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1、肖申克的救赎(字幕)学习好资料Mr. Dufresne, describe -杜弗伦先生 请你描述 the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. -命案当晚和妻子争吵的情形 It was very bitter. -我们吵的很凶 She said she was glad I knew,that she hated all the sneaking around. -她说不怕我知道 她讨厌偷偷摸摸 And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. -她还说

2、想去雷诺市办离婚 -What was your response? -I told her I would not grant one. -你怎样回答?-我拒绝离婚Ill see you in hell before I see you in Reno. -你别想活着去雷诺市 Those were your words, according to your neighbors. -邻居作证你说过这句话 If they say so. -也许吧 I really dont remember. I was upset. -我气炸了 记不清楚 What happened after you argu

3、ed with your wife? -你们吵完以后呢? She packed a bag. -她收拾行李 She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin. -去跟昆丁先生住一起 Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club -葛兰昆丁 乡村俱乐部的高球教练 whom you had discovered was your wifes lover. -你最近才发现 他是你太太的情夫 Did you follow her? -你跟踪她吗? I went to a few bar

4、s first. -我先去酒吧买醉 Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They werent home. -然后去他家 但没人在 I parked in the turnout -我停了车 and waited. -等他们 With what intention? -用意何在? Im not sure. -我不确定 I was confused -我醉了 drunk. -糊里糊涂 I think -我想 mostly I wanted to scare them. -最多只是吓吓他们 When they arrived, you wen

5、t up to the house and murdered them. -结果他们一回来 你就冲进屋杀了他们 No, I was sobering up. -不 我逐渐酒醒 I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. -开车回家睡觉 Along the way, I threw my gun into the Royal River. -路中 把枪丢入皇家河 Ive been very clear on this point. -我已讲的很清楚 I get hazy where the cleaning woman show

6、s up the following morning -但清洁妇隔天早晨上工时 and finds your wife in bed with her lover -发现床上的双尸 riddled with.38-caliber bullets. -身上满是三八的弹孔 Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me? -你不觉得这很巧吗? 还是只有我这么想? Yes, it does. -是 很巧 Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river

7、-但你仍声称早在案发之前 before the murders took place. -就已丢弃了枪 Thats very convenient. -这种说法很省事 Its the truth. -这是实话 The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found -警方打捞三天都没找到 so no comparison could be made -这样就无法比对 between your gun and the bullets -你的手枪和 taken from the bloodstained corp

8、ses of the victims. -受害者尸体上的弹痕 And that also -所以呢 is very convenient. Isnt it, Mr. Dufresne? -这样很省事 不是吗 杜弗伦先生? Since I am innocent of this crime -我是清白的 I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found. -所以找不到枪反而很费事 Ladies and gentlemen, youve heard all the evidence. -女士们先生们 一切证据都向各位报告了

9、We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints. -脚印和胎痕证明 被告在场 Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints. -散落地面的子弹上有他的指纹 A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. -酒瓶碎片上同样也有指痕 And most of all -最重要的是 we have a beautiful young woman and her lover -一位美女与情夫 lying dead i

10、n each others arms. -相拥而死 They had sinned. -他们是有伤风化 But was their crime so great -但是 as to merit a death sentence? -罪该致死吗? While you think about that -请各位与此同时 think about this: -再考虑一件事 A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. -左轮枪只能装六发 而非八发 I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion.

11、-所以他并非一时冲动 That at least could be understood, if not condoned. -冲动并不可宽恕 但可理解 No. -然而 This was revenge -这是复仇 of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this: -残忍而冷血的谋杀 想想看 Four bullets per victim. -这两人各中四枪 Not six shots fired, but eight. -共八枪 而非六枪 That means that he fired the gun empty -因此他

12、是先射完一轮 and then stopped to reload -再装弹补上两枪 -编剧:法兰克戴拉朋特so that he could shoot each of them again. An extra bullet per lover -然后再一人添一枪 right in the head. -射穿脑袋 You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne. -你面目冷漠 全无悔意 杜弗伦先生 It chills my blood just to look at you. -看见你就令我齿冷 By

13、the power vested in me by the state of Maine -根据缅因州赋予我的权力 -制片:妮基马文I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back -我判你两个无期徒刑 one for each of your victims. So be it! -为两位死者偿命 退庭! -导演:法兰克戴拉朋特Sit. -坐下 We see youve served 20 years of a life sentence? -你判无期徒刑 已关二十年 -Yes, sir. -You feel youve

14、been rehabilitated? -是的-你改过自新了吗?Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir. -是的 确实如此 I mean, I learned my lesson. -我已得到教训 I can honestly say that Im a changed man. -真的 我已洗心革面 Im no longer a danger to society. -我不会危害社会 Thats Gods honest truth. -上帝为证 -驳回Hey, Red. -瑞德 Howd it go? -怎样? Same old shit, different day. -还不是

15、老样子 Yeah, I know how you feel. -我了解 Im up for rejection next week. -我下周也准备要吃闭门羹 Yeah, I got rejected last week. -我上周才假释被拒 It happens. -难兄难弟 Hey, Red, bump me a deck. -借一包烟吧 Get out of my face, man! Youre into me for five packs already. -滚开 你欠我五包 -Four! -Five! -四包-五包There must be a con like me in eve

16、ry prison in America. -美国各监狱少不了我这种人 Im the guy who can get it for you. -我什么都弄得到 Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if thats your thing -香烟啦 大麻啦 bottle of brandy to celebrate your kids high school graduation. -家有喜事想喝白兰地也行 Damn near anything within reason. -几乎什么都没问题 Yes, sir! Im a regular Sears and Roebuck.

17、 -是的 我就像邮购公司 So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 -1949年 安迪杜弗伦 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him -要我把丽塔海华丝弄给他 I told him, No problem. -我只说没问题 to the main gate -大家到大门口集合 to the main gate -到大门口集合 Andy came to Shawshank Prison -安迪在47年初入肖申克监狱 in early 1947 for murdering h

18、is wife and the fella she was banging. -因为杀害老婆和情夫 On the outside, hed been vice president of a large Portland bank. -他本来是大银行副总裁 Good work for a man so young. -典型的青年才俊 Here Red -瑞德 You speak English, butt-steak? -你懂英文吗? You follow this officer. -跟这位长官走 I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot

19、 shit in all my life. -我这辈子没看过这么窝囊的人渣 Hey, fish! Come over here! -菜鸟 过来 Taking bets today, Red? -打个赌吧? Smokes or coin? Bettors choice. -赌烟或钱? Smokes. Put me down for two. -烟 我赌两根 All right, whos your horse? -你挑哪个? That little sack of shit. -那个小个子 -Eighth. Hell be first. -Bullshit! Ill take that acti

20、on. -前头数来第八个他是第一个-算你瞎眼 我赌了Youre out some smokes, son. -你输定了 If youre so smart, you call it. -你聪明 你挑呀 Ill take that chubby fat-ass there. -胖脸肥臀那个 The fifth one. Put me down for a quarter deck. -第五个 我赌五根烟 Fresh fish today! -菜鸟来了 Were reeling them in! -菜鸟来啦 I admit I didnt think much of Andy first time

21、 I laid eyes on him. -说实话 当初我并不看好他 Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. -弱不禁风的 That was my first impression of the man. -这是他给我的最初印象 What do you say? -你挑谁? That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass. -面带富贵相的高个儿 That guy? Never happen. -他? 不可能啦 -10 cigarettes. -Thats a rich b

22、et. -我赌十根烟-有种Whos going to prove me wrong? -谁要和我赌? Heywood? Jigger? -赫伍? 渣哥? Skeets? -史基? Floyd! -福洛? Four brave souls. -你们输定了 Return to your cellblocks for evening count. -回牢房准备点名 All prisoners, return to your cellblocks. -全部回房去 Turn to the right! -向右转 Eyes front. -看前方 This is Mr. Hadley. Hes capta

23、in of the guards. -他是警备队长海利 Im Mr. Norton, the warden. -我是典狱长诺顿 You are convicted felons. -你们因为作奸犯科 Thats why theyve sent you to me. -所以才进监狱 Rule number one: -第一条规定: No blasphemy. -不可渎神 Ill not have the Lords name taken in vain in my prison. -不准滥呼上主之名 The other rules -其它规矩 youll figure out as you go

24、 along. Any questions? -慢慢学 有问题吗? When do we eat? -何时吃饭? You eat when we say you eat. -我们叫你吃就吃 You shit when we say you shit, and piss when we say you piss. -叫你拉就拉 叫你撒就撒 You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker? -你懂吗 死人渣? On your feet. -起来 I believe in two things: -我笃信两件事 Discipline and the Bible.

25、 -一为管训 二为圣经 Here, youll receive both. -你们两样都少不了 Put your trust in the Lord. -把信仰寄托神 Your ass belongs to me. -把贱命交给我 Welcome to Shawshank. -肖申克监狱欢迎各位 Unhook them. -解铐 Turn around. -转身 Thats enough. -可以了 Move to the end of the cage. -走到底 Turn around. Delouse him. -转身 洒除虱粉 Turn around. -转身 Move out of

26、the cage. Pick up your clothes and Bible. -到左边领囚衣和圣经 Next man up! -下一个 To the right. -向右 Right. Right. -右转 右转 Left. -向左 The first nights the toughest. No doubt about it. -头一夜最难熬 绝对如此 They march you in naked as the day you were born -光着屁股行进 skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit. -火辣的药粉

27、令你半盲 And when they put you in that cell -当你进笼 and those bars slam home -门闸锁上 thats when you know its for real. -你才明白这是玩真的 Old life blown away in the blink of an eye. -眨眼间 一生就毁了 Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it. -只留下无穷的悔恨 Most new fish come close to madness the first night

28、. -新囚在初夜多半濒临疯狂 Somebody always breaks down crying. -总会有人哭出来 Happens every time. -毫无例外 The only question is -我们只是 whos it going to be? -等着看是谁 Its as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. -用这聚赌也挺有趣的 I had my money on Andy Dufresne. -我赌杜弗伦 Lights out! -熄灯 I remember my first night. -我记得我的第一夜 Seems li

29、ke a long time ago. -感觉好远好远 Hey, fish. -菜鸟 来嘛 Fish, fish. -菜鸟 菜鸟 What are you, scared of the dark? -怎么 怕黑吗? Bet you wish your daddy never dicked your mama! -后悔爸妈搞出你来? Piggy! Pork! I want me a pork chop. -小猪猪 你的肉好香 The boys always go fishing with first-timers. -老鸟总是捉弄菜鸟 And they dont quit till they r

30、eel someone in. -直到惹哭才罢休 Hey, Fat Ass. -猪公 Fat Ass! -肥臀 Talk to me, boy. -说句话嘛 I know youre there. I can hear you breathing. -我听得到你呼吸 Dont you listen to these nitwits, you hear me? -你别受这些白痴的骗 This place aint so bad. -这儿没那么糟啦 Tell you what -跟你讲 Ill introduce you around, make you feel right at home. -

31、我帮你引见 带你进入状况 I know a couple of big old bull queers thatd just -有些同志 Iove to make your acquaintance. -想亲近你 Especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours. -还有你那白肉肥臀 God! -天哪 I dont belong here! -我不要坐牢 -We have a winner! -I want to go home! -有人中奖了-我要回家And its Fat Ass by a nose! -肥臀先驰得分 Fresh fish! -

32、菜鸟 菜鸟 I dont belong here -我不属于这里 I want to go home! -我要回家 I want my mother! -我要妈妈 I had your mother! She wasnt that great! -我搞过你妈 不够爽 What the Christ is this horseshit? -天杀的 你们在搞什么鬼? He blasphemed. Ill tell the warden. -你滥用主名 我要告典狱长 Youll tell him with my baton up your ass! -你屁眼插上警棍再去告 Let me out! -

33、放我出去呀 What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk? -猴崽子 你哪根筋不对? Please! I aint supposed to be here. -求求你 别关我 Not me! -别关我 I wont count to three. Not even to one. -我不想数到三 连一都不数 You shut up, or Ill sing you a lullaby! -你再不闭嘴 我就要你长眠 Shut up, man. Shut up! -闭嘴啦 闭嘴 You dont understand. Im no

34、t supposed to be here. -你们不明白 我不该坐牢的 Open that cell. -开门 Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison! -我也不想蹲你这破牢 Son of a bitch! -狗娘养的 Captain, take it easy! -长官 别激动 If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight -再有人敢哀哀叫 I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary. -我就扁得

35、你们全部住院 Every last motherfucker in here. -人人有份 Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary. -把这废人抬去医务室 His first night in the joint, Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. -安迪头一夜就害我输两包烟 He never made a sound. -他一声都没吭 Tier 3 north, clear count! -三北层到齐 Tier 2 north, clear count. -

36、二南层到齐 Tier 3 south, clear. -三南层到齐 Tier 1 south, clear. -一南层到齐 Tier 4 south, clear. -四南层到齐 Prepare to roll out. -准备离房 Roll out! -出发 Are you going to eat that? -你要吃吗? I hadnt planned on it. -无此打算 Do you mind? -给我好吗? Thats nice and ripe. -又肥又嫩 Jake says thank you. -小杰说谢谢你 Fell out of his nest over by t

37、he plate shop. -他从巢中掉到地上 Im going to look after him until hes big enough to fly. -我要养到他会飞 Oh, no! Here he comes. -讨厌 赫伍来了 Morning, fellas. -早安 伙计们 Fine morning, isnt it? -真是个美好早晨啊 You know why its a fine morning, dont you? -你知道为何如此美好吗? Send them down. I want them lined up -烟拿出来 就地排好 just like a pret

38、ty little chorus line. -像合唱队一样排整齐 Look at that. -看呀 真壮观 -I cant stand this guy. -Oh, Lord! -真受不了他-我的乖乖Yes! Richmond, Virginia. -爽 正牌 烤烟 Smell my ass! -闻我的屁吧 After he smells mine. -闻完再闻我的 Thats a shame about your horse coming in last and all. -瑞德 可惜你大大看走眼 But I sure do love that winning horse of mine

39、, though. -不过我真感谢我的猪公 I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him. -出院后我得亲亲他 Why dont you give him some of your cigarettes instead? Lucky fuck! -请他抽烟才对 小人得志 Hey, Tyrell. -泰瑞 You pull infirmary duty this week? -你在医务室值班吗? Hows my horse doing anyway? -那肥仔怎样了? Dead. -挂了 Hadley busted his head up pretty goo

40、d. -海利打烂他的头 Doc had gone home for the night. -医生已回家睡觉了 Poor bastard lay there till this morning. -他一直僵到天亮 By then, there wasnt nothing we could do. -根本无药可救 What was his name? -他叫什么名字? Whatd you say? -你说什么? I was just wondering if anyone knew his name. -我想知道他的名字 What the fuck do you care, new fish? -

41、关你屁事 菜鸟 Doesnt fucking matter what his name was. Hes dead. -死人还要什么名字 Anybody come at you yet? -有人上过你了吗? Anybody get to you yet? -你名草有主了吗? Hey, we all need friends in here. -牢里人人需要朋友 I could be a friend to you. -我可以当你朋友 Hard to get. -不易上手 I like that. -我喜欢 Andy kept pretty much to himself at first. -

42、起初安迪不与人来往 I guess he had a lot on his mind -大概心事重重 trying to adapt to life on the inside. -努力适应牢狱生活 Wasnt until a month went by before he opened his mouth -直到一个月后 to say more than two words to somebody. -他才找人攀谈 As it turned out -那个人 that somebody was me. -就是我 Im Andy Dufresne. -我叫安迪杜弗伦 Wife-killing

43、banker. -杀妻的银行家 Whyd you do it? -为了什么? I didnt, since you ask. -我没犯罪 Youre going to fit right in. -你来对地方了 Everybody in heres innocent. Didnt you know that? -这里人人都无罪 -What you in here for? -Didnt do it. Lawyer fucked me. -赫伍你为何入狱?-我无罪 被律师害了Rumor has it youre a real cold fish. -听说你颇爱耍酷 You think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right? -难道你的

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