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1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 九年级上册Unit3Topic2知识点1. English is spoken differently in different countries. 点拨:difference - 不同(可数名词) 拓展:不同的_ 不同地_常用词组:the differences betweenand -和之间的不同之处 be different from-与不同练习:a.你能说出他们之间的区别吗? Can you tell me _ _ _ them? b.美式英语与英式英语没有很大差异。American English _ not _ _ _ British

2、 English.2. I cant follow you. 译:_ 点拨:follow=understand=catch -理解,明白 练习:我不太明白他说的话。I couldnt_ /_/_what _ _.拓展:follow - 遵守规则;跟随;仿效;跟得上 练习:1.他拒绝听从我们的劝告。He _ to _ our _. 2.王老师进入教室,学生们紧跟其后。Mr. Wang entered the classroom and the students _ her.3.对每个人而言遵守交通规则是很重要的。Its _ for _to _the _ _. 3.Can you speak mo

3、re slowly, please? 思考:有关“说”的词汇:_(说话,说语言); _(告诉,讲述); _(说);_(谈话)练习:a.Can you _ English or Chinese? b.He _ that he had finished his task. c.He is a funny man, he always _ jokes to us. d.Lets _ about our plan, shall we? 4.I just said hello to you.拓展: 给某人道歉_给某人告别_给某人道谢_练习:1.因为我的错误我应对他说声抱歉。I should _ _ _h

4、im _ _ my mistakes. 2.天黑了,我们该互相道声再见了。Its _ now, wed _ _ _ to _ _. 3.帮了我们这么大的忙,请让我们对你说声感谢。Lets _ _ _ you for you _ us so much.5.Not exactly. exact adj. 精确的 exactly adv. 精确地 not exactly (the same)不完全一样6.call instead of the same as for example English-speaking countries spoken /oral English once tell s

5、b.(not)to do sth. 7. Once, when I was in London, my friends told me to put my suitcase in the boot. boot-长筒靴, 行李箱(英)点拨:once - (过去)曾经,有一次(副词) 链接:once -一旦 once -一次(副词)练习:写出once 的意思:a.Once you start, you will never give up. b.Once he lived in America, but now he lives in England. c.We ought to see the

6、dentist once a month. 8.Sounds interesting.9.By the way, Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. be flying 现在进行时态表将来 多位于位移动词:leave, come, go, arrive, start, move, travel等。 eg: 他们下周将要去日本。They are leaving for Japan next week.1).你什么时候动身?When _ you _? 2).我要走了。I _ _. 3).王叔叔要来吃晚饭。Uncle Wang _ _ to have supper.

7、4).妈妈今天下午去香港。My mother _ _ for Hong Kong this afternoon. 5).我明天飞罗马。I _ _ to Rome tomorrow. 拓展:某些非位移动词亦可用现在进行时表将来:sleep, take, change, work, see, buy, meet等。10.Enjoy youself!11.each other all the time depend on 12.There are differenecs between British Engish and Ameican English.13.Australian Engish i

8、s a little different from British English .14.If you want to make yourself understood, you need to know somen of these differences. 点拨:make oneself + 过去分词 - 使某人或某物被 She couldnt make herself heard because of the noise. My English is so poor. I cant make myself understood in the U.S.A.链接:a.make sb. do

9、 sth.-让(使)某人做某事 b.make sb./sth.+形容词-使某人/某物成状态 c.make sb.+名词-选某人为练习:a.She _ (make)her children _ (wash) their hands before _( eat). b.The teacher _(make) him _(stay) after school yesterday. c.切洋葱让我流泪。_ the onions _ _ _. d.我们选他做班长。We _ _ monitor. e.烧菜的味道令我感到肚子饿。The smell of cooking _ _ _.need 实义动词need

10、 to do sth. We need to study hard.need doing sth.=need to be doneeg:这个房间需要打扫。The room needs cleaning.=The room needs to be cleaned.情态动词need (not) do sth动词原形,多用于疑问句和否定句 There is enough time, you neednt hurry. Must I hand in the homework now?-Yes, you must./No, you neednt. Need I do it now?-No, you ne

11、ednt./ Yes, you must.1.see.off 如果明天天好,我将去给她送行。If it _ fine tomorrow, I _ _ _ _. 2.on the way to +地点 回家的路上 去学校的路上on the way home on the way to school 练习:a.在我回家的路上我看到一辆小型巴士。_ _ _ _, I saw a _. b.她在赴机场的途中,车子发生了故障。She was _ _ _ _ the airport when her car broke down.链接:No way!-_ by the way_ This way, ple

12、ase!_3. .Michael sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised. 总结:(1) _-看见某人在做某事; _-看见某人做了某事(全过程) 类似的感官动词还有: _(听见);_(观看);_(注意到);_(发现)等 练习: a. I saw them _(play) volleyball all this time yesterday. b.When I came in, I noticed him _(watch) TV. c.He found a boy _(break) the glass of the

13、window and run away.点拨: put out - 伸出; 熄灭 练习: a.吉姆把脚伸出来把我绊倒了。Jim _ his foot _ and tripped me. b.The firefighters did what they could to put out the fire. 点拨:with his thumb raised -大拇指朝上(介词短语做伴随状语),其中 raised是过去分词作his thumb的后置定语 4.Whats up?5. ask for a ride give sb. a ride reach=arrive in/at =get to be

14、 worried about6.I hope I wont have much difficulty communicating.7. in twenty minutes kidin twenty minutes 译:_ 点拨:in在以后,后加时间段,常与将来时连用 练习:a.只需要一周的时间就会准备好。 It will be ready _ _ _ time. b.-会议多久以后开始?-一个半小时后。-_ _ _ the meeting begin? -It will begin _ _ _ _ _ _.8. Generally speaking, American English is d

15、ifferent from British English in pronunciation and spelling. 点拨:generally (speaking) -一般来说,大体上,大概(放于句首),用于总体说明一件事, 相当于in general 练习:a.一般来说,你现在准备得越充分,考试前你越不会紧张。_ _, _ _ preparation you do now, _ _nervous you will be before the exam.9.used to do sth.过去常常做某事be/ get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be used to do

16、 sth被用于做某事 1. 我过去常常在早上喝咖啡。I used to drink coffee in the morning. 2. 我习惯于在早上喝咖啡。I am/ get used to drinking coffee in the morning. 3. 木材能被用于制作各种家具。The wood can be used to make many kinds of furniture.10.As for the spelling differences, you can easily find them when you use a computer.点拨:as for sb./sth

17、. -至于,关于某人或某物。练习:a.至于莉莉,她现在日子过得不错。 _ _ Lily, she is doing fine. b.关于那道数学难题,我已经解决了。_ _ that math problem, I _ _ it _. 11. However, most of the time, people from the two countries do not have much difficulty understanding each other. 点拨:difficulty-艰难,费劲,辛苦,难度,困难(不可数名词) have difficulty (in) doing sth.-

18、干某事The Disneyland in California is close to Los Angeles.点拨:be close to 是一个形容词性短语,意为“紧挨着” 。此时close意为进的,与靠近(距离或空间)练习:宾馆就在城中心附近。The hotel _ _ _ the _ _ the town. 拓展:close - 亲密的,亲近的(形容词); close - 关闭(动词)练习:a.我和我哥关系十分密切。My brother and I _ very _. b.我和杰克自六岁时就是密友。Jack and I have been _ _ _ we _ six.12.They

19、are fond of exciting rides like Pirates of the Caribbean.点拨:be fond of - 喜欢 练习:a.他非常喜欢踢足球。He _ _ _ _ _. b.她过去喜欢弹钢琴。She _ _ be _ _ _ the piano.e about in the beginning in a different way little by little 逐渐地14.Long ago, many British people were forced to leave their country and go to some other place

20、s.点拨:1)force - 强迫,迫使(动词) 用法:force sb.to do sth.强迫某人做某事 2)be forced to do sth.-被迫做某事。练习:因为没有赶上末班车,我被迫打的。I _ _ _ take a taxi because I couldnt _ the last bus.15.The English language has also taken in many new worlds from other languages.点拨:take in -吸收,接纳,收留 练习:最后,我们决定接纳他。_ _, we _ to _ _ _. 总结:take短语小

21、结take away拿走 take the place发生 take it easy不着急, 从容 take off脱掉,摘去 (衣物),起飞 take out 取出 take the place of 取代 take care=be careful小心! take part in=join in; 参加(活动) take photos 拍照 take measures 采取措施 take care of= look after=care for照顾 take up占据(时间,地位)一翻译下列短语1 众所周知 2总是,一直 3取决于,依靠,依赖 4成功做某事 5面对面 6表达自己意思(使自己被

22、人明白)1给送行 2在去的路上 3伸出,扑灭 4什么事? 5搭便车 6搭载,捡起 7进入,收获 8对.感到担心9做某事有很大困难 10动身去某地 1在和之间 2通常来讲,一般来说 3与不同 4习惯于 5对于,至于 6填充 7.靠近,接近 8喜欢,喜爱 9不但而且 1发生 2.很久以前3.被迫做某事 4.用一种不同的方式5.逐渐地,慢慢地 6从吸收 7. 总之,简而言之 8 起初,一开始 二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.If you want to learn English well, you should pay attention to its spelling and p_ .2.

23、What are the d_ between the two pictures?3.Fall is another saying of a _ .4.People in the city held a great party to celebrate their v_ .5.He spoke English with a little Dutch(荷兰语的) a_ .三、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We should know the _ (different) between British English and American English.2. The woman

24、is too nervous to make her _ (understand).3. My teacher _ (fly) to Fujian next week.4. He succeeds in _ (pass) the exam.5.She _ (force) herself to be polite to them.6.The two _(German) are from Germany.7.English is spoken _(different) in different English-speaking countries.8.In the word “knew”, the

25、 letter“k”is not _(pronounce).9.In _ (Australian), people call their friends “mates”.四.英汉互译。1.我父亲叫我把旅行箱放在汽车尾部的行李箱里。My father _ me _ put the suitcase in the boot.2.澳大利亚英语和英式英语一样吗?Is Australian English _ _ _ British English?3.迈克尔将去机场为王军峰送行。Michael is going to the airport _ _ Wang Junfeng _.4.昨天下午4:00林涛看到他的同学在操场上打篮球。Lin Tao _ his classmates _ basketball on the playground at 4:00 p.m. yesterday.5.陈真学英语没有困难。Chen Zhen has no _ in _ English.只供学习与交流

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