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1、B4 说明文【英语卷2022届安徽省合肥市高三其次次教学质量检测】其次节:(2022合肥其次次质检)完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)B4阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A wave of recent research has pointed to the risks of over praising a child. And it seems that how to draw a line between too little praise and too much has become a high-pres

2、sure _36_ act for parents.Self-esteem (自尊)serves as a kind of tool to measure how much children feel valued and accepted by 37 . This sensitivity to others 38 develops because of humans need for social acceptance, which is considered to be 39 to survival. As early as age 8, childrens self-esteem ten

3、ds to rise and fall in response to feedbacks about 40 peers see them as likable or attractive. 41 , it can also be beneficial for kids to feel bad about themselves occasionally, if they behave in selfish, mean or hurtful ways that might 42 their ability to maintain relationships or hold a job in the

4、 future.In the past, many parents and educators believed that high self-esteem 43 happiness and success, and kids could gain self-esteem simply by getting 44 and awards from their parents, teachers and people around. But recently researchers have found self-esteem doesnt _45 these desired results. I

5、nstead, if parents praise their kids 46 , their self-esteem becomes focused on being very smart and being the best and being perfect. Building too much self-esteem of the children can not go as planned, making them feel 47 later on when they hit setbacks (挫折).According to some experts, it can actual

6、ly be good for kids to have 48 self-esteem, at least once in a while. And praise can be 49 if it disregards the world outside the home. Children who have a 50 understanding of how they are seen by others tend to get recovered more readily 51 disappointment, depression or the like. The best path is a

7、 52 road, helping children develop a positive but 53 view of themselves in relation to others by praising them for the 54 they invest and behaviors they are able to sustain, like Its 55 that youre working so hard on your homework. 36. A. balancingB. crashingC. forcingD. embarrassing37. A. themselves

8、B. parentsC. othersD. teachers38. A. viewsB. enviesC. favorsD. blames39. A. irrelevantB. similarC. importantD. sensitive40. A. whenB. whetherC. howD. where41. A. IndeedB. OtherwiseC. ThereforeD. However42. A. improveB. damageC. changeD. develop43. A. promisedB. delayedC. purchasedD. ruined44. A. sup

9、portB. helpC. challengeD. praise45. A. settle downB. work outC. give awayD. bring about46. A. rarelyB. carefullyC. constantlyD. casually47. A. worseB. strongerC. betterD. madder48. A. highB. muchC. lowD. little49. A. powerfulB. harmfulC. gratefulD. stressful50. A. practicalB. limitedC. basicD. perfe

10、ct51. A. withB. toC. aboutD. from52. A. straightB. smoothC. middleD. rough53. A. generalB. realisticC. differentD. negative54. A. talentB. timeC. moneyD. effort55. A. necessaryB. awesomeC. worthlessD. awful【文章解读】该不该夸孩子,把握好分寸很重要。过度的表扬使孩子在遇到挫折时,不能很快恢复。对孩子的评价要乐观,但也要客观。36. 【学问点】动词辨析【答案解析】A A. balancing平

11、衡B. crashing撞击C. forcing强迫D. embarrassing尴尬 近来一些争辩指出了过分表扬孩子可能带来的种种风险。不过,对于家长而言,要在夸奖得太少与太多之间划清界限,这难度不亚于顶着巨大的压力走高空绳索。选A37. 【学问点】代词 【答案解析】C A. themselves他们自己B. parents父母亲C. others其他人D. Teachers老师 从下文This sensitivity to others可知选C38. 【学问点】名词辨析 【答案解析】A A. Views观点B. Envies嫉妒C. favors恩惠D. blames责怪 这种对他人观点的

12、敏感度是由于人类需要社会的接纳而进化而来39. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】C A. Irrelevant不相关的B. similar相像的C. important重要的D. sensitive敏感的 这被认为对生存很重要。40. 【学问点】连词辨析 【答案解析】B A. When当.时候B. whether是否C. How怎样D. where哪儿 早在八岁这个年龄,孩子的自我认知就会随着同伴是否认为他们可爱或是有魅力这样的反馈而增加或降低。 选B41. 【学问点】副词 【答案解析】D A. Indeed的确B. Otherwise否则C. Therefore因此D. However然而然

13、而,让孩子间或感觉不好也是有好处的。表示转折,选D42. 【学问点】动词辨析 【答案解析】B A. improve提高B. damage破坏C. change转变D. develop进展假如孩子的行为表现出自私、自大或是会损害到他人这样的行为有可能影响到他们将来与他人相处或是保住自己工作的力气。43. 【学问点】动词辨析【答案解析】A A. promised许诺;答应B. delayed推迟C. purchased购买D. ruined毁掉 过去,很多家长和训练者信任,较高的自我认可度将会带来幸福感与成功。选A44. 【学问点】动词辨析 【答案解析】D A. support支持B. help挂

14、念C. challenge挑战D. praise赞扬,而若要孩子实现高度的自我认可,做法很简洁,只要赐予他们大量的嘉奖和赞美即可。选D45. 【学问点】动词短语辨析 【答案解析】D A. settle down定居下来;安静下来B. work out结果是:计算出C. give away泄露;赠送D. bring about引起;导致;带来 不过争辩者们后来发觉,自我认可并不会带来这些结果。选D46. 【学问点】副词辨析 【答案解析】C A. rarely罕见地B. carefully自喜地;当心地C. constantly不断地D. casually任凭地 假如父母经常表扬孩子,他们的自尊就

15、专注于聪慧、最好的、最完善的。选C47. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】A A. worse更糟B. stronger更强C. better更好D. madder更疯狂 让孩子的自我意识过于膨胀反而有可能引起相反的作用,使他们在将来患病挫折时更加懊丧。选A48. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】C A. high高B. much多C. low低D. little少 据一些专家说,让孩子保持较低的自尊可能对孩子是好事情。选C49. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】B A. powerful强大的B. harmful有害的C. grateful感谢的D. stressful有压力的 表扬可能是有

16、害的,由于它忽视了外面的世界。选B50. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】A A. practical实际的;有用的;事实上B. limited有限的C. basic基本的D. perfect完善的孩子若能对于他人对自己的看法有一个现实的理解往往能从无望、郁闷中恢复的更快。选A51. 【学问点】固定搭配【答案解析】D get recover from 从.中恢复 选D52. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】C A. straight直的B. smooth光滑的C. middle中间的D. rough粗糙的最好的一条路是中间路线,选C53. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】B A. genera

17、l普遍的;全面的;一般性的B. realistic现实的C. different不同的D. negative消极的;负面的 挂念孩子培育出一个乐观、但现实的、与他人相关的自我认知观点。 选B54. 【学问点】名词辨析【答案解析】D A. talent才能B. time时间C. money金钱D. effort努力 通过努力获得表扬。选D55. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】B A. necessary必要的B. awesome可怕的;表示敬畏的;了不起的;精彩的 C. worthless无价值的D. awful可怕的你的功课这么努力,这太棒了。【英语卷(解析)2022届湖北省襄阳五中、钟祥一

18、中、夷陵中学三校高三五月联考(202205)】B4 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。What are the basic elements of good manners? Certainly a strong sense of justice is one; courtesy (谦恭) is often 31 more than a highly developed sense of 32 play. A friend of mine once told me about a time when he wa

19、s driving along a narrow, unpaved mountain road. 33 was another car that produced clouds of 34 , and it was a long way to the nearest 35 highway. Suddenly, at a wider place, the car ahead 36 off the road. 37 that its owner might have engine trouble, my friend stopped and asked if anything was wrong.

20、 “ 38 ,” said the other driver, “but youve borne my dust this far, Ill 39 with yours the rest of the way.”Another element of courtesy is empathy (善解人意), a 40 that enables a person to see into the mind or heart of someone else, to understand the pain or 41 there and to do something to 42 it. A man di

21、nning with his girlfriend in a restaurant was trying to open the cap of a beer bottle, but he couldnt do it because of badly injured 43 . He asked a young busboy to help him. The boy took the bottle, turned his back momentarily and loosened the cap without difficulty. Then he 44 it again. Turning ba

22、ck to the man, he 45 to make great efforts to open the bottle without success. Finally, he took it into the kitchen and returned shortly, saying that he had 46 to loosen itbut only with a special tool. 47 another element of politeness is the ability to treat all people 48 , in spite of all status or

23、 importance. 49 when you have doubts about some people, act as if they are worthy of your best manners. You may also be 50 to find out what they really are.31. A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. nobody 32. A. fairB. consistentC. significantD. positive33. A. BehindB. AheadC. AfterD. Beside34. A. dus

24、tB. smokeC. gasD. pollution35. A. blockedB. usedC. pavedD. repaired36. A. tookB. pulledC. droveD. flew37. A. HopingB. SeeingC. RecognizingD. Thinking38. A. YesB. SureC. No D. Ok39. A. do awayB. catch upC. put upD. go on40. A. toolB. thoughtC. behaviorD. quality41. A. unhappinessB. pleasureC. feeling

25、D. attitude42. A. maximizeB. expandC. minimizeD. contract43. A. legsB. armsC. fingersD. mouth44. A. loosenedB. triedC. cappedD. tightened45. A. seemedB. pretendedC. managedD. tried46. A. offeredB. triedC. managed D. failed47. A. AsB. ButC. SoD. Still48. A. alikeB. separatelyC. warmlyD. nicely49. A.

26、EverB. SpeciallyC. EspeciallyD. Even50. A. astonishedB. frightenedC. disappointedD. depressed【答案】31.A nothing more than相当于only,“只不过”之意。故选A。32.A 上文Certainly a strong sense of justice is one毁灭了justice,这里需要填一个它的同义词A. fair公正的B. consistent全都的C. significant有意义的,重大的D. positive 乐观的,故选A。33.B另一辆车应并在前面,从后面的the

27、 car ahead可以找到答案。Before不能用作副词,表示空间关系。故选B。34.A前一辆车扬起了很多灰尘。本段末有提示。故选A。35.C作者伴侣的车现在正开在灰尘滚滚的没有铺柏油的山路上,所以可以推想,要开到最近的铺好了柏油的大路上还有一段很长的距离。paved与前面的unpaved对应,比较符合语境。故选李C。36.B take off 飞机起飞,pull off驶向路边,drive off驾车离开,fly off 飞出;前面那辆车驶向路边,故选B。故选B。37.D这里描述了作者伴侣当时的想法(内心的一种猜想),故用Thinking。他认为那部汽车的发动机出了毛病。故选D。38.C从

28、后面的But可以推断,汽车并没有什么毛病。故选C。39.C在余下的路程中,另一辆车的司机要求作者伴侣的车开在前面,而他自己的车开在后面,忍受吃灰之苦。put up with是“忍受”之意符合语境。而do away with(废除),catch up with(赶上),go on with(连续)与句意不合。故选C。40.D empthy是个人所具有的品质和力气,而不是工具(tool)想法(thought)或一种行为(behavior),故选D。41.A or示意,填空处应选用pain的近义词,作同位语,而只有unhappiness符合这个要求。故选A。42.C A. maximize 使增至最

29、大限度B. expand扩大C. minimize把减至最低数量程度 D. contract使收缩;做些事情使苦痛或不幸削减到最小。故选C。43.C拧不开酒瓶盖,说明受伤的部位应当是手指头。故选C。44.D他这时又把旋松的瓶盖拧紧。故选D。45.B他假装费了很大的劲却没有旋开瓶盖。故选B。46.C offer to do 主动做,try to do 努力做(不愿定成功),manage to do 设法做成某事(做成功了),fail to do做某事没有成功;只是用了一件特殊的工具,他就打开瓶盖了。故选C。47.D still another固定搭配 “另一个”礼貌的另一个要素.故选D。48.A

30、 alike在这里是副词,“相同地”意思。礼貌的另一个要素是公正地对待每一个人,不管他的地位多高,多么重要。故选。49.D这里要选用程度状语来修饰,且含有转折的意思。故用Even。故选。50.A A. astonished 惊异,惊异B. frightened使惊吓C. disappointed 使无望D. depressed使懊丧;你也会惊异地发觉他们的真面目。故选A。【全品原创解析纯word版】吉林省九校联合体2022届高三其次次摸底考试英语试题解析】B4阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Do you kn

31、ow how much your children sleep?According to the National Sleep Foundation, 41 should sleep twelve to eighteen hours 42 of every twenty-four. With a gradual 43 to twelve to fourteen hours for toddlers(初学走路的孩子) one to three; eleven to thirteen hours for 44 three to five; and ten to eleven hours for s

32、choolchildren 45 five to ten. But things get really 46 at adolescence. Not only do teenagers need more sleep than 47 _-eight and a half to nine and a quarter hours a night, according to the sleep foundation - but the times 48 which they get sleepy and are able to awaken 49 and feel rested shift in a

33、 50 that does not match to the 51 times at most schools. Sleep studies have shown that the typical teenager does not fall asleep readily before 11 p. m. or later. 52 many have to get up by 6 a. m. or 53 to get to school for a class 54 starts at 7:30 or 8 a.m. More than a few 55 off during that class

34、, and often the 56 one as well. Even if awake, theyre in no condition to learn much of anything. In one study, more than 90 percent of teenagers 57 they slept less than the 58 nine hours a night, and 10 percent said they slept less than six hours. 59 _ James B. Maas, a Cornell University psychologis

35、t and Leading sleep researcher, has observed, most teenagers are walking zombies(僵尸) 60 they get far too little sleep. 41. A. childrenB. newbornsC. eldersD. youngsters42.A. fromB. withC. outD. up43. A. reductionB. increaseC. growthD. improvement44. A. teenagersB. studentsC. babiesD. preschoolers45.

36、A. relatedB. separatedC. agedD. varied46.A. demandingB. challengingC. satisfyingD. encouraging47. A. adultsB. toddlersC. babies D. schoolchildren48. A. inB. onC. atD. for49. A. excitedlyB. early C. casuallyD. naturally 50. A. formB. meansC. methodD. way51. A. endB. startC. holidayD. examination52. A

37、. SinceB. For C. YetD. Then 53. A. nicerB. earlier C. cleanerD. better54.A. thatB. itsC. whatD. whose55. A. putB. takeC. dozeD. cut56. A. nextB. otherC. lastD. new57. A. examinedB. surveyedC. reportedD. convinced58. A. regulatedB. recommendedC. analyzedD. reported59. A. Like B. SinceC. AsD. Furtherm

38、ore60. A. becauseB. whichC. whileD. still 【文章解读】文章介绍不同年龄阶段的人需要的睡眠时间不同,特殊指出年轻人的睡眠严峻不足。41. 【学问点】名词【答案解析】B A. children儿童,B. newborns新生儿,C. elders老年人,D. youngsters年轻人,从下文的:With a gradual 43 to twelve to fourteen hours for toddlers(初学走路的孩子) one to three; eleven to thirteen hours for 44 three to five;可知一开

39、头是说新生儿,选B42. 【学问点】介词辨析【答案解析】C A. from来自,B. with和,C. out外面,D. up向上,新生儿在每天的24小时中应当睡12到18小时,out of在里面,选C43. 【学问点】名词【答案解析】A A. reduction削减,B. increase增加,C. growth增长,D. improvement提高,初学走路的孩子渐渐削减到12-14小时,选A44. 【学问点】名词【答案解析】D A. teenagers年轻人,B. students同学,C. babies婴儿,D. preschoolers学龄前儿童,从下文的:schoolchildre

40、n 45 five to ten.可知三到五岁的学龄前儿童是11-13小时,选D45. 【学问点】动词辨析【答案解析】C A. related联系,B. separated分别,C. aged年龄,D. varied不同,年龄在5-10岁的同学应当睡10-11小时。Aged做定语修饰schoolchildren,选C46. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】B A. demanding苛刻的,困难的,B. challenging有挑战的,C. satisfying令人满足的,D. encouraging令人鼓舞的,从下文的内容,可知对年轻人来说事情是有挑战的。选B47. 【学问点】名词辨析【答案

41、解析】A A. adults成年人,B. toddlers学步的小孩,C. babies婴儿,D. schoolchildren同学,年轻人需要比成年人更多的睡眠,选A48. 【学问点】介词辨析【答案解析】C A. in在里面,B. on在上面,C. at在地方,D. for为了,而且他们感到困的时间,at修饰times,选C49. 【学问点】副词辨析【答案解析】D A. excitedly令人兴奋地,B. early早的,C. casually任凭地,D. naturally自然地,和能够自然醒来的时间,选D50. 【学问点】名词【答案解析】D A. form形式,B. means方法,手段

42、,C. method方法,D. way道路,方式,in a way在某种程度上;在某种意义上 感到困的时间,能够自然醒来的时间和感到要休息的时间在某种程度上和大多数学校开头的时候是不相配的,选D51. 【学问点】名词【答案解析】B A. end结束,B. start开头,C. holiday假期,D. examination检查,这里指学校开头上课的时间,选B52. 【学问点】连词辨析【答案解析】C A. Since自从,B. For为了,C. Yet然而,D. Then然后,很多年轻人在晚上11点前是不能入睡的,但是他们在早上6点或更早要起床去上课。表示转折关系,选C53. 【学问点】形容词

43、辨析【答案解析】B A. nicer更好,B. earlier更早,C. cleaner更洁净,D. better更好,这里指比6点更早,选B54. 【学问点】定语从句【答案解析】A 先行词是a class,定语从句中缺少主语,用that引导定语从句,选A55. 【学问点】动词辨析【答案解析】C A. put放,B. take拿走,C. doze 打盹儿,打瞌睡,D. cut切割,很多同学在上课的时候会打盹,选C56. 【学问点】形容词辨析【答案解析】A A. next下一个,B. other其他的,C. last最终的,D. new新的,下一节课也会打盹,选A57. 【学问点】动词辨析【答案

44、解析】C A. examined检查,B. surveyed调查,C. reported报告,D. convinced使信任,在一个调查中,超过90%的年轻人报告他们的睡眠时间少于推举的9个小时。选C58. 【学问点】动词辨析【答案解析】B A. regulated调整,调整,校准,把握,B. recommended推举,C. analyzed分析,D. reported报告,专家推举年轻人每晚睡眠是9小时,选B59. 【学问点】词语辨析【答案解析】C A. Like象,B. Since自从,C. As由于,正如,D. Furthermore还有,正如James B. Maas观看的那样,大多数年轻人象行走的僵尸,选C60. 【学问点】连词【答案解析】A A. because由于,B. which哪里,C. while然而,D. still照旧,由于他们太困了,选A

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