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1、B单元 完形填空名目B单元 完形填空1B1 记叙文1B2 夹叙夹议文30B3 谈论文53B4 说明文58B5 应用文58B1 记叙文【英语卷(解析)2021届湖北省黄冈中学高三上学期期中考试(202211)】其次节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Things have been kind of tough lately for Shannon Baker and her little family. They have each others parents a

2、nd young daughter and for that they are 31 . But she and her husband are both currently 32 . And their car is in great need of 33 . And then there is the matter of their second child, who is 34 soon. So things are a little tense for the Baker family these days.When Shannon and her daughter were walk

3、ing through a store 35 lot recently, Shannon picked up an envelop from the ground that 36 $4,000 in cash. There were a 37 of different interpretations that could be considered. Was this a kind of good 38 ? Could it be an attempt by the universe to balance everything? Could it be simply a gift from G

4、od? Shannon didnt know. The only thing she knew was that the cash in that envelope 39 to someone else. Oh, and one other thing she knew: Her young daughter was 40 . “My kid was standing right there 41 I found it, ” Shannon told WLS-TV in Chicago. “So basically I wanted to teach my daughter how to be

5、 42 . And for me that was enough.”Never mind the bills that were 43 , or the car that needed to be fixed, or the baby that would come soon. And forget that when she 44 the money over to the police she was told that there was actually nothing illegal if she 45 it.The police were able to return the mo

6、ney to the person who 46 it: an old woman. And one can imagine the 47 and relief she felt when the police handed the lost envelop back to her. “She came to my house and she was almost in tears, 48 me,” Shannon said. “She gave me a hug and an envelope with a small 49 in it. But the amount, large or s

7、mall, wasnt 50 . What was important was the opportunity to teach my daughter honesty.” 31. A. restrictedB. upsetC. sensitiveD. grateful 32. A. unemployedB. appreciatedC. disappointedD. removed33. A. repair B. protectionC. cashD. sale 34. A. sickB. desperate C. dueD. dull 35. A. gathering B. parking

8、C. cleaningD. begging36. A. involved B. contained C. chargedD. paid37. A. number B. deal C. handfulD. flood38. A. expenseB. prizeC. hopeD. luck 39. A. pointedB. reactedC. belongedD. responded40. A. urgingB. watching C. laughingD. affecting 41. A. beforeB. thoughC. becauseD. when 42. A. honestB. loya

9、lC. ripeD. humorous 43. A. piling upB. giving awayC. showing off D. passing by 44. A. watchedB. turnedC. gotD. collected45. A. keptB. madeC. checkedD. promoted 46. A. sentB. dislikedC. lostD. generated 47. A. respectB. repentanceC. tensionD. joy 48. A. comfortingB. congratulatingC. offendingD. thank

10、ing 49. A. amountB. presentC. envelopeD. option 50. A. sufficientB. ethicalC. important D. decent 【答案】【学问点】 B1 记叙文 【文章综述】本文谈的是一位夫妻双双失业的母亲,面对巨大的经济困难和生活压力,而能拾金不昧,并且借此机会训练女儿的故事。【答案解析】31.D,为自己所拥有的一切他们心怀感谢;32A,依据下文知道他们需要钱,日子紧,故推断她夫妇二人都失业了;33.C,车需要钱加油啊;34C,due 应到的;预期的。表示其次个孩子就要诞生了;35.B,parking lot 停车场;36.

11、B,信封里面有4000美元,contain 包含;容纳;37.A,a number of 很多,此处是很多不同的解释;38.D,good luck 好运;39.C,此处指的是信封里面的钱属于别人;40.B,自己的女儿正站在这儿看着,所以她想通过此件事训练一下女儿;41.D,结合上一题,我发觉信封的时候,孩子就在一边看着;42.A,教给孩子如何做一个诚恳的人;43.A,不用担忧债台高筑;bills 账单,pile up 积累44.B,turn sth over to sb 把上交给45.A,keep it,自己持有,不上交。46.C,返还失主,失去钱的人;47D,找到失去的钱当然是兴奋;48.D

12、,失主当然是来我家感谢我;49.A,小数额的钱,amount 数量;50.C,钱多少不重要,重要的是对女儿的训练;【英语卷(解析)2021届云南省玉溪一中高三上学期期中考试(202210)】第一节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the 41 we discuss in our classes is the 42 of quality e

13、mployees(雇员).“What has caused you to stay 43 enough to become a manager?” I asked. After a while a new manager took the 44 and said slowly, “It was a baseball glove.”Cynthia said she used to 45 a Circle K clerk job as an interim(临时的)one while she looked for something 46 . On her second day behind th

14、e counter, she received a (an) 47 from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He 48 a baseball glove for the little League. She 49 that as a single mother, money was 50 and her first check would have to go for paying 51 .When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Partircia, the store manager asked her

15、to come to her small office and handed her a box. “I overheard you 52 to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is 53 to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know you have to pay bills 54 you can buy gloves. You know we cant 55 good people like you as 56 as we w

16、ould like to; but we do 57 and I want you to know how 58 you are to us.”Cynthias story shows vividly that people 59 more how much a (n) 60 cares than how much he pays.41. A. topics B. problems C. difficulties D. lessons 42. A. employing B. praising C. keeping D. improving 43. A. soon B. long C. stro

17、ng D. calm 44. A. position B. decision C. question D. advice 45. A. take B. change C. lose D. consider 46. A. lighter B. easier C. better D. higher 47. A. letter B. callC. answer D. email 48. A. bought B. kept C. needed D. offered 49. A. complained B. explained C. understood D. admitted 50. A. short

18、 B. enough C. spare D. tight 51. A. food B. education C. clothes D. bills 52. A. talking B. crying C. arguing D. scolding 53. A. easy B. hard C. simple D. nice 54. A. after B. untilC. when D. before 55. A. value B. remain C. pay D. fire 56. A. much B. many C. pleasant D. possible 57. A. regret B. ag

19、ree C. worry D. care 58. A. excellent B. important C. thankful D. thoughtful 59. A. remember Brefuse Cthank Drealize 60. Amother Bclerk Cofficial Dmanager 【答案】【学问点】B1 记叙文【文章综述】本文以经理给 Cynthia 的儿子买棒球手套为切入点来谈论一个公司要留住好员工,就要关怀员工,关怀员工的生活,而不是给他们多少钱的问题。【答案解析】41.选A,在“我们”的管理培训课上所争辩的应当是 “话题,论题”,同学简洁错选B,由于汉语中常说

20、“争辩问题”,但英语中为“解决”problem,而非“争辩”problem。选A42.选C,此题须从全文的整体上去把握。通过阅读全文我们得知商店经理的所作所为的目的是“留下”高素养的雇员, 因此答案是keeping。同学错选A项employing 或其他选项都是对文章的主旨把握有误,或没有细读下文就匆忙选择了。选C43.选B,考查词组:stay long enough“待得时间足够长”选 B44.选C,此处是对“我”提出问题的回答,即过了一会后 Cynthia 就以自己的切身体会回答了这个问题。take the question 的字面意思为“接受了这个问题”,也就是“回答了这个问题”。选 C

21、45. 选A,考查词组take the job as“做工作”选A46. 选C,表示她想找更好的工作选C47. 选B,receive a call,“接到一个电话”,文章中提到“behind the counter”,说明她在上班;下文的情景又提到了她向儿子作解释和经理听到了此事,所以从情景和一般的常识上理解,她收到的不行能是letter 或email。选B48. 选C,考查动词:表示他需要一个棒球手套。选C49. 选B,母亲在解释为什么不能买棒球手套的缘由。complain,“埋怨”;understand,“明白”;admit,“承认”。A、C、D意思都不符合文意。下文的“explain t

22、hings to kids”也作了提示。选B50. 选D,考查形容词:作为单亲母亲,钱是“紧急的”。有些同学选A项,是由于知道short有“紧缺”的意思,但是不清楚short的搭配应当是Sb. is short of money.选 D51. 选D,考查词组:pay bills“付账”D52. 选A,上文提到与儿子通电话,经理无意中听到母子之间的“谈话”(talking),有同学错选crying, arguing或scolding是由于加入了自己的主观臆断,文章中根本没有任何这方面的明示或示意。选A53. 选B,这是她苦口婆心地向儿子解释家中的困难,同时由 Cynthia 向儿子说的这些话知道

23、儿子当时格外想要手套,由此可推断此处用 hard 为好,即“向儿子解释这些很困难”。选 B54. 选D,考查连词:表示在买手套前要付账单。选D55. 选C,考查动词辨析:value,“评价”;remain,“保持”;pay,“给酬劳”;fire,“开除”。依据文章最终一词提示可知答案为C。56. 选A,考查词组:as much as“尽可能多(的钱),句意是:你知道像你这样的好人,我们不能想给你多少就给多少”。选A57. 选D,表示:我们的确很关怀(在乎),选D58. 选B,从上下文知,钱不是最重要的,而关怀、怜悯和爱心才是最重要的。此处经理的意思是想让她明白“好员工对他们来说是多么的重要”,

24、这才符合规律。选B59. 选A,对店员的爱护、爱、怜悯会让人“牢记”,经理的关怀赛过工资。同学易错选C项thank,是由于受中文表达的影响,而且对thank一词的搭配也不清楚,应为thank sb. for sth.。选A60. 选D,全文谈论如何做好一个经理,Partircia 所做的一切说明商店的经理应当做什么。其他选项均与此文的主旨不符。选D考点; 考查故事类短文阅读点评:做完形填空要擅长抓住文章的主旨大意,不受思维定势的影响,对文章分析透彻。所以做完形填空时,对语篇情景考虑要周全。还要结合上下文,把握文意,研读细节,精确生疏语境,才能做好此类题目。不要从单纯的词汇辨析或语法分析角度去做

25、题,要以能否表达文意作为选择答案的标准。【英语卷解析2021届河北省衡水中学高三上学期期中考试(202211)word版】第一节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Once many years ago, I pulled a family out of a burning car somewhere in Wyoming. Last week I _41_ a telephone call from a woman who could not stop _42_

26、 as she told me that one of my stories had saved her son from committing suicide. In closing she called me a _43_. That _44_ me thinking about what a hero is. Was I a hero _45_ I pulled a family from a burning car? If so, how could I be a hero just because I _46_ a story that saved someones life? To

27、day I decided to look up the word hero in the dictionary to see _47_ what it meant. It _48_ a person who does. something brave. As I read on, it also said a person who is good and noble . That statement _49_ me more than the part about being _50_. So I thought about something very important. Say I w

28、as walking into the local Wal-Mart Store and I _51_ to open, and hold the door for someone as a courtesy. As they passed me by, I say, How are you today? Most of the time that would be no big deal, _52_this time lets say it was for someone who was deeply _53_ and near the end of the rope. That may h

29、ave very well been the only kindness or courtesy shown to them in a very long time. Having been near the end of my rope, after my marriage of twenty years ended, I was in such a condition. I was within hours trying to get enough _54_ to end the pain and misery. When I returned home, someone had _55_

30、 me a card in the mail which told me how _56_ they would appreciate me as a friend. That wonderful card probably saved my life. That person, without even knowing it, saved a life and became a heroSimilarly many children come out of the orphanages_57_ a very hard and bitterattitude against the world,

31、 but the gifts we send them let them know that they have not beenforgotten. _58_ , most of them will never hurt anyone because of the _59_ shown to them by those of us who cared. If it _60_ , we will also become “heroes”.41.A.made B. received C. gave D. accepted42. A. crying B. laughing C. thinking

32、D. talking43. A. writer B. player C. gentleman D. hero44. A. helped B. let C. got D. made45. A. while B. if C. though D. because46. A. said B. wrote C. made D. recalled47. A. exactly B. easily C. directly D. obviously 48. A. wrote B. told C. read D. described 49. A. helped B. gave C. touched D. impr

33、essed 50. A. brave B. good C. kind D. noble51. A. happened B. wanted C. intended D. meant52. A. though B. since C. because D. but53. A. depressed B. excited C. moved D. frightened 54. A. money B. energy C. ability D. courage 55. A. sent B. carried C. brought D. took56. A. deeply B. completely C. wel

34、l D. much57. A. without B. for C. with D. within 58. A. Hopefully B. However C. Besides D. Unfortunately 59. A. luck B. respect C. confidence D. kindness60. A. matters B. works C. acts D. does【答案】【学问点】B1 记叙文【文章综述】文章介绍作者由于从起火的汽车里面救了一家的命,他的故事救了一个妇女的儿子的命,所以这个妇女称作者为英雄。从而引起作者的疑问“什么是真正的英雄?” 【答案解析】41.B考查动词

35、辨析A.made使;B. received收到;C. gave给;D. accepted接受;句意:上周我接了个电话,是一个不断哭泣的女性打过来的,她告知我,我的故事救了她想自然的儿子。依据语境可知选B项。42. A考查动词辨析A. crying哭泣;B. laughing笑;C. thinking 思考;D. talking笑;句意:上周我接了个电话,是一个不断哭泣的女性打过来的,她告知我,我的故事救了她想自然的儿子,依据one of my stories had saved her son from committing suicide可知选A项。43.D考查名词辨析 A. writer

36、作家;B. player队员;C. gentleman 绅士;D. hero英雄;句意:最终,她叫我英雄。依据That _44_ me thinking about what a hero is.可知选D项。44. C考查动词辨析A. helped挂念;B. let让;C. got 得到;D. made使;句意:这让我思考英雄是什么。Get sb doing 让某人始终做某事,故选C项。45.D考查连词辨析 A. while即使;B. if假如;C. though虽然;D. because由于;句意:由于我把一家人从着火的洗车里面拖出来,我就是英雄了吗。依据句意两个句子之前是因果关系,故选D项

37、。46. B考查动词辨析A. said说;B. wrote 写;C. made 制作;D. recalled召回;句意:假如是这样的各方面,由于我写一个故事而救了一个人的生命,我如何成为英雄的呢。依据语境可知选B项。47. A考查副词辨析A. exactly精确地;B. easily简洁地;C. directly 直接地;D. obviously 明显地;句意:今日我打算在字典里面查一下英雄精确是什么意思。依据语境可知选A项。48. C考查动词辨析A. wrote 写;B. told告知;C. read 读;D. described 描述;句意:它写到,一个做一些英勇事情的人。依据句意选C项。

38、49. D考查动词辨析A. helped挂念;B. gave给;C. touched接触;D. impressed给。留下印象;句意:这个解释给我留下很深的印象,英勇。Impress sb 给某人留下印象,故选D项。 50. A考查形容词辨析A. brave英勇的;B. good好的;C. kind 和善的;D. noble贵族的;句意:这个解释给我留下很深的印象,英勇。依据上文提到It _48_ a person who does. something brave可知选A项。51.A 考查动词辨析A. happened发生;B. wanted想;C. intended目的是;D. meant

39、意味着;句意:当我直到沃尔玛时,我碰巧开门,出于礼貌,为后面的人开着门,happen to do 碰巧做某事,故选A项。52. D考查连词辨析A. though虽然;B. since自从;C. because由于;D. but但是;句意:大多数的时间,这也没有什么了不起的,但这次对于一个懊丧的,处于崩溃边缘的人来说,是很有意义的。依据Most of the time that would be no big deal可知选D项。53. A考查形容词辨析A. depressed懊丧的;B. excited兴奋的;C. moved感动的;D. frightened 可怕的;句意:大多数的时间,这也

40、没有什么了不起的,但这次对于一个懊丧的,处于崩溃边缘的人来说,是很有意义的。依据That may have very well been the only kindness or courtesy shown to them in a very long time.可知选A项。54.D 考查名词辨析A. money钱;B. energy 精力;C. ability力量;D. courage士气;句意:我在数小时之内试着得到足够的士气来结束这种苦痛。依据语境可知选D项。55. A考查动词辨析A. sent送;B. carried 携带;C. brought带来;D. took带走;句意:当我返回

41、家时,有人送我一个邮寄的卡片,上面写着作为一个伴侣如何的感谢我。Send sb sth 送给某人某物在,故选A项。56. D考查副词辨析A. deeply深深地;B. completely彻底地;C. well好地;D. much很多;句意:句意:当我返回家时,有人送我一个邮寄的卡片,上面写着作为一个伴侣如何的感谢我。这个宾语从句,依据语境可知选D项。57. C考查介词辨析A. without没有;B. for为;C. with 和;D. within在。之内;句意:类似地,很多孩子从孤儿院里出来,对于世界怀着一种苦涩的态度。With 表示伴随,故选C项。58.A考查副词辨析 A. Hopef

42、ully有期望地;B. However然而;C. Besides况且;D. Unfortunately 不幸地;句意:布满期望地,由于别人对于他们的好心,他们没有做得到任何人。依据句意选A项。59. D考查名词辨析A. luck运气;B. respect 敬重;C. confidence 自信;D. kindness好心;句意:布满期望地,由于别人对于他们的好心,他们没有做得到任何人。依据but the gifts we send them let them know that they have not been forgotten.可知选D项。60. B考查动词辨析A. matters重要

43、;B. works工作,起作用;C. acts扮演;D. does做;假如他起作用的话,我们也可以成为英雄,依据句意选B项。【英语卷解析2021届吉林省试验中学高三上学期第三次质量检测(202211)】第三部分 英语学问运用 (共两节, 满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Elaine was a saleswoman,who drove all over the city five days a week. When all the free

44、way lanes were at a dead stop,she would drive quickly along the emergency lane. While driving she usually_41_on her cellphone,drinking a soda or eating a sandwichher hands, legs and mouth were always_42_while she was driving.Last night she got_43_in Friday evening rush hour. She was going to be _44_

45、for her date. She was already_45_when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped. Elaine drove_46_over to the emergency lane. Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror. She had to_47_her car. A goodlooking officer walked up.“Officer,my boyfriend left me after he got me pregnant. I have constant morning sickness. Im just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my_48_.” She looked at the officer with_49_eyes.He looked at her pitifully,then said_50_,“Okay,maam. Take the first exit. I hope youll be feeling better.”The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove

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