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1、个人测试成绩记录 试卷:Unit2编号:No2试卷满分:100姓名:学号:2011022208班级:登录:2012-12-02 11:29:40交卷:2012-12-02 12:17:22上机地址:老师是否已批卷: 尚未批卷 批卷时间:图例: Right or marked by instructor Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 1 Word Dictation(每小题: 分)D

2、irections: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1 Word Dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:12 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1researcherrese

3、archer2.0enermuerphenomenon3.1selectselect4.1restrictrestrict5.1bouncebounce6.1calculatecalculate7.1proteinprotein8.0feticalfatigue9.1digestdigest10.1interfereinterfere11.1beneficialbeneficial12.1exhibitexhibitSubtotal: 10 老师评语: Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!

4、Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations(每小题: 分)Directions: In this section youll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog.1.A. He started a new program.B. He stopped exercising.

5、C. He feels very tired.D. He was ill last month.Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog.2.A. Begin swimming.B. Start weight lifting.C. Look at herself differently.D. Eat better to lose weight.Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog.3.A. Bill took drugs.B.

6、Bill exercised a lot.C. Bill grew new muscles.D. Bill had a new coach.Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage or dialog.4.A. He was able to exercise every day after work.B. He cannot count the ways his life has changed.C. Others have asked him how hes gotten healthy.D. People have change

7、d their attitude toward him.Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.5.A. Healthy vegetables are very expensive for some people.B. The woman doesnt have a good excuse not to exercise.C. Running outside is the best way for a person to exercise.D. Healthy living isnt something to

8、make excuses for.Questions 6 to 6 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.A. Taking a new pill.B. Going on a diet.C. Listening to news reports.D. Replacing exercise.Questions 7 to 7 are based on the following passage or dialog.7.A. 60%.B. 30%.C. 70%.D. 50%.Questions 8 to 8 are based on the fo

9、llowing passage or dialog.8.A. Mother and son.B. Brother and sister.C. Father and daughter.D. Husband and wife.Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题: 1 分; 满分:8 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1BB2.1AA3.1AA4.1DD5.1BB6.1AA7.1DD8.0CASubtotal: 7 老师评语: Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开

10、本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations(每小题: 分)Directions: In this section youll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.1.A. How water-dense foods can he

11、lp you lose weight.B. What fruits and vegetables have in common.C. Why one should eat foods with fewer calories.D. Where people get most of their calories.2.A. They are rich in taste.B. They give calories for energy.C. They contain many calories.D. They contain a lot of water.3.A. A sandwich.B. A bo

12、wl of soup.C. A salad.D. Some fruit.4.A. Eating only when hungry.B. Eating foods low in calories.C. Getting ones water from food.D. Filling up ones stomach with water.5.A. They are convenient.B. They are low in calories.C. They cost more.D. They leave you hungry.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the fo

13、llowing passage or dialog.6.A. Boyfriend and girlfriend.B. Husband and wife.C. Father and daughter.D. Mother and son.7.A. Find girlfriends easily.B. Talk to the woman quite often.C. Exercise according to a program.D. Sing the song All You Need is Love.8.A. Hes always feeling sorry for himself.B. Hes

14、 too fat to be attractive for girls.C. Hes always too busy exercising.D. He wont go anywhere with a girlfriend.9.A. Finding love.B. Losing weight.C. Exercising.D. Working.10.A. Finding love is not as important as losing weight.B. Feeling sorry for yourself will not help you find love.C. Being thin a

15、nd exercising are important in finding love.D. Getting a girlfriend is impossible for fat people.Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1AA2.1DD3.1BB4.1DD5.1CC6.0BD7.0CB8.0CB9.0BA10.1CCSubtotal: 6 老师评语: Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。

16、否则就听不成啦!Part 4 Understanding Passages(每小题: 分)Directions: In this section youll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.1.A. How to beat a bad mood.B. How to do physical exercise.C.

17、 How to talk bad moods out.D. How to be involved in physical exercise.2.A. To have enough rest.B. To do some housework.C. To take drugs.D. To talk it out.3.A. They are the most effective.B. They are useful but arent best.C. They are only what doctors like.D. They are ineffective.4.A. Swimming.B. Doi

18、ng housework.C. Cooking.D. Washing.5.A. Three to five times a week.B. Twenty minutes a week.C. No less than three times a week.D. No more than five times a week.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.A. Lower cost for buying bicycles.B. Cars being left at home these days.C.

19、 More knowledge about bicycles.D. The need to keep the environment clean.7.A. People want to save time.B. Bicycles are not convenient.C. People trust themselves with cars.D. People are sure of their driving skills.8.A. They need to leave their cars at home.B. They need to have more knowledge about b

20、icycles.C. They need to do more physical exercise.D. They need to live in the center of the city.9.A. 80%.B. 8%.C. 18%.D. 10%.10.A. The choice between bicycles and cars.B. Exercises and bicycles.C. Environmental problems.D. Short trips and long trips.Part 4 Understanding Passages (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)

21、小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1AA2.1DD3.1BB4.1AA5.1AA6.0CD7.0BA8.1BB9.0CA10.0BASubtotal: 6 老师评语: Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 5 Compound Dictation(每小题: 分)Directions: In this section you will hear a passage or passages three times. When the passage is read for the first

22、 time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Questions 1 to 10 are b

23、ased on the following passage or dialog.Tai chi has been described as magical, and it certainly feels that way. (1) , there is some difficulty, the same as when learning any new thing. It takes time, (2) and effort to learn the ancient Chinese exercise form of Tai chi. Once you have learned it, the

24、(3) is like music in your soul. Feeling, perception and ability (4) into a centrally-balanced and flowing consciousness. You are in (5) , yet one with the flow. Its quite exciting, but also (6) and relaxing. Tai chi (7) growth. Sure, other sports do too. But people practicing the exercise enjoy sign

25、ificant improvement in the condition of their hearts and quality-of-life measurements, (8) . The movements are very slow and careful and involve a great deal of body movement. People believe that the exercise can help (9) . And there is the building of energy. Learning Tai chi is an opportunity to l

26、earn (10) . The exercise can help people improve strength and prevents them from tiring as easily. And improvements in one area often carry over into another. Part 5 Compound Dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1InitiallyInitially2.1patiencepatience3.1sensationsensation4.0. integrateintegrate

27、5.1chargecharge6.1calmingcalming7.1promotespromotes8.0such as an increased sense of controlsuch as an increased sense of control over events in their lives9.0improve balance and strength and reduce their chance of taking a fallimprove balance and strength and reduce their chance of taking a fall10.0

28、how to build energy , move it and use it for health and self-defenshow to build energy, move it and use it for health and self-defenseSubtotal: 6 老师评语: Part 6 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)(每小题: 分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four cho

29、ices marked A, B, C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.Summer is the ideal time of year for one of my favorite outdoor activities, hiking (徒步旅行). It is much more than just a great workout. You get to be outside of the confines of a gym and be together with nature. Yo

30、u breathe in the fresh, clean air while the city life you endured all week just fades away. You are suddenly transported somewhere else. You are suddenly in a place where you can appreciate the untouched, simplistic beauty of nature. The trees are green, the wild flowers are growing and the woods ar

31、e filled with activity. Once you experience it, youre hooked. Whether hiking in the deserts of Arizona or the mountains of Alberta, you suddenly realize you are not alone and there is something much bigger at work. There is a realization that life is precious and you think deeply about your life. An

32、other wonderful part of hiking is that you can participate at any level and it is, for the most part, free. It is a great way to escape the rat race, even during the week. If you have any problems you need to solve, hiking is really good for clearing your head and removing stress. If hiking sounds i

33、ntimidating to you, it is essentially walking on a whole new level. Experts have spoken about the benefits of walking for years. Walking doesnt stress your legs as much as running and countless studies agree walking leads to weight loss and better health. It is good for your heart, reduces illness a

34、nd has even been shown to enhance your thinking. So why wouldnt you want to do it? 1.What makes hiking different from other forms of exercise?A. It is a great workout.B. It is a summertime activity.C. It is an activity that slows breathing.D. It is an exercise that is done outside.2.What disappears

35、for someone who is hiking?A. Green trees.B. Beautiful nature.C. City life.D. Precious things.3.Once you take up hiking in nature as something you do, you _.A. feel much bigger than beforeB. love it and want to do it oftenC. wish you lived outside of the cityD. look for new hiking places, like Arizon

36、a4.How do you feel after youve begun hiking?A. Intimidated.B. Thoughtful.C. Lonely.D. Free from stress.5.How is running different than walking?A. Running is harder on the legs.B. Running is better for weight loss.C. Running is good for a persons heart.D. Running is a cause for improved thinking.Ques

37、tions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.Another example of the dangers of a restricted diet may be seen in the disease known as beri-beri (脚气病), which used to affect large numbers of Eastern peoples who lived mainly on rice. In the early years of the 20th century, a Dutch scientis

38、t named Eijkman was trying to discover the cause of beri-beri. At first he thought it was transmitted (传送) by a germ (细菌). He was working in a Japanese hospital, where the patients were fed on rice which had had the external husk (壳) removed from the grain, called white rice. It was thought this wou

39、ld be easier for weak, sick people to digest. Eijkman thought his germ theory was confirmed when he noticed the chickens in the hospital yard, which were fed on scraps (碎片) from the patients plates, were also showing signs of the disease. He then tried to isolate the germ he thought was causing the

40、disease, but his experiments were interrupted by a hospital official, who ruled that the huskless polished rice was too good for chickens. The chickens should be fed cheap rice with the external covering still on the grain, called brown rice. Eijkman noticed that the chickens began to recover on the

41、 new diet. He began to consider the possibility that eating brown rice somehow prevented or cured beri-berieven that a lack of some ingredient in the husk might be the cause of the disease. Indeed this was the case. The element needed to prevent beri-beri was shortly afterwards isolated from rice hu

42、sks and is now known as Vitamin B. The white rice, though more expensive, was keeping alive the disease the hospital was trying to cure. 6.From the context, what do you think the author mentions in the paragraph that is just before this first paragraph?A. One example of the importance of vitamins.B.

43、 One example of the benefits of eating healthy foods.C. One example of the dangers of a restricted diet.D. One example of the benefits of various vitamins.7.The disease beri-beri _.A. kills large numbers of Western peoplesB. is a vitamin deficiency diseaseC. is transmitted by diseased riceD. can be caught from diseased chickens8.The chickens Eijkman noticed in the hospital yard _.A. couldnt digest the huskless riceB. proved beri-beri is transmitted by germsC. were later cooked for the patients foodD. were suffering from vitamin deficiency9.Huskless, white rice _.

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