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1、六年级 英语 代词专题精品文档精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:六年级 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型T 形容词,副词C 综合训练T 阅读授课日期及时段年月日 :教学内容形容词、副词用法区别用法形容词:修饰名词,在句中做定语、表语及宾补。副 词:修饰动词及整个句子,作状语。形容词做表语,构成系表结构,尤其注意感官系动词+形容词的结构。常考系动词见下表:be动词am, is, are, was, were, has/have/had been感官类look, smell, taste, sound, feel变化类get worse / turn red

2、der / go bad / grow old / become angry不变类keep / stay (keep healthy = stay healthy )形容词变副词的变化规则:(三反、三变、三不变、一特殊)三反:以ly结尾的形容词lovely、friendly、lonely三变:一般情况下直接加ly; (correct correctly) 辅音字母+y 结尾的,去y为i,再加ly; (angry angrily) 以le结尾的,变le为ly; ( terrible terribly,gentle gently,possible possibly)三不变:hard、fast、st

3、raight等。(work hard 、run fast、go straight )一特殊:truetruly 形容词副词的三级比较原级肯定句:asas否定句:not asas = not soas =lessthan (注意翻译为“不如”)比较级关键词:than;修饰词:much、even、still最高级关键词:of、among、in、one of、the second/third 特殊句型the more, the more(the + 比较级,the + 比较级)“越就越”more and more (比较级+比较级)“越来越”hotter and hotter越来越热;more an

4、d more important越来越重要any与any otherShanghai is larger than _ city in New Zealand(新西兰). any Shanghai is larger than _ city in China. any other个体不在整体范围内,用any;个体在整体范围内,用any other。有the无the形容词最高级前面要加the;副词的最高级前面通常省略the。形容词、副词的比较级变化(特殊变化及易错点)原级比较级最高级good / wellbetterbestbad /badly/ illworseworstmany / much

5、moremostlittle(不可数,不规则变化)lessleastfew(可数,规则变化)fewerfewesthealthyhealthierhealthiestfunnyfunnierfunniestoldolder(表语)oldest(表语)elder(定语,“年长的”)eldest(定语,“最年长的”)farfarther(距离上,“更远的”)farthest(距离上,“最远的”)further(程度上,“进一步的”)furthest(程度上,“最大程度的”)注意:big、red、hot、thin等需要双写。形容词变反义词规则加前缀un-usual unusual,able unab

6、le,healthy unhealthydis-honest dishonest im-/in-possible impossible,dependent independent加后缀-lesscareful careless,useful useless形容词与介词搭配的高频词组积极参加take an active part in生某人的气be angry with sb在方面成功be successful in忙于做某事be busy with sth感激某人be thankful to sb.与连接在一起be connected to / with对负责be responsible fo

7、r被覆盖be covered with对有害be harmful to对严格be strict with对感到惊奇be surprised at对仔细be careful with对感兴趣be interested in喜爱be fond of = be keen on对骄傲be proud of 以为根据/基础be based on极冷的天气freezing weather冷冻食品frozen food初中junior high school高中senior high school为做准备be/get ready for 充满了be full of = be filled with挤满了be

8、 crowded with习惯于be used to sth./doing sth.对感到满意be satisfied with=be pleased with熟悉sb. be/get familiar with sth.sth.be/get familiar to sb.典型例题【例1】(上海2013年39题)My old neighbour Charles felt _ after his children moved out.A) lonelyB) safelyC) angrilyD) happily【例2】(上海2012年36题)Pudong International Airport

9、 is one of _ airports in the world.A) big B) bigger C) biggest D) the biggest【例3】(上海2010年53题)Angel is keen on all kinds of pop music. The underlined part means _.A) is surprised at B) is famous forC) is fond ofD) is worried about【例4】(上海2010年62题)You need to explain your opinions quite _ when having a

10、 debate. (clear)【答案】clearly【例5】(上海2011年62题)If you dont go on a diet, it is _ for you to lose weight. (possible)答题指南1. Much 是用来修饰比较级的,而more是用来构成比较级的。2. 常用来修饰比较级的词有:much, even, far, still, a liittle, a bit, a lot等,以及名词短语和分数等。much _ ( healthy ) even _ ( bad ) a little _ ( tall )one-thied _ ( long ) tha

11、n. 3. 在. Of the two 结构中要用比较级,因为此结构中的two 提示比较的范围有两个。This car is _ of the two. ( new)4. 三个或三个以上的人或物对比时,要用形容词最高级。形容词最高级前必须加定冠词the。形容词最高级的明显特征是:比较范围通常是由“in + 表示整体概念的名词(单数)”或者“of + 表示个体概念的名词(复数)”构成。Jane is _ girl in her class. (thin) This film is _ of all the films. (interesting) 5. 两个形容词比较级连用,表示“越来越.”。_

12、 越来越大 _ 原来越美丽6. hard 和hardly 的区别:hard “努力地,猛烈地”,是副词,用来修饰行为动词,放在行为动词的后面。_. 我们应该努力学习。hardly“几乎不”,是含有否定意义的频度副词,在句中的位置和其他频度副词一样。_. 我几乎听不见他说话。学法点睛1、系表结构的考点,主要在于记住一些常考的系动词。我们可以总结为“be动词,一张脸,变不变。”“一张脸”,指的是感官类的系动词,如眼睛想到look,鼻子想到smell,嘴巴想到taste,耳朵想到sound等,外加感觉feel;“变不变”指的是变化类和不变类,在记变化类的时候,我们可以总结为3gbt(bt是“变态”的

13、首字母),go,get,grow,become,turn;也可以想象一下春夏秋冬一年四季的变化,春天树叶变绿了(turn green),天气变暖和了(get warm),夏天冰箱坏了(go wrong),冰箱里的东西就变质了(go wrong),秋天果实成熟了(变老了,grow old),冬天打雪仗我们就变得开心了(become happy);不变类即是keep和stay。2、形容词变副词的变化规则,记住一个宏观的口诀:三反、三变、三不变、一特殊。3、形容词副词的三级比较,要学会抓关键词,如asas, than, one of等。4、形容词的反义词,除了用前缀、后缀,还可以结合其他词性的反义词

14、一起记。我们总结了加dis前缀的词,用一句话即可“不喜欢不诚实的人,发现这个人消失了”,里面包含了4个常考的词“dislike,dishonest,discover,disappear”过关检测. Choose the best answer.1. Chinese New Year is always in January or February.A. early, earlyB. late, earlyC. early, late D. late, late2. Playing basketball is an activity while doing puzzles is an one.

15、A. outdoor, outdoor B. outdoor, indoor C. indoor, outdoor D. indoor, indoor3. I should say that I like your idea. (real ,really )4. Joe will be 50 centimeters when she is 25 years old.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest5. The king was and look at Qu Yuan.A. sad, sadly B. sad, sad C. sadly, s

16、adly D. sadly, sad6. Watermelon is one kind of fruits.(season)7. It is for man to go to the sun.(possibly)8. My mother is slim and beautiful.(划线提问) your mother ?9. His favorite sport is playing football.(意思相同)He playing football .10. Nowadays,its very difficult a good job.A. to find B. to look for C

17、. find D. look for 11. We must wear winter uniforms in AprilA. early B. late C. later D. earlier12. Jim is shorter and fatter than I because his diet is than my diet. A. healthier B. much unhealthy C. less healthy D. less healthier13. He speaks English his ant.A. as good as B. as well as C. as bette

18、r as D. as best as 14. There is to see in this place.A. anything new B. new anything C. nothing new D. new nothing 15. He ran _ to catch the early bus.A. fast enough B. enough fast C. too fastD. fast too. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.1. Micky Mouse and Donald Duck are _

19、. ( love )2. Robots can do a lot of things. They are _. ( help )3. You look _ than before. ( health )4. This term he is trying to be a _ ( good ) student and studies all the subjects _. ( good )5. Be quiet, please. We should not talk so _ ( loud ) in the library. ( loud)6. After flying in the storm

20、for 2 hours, the helicoprter landed _ at last. (safe )7. Listen! The bieds are singing _ in the woods. ( beautiful)8. The _ exams usually take place at the end of June. ( finally)9. It is _ to play with fire. ( danger)10. I got up late yesterday, but _ , I managed to go to school on time. ( lucky )

21、综合训练I. Fill in the blanks according to the texts we have learned(根据课文内容填空,每空格 限填一词)(共5分)1. This is a photo of my family and r.2. My parents will aat nine oclock in the morning.3. We must follow the raround us.4. Spicy sausages are t. We all enjoy them Coke much.5. - Whats your fdrink? -I like cake b

22、est.II. Choose the best answer (选择) (共15分)1.Whathonest boy Tom is!A. aB. anC. theD. /2.His schoolbag is more expensive than.A. IB. meC. myD. mine3.Alice comes from. She can speak English very well.A. AmericaB. AustralianC. EnglishD. China4.The next train will arrivetwo hours.A. atB. inC. afterD. for

23、5.You should not eat too many chocolates. They are too.A. sourB. spicyC. sweetD.bitter6.do you like the story? Not bad.A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. Where7.Tommy usually has hamburgers while I have rice and vegetables. His diet isthan my diet.A. healthyB. unhealthyC. healthierD. less healthy8. Im sorry for

24、breaking the window. Please be careful next time.A. Youre welcomeB. No, thanksC. Thats all rightD. Im fine9.What did you promise your father?A. doB. to doC. not doD. does10. What does this sign mean? It tells ushere.A. to not eat or drinkB. not to eat or drinkC. dont eat or drinkD. mustnt eat or dri

25、nk11.Wea lot of photos at our school in the Art Festival last week.A.takeB.takesC. tookD. taken12.More thanpeople took part in that national reading competition.A. thousand ofB. thousands ofC. three thousandD. three thousands13.My mum oftenthe radio in the evening.A. listenB. listens toC. hearsD. so

26、unds14.Would you please give us something? We are thirsty.A. to drinkB. for drinkC. drinksD. drink15. May I have some hot tea, please?A. Sure. Here you areB. No, thanksC. Good ideaD. No, you may notIII.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(适当形式填空) (共5分)1. The boy had a ve

27、rydiet because he doesnt like vegetables. (healthy)2. Please wait for me at the. ( enter)3. He lives on thefloor of the building. (nine )4. We mustnt talkin the library. (loud)5 Whatdid the doctor give you for your eating habits? (suggest)IV.Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms (适

28、当形式填空) (共5分)1. Lets(share) our lunch together.2. Whatyou(do)? The baby is sleeping next room.3.I(not be) to Animal Zoo yet. Will you go with me?4. Howyou( go ) to school everyday?5. There(be ) many markets near my housing estate five years ago.V. Rewrite the following sentences according to the inst

29、ructions (改写句子)(共10分)1.She spent one and a half hours doing her homework. (一般疑问句)sheone and a half hours doing her homework?2.Simon takes the underground to school every day. (保持句意不变)Simon goes to schoolevery day.3. You can use the lift on the left. (划线提问) can we use?4. It takes me about two hours t

30、o finish my homework every day. (划线提问 ) does it take you to finish your homework every day?5.We need a little sugar every day. (划线提问)sugar do we need every day?A.将下列单词或词组填入空格。没空限填一词,每词只能填一次。A. furniture B. place C. rainbow D. beaches E. falls downThe sky is grey. Smoke comes out from factories and c

31、ars. We cannot see the clouds, the_1_and the stars. Whats wrong?A tree_2_, then the second. People chop them to make _3_and paper. We cannot hear birds sweet songs. Whats wrong?Rivers are smelly. Fish die. There were warnings on _4_. We can only swim in swimming pools. Whats wrong?Can we do somethin

32、g? Can we change the world to be a better place?A. same B. alarm B. play games D. count E. stairsDear students, There will be a fire drill(演习)at two oclock in the afternoon. When you hear the5, please leave your classrooms and go to the playground. Your class teachers will 6the number of students th

33、ere. You must not play or run on the 7. Line up in the playground when you reach there. Remember, the fire drill is important because you will do the 8if a fire happens.B.根据短文填空,选择最恰当的答案One day, Jacks parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty years. Jack said in surprise

34、, “Im only seven, so it means Grandpa has beenerA really long time!”His parents said, “Yes. Thats why we are going to have a surprise party for him.” Jack loved his Grandpa and wanted to do something special for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew

35、 that his grandpa would no longer have the position on that card, so he decided to get a new one for his grandpa. When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didnt want to put his gift together with others. He carried it around with him the whole evening. When all the other people left, he took hi

36、s grandpas hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift. His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now?” “Sure! “Jack said excitedly. As Grandpa opened the gift, tears came into his eye. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business car

37、ds with his new position:” FULL-TIME GRANDPA”! Jack said, “Now our full-time job is my grandpa!” “Well, how much do I get paid?” His grandpa asked, smiling. “As many hugs as you want!” With these words, Jack gave Grandpa a hug. “Well, I guess that means Im the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa

38、.1. Jacka grandpa was going to _.A. work as a businessman B. retire after working for a long timeC. work for a long time D. stay at home only2. Jack remembered _ his grandpa had given him two years before.A. the birthday card B. the toy B. the business card D. the hug3. Jacks parents wanted to _for

39、his grandpa.A. buy a gift B. find a full-time jobC. cook some delicious food D. hold a surprise party4. Jack gave his gift to his grandpa _.A. as soon as the party began B. together with other peopleC. when all the other people left D. before the party began5. _ moved Grandpa to tears.A. The lost po

40、sition B. The surpriseC. Jacks gift D. So much pay6. Grandpa guessed he was the richest man in the world as _.A. he could get much money B. he could work again in the officeC. he could remember his business card D. he could get love from his grandson.C. 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文What do you, the trees and a ha

41、mster(仓鼠)have in common? Dont know the answer? You all 1 water. All living things must have water, whether they get it from a river, a rain cloud or a little bottle on one side of a hamster cage.Without water, your body would stop _2_. A person cant live without water for more than a few days. Why?

42、Your body has lots of jobs and it needs water to do many of them._3_, your blood needs a lot of water to carry oxygen to every part of your body. Water also helps to protect your body from illness, to digest(消化)your food and to _4_waste. So, everyone needs to drink water._5_water is so important, you might want to know whether youre drinking enough. Of course, you should drink whe

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