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1、学习资料各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流vocabulary n. 词汇(可数名词)word n. 单词;话语aloud adv. 出声地;大声地(无比较级,反义词:quietly;silently)loudly adv. 高声地;吵闹地loud adv. 响亮地 adj. 喧闹的; 响亮的pronounce vt. 拼读;发音pronunciation n. 发音法;拼读法specific adj. 明确的;具体的specifically adv. 明确地;具体地special adj. 特殊的;特别的specially adv. 专门地;特别地especially adv. 特别;尤其;格外p

2、articular adj. 非一般的;特别的;特殊的particularly adv. 尤其;特别地;特殊地memorize vt. 记起来;熟记;回忆起memorization n. 记忆;回忆grammar n. 语法grammatically adv. 语法地;从语法角度来说,add A to B 把A添加/补充到B中add up to + 数量 总计达到spoken English 英语口语make a mistake = make mistakesby mistake错误地by accident 偶然地,意外地comma n. 逗号period n. 句号question mark

3、 n. 问号challenge n. 挑战 (复数challenges) vt. 挑战solution. n. 解决方案;解答solve v. 解决later adv. 后来;一会以后late adj. 晚;迟 adv. 晚;迟lately adv. 近来;最近latest adj. 最新的realize v. 意识到;(某人)实现(梦想)Eg: Finally, Kelsy realized her e true(某人的梦想)实现Eg: Finally, her dream came true.matter vi. 起重要作用;要紧Eg: I know Charles doesnt thin

4、k this project is important, but it matters to me.afraid = terrified adj. 害怕的;发愁的be afraid of . = be terrified of 畏惧/害怕 be afraid to do = be terrified to do 畏惧/害怕做laugh at = make fun of 取笑/嘲笑complete vt. 完成 adj. 完整的;完全的completely adv 完整地childhood n. 童年on duty 值班;值日break off 突然中止;中断break down 抛锚;出毛病b

5、reak up 分手take a ride 兜风take care 当心,注意;保重sb. be sure of sth.sb. be sure to do sth.sb. Be sure that it is certain(无疑; 确定) thatcertain adj. 某,某些,某个Eg: friendly的比较级是friendlier,最高级是friendliestcomic n. 连环漫画,连环画杂志patient adj. 耐心的 n. 病人patiently adv. 耐心地at the end of in the endtake pride in = be proud of

6、with pleasure可以用来应答对方的请求,Eg: “Would you mind holding the door open for me, please?” “Oh, with pleasure.”Its a pleasure.或Its my pleasure.是用来回答感谢时的答语。pierce v. 刺穿;刺破earring n. 耳环opportunity n. 机会chance n, 机会experience n. 经历;阅历(可数名词) 经验(不可数名词) vt. 体会,经历过experienced adj. 有经验的mess n. 混乱,脏乱forget vt. 忘记fo

7、rgetful adj. 健忘的用介词to搭配的词有:answer,key,reply to3 tickets to a football matchinstead adv. 代替,更换,相反newsletter n. 时事通讯,简报achieve vt. 完成,实现achievement n. 成就real adj 真实的really adv. 事实上; 实际上; 真正地;realistic adj. 现实的,注重实效的care about 关心,担心care for照顾pimple n. 小脓包;丘疹annoy vt. 使生气surprise vt. 使惊讶bother vt. 使恼怒no

8、t in the slightest=not at all 一点也不,更本不circle n.(有共同兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子、阶层class n. 班级;阶级;等级knowledge n. 知识acquire knowledge学习知识sb. come up with an idea 某人想出/提出一个观点= think up an ideafirst-aid 急救aid vt. 救助,援助come out 出版,发表correct adj. 对的,正确的 vt. 纠正hurt vi. 疼痛 = acheEg: My leg hurts/aches.hurt vt. 使受伤/疼痛Eg:

9、He hurt his back when he fell.press vt. 按,压,挤pressure n. 压力deep adj. 深的 depth n. 深度high adj. 高的height n. 高度wide adj. 宽阔的width n. 宽度long adj. 长的length n. 长度treat vt. 招待;治疗treatment n. 治疗;招待author n. 作家 = writerhair band 发带band n. 乐队;条/带symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲optometrist n. 验光师;配镜师psychologist n. 心理学家appo

10、intment n. 约会,约定crucial adj. 关键的,至关重要的(近义词 important )helicopter n. 直升飞机create vt. 制造;创造creature n. 生物,动物interview vt. 面试,采访,会见interviewee n. 被访问者interviewer n. 会见者,面谈者,进行面试者employ vt. 雇佣employee n. 雇员,被雇佣的人employer n. 雇主,mystery n. 迷;神秘的人或事mysterious adj. 神秘的polar bear 北极熊Vietnam 越南dishonest adj. 不

11、诚实的dislike vt. 不喜欢displeased adj. 不高兴的unpleasant adj. 令人不愉快的remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事lyric n. 歌词gentle adj. 轻柔的;柔和的gently adv. 轻柔地;柔和地gentleman n. 绅士string n. 细绳,线fisherman n. 渔夫(复数fishermen)entertainment n. 娱乐,乐趣,快乐entertain vt. 使快乐feature n. 特点photograph n. 照片,相片(简写photo)photography n. 摄影;照相photog

12、rapher n. 摄影师expect sb. to do sth. 期/盼望某人做某事expected adj. 可预料的unexpected adj. 未料到的,意外的laboratory n. 实验室(缩写lab)contraction n. 缩写词(如laboratory 可缩写为lab)abbreviation n. 缩略词(如Peoples Republic of China可缩略为P.R.C.)fascinating adj. 迷人的trek v. 长途跋涉tour n. 旅行tourist n. 旅行者touristy adj. 游客很多的,适合游览的taste v. 尝起来

13、n. 味道;品味tasty adj. 好吃的convenient adj. 方便的inconvenient adj. 不方便的willing adj. 乐意的,心甘情愿的quite a few 相当多的hold on to sth. 坚持establish vt. 建立,设立establishment. n. 建立,设立commitment n. 奉献,忠诚major adj. 主要的 n. 专业majority n. 多数,大多数hand out = give out 分发,发放hand in 上交,提送,呈送take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母)相像work out 产生结

14、果,解出(难题)donate vt. 捐献,赠送donation n. 捐赠物,捐款invent vt. 发明invention n. 发明invite vt. 邀请invitation n. 邀请imagine vt. 想像imagination n. 想像adjust vt. 调整adjustable adj. 可调整的salt n. 盐salty adj. 咸的produce vt. 生产product n. 产品binoculars n. 双筒望远镜wood n. 木头;树林wooden adj. 木制的divide A into B and C 把A分为B和Cdivide A fro

15、m B 把A和B分隔开mix vt. 混合,掺和mixture n. 混合物popular adj. 流行的be popular with sb. 受某人喜爱/欢迎popularity n. 普及,流行go off 发出响声go out of ones way to do sth. 特地做某事run off 跑掉run away 逃跑 = escapeannounce vt. 宣布,宣告announcement n. 宣布,宣告lock vt. 锁上 n. 锁unlock vt. 开锁costume n. 服饰embarrass vt. 使(某人)觉得不自然尴尬或害羞embarrassed a

16、dj. 感到尴尬/为难的embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬/为难的exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的exhaustion n. 精疲力竭convince vt. 说服convincing adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的reveal vt. 揭示,揭露hoax n. 骗局,恶作剧flee vi. 逃跑;逃走(过去式fled,过去分词fled)crowd n. 人群crowded adj. 拥挤的uncrowded adj. 不拥挤的,宽敞的organize vt. 组织organization n. 组织organized adj. 有组织的,安排有序的alright adj.

17、 合适的,可以打(=all right)park n. 公园 vi. 停车parking lot 停车场drop by 顺便(偶然)拜访Eg: She dropped by to see me yesterday.她昨天顺便来看我.table manners 餐桌礼仪familiar adj. 熟悉的sb. be familiar with sth. 某人通晓某事unfamiliar adj. 不熟悉的,陌生的combine vt. 结合,组合combination n. 结合,组合serve vt. (为)服务;端上(饭菜)service n. 服务fair adj. 公平的unfair a

18、dj. 不公平的fairly adv. 相当地science n. 科学scientific adj. 科学的scientist n. 科学家stardust n. 星云advertise v. 登广告宣传advertising n. 广告业advertisement n. 广告aim at 瞄准,致力于,针对,旨在for instance = for examplelist n. 列表,清单 vi. 列出,列举mislead vt. 误导misleading adj. 令人误解的confused adj. 感到困惑的confusing adj. 令人困惑的true adj. 真正的,真实的t

19、ruth n. 真相,事实at times = sometimes = from time to time 有时towel n. 毛巾(可数名词)water n. 水 vt. (给)浇水clean out 把打扫干净get back to sb. 过一会再与某人通话light n. 灯 v. 点燃,点着lighting n. 光线,照明lightening n. 闪电appear v. 出现,露面disappear v. 消失appearance n. 出现;外表poem n. 诗poet n. 诗人ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗overseas adj. 海外的,国外的 adv. 到海外; 在国外:abroad adv. 在国外; 到国外; 出国government n. 政府govern vt. 管理,统治governor n. 管理者,市长village n. 村庄,村子villager n. 村民

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