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1、完形填空。阅读下面短文,把握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。One night, I was driving down a two-lane highway, not very fast. Another car approached from the 1 direction at about my speed. As we passed each other, I caught the other drivers eye for only a second, wondering whether he might be thinking, as I was, how

2、 2 we were on each other at that moment. I was relying on him not to fall asleep, not to be put off by a phone conversation, not to cross over into my lane and bring 3 to a sudden end. Though we had 4 spoken a word to each other, he relied on me in just the same way.That is the way 5 works. We all d

3、epend upon 6 , sometimes required simply not to do something like crossing over the double yellow line, and sometimes required to act 7 , with friends or even with strangers.As technology 8 our world, the need for international cooperation increases. In 2003, doctors in five nations were quickly org

4、anized to identify the SARS virus, which 9 thousands of lives. The threat of international terrorism has shown itself to be a 10 problem, requiring coordinated police action and intelligence forces across the world. We must recognize that our fates are not ours 11 to control.In my own life, Ive put

5、great belief in personal responsibility. 12 , as the years have passed, Ive also come to believe that there are moments when one must rely upon the good faith and judgment of 13 . So, while each of us faces the case of driving alone down a 14 road, what we must learn is that the approaching light ma

6、y not be a threat, but a shared moment of 15 .1. A. wrong B. correct C. same D. opposite2. A. trustworthy B. dependent C. conscious D. curious3. A. his conversation B. my phone call C. my life D. his life4. A. exactly B. hardly C. never D. ever5. A. the car B. the traffic C. our friendship D. the wo

7、rld6. A. one another B. the whole society C. communication D. traffic rules7. A. independentlyB. respectively C. individually D. cooperatively8. A. develops B. enlarges C. shrinks D. improves9. A. killed B. threatened C. destroyed D. saved10. A. similar B. different C. serious D. widespread11. A. al

8、ike B. alone C. alive D. along12. A. Therefore B. Though C. But D. Thus13. A. friends B. authorities C. oneself D. others 14. A. dark B. two-lane C. double-yellow-lineD. narrow15. A. dependence B. trust C. safety D. encouragement参考答案【深圳市2022高考英语综合力气测试题(4)】完形填空。阅读下面短文,把握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳

9、选项。While surfing the net the other day, I came upon the TV show, The Torkelsons. When I was a kid, it was one of my favorite l on the Disney Channel. In the TV show, the oldest daughter, Dorothy, would often chat with a man in the moon. He served as her close friend, whom she could turn to whenever

10、she felt 2 . I could 3 to her because as a little girl, I used to sit by the window and look out at the 4 at night. Often I was in deep thought but there were also times when I was just admiring the 5 . The moon along with countless stars seemed beautiful against the dark 6 . This also made me think

11、 about the mornings when blankets of white soft clouds seemed to float across a 7 blue sky, about the sunshine kissing the oceans across vast distances, and about beautiful oases (绿洲) 8 from cruel deserts. These perfect connections of natural 9 got me thinking about ourselves as humans. Our families

12、 are perfectly comfortable for us 10 on earth. And the earth 11 us with all we need to let us live a rich and 12 life. The moon is considered as God, who lights up the 13 skies in our life, has our heart covered with his unconditional 14 wherever we are, and makes us happy despite many cruel deserts

13、 we may come across along our life roads. Maybe you think I have found the Man in the moon, in whom I, just like Dorothy, 15 have found comfort. I hope you will find that too someday.1. A. exhibits B. characters C. programs D. presents2. A. confident B. lonely C. distant D. strange3. A. relate B. ad

14、just C. link D. look4. A. star B. light C. church D. moon5. A. view B. garden C. .girl D. man6. A. space B. cloud C. sky D. night7. A. black B. clear C. grey D. high8. A. getting B. moving C. surviving D. developing9. A. knowledge B. influence C. power D. beauty10. A. living B. landing C. working D.

15、 walking11. A. keeps B. connects C. compares D. provides12. A. busy B. natural C. comfortable D. active13. A. sunniest B. darkest C. brightest D. cloudiest14. A. love B. heart C. happiness D. confidence 15. A. absolutely B. luckily C. seriously D. regularly【参考答案】1-5 CBADA 6-10 CBCDA 11-15 DCBAB完形填空本

16、文为夹叙夹议记叙文。作者上网冲浪时,碰巧看到电视剧The Torkelsons。她借助剧情开放对儿时的回忆和联想:剧中仆人翁Dorothy和月中的男子是密友。作者感悟到自然界的秀丽是和谐的,人与自然也是和谐的。1. C。同义词复现。由上下两句的the TV show可知,The Torkelsons是“我”儿时最爱看的迪斯尼电视频道播出的节目之一,故选C。2. B。由上句的would often chat with a man in the moon和He served as her close friend可知当大女儿Dorothy感到“孤独”的时候会找他倾诉,故选B。3. A。relate

17、 to sb意为“能理解并怜悯某人”,表示作者和Dorothy有共鸣,下文描述了她和Dorothy的相像表现。4. D。原词复现。由第一段的in the moon和其次段The moon along with countless stars可知, 当“我”还是个小女孩时,有很多个夜晚经常坐在窗户边向外看月亮,故选D。5. A。由第5空以后的句子The moon along.from cruel deserts可得出答案:月亮与繁星使黑暗的天空光明,“我”又联想到早晨漂移在蓝天的层层白云、阳光从遥远的地平线上对海洋的亲吻和沙漠中幸存的绿洲等“美景”,故选A。6. C。原词复现。依据本句的The

18、moon along with countless stars与下句的clouds .blue sky可知,在漆黑的夜空的对比下,月亮和繁星看起来很秀丽,故选C。7. B。规律连接与常识的考查。由上下句可知这里描述的都是奇怪的景象,还加上空格后的blue可知要选择clear,故选B。8. C。因果规律推断。由于沙漠是残酷的,所以作者说“绿洲从沙漠中幸存下来”,这说明绿洲生存是很难的,故选C。9. D。上下义词复现。上文的white . clouds . a clear blue sky . kissing the oceans.beautiful oases .from cruel deser

19、ts都是beauty的下义词,第9空“这些自然之美的完善结合”总结了上一段文字,故选D。10. A。结合语境和下文的live a rich life可知,我们的家庭对于生活在地球上的我们来说是最舒适的,故选A。11. D。语义连接题。provide.with.意为“给供应”,结合语境和with all we need可知,地球供应应我们所需要的一切,故选D。12. C。原词复现。结合语境和rich可知,地球供应应我们所需要的一切,让我们过上富有而舒适的生活,故选C。13. B。规律连接题。句意为:月亮好比上帝,照亮我们生活中最黑暗的天空,故选B。14. A。unconditional love

20、 意为“无条件的爱”,与后文makes us happy 呼应,故选A。15. B。规律连接题。 由I have found the “Man in the moon”, in whom I, just like Dorothy和have found comfort可知,作者像Dorothy那样幸运地找到了“月中男人”并从他身上找到了心灵的劝慰,故选B。完形填空The song that has meant the most to me since I was the age of five,watching the movie Space Jam,is called “I Believe I

21、 Can Fly” by RKelly.Every time I listen to the song,it_1_me that as long as I believe,I can be or do_2_I want in life even with a disability.I didnt know much of what the song_3_a long time ago but as I grew older,I still loved the song and started to listen to the_4_more and more. Every time I list

22、en to it,I think about all the obstacles I have_5_.When I was little,I had to_6_a wheelchair because I have a disability. The doctors told my mother I had a slim_7_of ever walking but I was_8_to walk because I disliked that wheelchair. I knew that I had to believe in myself to_9_my goal to walk some

23、day.One day the doctor told my mother that he could make a(n)_10_that would help me walk._11_when I was seven and onehalf,I had my first surgery.I_12_the cast because it was a half body cast,with a bar in the middle of my legs. I was a very_13_kid so being in a bed for six weeks,not being able to mo

24、ve,I felt horrible. I knew after all the_14_and the crying it would be worth_15_it in the long run._16_,at the age of eight,I got my cast off. I felt free when I finally_17_all the therapy (治疗) and learned how to_18_.The song_19_,“I see me running through that open door.” Thats what I felt like. Lik

25、e the song says,“There are miracles in life I must achieve,but first I know it starts inside of me,oh.” I am one of the_20_in life.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了作者被一首叫“I Believe I Can Fly”的歌曲所鼓舞,英勇地面对残疾,克服各种困难,最终能够行走的故事。1. A remembers BremindsCregardsDreflects解析作者每次听这首歌,它都提示他只要他信任,他就能成为任何他想成为的人,做任何他想要做的事,remi

26、nd sb.that使某人想起,提示某人,符合语境。答案B2A. whoeverBwhomever CwhicheverDwhatever解析whatever任何的事物,什么都,符合文意。答案D3A. meantBexpected CsuggestedDprovided解析很久之前作者对这首歌是什么意思知道得不多。mean“意思是,本意是”,符合语境。答案A4A. voicesBmeanings Cwords Drhythms解析结合上下文可知,此处为随着年龄的增长,作者开头越来越多地听歌词,word在此处意为“歌词”,符合语境。答案C5A. sufferedBexperiencedCenco

27、uraged Dovercome解析从下文内容可知,作者曾克服了很多障碍,结合选项可知,应用overcome,表示“克服”。答案D6A. applyBuse Cseat Doffer解析由于残疾,作者不得不使用轮椅,故用use。seat后常接oneself。答案B7A. chance BoccasionCcondition Dadvantage解析大夫告知作者的妈妈,作者能走路的期望很渺茫。slim修饰chance,指“机会渺茫,可能性很小”。答案A8A. encouraged BamazedCdetermined Dorganized解析从空前的but和空后的because引导的缘由状语从句

28、的内容可以看出,此处是转折关系,由于不宠爱轮椅,作者下定决心去走路,所以用determined。答案C9A. accomplish BfinishCcomplete Dacquire解析作者知道必需信任自己总有一天会达到学会走路的目标。accomplish“完成,取得”,符合语境。答案A 10A. operation BperformanceCexperiment Darrangement解析从空格后的“that would help me walk”可推知,医生要对作者做一个有助于他行走的手术,make an operation“做手术”,符合语境。下文的surgery也是答案提示。答案A1

29、1A. While BBut COr DSo解析分析上下文可知,此处应为因果关系。答案D12A. enjoyed BdislikedCexpected Dvalued解析从下文的叙述可知,作者不宠爱这个固定腿的模型。答案B13A. generousBkind Cactive Dpassive解析从下文的内容可知,作者觉得在床上六周不能动很可怕是由于他是一个活泼好动的孩子。答案C14A. pain BjoyCguilt Dembarrassment解析从上文作者所经受的一切可知,pain“苦痛”,符合语境。答案A15A. fixingBwearing CadjustingDmaking解析作者认

30、为从长远来看,在经受这么多的苦痛和泪水之后,自己所做的这一切都是值得的。答案D16A. FinallyBInstantlyCNormally DRegularly解析从后面的“I got my cast off”可知,此处用finally,表示“最终,最终”的意思。答案A17A. went on Bwent downCwent out Dwent through解析从上下文可知,此处表示作者最终完成了全部治疗。go through经受,完成,符合语境。go on连续;go down下沉,下降;go out送出。答案D18A. live BwalkCthink Dcommunicate解析从上文

31、的“that would help me walk”可知,治疗结束后,应是学习行走。答案B19A. speaks Bsings Csays Danswers解析此处用says,表示歌中唱到的内容,下文的“Like the song says”也是答案提示。答案C20A. successesBsurprises Cmiracles Dfailures解析结合语境可知,此处是作者说他自己是生命中的奇迹之一。答案C完形填空。A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting (迷人的)apple on one of the

32、 branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence. The boy wasnt much of a fruit-eater, 1 a bar of chocolate if given the choice, 2 , as they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting. Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it. The more he looked at it, the 3 he felt and the more he wanted that appl

33、e. 4 as high as he could, but even as his tallest 5 he was unable to touch It. He began to 6 up and down , as high as he could, at the 7 of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple . Still it remained out of 8 . Not giving up , he though , if only he had something to 9 on . His school bag woul

34、dnt give enough height and he didnt want to 10 the things inside , like his lunch box , pencil case , and Gameboy. Looking 11 , he hoped he might find an old box , a rock , or , 12 luck , even a ladder , but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use . He had tried everything he c

35、ould think to do. 13 seeing any other choices, he gave up and started to walk 14 . At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his 15 , and how he really wanted that apple . The more he 16 like this, the more unhappy he became. 17 , the boy of our story was a

36、 pretty smart guy, even if he couldnt always get what get he wanted .He started to say to himself .,This isnt 18 , I dont have the apple and Im feeling miserable as well. Theres 19 more I can do to get the apple that is unchangeable-but we are supposed to be able to 20 our feelings. If thats the cas

37、e, what can I do to feel better?(A)1. A. preferring B. offering C. receiving D. allowing(C)2. A. so B. then C. but D or(C)3. A. sadder B. angrier C. hungrier D. tastier(B)4. A. expanding B. stretching C. swinging D. pulling(D)5. A. strength B. length C. range D. height(A)6. A. jump B. look C. walk D

38、. glance(C)7. A. tip B. stage C. top D. level(D)8. A hope B. hand C. sight D. reach(B)9. A. put B. stand C. get D. hold(A)10. A. break B. shake C. take D. strike(D)11. A. up B. forward C. down D. around(B)12. A. for B. with C. on D. of(C)13. A. After B. Through C .Without D. Upon(B)14. A. back B. aw

39、ay C. up D. down(C)15. A. wishes B. beliefs C. efforts D. goals(A)16. A. thought B. imagined C. tried D. claimed(B)17. A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Otherwise(D)18. A. skilful B. cheerful C. harmful D. helpful(D)19. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing(A)20. A. change B. expres

40、s C. forget D. describe1. 【解析】A 依据前面的句子可知,男孩并不是很宠爱吃水果,因此假如要他选择的话,他更宠爱吃一块巧克力。2. 【解析】C 依据下面的句子“禁果迷人”可推断,上下文之间是转折关系,所以选择but。3. 【解析】 C 依据下文第50个空所在的句子中毁灭的hungry一词可推断,此处选择hungrier,表示“他越看那只苹果就越觉得肚子饿”。4. 【解析】B 为了够到那只苹果,小男孩踮起脚尖,尽可能把身体伸展到最高的程度。expand扩大,扩充,扩展;stretch伸展,伸展;swing摇摆,摇动;pull拉,扯,拔。5. 【解析】D 依据语境可知,小

41、男孩是站着伸手去够苹果,因此此处指的是身体的高度,不是力气、长度或范围。6. 【解析】A 依据生活常识可推断,既然小男孩站着够不到苹果,他只能开头上下跳动。7. 【解析】C 每次跳到最高的时候,小男孩就伸长了胳膊去够苹果。at the top of在顶部或顶端。8. 【解析】D 依据下文可知,小男孩最终没有摘到苹果。out of reach是固定短语,意为“手够不着, 达不到”。9. 【解析】 B 依据下文内容可知,小男孩没有放弃,他想假如自己踩在某些东西上面就能够到苹果了。10. 【解析】A 小男孩身上背着书包,可他不想弄坏里面装的东西。break在此处表示“弄坏,折断”。11. 【解析】D

42、 依据上下文内容可知,为了找到能踩在脚下的东西,小男孩四处环顾。look around四处环顾。12. 【解析】B 小男孩期望自己能够找到一个旧箱子,一块大石头,或者,假如顺当的话,能找到一架梯子。for luck为了吉利,为了祈求好运;with luck假如一切顺当的话;其他两个介词不能与luck搭配。13. 【解析】C 小男孩尝试了全部的方法,在眼看没有任何其他选择的状况下,小男孩只好放弃了。14. 【解析】B 没有方法摘到苹果,小男孩只好无望地走开。walk away走开。15. 【解析】C 依据上文可知,小男孩做了很多努力,因此耗尽了力气,觉得又累又饿。16. 【解析】A 此处表示他越是这样想,就越觉得不快乐。17. 【解析】B 依据上下文内容可知,此处存在的是

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