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1、定时训练(2).专题特训(三大从句)1After visiting Harbin, most of the foreign friends said they would never forget the time _ they had spent.Athat Bwhat Cwhen Dat which解析考查定语从句。句意:在访问过哈尔滨之后,大多数外国友人都说,他们永久不会遗忘在那里度过的那段时间。句式分析可知,先行词为the time,从句中缺少宾语成分(作spend的宾语),故应用which或that来引导定语从句。故答案选A。答案A2How are things going, Jan

2、et?They have set out to deal with the present situation _ they think deserves their immediate attention.Awhich Bwhere Cwhen Dwhat解析考查定语从句。句意:Janet,目前事情进展如何?他们已开头着手处理这种值得马上关注的现状。分析句式可知:they think是插入语,先行词是(the present) situation,又因定语从句中缺少主语成分,故应用which来引导定语从句。留意本题不要受定势思维干扰而误选B项,situation是先行词,在从句中作状语时,才

3、用where引导定语从句。故答案选A。答案A3More public kindergartens _ preschool kids can spend their fun?filled childhood will be built this year.Ato which Bwith whomCin which Dfrom where解析考查定语从句。句意:今日将建立更多的公立幼儿园,学前儿童将在那度过布满乐趣的童年。依据固定搭配,spend time in some place/in doing/on sth.,由此可知,此处选用介词in,in whichwhere引导定语从句,在从句中作地

4、点状语,修饰先行词more public kindergartens。故答案C符合语境。答案C4Where did you have the discussion with Professor Snow?It was in the classroom _ we had a biology lesson yesterday.Awhich Bwhen Cthat Dwhere解析考查定语从句。句意:你在哪里和Snow教授谈话的?就在我们昨天上生物课的那间教室里谈的。where引导定语从句,在从句中作地点状语,修饰先行词the classroom。故D项正确。本题易错选C项,考生误认为是强调句型。本

5、句变成强调句型,应当是:It was in the classroom where we had a biology lesson yesterday that I had the discussion with Professor Snow.答案D5The college student lost his life trying to save the drowning child,_ he will always be remembered.Ain which Babout whichCby which Dfor which解析考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子结构可知,逗号后为定语从句,先行

6、词为逗号前整句话内容,语境表示“因他所做的一切,他将永久被牢记”。在选项中,介词for可表示缘由,符合题意,因此,空格处应用for which来引导定语从句。故答案选D。答案D6Soon children in the camp had many new friends,_ they shared food, stories, and projects.Afor which Bwith whomCof which Dto whom解析考查定语从句。句意:夏令营里的孩子们很快就有了很多新伴侣,他们一起共享食物、故事和专题争辩。share sth with sb意为“和某人共享某物”。故B项正确。

7、答案B7_ is shown in the report, teenager problems are often connected with family life education.AWhich BAs CIt DWhat解析考查定语从句。句意:正如报告所显示的那样,青少年问题常与家庭训练亲密相关。关系代词as引导非限制性定语从句,可位于句首,代指后面整个句子,作从句的主语。故B项正确。答案B8The course about Chinese food attracts over 100 students per year,_ up to half are from overseas.

8、Ain which Bfor whomCwith which Dof whom解析考查非限制性定语从句。句意:这门关于中国饮食的课程每年都吸引100多个同学,其中一半是留同学。of表示“的一部分”,关系代词whom指代100 students,在从句中作介词of的宾语。答案D9Many people tend to buy things from big store,_ they believe the qualities are good.Aat which Bof which Cwhich Dwhere解析考查定语从句。句意:很多人期望从大商场买东西,他们认为那里的东西质量好。The qu

9、alities of things from big stores are good,所以选of which。答案B10She brought with her three friends, none of _ I had ever met before.Athem Bwho Cwhom Dthese解析考查定语从句。依据逗号后没消灭表示并列句的连词可知此句是非限制性定语从句,排解选项A和D;介词后接whom而不是who,故C项正确。答案C11How do you think I can make up with Tom?Put aside _ you disagree and try to

10、find _ you have in common.Awhat;what Bwhere;whatCwhat;whether Dwhere;whether解析考查宾语从句引导词。句意:你认为我怎么才能和汤姆和解呢?搁置争议,求同存异。分析句子结构并结合句意可知,第一空处所填词引导宾语从句,并且在宾语从句中作地点状语,说明不一样的地方,因此,应用where;其次空处所填词引导宾语从句并且在宾语从句中作have的宾语,因此,应用what。故答案选B。答案B12You must notice _ the emergency exit is when you enter the building.Awh

11、ich Bwhere Cwhat Din which解析考查宾语从句。句意:当你进入大楼时,必需要留意紧急出口在哪儿。此处是where引导的宾语从句。故B项正确。答案B13After a days exhausting climb we arrived at _ we had been told was Garden in the Air.Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhere解析考查名词性从句。句意:经过一天筋疲力尽的攀爬,我们最终到了那个被称为“空中花园”的地方。分析句子结构可知,at为介词,后面是一个宾语从句,we had been told为插入语,宾语从句中缺主语,故用w

12、hat。故答案选A。答案A14I couldnt imagine _ difficult it was for these badly injured victims to make it to the hospital.Awhen Bhow Cwhat Dwhere解析考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,动词imagine的宾语从句中,中心词是形容词difficult,所以用连接词how引导。答案B15Life is ten percent _ happens to you and ninety percent _ you respond to it.Awhich;how Bwhat;what

13、Cthat;that Dwhat;how解析考查名词性从句。句意:生活的百分之十是大事本身,另有百分之九十在于你如何回应它。分析句子结构可知,第一空引导表语从句,happens to you缺少主语,因此应用what来引导,相当于the thing that;其次空也引导表语从句,you respond to it成分齐全,因此应用how作方式状语。故D项正确。答案D.完形填空Section AWhen I was 17,I read a quote that went something like:“If you live each day as if it were your last,s

14、ome day youll most certainly be right.”It made an _1_ on me,and since then,for the past 33 years,I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself,“If today were the last day of my life,would I want to do what I am about to do today?”And whenever the answer has been “No”for too many days in

15、 a row,I know I need to _2_ something.Remembering that Ill be _3_ soon is the most important thing Ive ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life,because almost everythingall external expectations,all _4_ of embarrassment or failurethese things just fall away in the face of death,leavi

16、ng only what is _5_ important.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to _6_You are already naked.There is no reason not to _7_ your heart.Your time is limited,so dont _8_ it living someone elses life.Dont be _9_ by dogma(教条),whic

17、h is living with the results of other peoples thinking.Dont let the noise of others opinions _10_ your own inner voice,and most importantly,have the _11_ to follow your heart and intuition(直觉)They somehow already know what you truly want to become.Everything _12_ is secondary.1A.expectation Bimpress

18、ion Cimagination Dexamination解析make/leave an impression on sb意为“给某人留下印象”。答案B2A.accept Bhide Cchange Davoid解析每当连续多日都是否定回答时,我知道我该做些转变了。答案C3A.famous Bdead Cold Dforgotten解析句意:想一想自己的生命很快就要终结了是我遇到的最能挂念我做出人生重大选择的方法。故选B项。答案B4A.understanding Bcertainty Cfear Dknowledge解析句意:全部外界期望、对尴尬和受挫的可怕在面对死亡时都灰飞烟灭了,只剩下真正

19、重要的东西。故C项正确。答案C5A.mostly Bhardly Cnearly Dtruly解析见上题解析。mostly“大半地,主要地”,hardly“几乎不”,nearly“差不多”都不合语境。答案D6A.take Blose Cgive Dwin解析句意:记着你自己将要死去,我认为是避开患得患失的最好方法。答案B7A.break Bcatch Cwarm Dfollow解析你已经一无全部了,全部没理由不追赶自己的幻想。follow“听从,依据(某事物)去做”。答案D8A.waste Bimagine Cspend Drisk解析句意:你的时间是有限的,所以不要把时间铺张在对别人亦步亦趋

20、上面。imagine“想象”;spend“花费”;risk“冒险”。答案A9A.confused Btrapped Cdiscouraged Dhurt解析句意:不要陷在教条中,也就是依据别人的思维结果去生活。答案B10A.bring out Bdrown out Cbreak out Dwork out解析句意:不要让别人意见的杂音将你自己的内心的声音沉没。drown sth out“将沉没”。答案B11A.wisdom Bidea Cdesire Dcourage解析句意:要追随自己的心(幻想)和直觉的士气。前面说过别人的意见会影响坚持自己的内心愿愿。答案D12A.other Belse

21、Canother Deither解析句意:全部其他东西都是其次位的,即坚持自己的幻想是最重要的。答案BSection BMany women do not like strength training because _1_ fear that lifting weights will make them look manly and make their muscles large.This couldnt be further than the truth.Women physically cannot build up _2_ much muscle as men can._3_ myt

22、h that keeps women from strength training properly is _4_,if women do lift weights,they should be light weights and they shouldnt train very _5_This is also untrue.Finally,many women believe that,if they start strength training,see some results,_6_ then stop,the muscle they have built up will turn t

23、o fat.That is physically impossible.Of course,if you stop a weight training routine,you will probably see _7_ drop in muscle quality.This is only natural._8_ you dont use the muscles,you lose them,but they are not turning into fat.1解析考查人称代词。依据后面的them和their可知答案。答案they2解析考查介词。依据后面的as可知答案。答案as3解析考查限定词。

24、依据这之前说的第一点和下文中的Finally的第三点可知答案。答案Another4解析考查从属连词。引导表语从句。答案that5解析考查副词。依据上文中的light的对比可知。答案hard6解析考查并列连词。3个连续发生的动作,使用并列谓语。答案and7解析考查冠词。表示“数量的削减”时,drop是可数名词。答案a8解析考查从属连词。引导条件状语从句。答案If.阅读理解 体裁:说明文话题:生活用品故事时间:6分钟What defines American clothing or fashion? Can you think of a piece of clothing that is inse

25、parably linked to American culture? Your answer would be blue jeans.Levi Strauss did not invent jeans,but he is considered the first person to make and sell great numbers of them.He was born in Bavaria,an area that today is part of Germany.In 1847 he and his family immigrated to the United States.Le

26、vi Strauss opened a small dry goods store,first in New York,then in San Francisco,California.Among the products he sold were jeans.These pants were especially useful for miners in California.They needed clothing made from a strong material.Jeans are usually made from a heavy cotton cloth called deni

27、m.Levi Strauss partnered with a clothing maker named Jacob Davis.Davis had invented a process for making rivets for jeans.These little metal connectors helped hold the pieces of cloth together to make the jeans stronger.In 1873,the government gave Strauss and Davis a patent for their invention.That

28、meant no one else could legally copy it without their permission.In 1928,the Levi Strauss company registered the word “Levis” as a trademark for their product.The Smithsonians National Museum of American History in Washington has one of the oldest known pairs of Levis.Writer James Sullivan published

29、 a book called Jeans: A Cultural History of an American Icon.In it,he says jeans represent two American values: creativity and rebellion.Cowboys wore jeans in the old Wild West.In the 1950s,people saw famous Hollywood actors like James Dean and Marlon Brando wearing jeans in movies.Today jeans still

30、 come in blue but also lots of other colors.They can also differ widely in price.You might find jeans for 15 dollars in an American discount store.However,they can also sell for thousands of dollars a pair.Some people like to buy jeans that look fresh and new.Others like to buy new jeans that are to

31、rn and look old.What kind of jeans do you like? Let us know.Send an email to learningenglish .【语篇导读】本文介绍牛仔裤的进展历史,以及其演化的过程和受人们欢迎的缘由。1Where did Levi Strauss start to sell jeans?AGermany.BNew York.CSan Francisco.DThe Smithsonians National Museum.解析细节理解题。依据第三段中的“Levi Strauss opened a small dry goods sto

32、re,first in New York,then in San Francisco,California.Among the products he sold were jeans.”可知Levi Strauss开头卖牛仔裤是在纽约。 答案B2Why did miners love to wear jeans?ABecause jeans were durable.BBecause jeans were very beautiful.CBecause miners didnt like other pants.DBecause jeans were very popular.解析推理推断题。

33、依据第三段中的“These pants were especially useful for miners in California.They needed clothing made from a strong material.Jeans are usually made from a heavy cotton cloth called denim.”可知矿工宠爱牛仔裤的缘由是它们耐穿。答案A3If you are watching a Hollywood film,you might notice that _ has jeans on in it.AJames Sullivan BL

34、evi StraussCJacob Davis DMarlon Brando解析细节理解题。依据倒数第三段可知D项中的Marlon Brando的是好莱坞的电影演员,所以选D。其他三人:James Sullivan是Jeans: A Cultural History of an American Icon.的作者;Levi Strauss和Jacob Davis是牛仔裤的制造商。答案D4When did the Levi Strauss company first produce Levis jeans?AIn the late 1920s. BIn the late 1840s.CIn th

35、e early 1870s. DIn the 1950s.解析细节理解题。依据第五段中的“In 1928,the Levi Strauss company registered the word ”Levis “as a trademark for their product.”可知从二十世纪二十年月末Levi Strauss的公司开头生产Levis牌子的牛仔裤。答案A5What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?AThe colours about jeans.BThe prices about jeans.CThe style about jeans.DThe now situations about jeans.解析推理推断题。文章最终一段中主要谈到了现在牛仔裤有不同的颜色;不同的价格;不同的人宠爱不同款式的牛仔裤。由此可以推断本段主要争辩的是关于牛仔裤的现状。故选D。答案D

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