheal-I didnt kill that man, Michael.证据说是你 -The evidence says you did.我是被陷害的I was set up.放下你的武器!OFFlCER: Put down your weapon,我必须依法对你判刑I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.我在找人Im looking for someone.他的名字叫 Lincoln BurrowsA g

2、uy named Lincoln Burrows.那个杀了总统弟弟的人SUCRE: Man killed the Vice Presidents brother.你为什么急着要见Burrows?Why you want to see Burrows so bad anyhow?因为他是我兄弟SCOFlELD: Because hes my brother,我要把你救出去Im getting you out of here.不可能的-Its impossible. 除非这地方是自己设计的-Not if you designed the place, it isnt.你看过蓝图了-Youve se

3、en the blueprints. 不止如此-Better than that.我把它带进来了Ive got them on me.我跟你母亲谈过了JENAE: I took some time to speak to your mother.如果你指的是 那个关在福克斯河监狱的人Hey, if youre talking about that guy at Fox River.他拒绝认那个人作父亲He refuses to call him his father.夺走Burrows仅剩的一点时间Take the only thing Burrows has left.一个坐牢的人不是非得要

4、到死刑那天才会死的The chair isnt the only way to take a mans life in prison,FEMALE NARRATOR: And now scenes from last weeks episode,经常会巡逻上来点名But constantly coming up here for count这样我就没有机会wont let me do what I need to do 到管道里去挖掘了to get through that wall,唯一不用点名的可能.SUCRE: Only way to stop count 是戒严is a lockdow

5、n.你得让囚犯们愤怒起来You gotta get the inmates riled up.到此为止!All right, thats it! 戒严!Lockdown!有人打了个匿名报警电话Somebody made an anonymous phone call.无论这是谁,他肯定没有亲眼看到LincolnWhoever made that call couldnt have seen Lincoln.你怎么知道?How do you know?因为电话是从华盛顿拨出的Because the phone call came from Washington D.C.我是BellickThis

6、 is Bellick.这一侧已经被突破 Our wing has been breaked.虎克的弹性定律 Hookes law of elasticity?如果我们在特定的点上钻孔If we drill holes in strategic locations,墙体的受压能力就遭到破坏we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.把手铐打开Take the cuffs off.一个菜鸟狱警A rookie CO.滚远点, 你个变态LlNCOLN: Get out of here, T-Bag.我们来点刺激的I think we c

7、an work something out.门都没有No deal.我的女儿在哪?TANCREDl: Wheres my daughter?别担心长官, 她很安全POPE: Not to worry, sir, Shes fine,那边的警卫刚刚联络过我们A guard there assures us 一切无恙that everything is fine.我们控制住局势了, 州长大人We have everything under control, Governor.最好真的是这样You better hope you do.他们想越狱Theyre breaking out.他们想越.Th

8、eyre breaking.嘘(SHUSHlNG)帮个忙We need a favor.某些大人物想要这样.Some heavy hitters want this done.Burrows死定了TURK: Burrows is as good as dead.- 你在找Scofield? - 对TURK: You looking for Scofield?-Yeah.来吧 -Come on.嘿, 大力水手快要抓住医生了Hey, yo, Strokers about to get the Doc.Sucre, 你回去继续干活Sucre, I need you to finish what we

9、 started.谁也别碰这个狱警No one touches the CO. 谁也别碰No one.POLlCEMAN: (ON LOUDSPEAKER) Attention all personnel,Attention all personnel,Secure the perimeter,on all areas,Attention, The area is on secure lockdown,州长还有打电话来吗?-Any word from the Governor? 没有, 长官-Not yet, boss.Bellick!Bellick!叫伙计们列队!get those guys

10、 in line.让他们站好阵型Get them into formation.- 我们现在进去? - 不-We going back in? -Not yet.水闸一小时前已经关掉We cut the water off about an hour ago.里面臭气轰天 他们很快会顶不住The stink alone should drive them out of there.你觉得那样有效?-You think thats gonna work? 不, 但那是标准程序-No, but its protocol.我们必须按标准程序做And were all gonna do this by

11、 the book.这是把他们赶出来的同时lts the best chance we have of everybody getting out of there能避免伤亡的最佳方案POPE: without getting hurt. 嘿!FlORELLO: Hey!我是监狱长This is the Warden,你们在干吗? Whats happening in there?嘿, 我们有几个要求We got some demands!告诉他们把空调打开Tell them we need the air back on.我们要空调!We need the AC.我们有人质: 那个狱警We

12、got a hostage. A guard.我们手上有个人质!We got a hostage,那个菜鸟! the new guard.查一下谁在里面Find out whos in there.他们抓了BobThey got Bob.那个女医生 告诉他我们抓了她And that girl doctor. Tell them we got her.你干吗不来喊?Why dont you do it?我不想挨枪子儿I dont want to get shot.我们还抓了那个女医生!And we got the girl doctor!医生?-The doctor? 只能是那个-Theres

13、only one.这他妈的怎么可能?How the hell did that happen? 他们怎么可能抓到她?How did they get their hands on her?我以为她很安全I thought she was safe. 她当时在医务室She was in Sick Bay.我们得把她救出来We got to get her out of there. 必须派人进去, 马上Somebody has got to go in there now.我们不能, 长官-We cant do it, sir. 为什么?-Why not?这不是标准程序lts not by th

14、e book.长官, 我们有点新消息Sir, Ive got some updates for you.救命!Help! 救命!Help!Scofield在这里?LlNCOLN: Scofields in here?你确定他在这儿?You sure hes in here?Turk?Turk? Turk?Turk!越狱 第七集你不能用那个You aint gonna use that.现在轮到你定规矩吗?You making up the rules now?这是我的房间Its my house. 你有问题?You got a problem?对啊我有问题Yeah, I got a probl

15、em. 我们都有问题We all do.没问题Im not a problem. 我向上帝发誓I swear to God.我不会说出去的Im not gonna say anything.我什么都没看见-I didnt see anything. 这就对了, 警官-Thats right, badge.你什么都没看见You didnt see nothing.慢着Wait.别走 Dont leave.抱歉Sorry.我很快回来 Ill be back.没事Dont worry. 我给你掩护Ill cover for you.少担心好吧, 警官?Dont worry, CO, all righ

16、t? 我不会伤害任何人Im not gonna hurt nobody.我们是一条船了Im part of the team now.帮他一把Help a brother out.把它挪过去 Drag that over.野猫出洞了.Thats the way.女士们先生们, 请回到原位Ladies and gentlemen,please return to your seats 把安全带扣紧and fasten your seatbelts.我们即将降落在华盛顿机场Were making our final approach into Washington, D.C.我们要集中到关键问题上

17、We need to focus on the real question.是谁要杀害SteadmanWho wanted Terrence Steadman dead?华盛顿打出的电话The call came from D.C. 这意味着什么?What does that tell you?你不能只想到政府You got to think past the government.也可能是其他任何人Anybody could be here. 呃, 比如生意上的对手A business partner, a rival.Steadman被害前,Before Steadman was kill

18、ed,Ecofield公司刚刚推出一款 电动引擎的原型机Ecofield introduced a prototype electric engine 根据资料演示at the techno conference.如果那东西成为主流$ barrels of oil would be obsolete 美元一桶石油将成为历史if that thing ever hit the mainstream.有可能是石油公司.Could be oil, oil companies.产油国, 炼油厂, 任何一个中间环节Suppliers, consumers, everything in between.或

19、者一个石油经济支撑的政府Or the government of an oil-based economy.比如美国Like the United States.可以收走你的汽水吗?-Can I take your soda? 噢当然-Sure.谢谢-Thank you.无论如何 降落后我们去见我的朋友At any rate, we land, we meet my guy.就算找不到那个报警的人And even if we dont find the person who tipped off the cops, 我们也能找到那个电话we find his phone.就有了申诉的机会The

20、 paper trail begins.STROKER: Only a matter of time, Doc. Only a matter of time.Help!州长来了Thats the Governor.无论如何, 什么也别说Whatever happens, dont say anything.州长, 感谢您的到来Governor, appreciate your coming. 我想您应该明白 自从通电话之后Now, you should know,since our conversation,出现了新的状况the situation has escalated.但请不用担心Bu

21、t not to worry.我们正在展开进一步行动 Were making good progress with our contacts.- 废话少说, 监狱长Just cut the crap, Warden,告诉我, 我女儿在哪and tell me where my daughter is.救命!Help!救命!Help!今天的嘉宾是. Tyler Robert Hudson.T-BAG: What have we got here? Tyler Robert Hudson.这比较有趣That is fancy, CO.看这地址: 橡树公园号.Look at that address

22、, Oak Park.什么样的?Whats this?小楼房Terrace.小楼房Terrace. 怎样搞到的, 警官?How do you swing that, CO?你看起来正像那种住.Sounds like youre about something,小楼房的living on a terrace.我真想有一套小楼房I cant wait to kick it on a terrace. 什么.What?这一定是你的女儿-This here must be your daughter. 放回去-Put it back.毕业舞会?Prom?你知道毕业舞会的裙子代表什么的, 对吧?You

23、know what they say about a prom dress, dont you?她那天晚上没回家, 对吧?She aint come home that night, did she?她一整晚都穿着那条裙子No, she wore that all night long.第二天早上她从汽车旅馆出来 得扔掉那条裙子Next morning,she had to throw that dress in the trash can behind the motel免得她母亲看到上面的.T-BAG: so her mama didnt see the. ABRUZZl: Hey, he

24、y, hey!你到底在干吗?What the hell are you doing?我只是在跟警官大人闲聊 谈谈女人什么的Im just kicking it with Deputy Dawg. You know, talking women.由于你明显是个低等动物Ill be very clear here我给你清楚明白的说一次because you and I face an evolutionary gap.你不要动他一根毫毛You aint gonna hurt this,man.我们现在是一条船了, 听懂没有?Were locked into this thing now. Unde

25、rstand?他是我们唯一的筹码And hes the only leverage we have.谢谢-Thank you. 别客气-Youre welcome.现在, 我们有共识了没?Now, do we have an understanding?我跟你是一伙了Im on your side now.明白吗? You understand me? 我晓得该怎么做Im just going with the flow.你可以跟他慢慢谈, 我们的“筹码”You let me know when youre done with your leverage.救我出去!Let me out!给那婊

26、子来点催泪弹!Lets smoke the bitch out!SARA: Help!What are you gonna do now, Doc?不会很疼的lt aint gonna hurt real bad 只要你顺从点if you make it easy.如果你想反抗的话.If you make it hard, though.把门打开!Open the door! 过来吧 把门打开Come here!I said, open the door! Open the door!把门打开!I said, open the door! Open the door!过来Come on. 抓住

27、我的手Grab my hand.Come on!STROKER: Come here. Open the door. Come here. Open this door. Come here.抓稳Ive got you.你没事吧?You all right? 别担心lts okay.我不会伤害你的 Im not gonna hurt you.看到这些水管?See these pipes? 沿着它们一直走Were gonna stay on them.水管会穿过那堵墙和走廊They go through the wall and over the hallway,带领我们逃出去and theyr

28、e gonna get us out of here.你只需要跟着我All you have to do is follow me.明白?-Okay? 明白-Yeah.好的Okay.出发Lets go.她在哪?Whered she go?我们去哪里见他?VERONlCA: Where are we meeting him? Georgetown的一个停车场Georgetown, in a parking garage.他是个私家侦探Hes a private investigator.刚进杜克大学时我们是室友He used to be my roommate, freshman year at

29、 Duke.电视新闻: 芝加哥一所监狱发生暴乱MALE REPORTER: The disturbance has escalated,噢天啊, Nick, 看Oh, my God, Nick, look.在这场集体暴动中At least two hostages have been confirmed证实至少有两名人质被困in what is now being called a full-scale riot以下是狐狸河监狱,here at the Fox River State Penitentiary,我们应该回去还是继续?Should we go back, or keep goin

30、g?继续吧We should keep going.你觉得回去那里旁观You want to go back and stand there with the rest of the people 会有任何作用吗?who arent helping?走吧Come on.电视新闻: 国民警卫队已经出发MALE REPORTER: The National Guard responded伊利诺斯州长Frank Tancredi 刚刚宣布进入紧急状态after Illinois Governor Frank Tancredideclared a state of emergency,走吧, 宝贝-C

31、ome on, honey,到时间了 its time to go.等一会儿 -Hold on.那不会是狐狸河吧?Thats not Fox River, is it?Corrections say tensions often run high at this facility,Fox River is a level-five institution你干什么?-What are you doing?我们必须出发了, 来吧 -We have to go. Come on.不, 老爸可能有麻烦No. Dad might be in trouble.听着, 你父亲本来就有麻烦Your fathe

32、rs already in trouble. 我们改变不了这个现实Theres nothing we can do about it.别让我难做, 好吗?Just dont make a scene, okay?你会让继父感到尴尬的He gets very uncomfortable with this thing. Just.来.我们走吧-Lets just go, okay? Please.噢, 老天看着呢 -Oh, God forbid, man!这事关我爸的生死性命Were just talking about my old man here, and his life.如果你不在乎的

33、话-If thats all right with you. 这事跟我没关系-Leave me out of this.这确实跟你没关系I am leaving you out of it.我从来没跟你有任何关系-I left you out of it the day I met you. -Okay.因为我和她的生活里Because nothing in her life or mine 没有任何事情跟你有关has anything to do with you.你最好别再说下去-Im gonna pretend I didnt hear that. 噢是吗?否则?-Oh, yeah? O

34、r what?这就是我一直在说的You see? This is what Im talking about. 我一直在忍受这种废话This is the kind of crap I have to deal with.让我来处理!-Just let me handle it! -这种废话?你一直在忍受?The kind of crap you have to deal with?LJ, 你想谈的话.-LJ, you want to talk to me, you talk. 噢!你还很有理了, 是吧?-Oh, you got no clue, do you?宝贝.-Honey.离我远点!

35、-Leave me alone!放开我!你他妈的想干吗?-Get off me! -What the hell are you doing?不许你这样对她说话-You dont talk to your mother like that. 住手!-Stop it!住手!-Take that, boy. -Stop.上楼去, LJ, 马上!Go upstairs, LJ, now!上去!Go!你喜欢这种男人?-You love that man? 上去-Just go.你喜欢这种男人-You love that man? 照我说的做-Do what I say.Turk, 为什么要这样做? 谁指

36、使你的?Turk,why are you doing this? -I was sent to.为什么?为什么?Why? Why?你为什么要杀我?Whyd you do this?什么理由?谁指使你的? Whats it all about? Who sent you?伙计, 你要帮帮我Man, you got to help me.你要帮帮我Youve got to.求你了 Please.说话!Talk!你在跟谁说话?-Whos your friend?我快要被你给吓死了-Scared the hell out of me.你在跟谁说话?-Who you talking to?这是新来的的主

37、意-Its the Fishs idea.魔鬼可以显示该在那些位置打孔The devil marks the wall so you know where to drill the holes.用打蛋器来钻孔?-Youre making holes with an eggbeater?我知道.很疯狂, huh?-I know. Crazy, huh?这叫虎克弹性定律Its called the Hooker law.一个厚重结实的东西It says that if you poke the exact right holes 如果你在正确的位置钻孔 它就会变弱in something big

38、and strong,it gets very weak.确实是Thats true.当墙身变弱, 我们就能推倒它When the wall is weak, we can take it down.至少计划是这样At least, thats the plan.是啊Yeah,只是计划而已thats always the plan.永远别低估一堵墙You should never underestimate a wall.你明白吗You see,有些时候无论你怎么努力sometimes no matter how hard you try,就是行不通it just wont give in.你

39、还好吧?-Are you all right?没事, 我很好-Im okay. Im fine.别让他们逃了Come look this way!Open up!慢着, 我想休息一会儿You know what? I need a minute. Im sorry.前面没多远了-Its not much further.只一会儿-Just a sec.好吧我们休息, 透透气You know, we can stop if you want. Catch your breath.对, 透透气Okay. Yeah, I could use a minute.过来,姑娘,过来。Come here,

40、girl. Come here.事情差不多该结束了Things should be winding down around now.很快电力就会恢复Pretty soon the powers that be will break in他们就会冲进来and itll all be over.只是时间问题lts just a matter of time.下面发生什么事了?Whats happening in A-Wing?他们集体暴动了All hells breaking loose.但我们呆在这上面应该还是安全的But I think if we stay up here, we shoul

41、d be okay.我不敢相信这是真的I cant believe this is happening.Yeah, come here. Thats real good, Doc.You know, Im fishing, girl.I know you want it, girl.你去过Baja吗?You ever been to Baja?墨西哥?-Mexico?没有-No.那是个好地方Theres this great place down there.美金住一晚$ a night,睡在吊床上hammock on the back deck.啤酒美分一杯Beers are cents.傍

42、晚还有半价 cents at happy hour.你去过泰国吗? 泰国也是好地方Ever been to Thailand? Thailand is great.Michael Michael,你如果是想让我冷静 你要说得再好点才行if youre trying to calm me down, youre doing a terrible job.至少我有尝试But I am trying.你们听到吗?You hear that?为什么你会在这里?-Why are you here?什么意思?-What do you mean?冒着生命危险 这么爬天花板过来Crawling around

43、in the ceiling, risking your life.我看到呃, 你在喊救命Crawling around in the ceiling, risking your life.我就来了You needed help and I came to find you.你怎么知道我在哪?How did you know where to go?A区失控之后狱警撤出了监控室When everything went off in A-Wing,我在监视器上看到你the COs left the station and I saw you on the monitor.我进来之后的第一份工作是

44、One of my first assignments on Pl,那时我们在这里清扫天花上的有毒霉菌we were up here cleaning out toxic mold.花了几天lt took days,所以我比较熟悉布局so Im kind of familiar with the layout.希望当时你有带口罩Hope you wore a mask.什么?-Excuse me?避免吸入-To prevent inhalation.霉菌可以是很危险的Mold can be really dangerous.对, 我戴了口罩Yeah, I wore a mask.上去, 这边Get up there, get up there.探访室的门, 你去

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