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1、环境工程专业英语课后习题部分答案精品资料环境工程专业英语课后习题部分答案(第二版)钟理主编Exercises 0Write an article about yourself, including personal background, family, education, interests,ambitions and others. Write as much as you would like to.About MyselfMy name is Qin Zheng. I am from Xiangshan, which is a small town in Ningbo Distric

2、t. It is very beautiful and nowadays a lot of films and TV programmes are shot there. More and more people went there for a holiday. The people there are laborious, virtuous and warm hearted. Im much felicitated that I was born and raised up there. It is my hometown and I will love it forever.My fam

3、ily has been engaged in farming for generations. My relatives are all farmers. My ancestors and my parents have plotted all their life on thin ground. In my family, my father, my mother and I, thats all.Now Im in grade three, a third year student in Jiaxing University. Since I have made a lot of fri

4、ends, I find life in this university both happy and rewarding. I live happily here. I like climbing mountains. I like singing, listening classical music. I like essay, also novel, but my favorite is essay. Unfortunately, although I have read so much, my writing is still not very good.I hope that I c

5、an be an useful person for our society. But at the moment, my knowledge is still not rich enough. In order to realize my objectives in life, I will study hard and gain more and more skills and knowledge, such as speaking English and using computer. If I have enough money after graduation from school

6、, I will study driving. It is good to have a good job when someone can drive a car or a bus.Unit 1 (P.4)1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.life expectancy : 耐用期限,平均寿命poverty-stricken : 贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air : 烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气global conditions : 全球状况haves and have-not

7、s : 富人和穷人underprivileged : 社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原predator :食肉动物,捕食者environmental disruptions : 环境破坏,环境失调2 Put the following into English.农药pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥chemical fertilizer有机废物organic wastes微生物microorganism / mi

8、crobe衰减attenuation阻滞的retardant / blocking稀释dilution添加剂additive合成塑料synthetic plastic再生regenerationUnit 3 (P.19)1 Put the following into Chinese.(1) Raw materials that lose their usefulness because they sit on the shelf too long become waste.原材料放置过久会失去它们本身性能而变成废弃物。(2) Poor cleaning of parts or inadequ

9、ate dragout time will reduce the usefulness of the processchemicals, increase the cost of waste disposal, and the cost of chemical replacement.不良的零件清洗或者不充分的接触时间将减少工艺过程中化学品的有用性,增加处理废弃物的费用以及替换化学药品的费用。(3) Lockheed successfully switched from an alkaline cyanide cadmium bath to an acidicnoncyanide cadmiu

10、m bath.洛克希德(公司)成功地将碱性氰化镉溶液槽改变为酸性不含氰化镉的溶液槽。(4) Do not try to reinvent the wheel. Develop networking partners to share ideas.不要进行重复研究。发展网络伙伴以分享思想。3 Put the following into Chinese.Waste reduction/waste/minimization: 减少废物/废弃物/最小化In-process: 工程内,进程内Housekeeping: 维持管理Equipment modification landfills: 设备改造

11、,填埋Biodegradable solvents: 可生物降解溶剂Volatile chemicals: 挥发性化学品Management commitment: 管理层的承诺Unit 5 (P.34)1 Put the following words or phrase into Chinese.primary pollutant 一次大气污染物secondary pollutant 二次大气污染物air stagnation 空气流动停滞,大气停滞nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮(N2O)nitric oxide 一氧化氮(NO)nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮(NO2)

12、soot 煤烟dust 灰尘smog 烟雾ozone 臭氧herbicide 除草剂pesticide 杀虫剂 / 农药2 Put the following into English.正常浓度 normal concentration严重污染的 serious polluted / heavily polluted决定因素 determining factor光化学氧化物 photochemical oxidant液体微滴 liquid droplet放射性物质 radioactive substance不完全氧化 incomplete oxidization / incomplete co

13、mbustion含硫的 sulfur-containing风化 wind erosion / weathering汽车尾气 automobile exhaustUnit 6 (P.40)1 Put the following into Chinese(1) The most severe sequence of CO2 induced global warning would be melting of the polarice-caps and the subsequent rise of ocean levels and inundation of coastal plains.由CO2

14、所引起的全球变暖的最严重后果是极地冰帽的熔化,以及随之而来的海平面上升所引发的沿海平原的洪水。(2) Although global warming from the already elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 has beenpredicted by most climatic models, such a warming has not been empirically observed.虽然大多数气候模型已经预测大气中CO2 浓度的增加将引起全球变暖,但对于这样的气候变暖还没有实证观察过。(3) Although they indicate tr

15、ends in average surface temperatures and climate, they unfortunatelycoincide with increased industrialization and pollution.尽管这些资料表明了平均地面温度和气候的趋势,但不幸的是,恰恰遇上了这段时期内日益增强的工业化和污染。2 Put the following into English.温室效应 effect of greenhouse由二氧化碳引起的 caused by CO2世界碳预算 world carbon budget天气的自然波动 natural fluct

16、uations in climate全球变暖 global warming厌氧的 anaerobic甲烷 methane臭氧层 ozonosphere气候模型 climatic models腐烂 decayUnit 7 (P.47)3 Put the following into English.出口 outlet多管高效旋风分离器 multitube high-efficiency cyclone合成纤维 synthetic fabric捕集效率 collection efficiency机械洗涤 mechanical scrubbing压力降 pressure drop焚化炉 incine

17、rator气体离子 gas ion捕集板 collection surface碳黑 carbon blackUnit 8 (P.52)1 Put the following into English.尾气 off-gas可应用性 applicability工业规模 full-scale土壤床 soil bed生物过滤器 biofilter固定资本 fixed capital易生物降解的 easily biodegraded2 Put the following into Chinese.VOC 挥发性有机化合物APC 大气污染控制Regulatory program 调整项目Financial

18、 support 财政支持Operating cost 操作成本Biodegradation capacity 生物降解能力Environmental media 环境介质Biological 生物学的Technologies 技术、工艺Inorganic air pollutants 无机大气污染物Unit 10 (P.66)1 Put the following into Chinese.treatment facilities 处理设备per capita per day 每人每天municipality 市政当局, 自治市population equivalent 人口当量baseme

19、nt flooding 地下室浸水runoff 排水domestic sewage 生活污水type of terrain 地形种类Unit 11 (P.73)1 According to Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.unpalatable 味道差的volatile chemicals 挥发性的化学药品scale in hot pipes 热水管积垢harbor pathogens 窝藏病原体precipitate 使沉淀turbid 混浊的intermittent sources 间歇的污染源fixtures 固定设备2

20、According to Reading Material, put the following into English.合成有机化合物 synthetic organic compound微生物性能 microbiological properties普遍接受 universal acceptance食品加工 food processing精馏 rectification蒸发和冷凝 evaporation and condensation土壤腐蚀 erosion of soil过滤作用 percolating/ filtration副产品 byproduct脱盐 desalinationU

21、nit 12 (P.81)1 According to Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.land disposal 掩埋处置fecal coliform 粪大肠菌群stringent effluent requirement 严格的废水排放要求assimilation capacity 同化能力practical outlets 可行的排出途径,现实出路aquatic life 水生生物detrimental to human health 对人体健康有害的endogenous phase 内源生长期Unit 13 (P.89)

22、1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.flow monitoring 流量监测equipment age and reliability 装备老化及其可靠性mechanistic facilities 机械设备microbial activity 微生物活性activated sludge 活性污泥controlling respiration 控制呼吸oxidation ditches 氧化沟on-line automation 在线自动监测2 Based on Reading Material, put th

23、e following into English.手动控制 operator control/ manual control最优化 minimize the effects微处理器 microprocessor统计分析 statistical analysis质量衡算 mass balance动力学 dynamics氧化还原 oxidation and reduction /redox停留时间 residence time模拟 simulation参数 parameter水解 hydrolysis积分 integralUnit 23 (P.157)1 Put the following int

24、o English.吸声材料 sound adsorbing media弹性介质 elastic media蒸汽打桩机 steam-powered pile driver耳塞 ear plug劳动部 department of labor环保局 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)环保法 environmental protection lawUnit 24 (P.163)1 Put the following into Chinese.preempted and defaced land 过早地遭受破坏的土地personal conveniences 个

25、人的便利生活条件lavish dependency 过量依赖solar collectors 太阳集热器undue sacrific 过度牺牲social attitudes 社会态度patterns of living 生活方式再生纸废水物化处理方法研究摘要:通过对三种无机混凝剂(聚合氧化铝、聚合氯化铝、聚合硫酸铁)和一种有机混凝剂(聚丙烯酰胺)在不同影响因素(投加量、pH 值、搅拌速度、搅拌时间)下,对再生纸废水物化处理效果的研究,选出各种混凝剂的最佳投加量、pH 值、搅拌速度和搅拌时间,结果聚合氧化铝在处理再生纸废水方面效果最好。结果表明:1%聚合氧化铝在pH 值为67范围内,投加量为8

26、mL,以150r/min 的搅拌速度搅拌6 分钟,再生纸废水的浊度去除率可以达到90%以上,COD 的去除率可以达到80%上。关键词:再生纸废水;聚合氧化铝;聚合氯化铝;聚合硫酸铁;聚丙烯酰胺The Physical-chemistry Processing Method Research of Waste Water in the Process ofProducing Regenerated PaperAbstract: By way of research three kinds of inorganic coagulants ( polymerization alumina,polym

27、erization aluminum chloride and polymerization iron sulfate ) and one kind of organiccoagulant ( polyprogylene polyam ide ) under the different influence factors ( throwing thecapacity adding, pHs value, stirs speed, stirs time ), to waste water in the process of producing regenerated paper the phys

28、ical chemistry processing effect, selects out that various coagulants optimum throwing the capacity adding, pHs value, stirs speed and stirs time, concludes to polymerization alumina at the aspect that deals with waste water in the process of producing regenerated paper effect is the best. Indicates

29、: 1%polymerization alumina in pHs value is for 6 7 scopes at last, throws the capacity adding for 8mL, with 150r / min the stirring speed stirred 6 minutes, the haziness of waste water in the process of producing regenerated paper goes that removing rate can achieve more than 90%, and COD goes that removing rate can achieve more than 80%.Key words: waste water in the process of producing regenerated paper;polymerization alumina;polymerization aluminum chloride; polymerization iron sulfate; polyprogylene polyam ide仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢10

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