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1、周三早读晚练晚练语法第31练特殊句式与情景交际时间:12分钟 分值:20分1(2021云南二次统测)How many countries _ the European Union made up of, do you know?A. is B. areC. have D. has答案与解析A分析句子结构可知,专出名词the European Union是句子的主语,谓语动词应用单数形式。由此结合固定短语be made up of可排解C、D两项,空格处应用is。故答案选A。2(2021海口调研)David said that it was because of his strong inter

2、est in literature _ he chose the course.A. that B. whatC. why D. how答案与解析A句意:David说正是由于对文学的猛烈爱好他才选择了这门课程。本题是强调句式“it was . that”,强调缘由状语“because of his strong interest in literature”。故答案选A。3(2021乌鲁木齐三诊)Mother reminds, “_ rain, take an umbrella.” as spring approaches.A. Shall it B. It shallC. Should it

3、 D. It should答案与解析C句意:春天来临时母亲提示:“要是下雨,就带上雨伞吧。”依据语境可知,母亲的提示是对将来状况的假设,故用“If sth./sb. should动词原形”形式,其中if可以省略,将should提前构成倒装。故C项正确。4(2021兰州高三诊断)He jumped at the opportunity when he saw the advertisement in a newspaper, because barely _ make ends meet.A. he could B. could heC. he couldnt D. shouldnt he答案与

4、解析B句意:当他看到报纸上的广告时兴奋地跳了起来,由于他几乎不能收支相抵了。barely为否定意义的副词,意为“几乎不”,位于句首时后面的句子要倒装。故答案选B。5(2021北京西城区二模) Why wasnt John hired for the job? I dont know, but he _.A. was B. had beenC. should have D. should have been答案与解析D句意:为什么John没被录用?不知道,他应当被录用的。shouldhave done意为“本应当而没有做”,原句应为:he should have been (hired)。故答案

5、选D。6(2021东北三省二模)How time flies!Its in two months _ well say goodbye to our high school life.A. before B. thatC. until D. when答案与解析B分析句子结构可知,本句是一个强调句,被强调部分是时间状语“in two months”,强调句的基本构成是“It is/was被强调部分that/who其他”。故B项正确。7(2021长沙高考模拟)Only when he returned _ that the war had ended and the army had come b

6、ack.A. we tell B. we toldC. did we tell D. were we told答案与解析D句意:只有当他回来时,我们才被告知战斗已经结束,并且军队已经回来了。only强调时间状语放在句首时需倒装。另外我们是“被”告知,应用被动语态。故选D项。8(2021河北质监二)The woman, together with her husband and two children, all looking anxious, _ the guard to let them through then.A. was asking B. were askingC. ask D.

7、was asked答案与解析A句意:那时,那个妇女,连同她的丈夫和两个孩子,正在恳求保卫让他们过去,他们看起来都很焦急。主语后带有together with时,谓语动词应与前面的主语The woman保持全都;且依据句中的then可知,应用过去进行时。9(2021包头二模)_ going to the program You Are the One, she knew she had to be there or her mother would be unhappy.A. Much although she dislikedB. Much as she dislikedC. Although

8、 much she dislikedD. As she disliked much答案与解析Bas引导的让步状语从句中,应将状语、表语甚至部分谓语提前构成倒装。although引导的状语从句则不需要倒装。10(2021甘肃河西五市二模)Look! The ground is wet. It must have rained last night, _?A. hasnt it B. hadnt itC. mustnt it D. didnt it答案与解析D句意:看!地是湿的。昨晚确定下过雨,是不是?It must have rained last night是推想语气,可改写为I think

9、it rained last night,可见其反意疑问部分应为didnt it,故选D项。11(2021东北三校一模)I am certain by no means _ his word since he has promised an amount of money to the poor.A. he will break B. will he breakC. broke D. did he break答案与解析B句意:我确信既然他答应捐一笔钱给穷人,他绝不会食言的。by no means(绝不)为表示否定意义的介词短语,置于句首时,其后面的主谓语要部分倒装,依据句意可知设空处需用一般将

10、来时,故答案为B项。12(2021安徽芜湖5月模拟) Do you enjoy the English course? _. Sometimes I find grammar is a bit hard to understand. A. Of course B. Not quite C. Not likely D. Not a little答案与解析B句意:你宠爱那个英语课程吗?不完全。有时候我觉得语法有点难懂。Of course.“当然。”; Not quite.“不完全。”; Not likely.“不大可能。”; Not a little.“格外。”。依据Sometimes可知,说话人

11、不是始终宠爱也不是完全不宠爱这门课,故选B项。13(2021吉林长春四模) Mike, you failed the exam? Thats right. I didnt pass. _, anyway? A. How is it B. Of course C. Dont mention it D. What is it to you答案与解析D 句意:迈克,你没通过考试?是的。我没通过。即使这样,和你有什么关系?How is it?“怎么会这样?”,表示惊异; Of course.“当然。”; Dont mention it.“不用谢,没关系。”;What is it to you?“关你什

12、么事?”,表现出说话人猛烈的不屑,符合语境,故选D项。14(2021山东临沂质检) What would you like to do next? Go skating? Well, _ I hate to be black and blue all over. A. thats the last thing Ill do. B. its up to you. C. I cant agree more. D. you can say that again!答案与解析A 句意:你下一步想要做什么?去滑冰吗?噢,那是我最不情愿做的。我厌烦身上青一块紫一块的。last在本句中意为“最不行能的;最不适

13、当的”。Its up to you.“由你打算。”;I cant agree more.“我格外同意。”;You can say that again!“你说得没错!”。15(2021安徽江南十校联考) I havent done well in the English oral exam, have I? _, at least you tried.A. All right B. Never mindC. I agree D. No way答案与解析B句意:我的英语口试没考好,是不是?没关系,至少你尽力了。All right.“好吧。”;Never mind.“没关系;别担忧。”;I agr

14、ee.“我同意。”;No way.“没门儿。”。16(2021东北三校一模) Dont bother to buy me an air ticket. Ive got one. _ Why didnt you tell me earlier? Ive got one, too.A. Good luck! B. You have?C. Its no surprise. D. Dont mention it.答案与解析B 句意:别费事给我买飞机票了。我有一张。你有一张了?你为什么不早点告知我?我也有一张。B项为反问句,表示不信任。Good luck!“祝你好运!”,表示祝愿;Its no surp

15、rise.“并不意外。”;Dont mention it.“别提了。”。用来表示不必赔礼、道谢。17(2021江西南昌一模) Dad, can you tell me why so many students choose to study abroad at a very young age? _, darling. But I have never thought about it.A. Take your time B. Youve got me thereC. Dont be silly D. Bad luck答案与解析B 句意:爸爸,你能告知我为什么有那么多同学在格外小的时候就选择去

16、国外学习吗?珍宝儿,这你可难住我了。但我从未想过那个问题。Take your time.“渐渐来。”,用来告知对方不要焦急,时间很充裕;Dont be silly.“别傻了。”;Bad luck.“真倒霉。”。Youve got me there.“你难住我了”。18(2021衡水六模) I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend. _ good.A. Sound B. Sounded C. Sounding D. Sounds答案与解析D句意:我想知道周末我们是否能去滑雪。这听起来不错。“Sounds good.”为省略句,省略了

17、主语“It”;语境说的是现在的感受,所以应当用第三人称单数。19 (2021东北三校一次联考)I usually go there by train. Why not _ by boat for a change?A. to try going B. trying to goC. to try and go D. try going答案与解析DWhy not try going .Why dont you try going .。why/why not后常跟动词原形,这是英语中习惯上的省略。20(2021榆林三模) Who should be responsible for the accid

18、ent? The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _.A. as told B. as are toldC. as telling D. as they told答案与解析A此处是as引导的方式状语从句的省略, as toldas they were told。当从句主语与主句主语全都,且谓语动词含有be时,将从句的主语和be省略。又由于workers与tell之间是被动关系,故选A。早读背诵热点写作话题(十四)历史与地理A话题单词1area n. 地区2history n. 历史3culture n. 文化4pop

19、ulation n. 人口5natural adj. 自然的6resource n. 资源7enable v. 使能够8witness v. 见证9significant adj. 意义重大的10. legend n. 传奇11locate v. 位于位置12. contribution n. 贡献13wonder n. 奇观14surround vt.包围;环绕15hardworking adj. 努力工作的;勤勉的16border n. 国界;边界17mountainous adj. 多山的;巨大的18downtown adj. 市区的19attractive adj.迷人的20consi

20、st vi. 由组成;构成21distant adj. 遥远的;远方的特殊关注 1.consist(3年2考)(1)consist in 在于;存在于consist with . 与全都;相等(2)由组成Actions should consist with ones words. 言行应当全都。Our team consists of/is made up of/is composed of 15 members.我们队由15位成员组成。2wonder(3年2考)We wondered at her rudeness.我们对她的粗鲁感到惊异。B话题短语1so far 到目前为止 2.be i

21、n ruins 变成废墟3as well as 也 4.with a long history 拥有悠久的历史5with an area of . 拥有面积 6.with a population of 拥有人口7enable . to . 使能够 8.be linked to . 与有关系;与有关联9have much in common 有很多共同之处 10.benefit from . 从中得益11feel proud of 对感到傲慢 12.make contributions to . 为作贡献13be abundant in 在方面丰富 14.try ones best 尽某人最大

22、努力15put up 修建;张贴;住宿 16.be in possession of . 占有;拥有17arm . with . 用武装 18.live in harmony 和谐生活19thanks to 多亏;由于 20.take place 发生C话题佳句1China lies in the east of Asia, with an area of about 9.6 million square kilometers.中国地处亚洲东部,面积约960万平方公里。2The coastal line covers more than 18,000 kilometers.海岸线长达一万八千多

23、公里。3Im convinced that as long as we set our mind to it, we can protect the cultural heritages left by our ancestors. 我坚信,只要下定决心,我们就能疼惜好祖先留给我们的文化遗产。4This country where we live has more fresh water than any other country in the world.我们居住的这个国家比其他国家拥有更多的淡水(资源)。5My hometown, neighboring Hong Kong, is located in Guangdong Province.我的家乡,毗邻香港,位于广东省。6Guangzhou,a city with a population of about thirteen million, has a history of more than 2,200 years.广州,拥有一千三百万人口的一座城市,有2,200多年的历史了。

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