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1、新概念英语第一册Lesson 113-114精品文档Lesson113&Lesson114知识点:1、I cant change a ten-pound note. change 交换v.找开,兑换v. change 改变,变化。例句:The village has changed a lot since I left.2、Ive got no small change, Im afraid. = Im afraid (that) Ive got no small change. Ive got no small change. = I havent got any small change.

2、 前者语气更强烈。例如:Weve got no time!3、Ill ask some of the passengers. some of. 一些;all of. 全部;none of. 没有一个4、Ive got none. = Ive got no small change.5、I havent got any (small change) either.【回顾】否定句中的“也”。 6、Im afraid (that) I cant (change that ten-pound note). 宾语从句。 7、Neither can I. = I cant.either. 当别人说的一句否

3、定的话的内容也适用于你时,就可以用这种简略的说法。 例句:-I dont like this book. -Neither do I. -I havent got any money. -Neither have I. -I am not a doctor. -Neither is he. 8、You must get off the bus. 情态动词must + do,上车get on get off 下车9、Except us. 介词except 除了。Everyone enjoyed the film except him.10、-Ive got some small change.

4、-So have I. 当别人说的一句肯定的话的内容也适用于你时,就可以用这种简略的说法。 例句:-I like this book. -So do I. So does he. -I have got any money. -So have I. -I am a doctor. -So is he. 总结:so和neither引导的简短回答 当有人说了一句肯定意义的话,其肯定内容也适于你或另外的人或事物时,可以采用这种简略的句式。 构成:肯定句. So +be/情/助+主语 例如:Lucy is a student. So am I. / So are they. / So is her b

5、rother. I like music. So does my brother. / So do they. They went to the party. So did I. 当有人说了一句否定意义的话,其否定内容也适于你或另外的人或事物时,可以采用这种简略的句式。 构成:否定句. Neither+ be/情/助+主语 例如:I dont like music. Neither does my brother. They didnt go to the party. Neither did I.当两个简单句中的逻辑主语是一个人时则不倒装。 如:My mother asked me to f

6、inish my homework before I played football with my classmates, so I did. 练习 1. He can change the small change. I can, too. (同义句)_ can I. 2. He is a student, They are ,too. (同义句) So _ they . 3. He has some books. We also have. (同义句) So _ _ 4. The boy cant change the small change. she cant ,either. (同

7、义句)_ can she 5. The man isnt a student, Im not , either. 同义句Neither _ I 6. The boy hasnt any books, they havent ,either. 同义句Neither _ _ 11.也either 否定句 句末too 肯定句 句末also 肯定句 句中neither of 两者都不either of 两者之一 谓语单数both of 两者都all of 全部(三者或以上) 谓语复数none of 全都不(三者或以上) 谓语单复数均可注意: 表否定的不定代词: no = not.any;none =

8、no + 名词None 与 no one 的区别 None 是回答How many 问句No one 是回答Who的问。如 -How many students are there in the classroom? -None. -Who is in the classroom? -No one. None 可以与of结构连用而no one是不可以的。 (None/No one) of them can speak Japanese. None of them _come/comes from America. no= not any 或 not a当no后接的是可数名单数时则可以用not a 来替换。当后面接的是复数名词或不可数名词时可以用not any来替换。收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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