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1、PEP人教版小学英语六年级下册课堂同步练习试题全册资料精品文档六年级(下)Unit1第1课时学案【学习目标】1.掌握四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer.2.能认读句型:How tall are you ? Im 1.61 meters. Youre older than me.【重点难点】重点:掌握形容词比较级的构成。难点:在情景中使用含有形容词比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。如How tall are you ? Im 1.61meters.Youre older than me.【新知预习】一、请正确读出下列单词, 并写出它们的汉语意思

2、。1.young_ 2.old_ 3. tall_ 4.short_5. long_6. thin_ 7. how old_二、思考并回答下列问题1. Whats your Chinese teacher like?2. How tall is your Chinese teacher?【课堂探究】探究1:How tall are you?a. 用测量身高的工具量自己的身高并说一说:I am metres. b. 2个同学上台量一量身高问答。-How tall are you?-I am.metres.结论:询问别人的身高我们可以用 How tall are you? 回答自己的身高可以说:I

3、m metres. 探究2:写出下列单词的比较级并总结规律。 young_ short_tall_ old_ long_归纳:形容词变比较级一般情况下在词尾直接加er.【针对练习】1. Chen Jie is _ (young) than me.2. Your ruler is _ (long) than mine.3. -How _ (tall) are you? - Im 1.45 metres4. Im 1.42metres. You are 1.65metres. Im _ (short) than you.【达标练习】一、按要求写单词。1.写出下列单词的比较级。young _ sho

4、rt _ small _ strong _ long _ 2.写出下列单词的反义词。older longer small young 二、读一读,选一选。( ) 1. Youre_than your brother.A. taller B. tall C. short( ) 2. She is_. But she is taller than you. A. younger B. taller C.shorter( ) 3. How are you ? Im _.A. 10 years old. B. 170 cm C. fine( ) 4. Zhang Peng is very_. He o

5、ften helps his mother do the housework.A. bigger B. strong C. stronger( ) 5. The red ruler is_ than that one.A. taller B. younger C. shorter ( ) 6. How_are you? Im 170 cm.A. tall B. old C. strongTime, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思。)【学后反思】 六年级(下)Unit1第1课时学案答案【新知预习】一、请正确读出下列单词, 并写出它们的汉语

6、意思。1.年轻的 2. 年老的 3. 高的 4. 矮的 5. 长的 6.瘦的 7. 多大二、思考并回答下列问题。1. She is tall/ thin/strong/young/ kind.2. She is.metres.【课堂探究】探究1:-How tall are you?-I am.metres.探究2:younger shorter taller older longer【针对练习】1. younger 2. longer 3. tall shorter 【达标练习】一、按要求写单词。1.写出下列单词的比较级。younger shorter smaller stronger lon

7、ger 2.写出下列单词的反义词。younger shorter big old二、读一读,选一选。1. A 2. A 3. C 4.B 5. C 6. A 六年级(下)Unit1第2课时学案【学习目标】1. 能听懂、会说单词:hall, meter/metre , than, bothHow tall is it? Maybe 4 meters. Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Its taller than both of us together .并能在情景中运用。2.能听懂Lets try,并完成任务。3. 能理解Lets talk对话

8、内容,完成文后的练习题。【重点难点】重点:能听懂、会说Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Its taller than both of us together . How tall are you? Im 1.65cmeters.并能在情景中运用。难点:能听懂、会说Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Its taller than both of us together . How tall are you ? Im 1.65cmeters.并能在情景中运用。【新知预习】I. 读一读,译一译。1.yo

9、unger_ 2.older _ 3.taller_ 4.shorter_5.longer _ 6.dinosaur_ 7. first_ 8.second_II. 问一问,比一比。(1) A: How tall are you?B: I am metres. What about you ?A: I am metres. Im taller /shorter than you.B: Yes. You are taller/shorter than me.(2) A: How old are you?B: I am years old. What about you ?A: I am year

10、s old. You are older /younger than me.B: Yes. Im younger / older than you.【课堂探究】探究1:Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 为什么要用tallest?Zhang Peng 看到了展厅中最高的恐龙告诉了Mike。他是与展厅中其他所有恐龙相比较得出的结论。tallest是形容词tall的最高级形式。形容词最高级一般在词尾加est.结论:当我们对三个或以上的人或者事物进行比较时,一般要用到形容词的最高级。 探究2: 总结比较级的使用规律。(1)Its taller than

11、both of us together. (2) Im taller than this one.归纳:当我们对两个人或者事物进行比较时,通常要用到比较级。【针对练习】1. I am _ (tall) than my brother.2. Your arm is _ (long) than mine.3. Lucy is the _ (young) of the three4. Oliver is the _ (tall) in our class.【达标练习】I. 读一读,选一选。(1)Thats the _ ( tallest, taller) dinosaur in this hall.

12、(2) Its _ ( tall, taller) than both of us together.(3) How _ ( taller, tall) are you?(4)Im 1.65 _ ( meter, meters)II填空A: How_ is your father?B: He is 1.75 metres.A:He is the_in your family. How tall is your father?B: She is 1.63 metres. She is _than my father. A: How tall are you?B: Im 1.55 metres.

13、Im the _ in my family.III. 连词成句1. is, tall, how, it ( ? ) 2. I than taller am one this ( . ) 3. are dinosaurs there more there over ( . ) Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思。)【学后反思】 六年级(下)Unit1第2课时学案答案【新知预习】I. 读一读,译一译。1.更年轻的2.年纪更大的 3.更高的 4.更短的5.更长的6.恐龙 7.第一 8.第二【针对练习】1. taller 2. long

14、er 3. youngest 4. tallest【达标练习】I. 读一读,选一选。(1) tallest (2) taller (3) tall (4) metersII填空。tall tallest shorter shortestIII. 连词成句。1. How tall is it?2. Im taller than this one.3. There are more dinosaurs over there.六年级(下)Unit1第3课时学案【学习目标】1.学生能听、说、读、写单词:thinner, heavier, bigger, smaller, stronger.2.能够熟练

15、地运用句型“How heavy are you?/ Im 52 kilograms. /Youre heavier than me.”进行有关体重信息的交流。【重点难点】重点:掌握5个形容词比较级的构成。难点:能够掌握形容词比较级的变化规律,能在具体情景中使用含有形容词比较级的句型。【新知预习】一、请写出下列单词的汉语意思。1.young_ 2.old_ 3. tall_ 4.big_5. long_6. thin_ 7. heavy_ 8. nice_ 二、思考并回答下列问题。1. How heavy are you? 2. Who is heavier than you?【课堂探究】探究1

16、:How heavy ?问答重量。How heavy 意为多重,如果要询问某人有多重,就使用句型:How heavy are you ?询问物品的重量就要用句型:How heavy is/ are the?答语要用数字+质量单位,常用的质量单位有gram(克),kilogram(千克),ton(吨)结论:询问人或者物品的重量要使用句型“How heavy +be动词+ 人/物品?” 答语用:数字+质量单位。探究2:探究形容词的比较级变身法则 1. 写出下列形容词的比较级。 (1) old_ long_ small_ strong_(2)big _ thin_ fat_ sad _(3)heav

17、y_ funny_(4)nice_ fine_2. 小组讨论比较级的构成规律。归纳:形容词的比较级构成规律。a. 一般的形容词直接在词尾+er.b. 以重度闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的词-先双写该辅音字母,再+er.c. 以辅音字母加y结尾的词-先改y为i,再+er.d. 以字母e结尾的单音节词-词尾+r.【针对练习】1. -How _ are you? - Im 45 kilograms2. Im 40 kilograms. You are 42 kilograms. You are_ than me. 3. Your hands are bigger than_.(我的)【达标练习

18、】一、写出下列形容词的比较级.1.big_ 2. small _ 3.thin_ 4. heavy_ 5.strong_ 6.happy_7. angry_ 8.hot_ 9. nice _ 10.sad _二、连线.thinner heavier bigger stronger三、小小翻译官。1.How heavy are you? 2. Im 52 kilograms. 3. You are heavier than me. 4. The monkey is thinner than the tiger. 5.John is stronger than Mike. 四、连词成句。1. Mi

19、kes is fish than bigger Johns (.) 2. taller, than, she, is me (.) 3. heavy you are how(?) Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思。)【学后反思】 六年级(下)Unit1第3课时学案【新知预习】一、请写出下列单词的意思。1.年轻的 2.年纪大的 3. 高的 4.大的 5. 长的 6. 瘦的 7. 重的 8. 漂亮的二、思考并回答下列问题。1. Im kilograms.2. is heavier than me.【课堂探究】探究2:探究形容词的比

20、较级变身法则。 1. 写出下列形容词的比较级。(1) older longer smaller stronger(2)bigger thinner fatter sadder (3)heavier funnier(4)nicer finer【针对练习】1. heavy 2.heavier 3.bigger 4. mine【达标练习】一、 写出下列形容词的比较级。1.bigger 2.smaller 3.thinner 4. heavier 5.stronger 6.happier 7. angrier 8.hotter 9. nicer 10.sadder二、连线。thinner heavie

21、r bigger stronger三、小小翻译官。1.你多重?2.我52千克。3.你比我重。4.猴子比老虎瘦。5.约翰比麦克强壮。四、连词成句。1. Mikes fish is bigger than Johns.2. She is taller than me. 3. How heavy are you?六年级(下)Unit1第4课时学案【学习目标】1.能听懂Lets try,并完成任务。2.掌握句型:What size are your shoes, Mike? Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37.3.能理解Lets t

22、alk对话内容,完成文后的练习题。【重点难点】重点:1.能够运用句型“How heavy are you? / Im.kilograms. 来询问与回复有关体重的信息。 2.能够运用句型“What size are your shoes? /I wear size 38 shoes. / My shoes are size 37.” 来询问与回复有关鞋码的信息。难点:能听懂、会说句子:Im 48kilograms. My shoes are size 37.【新知预习】I.写出下列形容词的比较级。tall short long thin big strong II. 问一问,比一比。(1) A

23、: How tall are you?B: I am metres. A: I am metres. Im taller /shorter than you.(2) A: How heavy are you?B: I am kilograms.A: I am kilograms. B: You are heavier /thinner than me.【课堂探究】探究1:Watch the cartoons and answer. Q1:What size are your shoes, Mike?Q2: What size are Wu Yifans shoes? Q3: Whose sho

24、es are bigger? 结论:1.询问别人鞋码大小可以用What size are your shoes? 回答自己的鞋码可以用:My shoes are size 37. 或者 I wear size 37 shoes. 2.Your feet are bigger than mine中feet是foot的复数形式,mine= my feet. 当比较两个人的身体部位或者所拥有的物品时,than后面用mine等名词性物主代词是为了避免与前面提到的名词重复。探究2: Watch again and answer. Q4:How heavy are you, Mike?Q5:How hea

25、vy is Wu Yifan? Q6:Who is heavier, Mike or Wu Yifan?归纳:How heavy 意为多重,询问他人或者物体的重量要用 How heavy + be+人/物体?回答是要用到表示质量的单位如 kilograms(千克),grams(克)或者ton(吨)。 【针对练习】( ) 1. My feet are bigger than_.A. you B. your C. yours( )2 . How _are you? A. tall B. long C. heavy( ) 3. My shoes are _39.A. years B. size C.

26、 long ( ) 4. _ are your shoes?A. How many B. What size C. What about【达标练习】I. 按要求写出单词的适当形式。1.写出下列词的比较级。young_ short_tall_ old_ long_2.meter(复数)_ foot (复数)_ shoe (复数)_II. 根据对话判断对错。(对的写T, 错的写F.)( )1. Wu Yifan wears size7.( )2. Mikes shoes are size37.( )3. Mikes feet are bigger than Wu Yifans.( )4. Wu Y

27、ifan looks taller than Mike.( )5. Wu Yifan is heavier than Mike.III连词成句。1. size what shoes your are (?)2.wear 7 size I shoes. (.)3.mine bigger feet your are than (.)4. heavy How you are(?)Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思。)【学后反思】 六年级(下)Unit1第4课时学案答案【新知预习】I.写出下列形容词的比较级。taller shorter

28、 longer thinner bigger stronger 【课堂探究】探究1:Watch the cartoons and answer. Q1:Size 7. (In China I wear size 38 shoes.)Q2: His shoes are size 37.Q3: Mikes.探究2: Watch again and answer. Q4:Im 48 kilograms.Q5:He is 46 kilograms.Q6:Mike.【针对练习】1.C 2. C 3.B 4. B【达标练习】I. 按要求写出单词的适当形式。1. younger shorter taller

29、 older longer2. meters feet shoesII. 根据对话判断对错。(对的写T, 错的写F.)1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. FIII连词成句。1. What size are your shoes?2. I wear size 7 shoes.3. Your feet are bigger than mine.4. How heavy are you?六年级(下)Unit1第5课时学案【学习目标】1.学生能听、说、认读单词countryside , lower, shadow, smarter, become.听、说、认读Read and write部分

30、内容,并能完成第9页的练习。2.学生能用英文的长度单位来描述影子的状况,能用形容词比较级谈影子在什么时候变长,在什么时候变短。【重点难点】重点:1.能听、说、认读Read and write部分内容,并能完成第9页的练习。难点:能理解影子的原理,能用形容词比较级谈论影子在什么时候变长,在什么时候变短。【新知预习】I.问一问,比一比。How old are you?How tall are you? How heavy are you?What size are your shoes?Im.than you.【课堂探究】探究1:(1)Think it over: What changes do

31、you have from the baby to now?We get taller and taller, heavier and heavier, stronger and stronger2.Spring is coming!The sky is cleaner and the sun is brighter.Can you think of any other changes? Look and tick.The trees are greener . The weather is warmer.结论: 探究2: Think and discuss:(1)Do you agree w

32、ith Old Tree? Why?(2)Can you answer Little Ducks question? Whats your answer?归纳:When the sun gets higher, the shadow gets shorter. When the sun gets lower, the shadow gets longer.【针对练习】读文本,完成对话。Little Duck: Old Tree, You are _and _ than me. The sun gets _, but my shadow gets _.Why?Old Tree: Thats ea

33、sy. You shadow gets longer because you are getting _and growing _every day.Little Duck: So what will happen to me?Old Tree: Well【达标练习】I. 写出下列单词的意思。lower_ longer_ smarter _ shadow_ grow_ become_II. 选择正确的答案。( )1.Little Duck is watching the sun_ . A. goes down B.go down ( ) 2.Its getting _and _.A.low,

34、low B. lower, lower.( )3 .Your shadow grows _because you are growing_. A.long,tall B.longer, taller( )4.You are _a beautiful bird.A. become B becoming( )4.You are older and smarter_me. A. and B. thanIII.阅读短文判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。My family has three people, my father, my mother and me. My father is taller

35、 than my mother. He is younger than my mother. My mother is 47 kilograms.My father is 52 kilograms. My father is heavier than my mother. Im shorter and thinner than my father and my mother. Look! This is my family.( )1. My father is taller than mother( )2. My mother is heavier than my father.( )3.My

36、 father is the tallest one in my family.( )4. Im thinner than my mother.( )5. The family has 4 people.Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思。)【学后反思】 六年级(下)Unit1第5课时学案答案【针对练习】读文本,完成对话。older smarter lower longer older taller【达标练习】I. 写出下列单词的意思。更低的, 更长的, 更聪明的, 影子, 长大, 成为II. 选择正确的答案。1.B 2.B 3

37、.B 4.B 5. AIII.阅读短文判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F六年级(下)第二单元第1课时学案Unit 2 Last weekendPart A.Lets learn【学习目标】1. 能够听、说、读、写下列词汇或短语: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV.2. 能够听、说、认读下列句型: How was your weekend?It was fine. /OK. What did you do ? I 3. 在日常生活中能够向同伴灵活的介绍自己的周末活动。【重点难点】重点:1. 能够熟练的听、说、读、写本课的词汇或短语。2. 能够听、说、认读并能灵活运用本课的重点句型。难点:1. 能够熟练拼读并书写过去式的四个短语,并区分washed和watched. 2. 能够灵活运用所学句型。【新知预习】1. Memory game: 利用游戏的形式复习以前学过的一般现在时的短语,为本课过去式短语的学习奠定基础。Boys

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