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1、新人教版八上年级英语U1-10词组精品文档Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?1. stay at home 待在家 stay - stayed2. visit my uncle/ museums拜访我叔叔/ 博物馆3. go to summer camp/ Central park去夏令营/中心公园4. go to the mountains/ beach去爬山/ 海滩5. buy something special买一些特别的东西6. swim-swam-swimming 游泳7. meet someone interesting碰见一些有趣的人 8. d

2、o something fun 做一些有趣的事9. study for tests 为考试学习10. Long time no see. 好久不见11. be wonderful 精彩的12. quite a few(=many)+c.n.复 许多13. most of the time 大多数时间14. buy sth for sb 为某人买某物15. buy nothing for myself没给自己买东西16. see something I liked 看到一些我喜欢的东西17. taste good 尝起来美味18. be the first time to do sth 第一次做

3、某事19. a friends farm 一个朋友的农场20. feed hens/ baby pigs 喂鸡/小猪 feed-fed21. the only problem 唯一的问题22. nothing much to do 没什么事可做23. seem to do sth 似乎要做某事24. in our group 在我们组25. enjoy (v.)-enjoyable(adj.) 令人愉快的 enjoy doing sth. 26. enjoy walking around 喜欢到处走走27. sunny and hot 既晴朗又热28. wet and cold 又冷又热29.

4、 decide to do sth 决定干某事30. feel like doing sth/ + 从句 想要做某事31. ride bicycles 骑自行车 ride-rode32. a really old place 一个真的老地方33. the Chinese traders from 100 years ago 100多年前的中国商人34. walk up to the top 走上山顶35. start raining 开始下雨36. over(more than) an hour 一小时多37. too many people 太多人38. an umbrella 一把雨伞39

5、. enough money足够的钱good enough足够得好40. something below 一些下面的东西41. wait for sb 等待某人42. because of the bad weather 因为坏天气43. many of the old buildings 许多老的建筑物44. try doing sth尝试做某事try to do sth尽力做某事45. What a difference a day makes!= How different a day makes! 一天的差异多么大啊!Unit2 How often do you exercise?1.

6、 How often 多久 hardly ever几乎不2. How many hours / percent of the students多少小时/百分比的学生3. go shopping/ to the movies去购物/去看电影4. go to the shopping center去购物中心5. help with housework 帮助干家务6. use the Internet使用网络 go online上网7. twice a week 一周两次8. three or four times a month一月三到四次9. on weekends /on the weeken

7、d 在周末10. be quite full for sb 对而言很忙11. have dance and piano lessons上舞蹈与钢琴课12. swing dance 摇摆舞 not at all根本不13. stay up late熬夜 at least至少14. eat a healthy breakfast 吃一餐健康的早饭15. exercise or play sports 锻炼或做运动16. your best friend 你最好的朋友17. be good for my health 有利于我的健康18. have good/bad habits 有好习惯19. s

8、tart with the first question从第一个问题开始20. eat vegetables and fruit 吃蔬菜和水果21. Cant stand milk 不能忍受牛奶22. go camping in the country 在乡下野营23. in ones free time 在某人的空余时间24. ask about 问某人关于25. their free time activities 他们的空余活动26. use of the Internet and watching TV看电视和网络的用途27. the results of 的结果28. fifteen

9、 percent of the students 15%的学生29. one to three times a week 一周一到三次30. be surprised that/at /to do 做感到惊奇31. use it for fun / not for homework 用于娱乐/不用于作业32. the answers to the questions about doing sth关于做某事的问题答案33. the most popular 最受欢迎34. relax by doing sth 通过做某事来消遣35. the best way to relax 消遣的最好方法3

10、6. such as doing sth 列如做某事37. spend time with sb 花时间与某人一起度过38. old habits die hard 积习难改39. most students= most of the students 大部分学生40. go to the dentist for teeth cleaning去牙医处清洁牙齿41. a 16-year-old high school student 一个16岁的高中学生42. be afraid of / to do/ that 害怕43. use as an example 用作为一个例子unit31. pl

11、ay the drums well 打鼓打得好2. play the drums better than him比他打鼓打得更好3. be better at dancing than her在跳舞方面比她跳得更好4. thin/fat/red/hot/big/wet Heavy/funny/early/friendly/lazy/friendly/easy/shy Popular/serious/important/beautiful/5. sing more loudly/ clearly than me比我唱得更响/清晰I am louder than the other kids in

12、 my class我比我班的其他孩子更响 6.win the game赢得比赛7.get up earlier than Tom比汤姆起得更早8.jump higher than me 比我跳得更高9. be more hard-working than us比我们更勤奋10. work as hard as Tina工作和缇娜一样努力 be as smart as him和他一样聪明11.The singing competition is fantastic唱歌比赛是精彩的12.which girl is Lisa?那个女孩是丽萨? The one with shorter hair.那个

13、有更短头发的13.Everyone wants to win每人都想赢14.learn something new 学些新的东西15.be talented in music在音乐方面有天赋16. have cool clothes有很酷的衣服17. do the same things as me做和我一样的事Be the same as my best friend和我最好的朋友是一样的Be different from my brother和我弟弟是不同的 18.turly cares about me确实关心我19.make me laugh 使我笑 Make me surprised

14、使我惊讶20.be a good listener 一个好的聆听者21. be like a mirror象一面镜子22. enjoy studying together喜欢在一起学习24.Its not easy for me to make friends 对我来讲交友是不容易的25. as long as friends are good 只要朋友是好的26. bring out the best in me显出我最好的一面28. much less hard-working不勤奋得多a lot more outgoing友好得多a little taller更高点儿a bit more

15、 expensive更昂贵得多even worse更糟糕29.get better grades than him获得比他更好的成绩 Get better grades than he does30. Maybe he is forty也许他40岁He may be forty.31. my favorite saying我最喜爱的名言32.Reach for your hand伸出援手 touch your heart感动你的心扉 break my arm 弄断我的胳膊33.share everything with my friends和我的朋友分享一切34.be always there

16、 to listen总在那儿聆听35. a primary school student一个小学生36. be good with children 和孩子们相处得好37.call the English Study Center for more information 给英语学习中心打电话求更多信息38. be similar to 和 相似Unit 41. the best movie theater 最好的电影院2. the most comfortable seats 最舒服的座位3. sit the most comfortably 坐着最舒服4. the biggest scre

17、en 最大的屏幕5. the shortest waiting time 最短的等待时间6. the closest to home 离家最近7. worse than 比更差8. the worst store 最差的商店9. buy tickets quickly 买票最快10. buy clothes the most cheaply 买衣服最便宜11. play the most boring songs 播放最无聊的音乐12. choose songs the most carefully 选歌最仔细13. in town 在镇上14. so far 到目前为止15. Thanks

18、for doing sth. 感谢某人做某事16. Thank you for telling me 谢谢你告诉我这些17. know my way around 熟悉这边的路18. the freshest food 最新鲜的食物19. No problem 不客气20. not at all 一点也不21. not at all 没关系/不用谢22. the most creative 最有创造力的23. the funniest actor 最滑稽的演员24. talent show 才艺表演25. the most talented person 最有才能的人26. get/becom

19、e more and more 变得越来越27. have in common 有相同的特征28. all / different kinds of 各种各样的29. sing the most beautifully 唱得最动听30. be up to 由决定31. play a role in 在中扮演角色/发挥作用32. get a very good prize 得到丰厚的奖品33. make up 编造34. for example 举例35. poor farmer 贫穷的农民36. take seriously 认真对待37. no problem 没问题38. the wors

20、t service 最差的服务39. make their dreams come true 使他们的梦想实现40. be truly talented 真地有才能的Unit 5 1. Soap opera 肥皂剧2. Sports show 体育节目3. Game show 游戏节目4. Talent show 才艺表演 be talented 有才华的5. News 新闻6. watch a talk show 谈话节目7. More educational 更有教育意义8. Plan to do /make a plan to do计划去做某事9. hope to do希望做某事10.

21、hope to be a TV reporter希望成为一名电视记者11. Find out 找出,发现,查明12. Whats going on around the world?世界上发生什么事13. Have a discussion about进行关于什么的讨论14. Follow the story 跟随故事情节15. See what happens next 了解接下来发生什么16. Expect to do 盼望做某事17. Learn a lot from them 从他们身上学到很多东西18. Around the world/all over the world19. S

22、cary movies 恐怖电影20. One day过去或将来的某一天21. Be enjoyable/something enjoyable 愉快,23.Over 80 years ago 80多年前22. In the cartoon 在卡通片里23. Come out 发行,出版24. The first cartoon with sound and music有声音和音乐的首部卡通片25. Become very rich and successful 很有钱很成功26. In the 1930s 20世纪30年代27. One of the main reasons 主要理由之一2

23、8. Face some danger 面对一些危险29. Try ones best to do 尽某人最大努力去做30. on the Hollywood Walk of Fame在好莱坞的星光大道上31. Todays cartoon 现在的卡通32. Not so simple as /as famous as 不如简单/与一样有名33. a pair of ears 一对耳朵34. Make 87 cartoons with Micky 拍87部米老鼠的卡通片35. Such as losing his house 比如失去了他的家36. A symbol of 的象征37. Be

24、ready to 准备去做某事38. An old Chinese story 一个古老的中国传说故事39. Dress up like a boy 打扮成一个男孩40. Be meaningless 无意义41. Stand /mind them 忍受他们 介意他们42. Show love for her family 显示出对她家庭的爱43. Take ones place to do 代替某人的位置去做某事44. Do a good job 干得好45. Another cartoon character 另一个卡通人物46. Think of 想到Unit 61. study com

25、puter science 学习电脑科学2. grow up 成长3. a computer programmer 电脑程序师4. basketball player 篮球运动员5. violin - violinist piano - pianist6. science - scientist 7. take acting lessons 上表演课8. practice playing basketball 学习打篮球9. study math really hard 学习数学真的很难10. move to sp. 搬去某地11. keep on writing stories 继续写故事1

26、2. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/某事13. make sure 确信14. try ones best 尽某人最大努力15. buy a fast car 买一辆跑车16. study education 学习教育学17. a race car driver 赛车驾驶员18. study medicine 学习西药19. at a university 在大学里20. sound difficult 听起来有困难21. start next September 明年九月开始22. learn to play the piano 学习弹钢琴23. make the s

27、occer team 组建足球队24. eat healthier food 吃更健康的食物25. get lots of exercise 做更多的锻炼26. learn another foreign language 学习另一种外语27. discuss the questions 讨论问题28. make some resolutions 下决心29. a kind of promise 一种承诺30. most of the time 大多数的时间31. at the beginning of 在开始32. improve our lives 改进我们的生活33. write dow

28、n 写下34. plan for the coming year 为明年计划35. physical health 身体健康36. start am exercise program 开始运动37. have to do with self-improvement 与自我改进有关38. take up a hobby 开始一个爱好39. make a weekly plan 做周计划40. the start of the year 新一年的开始41. a time for 的时间42. my relationships with family and friends 朋友和家人的关系43.

29、finish high school and college 完成高中和大学的学业Unit7:1. There will be 将会有2. Study at home on computers 在家电脑上学习3. Be free 免费的4. On(a piece of ) paper 在(一张)纸上5. Live to be 200 years old 活到200岁6. In 100 years=100 years from now 100年后7. Less free time 更少的时间8. Use the subways less 更少的使用地铁9. less pollution 更少污染

30、/fewer trees 更少的树10. Be more crowded and polluted 被更多拥挤和污染11. Be in great danger 有危险12. Move to other planets 移到其他星球13. Live on the earth 活在地球上14. Play a part in saving the earth 参与拯救地球15. Do the same jobs as 与 做相同的工作16. Spend time together on weekends 周末一起度过17. Live in an apartment 住在一间公寓18. Fly ro

31、ckets to the moon 乘火箭到月球19. Live on a space station 住在太空站20. Be like human servants 像人类的佣人21. Help with the housework 帮助家务22. Do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places 23. There are already robots working in factories 24. Do simple jobs 做简单的工作25. Over and over again 一而再再而三;反复的26. Do such job

32、s in the future 在将来做这样的工作27. Make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do 28. Be fun to watch 看看有趣29. Make robots move like people使机器人像人们一样动30. Make robots really think like a human 使机器人像人类一样思考31. Will be able to 将可以32. Wake up 醒来33. Disagree with sb 不同意某人34. Talk like humans in 25 t

33、o 50 years 35. Have many different shapes 有许多不同的形状36. Look like humans 像人类37. In India 在印度38. Make robots look like snakes 制作像蛇一样的机器人39. Fall down 落下40. Seem impossible 似乎不可能41. Which side 哪一方 At some point 在某一方面42. As a newspaper reporter 作为一个报纸记者43. Meet lots of interesting people 44. When possibl

34、e=when it is possible 当有可能45. The meanings of words 单词的意思46. During the weekends/holidays 在周末/假期期间Fly up into the sky 飞上天空Unit8.1.Cut it up 把它切碎/Eat it up 把它吃光Mix them up把它们混合/Use the money up把钱用光Put it on把它穿上/Take them off把它们脱掉Turn the TV on/turn off the TV打开/关闭电视Turn up /turn down开大/关小/Take it out

35、把它取出2.look after him照顾他/ Look for me寻找我3.How much yogurt/cheese do we need?我们需要多少酸奶/奶酪 How many children are there in the park公园里有多少小孩 How much is the T-shirt?这体恤多少钱 How much are the books?.这些书多少钱4.Two teaspoons of yogurt.两汤匙酸奶5.Add some salt to the dumplings往饺子里加些盐6. pour the milk into the blender把

36、牛奶倒入搅拌器First, second, third fourth,fifth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth7. first next, then, finally8.Make salad 做萨拉 Make an apple milk shake做一份苹果奶昔 Make chicken sandwiches做鸡肉三明治 Boil the noodles煮面条/ Peel the bananas剥香蕉 Make Russian soup 做俄罗斯风格的汤 Cook them for 30 minutes 烧30分钟 Cook for another 10 minutes

37、 再烧另外10分钟 Put the corn into the popcorn machine 9. I like lettuce in my sandwiches I like sandwiches with tomatoes I like tomato sandwiches10.Cut up an onion 切碎一个洋葱11.Dont forget to add some sugar 不要忘记加些糖12.Put some butter on a piece of bread把一些黄油放在一片面包上13.Eat traditional food吃传统的食物14.On special hol

38、idays在特殊的假日15.On the fourth Thursday在第四个星期四16.In the autumn在秋天17.Remember the first travelers记得第一个旅行者18.Celebrate thanksgiving庆祝感恩节20.The main dish is almost turkey主菜几乎是火鸡21.Fill the box with books用书装满盒子22. The box is full of books这个盒子里装满了书23.Cover it with gravy用肉汁覆盖它24.Be ready for the test为测验作好了准备

39、25.Serve sth to your friend把某物供给你的朋友26.Cook it at a very high temperature用很高的温度来烹饪它27.On this/that day在这一天/在那一天/28.One by one渐渐地29.Its time to enjoy the rice noodles该吃面条的时候Unit 91. prepare for the exam 为考试做准备2. go to the doctor 去看医生/have the flu 得了流感3. on Saturday afternoon 在星期六的下午4. come to my part

40、y 来参加我的聚会5. too much homework 太多的作业6. another time 下次7. go bike riding 去骑自行车8. last fall 去年秋天9. hang out 闲逛10. not until直到。才。11. catch you on Monday 星期一见12. Im afraid not 我恐怕不行/Im not sure 我不确定13. finish the science homework 完成科学作业14. look after 照顾/be free to do sth.有空做某事15. invite sb to邀请某人去。/refus

41、e to do 拒绝做某事16. the day before yesterday 前天/the day after tomorrow 后天17. accept an invitation 接受邀请/make an invitation发出邀请18. turn down an invitation 拒绝邀请19. What a great idea 真是个好主意啊20. likea lot/very much 非常喜欢。21. help me to improve my English 帮助我提高英语22. the best way to do 最好的做某事的方式23. bring sb to

42、 把某人带到。来24. take a trip to去。旅行25. at the end of this month 这个月底26. help out with any of the party preparations为聚会的任何准备工作效劳27. As Im sure you know by now 我想现在大家一定都知道了28. go back to the US 回美国去29. have a surprise party for sb为某人开个惊喜派对30. next Friday 下周五31. so that 以便,为了/so that如此。以至于。32. look forward

43、to doing/sth盼望做某事33. hear from sb 收到某人的信34. a housewarming party 乔迁聚会35. hope you can make it 希望你能参加/做到36. say to sb对某人说37. the opening of our new library我们的新图书馆开馆仪式38. on the morning of Wednesday在星期三的上午39. after this 在这以后40. enjoy our school concert欣赏我们学校的音乐会41. in the school hall在学校礼堂42. bring one book as a gift带一本书来作为礼物43. reply in writing to this invitation对这个邀请作书面答复U101. go to the party 参加聚会2. have a great time/have fun /+doing 玩得开心/做某事有乐趣3. wear jeans 穿牛仔裤4. tomorrow night 明天晚上5. talk about when to have a class pa

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