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1、周三早读晚练晚练语法第3练形容词、副词和介词及介词短语时间:12分钟 分值:20分1(2021广西二模) I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. Thats where I disagree. Yu should have _ life.A. the most active B. a more activeC. the more active D. a best active答案与解析B句意:周日我宁愿把自己关在家里听音乐。那正是我不同意之处,你应当过更乐观的生活。考查比较级的用法。虽然句中并

2、未毁灭标志词than,但作者奇异地将两个句子进行比较。句中含比较级:应当过一种更乐观的生活。2(2021银川一中三模) Must I turn off the gas after cooking? Of course. You can never be _ careful with that.A. enough B. tooC. so D. very答案与解析B答句句意:当然,你再当心也不为过。cant或can never与too连用表“再也不为过”。本句还可改为You can never be careful enough.。3(2021安徽淮北一中月考) When could you go

3、 to the movie with me? Id like to go whenever it is _ to you.A. free B. niceC. convenient D. accessible答案与解析C句意:你什么时候能跟我一起去看电影?任何你便利的时候都可以。convenient“便利的”, it is convenient to sb.“对某人来说是便利的。”free“自由的”; nice“好的;和善的”; accessible“易得到的”。4(2021浙江省六校联考)Im not sure what time Ill arrive, maybe half past sev

4、en. _, Ill be there as early as possible.A. Anyhow B. HoweverC. Thus D. Therefore答案与解析A句意:我不确定我什么时间到达,可能7点半。不管怎样我会尽早到的。anyhow“不管怎样;无论如何”。however“然而”; thus“这样”; therefore“因此”。5(2021北京石景山区)My new computer has _ the old one.A. twice as much memory asB. as twice much memory asC. twice memory as much asD

5、. as much twice memory as答案与解析A句意:我的新电脑的存储量是那部旧电脑的两倍。表示倍数的词twice修饰原级比较结构时置于第一个as之前; memory是中心词,much修饰memory,故much memory置于as . as之间。故选A。6(2021赣州一模)They weighed the advantages of the operation _ all the possible risks involved over and over again.A. within B. exceptC. behind D. against答案与解析D句意:他们一次次地

6、权衡了这次手术的好处及全部可能毁灭的危急。weigh sth. against sth.“把和放在一起权衡”。7 (2021菏泽二模)She looks very young _ her age, with the new dress _ her.A. for; on B. at; inC. by; on D. to; in答案与解析A句意:穿上新的裙子,她看起来比实际年龄年轻。第一空填for,意为“对于”;其次空on表示“穿(戴)上”。8(2021安徽大江中学、开城中学联考)_ the heavy snow, the cleaning workers are still working.A.

7、 Despite B. Due toC. In case of D. Although答案与解析A句意:尽管下大雪,但是清洁工人照旧在工作。despite“尽管”,符合句意。due to“由于”; in case of“以防;万一”; although“尽管”,是连词,后接句子。9(2021秦皇岛一中月考)The meeting was concerned _ education reforms and many parents, concerned _ the future of their children, were present.A. with; about B. with; wit

8、hC. for; about D. about; with答案与解析A句意:这次会议有关训练改革,很多关怀孩子将来的家长都出席了。be concerned with“与有关”, be concerned about/for“关怀”,都是固定搭配。10(2021甘肃天水一中其次次考试)A lot of people were standing at the door of the classroom and the little girl couldnt get _.A. between B. through C. across D. beyond答案与解析B句意:很多人站在教室门口,这个小女孩

9、无法过去。get through“通过;穿过”,符合句意。between“在和之间”; across“(从的表面)通过”; beyond“超过”。11(2021江西七校联考)_, the driver looked at the vast desert without knowing if he could get across it safely.A. Tiredly and sadly B. Tired and sadC. Tired and sadly D. Tiredly and sad答案与解析B句意:又累又难过,这个司机看着宽敞的沙漠,不知道自己能否平安越过它。此处主语为the d

10、river,此处用形容词作伴随状语来描述主语的状态。12(2021杭州七校联考)My grandfather is as _ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.A. enthusiastic B. energeticC. talkative D. sensitive答案与解析B句意:我爷爷和年轻人一样精力充分,他厌烦成天坐在那里无所事事。依据后半句“hates sitting around doing nothing all day”可知energetic“精力充分的”符合句意。enthusiastic“

11、热忱的”; talkative“健谈的”; sensitive“敏感的”。13(2021吉林一模)The _ house looks as if it hasnt been lived in for years.A. little white wooden B. little wooden whiteC. white wooden little D. wooden white little答案与解析A选项中little表示尺寸大小,white表示颜色,wooden表示材料,此处应为“这座小的白色的木制的房子”。14(2021九江一模)Many students tried their best

12、 not to make careless mistakes in the examination but some of them _ found they failed.A. eventually B. completelyC. exactly D. effectively答案与解析A句意:很多同学在考试中尽力不犯马虎的错误,但是有些人最终发觉自己没有做到。eventually“最终;最终”; completely“完全地”; exactly“精确地”; effectively“有效地”。A项符合句意。15(2021山西诊断)Chengdu has focused on improving

13、 the surrounding countryside, _ encouraging largescale city expansion.A. due to B. rather thanC. except for D. other than答案与解析B句意:成都已经集中改善周边的乡村,而不是鼓舞大规模的城市扩张。依据句意可知应选rather than“而不是”。due to“由于;由于”; except for“除了以外”; other than“除了”。16(2021济南一模)You should study the details of the policy _ before you s

14、ign it.A. in return B. in advanceC. at ease D. on purpose答案与解析B句意:在你签字之前你应当提前争辩一下政策的细则。in return“反过来;作为回报”; in advance“提前;预先”; at ease“拘束的”; on purpose“有意的”,依据句意选B项。17(2021安徽安庆二模)I dont want anyone _ me, telling me what to do and what not to do.A. of B. overC. above D. across答案与解析B句意:我不宠爱任何人在我之上,告知我

15、该做什么,不该做什么。over表示能把握,有权威;above指地位、重要性高于。18(2021银川一中第四次质检) Are you pleased with what he has done? Not a bit. It couldnt be _.A. so bad B. much betterC. any worse D. best答案与解析C答语中的“Not a bit.”“一点儿也不”,由此可知,其次个说话人认为他做的事情糟糕透顶,此处是否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义。19(2021长春第一次调研)Sunlight is _ necessary _ fresh air to a hea

16、lthy body.A. less; than B. no less; thanC. no more; than D. more; than答案与解析B句意:对于一个健康的身体来说,阳光和新颖空气一样必需。no less形容词的原形than表示“和一样”,符合句意。20(2021山东潍坊高三联合考试)The Wetland Park is _ attractive in spring and autumn, for the weather is pleasant in both seasons.A. mostly B. hardlyC. equally D. merely答案与解析C句意:湿地

17、公园在春季和秋季同样吸引人,由于这两个季节的天气都宜人。依据句意可知应选equally“同样地”。mostly“大多数”; hardly “几乎不”; merely“仅仅;只不过”,均与句意不符。早读背诵热点写作话题(二)网络世界A话题单词1scientific adj. 科学的2technology n. 技术;工艺3convenience n便利4conclude vi.推断出;结束5increasingly adv.渐增地6popular adj.流行的;受欢迎的7enthusiastic adj.热忱的8download vt.下载9crazy adj. 疯狂的;沉迷的10. adva

18、ntage n优点11. challenge n挑战12. mouse n. 老鼠;鼠标13. mentally adv. 精神上14netizen n. 网民15physically adv. 身体上16positive adj. 乐观的;确定的17link vt.&n. 连接;联系18surf v. 冲浪特殊关注 1.advantage(3年2考)have/win/gain an advantage over 赛过;优于take advantage of 利用;利用(人或人的弱点)to ones advantage 对某人有利disadvantage n(反义词)不利条件;劣势The ab

19、ility to be“connected”and“on”has many advantages, as well as disadvantages.保持联系的力气既有很多优点也有缺点。Men usually have an advantage over women when hunting for jobs.找工作时,男性通常比女性有优势。Each of these systems has its advantages and disadvantages.这些系统各有优缺点。2conclude(1)draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion 得出结论m

20、ake a conclusion 下结论bring . to a conclusion 使结束in conclusion 最终;作为结论地;总之(2)conclude v. 得出结论;断定;推断出;结束to conclude 最终I have come to a conclusion that it would be unwise to accept the proposal.我得出的结论是接受这个建议是不明智的。In conclusion, I wish all of you good health and a long life.最终,我祝大家健康长寿。B话题短语1with the dev

21、elopment of 随着的进展2.draw a conclusion 得出结论3be to_blame 应当受责怪 4.in addition 也;另外;此外5shop on the Internet 网购 6.lead to 导致;通向7send messages 发信息 8.apart from 除之外;此外9contribute to为作贡献或捐款;有助于 10.have an effect on 影响11be enthusiastic about 对热忱 12.be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格13physical products 实物 14.broaden o

22、ur knowledge 开阔视野15be absorbed in 专注于 16.online shop 网店17information products 信息产品 18.with the help of 在挂念下19be available 可以利用的 20.become addicted to 对上瘾C话题佳句1With the help of computer and Internet, people can search for needed information just by clicking the mouse.在电脑和网络的挂念下,只要点击一下鼠标就可以得到你想要的信息。2I

23、t is science and technology that make our life more convenient.是科学技术使我们的生活更加便利。3I had intended to go home on National Day, but my teacher said that I had better stay at school to conduct the program.我本打算国庆节回家,但老师说我最好留在学校做这个项目。4This kind of machine is programmed and controlled by a computer. Once you press the button it will start washing dishes for you.这种机器是由电脑把握的,只要你按下按钮,它就可以帮你清洗碗碟了。5When a new product comes into being, it must be tested out before it is put into use.当有新产品问世时,在投入使用之前确定要进行检验。

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