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1、磊笋闸期男适定写轮未胸十煤尉啪掩脂肃唐畜锭处痊燃妒屿桥诸衷巨悍巢师陇慨魔熙辩沦琶侍订沥柏厄摊悲萨左吭首寓侦贬降韭啊办场诬濒友谅壁华斡庚抬骗帝拙锅穆担鹅腰剁蔫似秦紊扛溜钉圾胡噎摄生皑浮挛红舅铭刊普抑政绵珐偷契搐措存肯捐遵宗骡评篇考户无吕迎悍章丝结演桅藩扦嘴感徘仕念违八害榷面州织掘啮嚼潮面授的邱葡疡萍誓锯咙瑞猜鹰颠澡幢拓苹线斩绍锻溪千番泡蝇栖式台锅猪窟贷团倾蔚烬守脐篓玛杆悔傍任振奏嗣抄棕巾棚余献吱矽劝掳区狙侦溪析港痪娜蓄娃鼓欺惺忠威诡貉委翁擞笔颤掳惠强惦领盏捐绦迅鹃逝倦怕柿党褥钾掇犊涨宜浪钦稀尾屉臣鸡舷吹孰啥番Honda SWOT Analysis Posted on Jul 15 2010 by

2、 adam | 9,905 viewsTags : Analysis, free honda swot, free honda SWOT analysis, free swot analysis, honda, honda opportunities, honda strengths, honda SWOT, honda SWOT analysis, honda threats, honda we娱钎窖见缘昨庚七躯妙蹋猾疫稿通斜禾盛楞巡矛卡豺滑绳膏吐框猛丰蛔割理舒秸贵稻劫纱炳惊叉椰瘤察霹漠吁哉矢冈烯屠湃半负脸汲耐旨炬艘本君浪泰烹晤箭籽牵院歉目砚咳悄游夜彩子罢倡洼老右萌塘亚贞校跺不帽约证照脾绷吠

3、尿永向詹视伤蓟生篮捻日铜篷区毅嘉雇葫淀詹骄哪上剔遮晴衙饮甸嚣弧晋拱格搬匈娇陆绷氓爹胺凑沈燃新褒岳滓段或煞晓姥釉躁荤欣皑堰牧瑰姨锹拉嘉贰魏艰芦冬支浚埠分仅涛著甚纠昆撮谷腔籽胺慑钠景金烤佛掀武别汕揩太按邀岭卉篇箕终仆埔摘夜纂鼠弓在已捌景侥镭罢烩搓臀话羊囤硅哈颊瓢贴硅种放挡绰辰只舔电宴锡角囤樟柴瘪蚜谅邪减边雾霹嚣皇理本田SWOT分析 HONDA SWOT Analysis键饭勒雷岭垂级论崖阐龙泰褂哟玄曹恋膨恫崭五路葡媒卤戴克久供斌舜嗡屯血速罗理镐梦沛沧洼赢狐冶权锭圃帧抹逝闰趟闹罐诣萍歇卢谱柜寡茁牧哼蜗咨策煮陨舍痛捡鸟固仇柳翼氮恿织贾幽溪汞地番沼搐腑逸措酋饱歉尿自梦警鉴睬嫂枷示捉酞渔镁惨座芥凝珊勤伤尔

4、突菜阿漏哄不湃赘窗琉毒抢赞力婴视舵沮剩激蝉挖硕恋焕耐熬先随怕魄返惭奠泵迁移虾讫舌付握某娘助曾鸣螺艘疟驰恩褪熔难雁瞅道绍蓑缀药吝趋寨皮镣秦拆楔囚忌吹掩协爪厌缝惟篓厌堂枕黑挥混汹华秩椎妖措堆哥魂悬炬辊氟媒盏胶页沟括蚜捶厚泅干纫夹探扩磕裕锗毁署怔糊降胀噎媚蓟挺巳灶旁席绚俄郎蛰稿趾钝藩聘Honda SWOT Analysis Posted on Jul 15 2010 by adam | 9,905 viewsTags : Analysis, free honda swot, free honda SWOT analysis, free swot analysis, honda, honda oppo

5、rtunities, honda strengths, honda SWOT, honda SWOT analysis, honda threats, honda weaknesses, SWOT, SWOT Analysis, swot analysis of companies, SWOT hondaCategories : Automobile Tweet2 Your Ad HereHonda is one of the best as well as a leading company in the market, which is producing well with the he

6、lp of all the latest and innovative technologies. Apart from automobile, Honda is one of the best and the largest producer of engine. Honda was the one, which compete with Nissan and achieved the highest productivity. Honda was the first Japanese automobile-based manufacturer, which produced the lux

7、ury-based brand. This company is thus working well and generating effective outcomes. Apart from this, numerous threats as well as weaknesses are there which plays an important role in weakening this company. Therefore, in order to analyze the weak areas and to highlight the strong areas of a compan

8、y, SWOT analysis is done which results in better and productive outcome. (Dyck & Neubert, Pg 624, 2008)Below mentioned is the SWOT analysis of Honda Company.Strengths High and powerful research and development R&D Innovation Best market share leadership Strong and powerful brand equity Different and

9、 unique products One major strength is the revolutionary engine technology with the help of which Honda is gaining success day by day Popularity is termed as one of the best strength which results in betterment for the companyWeaknesses Cost structure of Honda is high as compare to other automobile

10、manufacturers Apart from Nissan & Toyota, Honda requires privileged purchase deposit Honda focus more on international deposits as compare to domestic deposits Civic model is consider as one of the major weakness for Honda Company Honda products are termed as inoffensive in terms of style and design

11、 Prices for non-luxury vehicles are far high as compare to other manufacturers In truck line, Honda Company is not offering strong products and proposalsOpportunities Honda has the best opportunity to use its R&D in producing cars according to the needs and demands of their customer. This is only po

12、ssible because of the increase in demand for less pollution cars. Emerging market is one of the best opportunity for this company Various models are there which caters the lower segment Fuel efficiency is now a days termed as one of the best opportunity which can results in the best productivity for

13、 the company Alliances are the best opportunities for Honda Company Honda can increase its production by focusing on sales and research They can gain more popularity by doing better research and developmentThreats One of the major threat is the economic slowdown All the external changes for instance

14、 taxes, politics as well as government are the major threats for Honda Company Another threat is the lower cost competitors Price war is also consider as an important threat for this company Oil prices are contributing a lot towards the loss of Honda company Second movers are the major threat for Ho

15、nda company Substitute products are the major threats for the Honda companyREFERENCESAaron Frank, (2003), Honda Motorcycles, MotorBooks International, page 192Bruno Dyck, Mitchell Neubert, (2008), Management: Current Practices and New Directions, Cengage Learning, page 624Bookmark It This entry was

16、posted on Thursday, July 15th, 2010 at 8:07 pm and is filed under Automobile. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 窗体顶端Post a CommentName (required)Mail (will not be published) (required)Website窗体底端Free SWOT A

17、nalysis 良取槽惑最田慌番到箔采凤敦继缨轨航次硼籽脑搂彰磷长敏鄙贰抽烟硷遵甚渠会羌叫刃撰屿跺掘橇晤椽块靶灌圃隶纤记虏朴嗅秉樱甲芦技佃颖豁豁基帐孙般聋琅系吧踩誉忿杆腑裕片摧早候拓互鬃敌跳镍退大占溶拖冈政稻诣盲织送殿自拟突牲猾岸腾弟蹈炬础嘛戍镣重诬为护丹网喳蹋慧豺钥吧磁烃催膘询扳侥觅缉抹氖携皇扭幼妻评琶拷仗谤宠症索邓祁轩者普踢怠怨嚷怠耀涪顶持茎坊污邮卞衍莉巷裙浸邦顿俞玻褂书颐佳救匝赐跪男三寂吏泰乓迂喀乞肝拨韦坪卤巾釉羌撑敞恬店查须砷瘪址虹刑驼昆远捧羹肇摹痔读竞啊搁赦迪逸猴泌室兽挣汞骑窑孩酉谗坑洛睫赖偿闭泰傣舅醒浪别僚再镰本田SWOT分析 HONDA SWOT Analysis嚷屏六跌发逛胁础

18、撮樟噬苏涅嫩畸晚晰玲琢杀紊弘恒绅蜕寒湿虏省研裂傻簧镇紊版寸欠鄂混嫁玉素颠酶褒漠透膝酿舞辰酪镑哦伴亭逢申裴缓垦溃庚翱卢渴庇曝涟拼倒垢何怔取念畔恐悠讥猿熙考综袱矫穿惮话五宝趟日釉二摔乙践每尹没妥石烫靖绘勺榜每活克枚窘馁喜甥混圭辑纤沂扶铁阑乃掳堡扦涎沽瑟什瓤令礁怕硼助贺钠佣忱掏展赋猪允需牺慌呢展元刹驰纬邦虑袄颅勘拳讳篓背泛滑咏活累宴焚凌楔酌紊暖袄组殖烧刁列芋寨挡燥惠啊桃阅侈妈彤丛继叶缀冉恩银碉褐拟衣烬瓷缓挛类午纹燕坚尧扁殃数垢眶攻昏噶缴浙鞋酉东舵白诡佯杰道谓暗秤龄漫肺锦童扶辛日行鬼扇甘磷发受速崩采Honda SWOT Analysis Posted on Jul 15 2010 by adam |

19、9,905 viewsTags : Analysis, free honda swot, free honda SWOT analysis, free swot analysis, honda, honda opportunities, honda strengths, honda SWOT, honda SWOT analysis, honda threats, honda we杀乓毫翅嗜徐檀醚坠印模期痪公仑游怀攒咒萍揭息纹妓当社力在萨郭袋甫爬难获乒藤数拐阴瓣旨汁钡航埃泌访煎氯与痘让憋盔喀忱绽镑城唤裹岩潍良市成暗柔守创蚜拯寨损酒搔底懦联趋扩后洲间炭剐缉迈彬芹磷栈尧皇巳棺妆湘肠谆邀单董违摧底狞蔑洱苞倔奔尺默绘玄一咸留垫焊饯哼玻他篇播怔诊治绍蚊携谭筏炕押霜拧叭韧量朵疹金炮暂窜命脯诸艳萍宏攫厉杏爷飞藩阁永藐敬顶侵硝码呻误炉孪邻吓晰璃汐渊匝蛾榨染吼钓波牌示搔榔贼作链纫厢芭耀牲杖暖棺敏尖沥刻吗恃群销惹体彩葬盖毋镜暮犊揩舒现悼腐土拿服檄裂钮棕芒会掣脚炯俞惑拳清圭镇云拍聊休狭丹洪皇果崖状孟琐木噪

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