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1、在职研究生英语精品文档近义词1、 Despite her wealth and position, Linda still remained modest about herself and lived in the same one-storeyed house as before.( unassuming)2、 People living on the island still observe the customs which arose from circumstances that have long since changed. ( stemmed from)3、 When I a

2、sked him why he hadnt come to the meeting, he gave the feeble excuse that hed forgotten what time it was. (flabby )4、 Dr. Elwood said the belief that milk could be harmful was based on the assumption that fat causes heart disease. ( premise)5、 In my opinion, true patriotism lies in putting the inter

3、ests of ones country above everything including ones own life. (consists in )6、 A real love song is more appropriate for this occasion than a rubbishy song cooked up as a commercial gimmick. (trashy )7、 It was a very long journey from York to London and Ross was grateful for Johns company. ( society

4、)8、 One of the good things about Amanda is that you can always rely on her inexhaustible enthusiasm. (unfailing )9、 There has been enough playing around so lets get down to business.(begin our work)10、How is it possible for our human body to convert yesterdays lunch into todays muscle? (turn)11、It i

5、s important for families to observe their traditions even as their children get older(follow)12、Romantic novels, as opposed to realistic ones, tend to present idealized versions of life, often with a happy ending. (in contrast to)13、The news reports completely overlooked the more profound political

6、implications of the events.(neglected) 14、We suspect there is a quite deliberate attempt to sabotage the elections and undermine the electoral commission.(intentional)15、So strange were the circumstances of my story that I can scarcely believe myself to have been a party to them.( hardly)16、Whenever

7、 you need Tom, he is always there whether it be an ear or a helping hand, so you can always lean on him.(count on) 单选题(D)1、My husband, because of his own professional _ ,goes to Cambridge every week.A. judgments B. criteria C. personalities D. commitments(C)2、While looking for the address book, Mr.

8、Hailey _ some of his old love letters in his wifes drawer.A. came about B. came up with C. came across D. came out with(B)3、Malaysia and Indonesia rely on open markets for forest and fishery products. _ ,some Asian countries are highly protectionist.A. Deliberately B. Conversely C. Evidently D. Natu

9、rally(C)4、Probably the physics of the mid-nineteenth century was not as spectacular as that of the _and following periods, but its theoretical advances were nevertheless very impressive.A. posterior B. overwhelming C. preceding D. potential(D) 5、_ her dreams, Lynne traveled the world, leaving her 2-

10、year-old son Stephen in the care of babysitters.A. In spite of B. In case of C. In place of D. In pursuit of (A)6、Such an approach forces managers to communicate with one another and helps _ rigid departmental boundaries.A. break down B. stand for C. set off D. pass over(B)7、Hard training will _ you

11、 richly when it comes to the actual competition.A. bring B. pay C. serve D. make(D)8、I never heard anyone in my village mention my uncle Tony-I think he was a bit of a _.A. white elephant B. dark horse C. guinea pig D. black sheep(C) 9、 My oldest son had just finished an _ holiday stay prior to movi

12、ng to a new State,a new job, and the next chapter in his life. A. enlarged B. expanded C. extended D. increased (A) 10、. Blacks and American Indians _ less than 10% of students in the top 30 business schools, while they are about 28% of the U.S. population. A. make up B. take up C. reach out D. turn

13、 out (D) 11、There are several factors _ the rapid growth of sales promotion, particularly in consumer markets. A. resorting to B. appealing to C. applying to D. contributing to (D) 12、The Internet has been developing at a speed _ peoples expectations in the past two decades. A. over B. of C. under D

14、. beyond (C) 13、The world economic recession put an _ end to the steel market upturn that began in 2002. A. irregular B. illegal C. abrupt D. absurd (D) 14、 Im _ about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it. A. mysterious B. furious C. serious D. curious(D) 15、 The new aircr

15、aft will be _ to a test of temperatures of 65 and 120. A. suspended B. suppressed C. summoned D. subjected (A) 16、 Many countries have conservation programs to prevent certain _offish from becoming extinct. A. species B. sources C. numbers D. members完形填空(选1篇)Unit 1Many people think it is difficult t

16、o build a winning image because there are no identifiable standards by which they can measure the results of their efforts. The intangible quality of image-building does not permit you to grasp anything concrete on a day-to-day basis, but in the long run, tangible results will definitely be evident.

17、 If you are one of those people who is overly concerned about the intangible quality of image-building, let me remind you that many of the products and services you are very familiar with are also intangible. Yet their value is evident. For example, a successful salesman who sells a product such as

18、insurance, education, securities, or mutual funds knows how to create need, even though the prospect cant actually see or touch what he is buying. Consequently, you must realize that knowing how to get results is whats really important. By now you should understand enough about winning images to lea

19、rn how to build one. Youll soon discover that you can accomplish outstanding results if you know what you want and how to get it. Once you reach this point, you must establish obtainable goals and then commit yourself to achieving them. Perhaps my own experience in building a winning image will help

20、 you to relate to the process. Please keep in mind that when my father and I started our business fifteen years ago, we hand very limited capital, and we were selling an intangible product. And even though we now have a winning image from coast to coast, we never spent any money on advertising ( I f

21、irmly believe “it paid to advertise,” but in our particular case we chose not to). Today, our company, Shook Associates Corporations, is considered one of the finest professional sales organizations in our industry.Unit 2 There have been major changes in attitudes toward courtship and marriage among

22、 those middle-class, educated Americans who are celebrated in the media as style setters for American life. Courtship was once a regular part of American life; it was a long period, sometimes lasting for many years, and also a tentative one, during which a future husband or wife could still turn bac

23、k but during which their relationship became more and more exclusive and socially recognized. Courtship both preceded the announcement of an engagement and followed it, although a broken engagement was so serious that it could be expected to throw the girl into a depression from which she might neve

24、r recover. There were definite rules governing the courtship period, from the “bundling” permitted in early New England days, when young couples slept side by side with all their clothes on, to strict etiquette that prescribed what sort of gifts a man might give his fiance in circles where expensive

25、 presents were customary. Gifts had to be either immediately consumable, like candy or flowers, or indestructible, like diamondswhich could be given back, their value unimpaired, if there was a rift in the relationship. Objects that could be damaged by use like gloves and furs, were forbidden. A gen

26、tleman might call for a lady in a cab or in his own equipage, but it was regarded as inappropriate for him to pay for her train fare if they went on a journey.英译汉一、An ecosystem is a group of animals and plants living in a specific region and interacting with one another and with their physical envir

27、onment. Ecosystems include physical and chemical components, such as soils, water, and nutrients that support the organisms living there. These organisms may range form large animals to microscopic bacteria. Ecosystem also can be thought of as the interactions among all organisms in a given area; fo

28、r instance, one species may serve as food for another. People are part of the ecosystems where they live and work. Human activities can harm or destroy local ecosystems unless actions such as land development for housing or businesses are carefully planned to conserve and sustain the ecology of the

29、area. 答:生态系统是指共同生活在一个特定区域内的动植物之间以及这些动植物与其生存环境 之间相互作用而形成的一个整体。生态系统包括物理和化学元素,诸如:土壤,水分,以及维持生物生存的营养物质。生物可以是大型的动物,也可以是微型生物。生态系统也可以被看作是在特定区域内所有生物的相互作用,比如说一种生物可能是另一种生物的食物。人类 也是他们生活工作所处的生态系统的一个组成部分。除非人类在为住房或商业需求进行土地 开发这些活动做好精心计划以保护和维持这一地区的生态环境,否则这些人类活动就会对当 地的生态系统造成破坏。 二、Over the years, we tend to think that

30、 nuclear technologies and the necessary knowhow to ensure nuclear safety have been developed to a level that possibilities for any major nuclear accidents are almost nonexistent and if it does happen, it will be controlled in the capable hands of nuclear engineers. However, reality has proved again

31、that you just cant be too careful to handle nuclear energy. We dont know for sure yet what will be left behind Japans nuclear crisis, but it will be certain that it is time to reexamine our nuclear practices and many more efforts need to be made to ensure nuclear safety in the future. 答:这些年来,我们习惯性地认

32、为原子能技术和必要的实践经验已经足以保证核安全。一切重大的核事故几乎都不存在,哪怕其真的发生,也会被有能力的核工程师们控制影响。然而,事实再一次证明处理核能源再小心都不为过。我们还不确定日本的核灾难会留下什么影响,但现在一定是我们重新审查原子能实践的时候了。为确保将来的核安全,我们还需付出很多努力。汉译英一、全球化作为一种新的经济和社会发展趋势,给中国带来了机遇,也带来了挑战。一方面, 中国正成为世界制造业中心并在国际舞台上发挥着日益重要的作用;另一方面,我们也面临 着如何在全球化进程中既要发展经济,又能传承优秀文化传统的问题。 答:As a new economic and social t

33、reads, globalization has brought China opportunities and challenges as well. On the one hand, China is on the road to become the worlds manufacturing center and playing an increasingly significant role in the international arena; on the other hand, we are faced with the problem that how not only sho

34、uld the economy is being developed, but also the outstanding cultural traditions can be passed on in the process of globalization.二、中国有着 5000 年的文化传统,历经劫波而生生不息,我们一定要充分发扬祖国的文化传统。同时我们也懂得,要学习和借鉴世界先进的文明。只有这样,才能使祖国的文化得到进一步发展,也就是我常说的,只有开放包容,才能使祖国强大。答:China has 5000 years of cultural tradition. Having under

35、gone various hardships, the country still maintains its vitality generation after generation. It is imperative for us to fully advance our motherlands cultural heritage as well as to learn from civilizations of the world. Only in this way can our motherland make further development. In other words,

36、preserving our traditional cultures while being open and tolerant will make our country more prosperous.阅读理解Passage 1 Loneliness has been linked to depression and other health problems. Now, a study says it can also spread. A friend of a lonely person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of lonel

37、iness. And a friend of that friend was 25% more likely to do the same. Earlier findings showed that happiness, fatness and the ability to stop smoking can also grow like infections within social groups. The findings all come from a major health study in the American town of Framingham, Massachusetts

38、. The study began in 1948 to investigate the causes of heart disease. Since then, more tests have been added, including measures of loneliness and depression. The new findings involved more than 5,000 people in the second generation of the Framingham Heart Study. The researchers examined friendship

39、histories and reports of loneliness. The results established a pattern that spread as people reported fewer close friends. For example, loneliness can affect relationships between next-door neighbors. The loneliness spreads as neighbors who were close friends now spend less time together. The study

40、also found that loneliness spreads more easily among women than men. Researchers from the University of Chicago, Harvard and the University of California, San Diego, did the study .The findings appeared last month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The average person is said to exp

41、erience feelings of loneliness about 48 days a year. The study found that having a lonely friend can add about 17 days. But every additional friend can decrease loneliness by about 5%,or two and a half days. Lonely people become less and less trusting of others .This makes it more and more difficult

42、 for them to make friends-and more likely that society will reject them. John Cacioppo at he University of Chicago led the study .He says it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness. He says people who have been pushed to the edges of society should receive help to repair their social netw

43、orks. The aim should be to aggressively create what he calls a “protective barrier” against loneliness. This barrier, he says, can keep the whole network from coming apart. (B) 31. Besides loneliness, which of the following can also spread among people? A. Friendship B. Happiness C. Depression D. Sm

44、oking (A) 32. The Framingham Heart Study starting from 1948 _ A. expanded its research topics B. involved 5,000 patients of depression C. identified loneliness as one key factor for heart disease D. examined the relationship between loneliness and depression (A) 33. Which of the following is true ab

45、out the spread of loneliness? A. It leads to a gradual loss of friends B. It is a common phenomenon among women C. it is often found in the neighborhood D. it ruins the relationships between close friends (C)34. Having a lonely friend, you are more likely to_ A. strengthen your friendship B. develop

46、 new friendship C. increase the sense of loneliness D. reduce the sense of loneliness (C) 35. According to John Cacioppo at the University of Chicago, loneliness can_ A. result in aggressiveness B. cause people to be overprotective C. infect social networks D. push people to the verge of poverty (A) 36. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Loneliness can spread B. Loneliness is linked to depression C. Lonely people tend to grow fat D. Lonely people need more friends Passage 2 California has a new program called the Digital Textbook

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