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1、7BU5 Welcome 语言点1.amazing adj 惊奇的,令人吃惊的,一般用来修饰事物 这个世界充满了令人惊奇的事物。 The world is full of amazing things. 上周日我看了一部令人惊奇的电影。 I saw an amazing film last Sunday.2. a UFO 不定冠词a用在辅音音因素开头的单词前。an用在元音音因素开头的单词前。 单词use中含有一个字母u。 (a useful book) There is a “u” in the word “use”. 桌上有一把伞。 There is an umbrella on the d

2、esk.3. The world is full of amazing things. be full of 充满了 他的生活充满了 乐趣。 His life is full of fun.=His life is filled with fun. 杯子里装满了牛奶。 The cup is full of milk. 她眼睛里充满了眼泪Her eyes are full of tears. 引申:be filled with 充满了; The cup is filled with milk.4. Fish sleep with their eyes open.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。 with the

3、ir eyes open在句中做伴随状语。 其结构是with+名词/代词+宾补(形容词)” 睡觉时不要开窗户 Dont sleep with the windows open/closed.5. from birth 自出生以来 at birth 在出生的时候6. same adj 同一的、相同的 反义词:different 1) the same + n; the same size=as big as 我们在同一个班级。We are in the same class. 双胞胎看起来像吗? Do the twins look the same( as each other)? 2) the

4、 same as 和一样 这个尺子和我的一模一样。This ruler is the same as mine. 她妈妈看上去和以前一样。 Her mother looks the same as before.7. stop停止,阻止,拦住,阻拦 她拦住了一辆出租车,然后上了车。She stopped a taxi and got in. 那个女人拦住我让我帮忙。 The woman stopped me and asked for help.stop to do sth 停下来(正在做的事)去做另一件事, 表示一个新的动作或状态的开始。 stop doing sth 停下正在做的事, 表示

5、动作不再进行。 走了很长一段路,我们停下来休息一会儿。 After a long walk, we stopped to have a rest.老师进来时,同学们马上停止讲话。 When the teacher came in, the students stopped talking at once. 格林先生停下来看着他们,他们立即停止了交谈。Mr Green stopped to look at them, and they stopped talking at once.别那么吵了。孩子们正在睡觉。 Stop making so much noise. The children ar

6、e sleeping. 别说话了!李老师有重要的事告诉我们。Stop talking! Miss Li has something important to tell us. 当红灯亮起来时;我们必须停下来去等待绿灯。When the traffic light is red, we must stop to wait for the green one.8. some fun facts about the world 一些有关这个世界有趣的事实 fact cn 事实、真相 我们需要知道全部的事实才可以做决定。 We need to know all the facts before we

7、decide. in fact 事实上、其实 9. The Sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth. 用times表倍数时,一般仅表示三倍或三倍以上的数。This book is three times longer than that one 这本书的篇幅是那本书的3倍。7BU5 Reading 语言点1. as usual 是一个固定短语,意为“像往常一样”,在句中作状语。如:他像往常一样辛勤工作。 He worked hard as usual.跟往常一样他很早就到学校了。 As usual, he gets to schoo

8、l early.她像往常一样骑车上学。She goes to school by bike as usual. usual; usually; unusual; unusually 不寻常的,不平常的2. turn around 转身,使翻转吉姆转过身,跟爷爷说再见。 Jim turned around and said “goodbye” to his grandfather.请把书翻过来,看看后面有什么? Please turn around the book ,and see whats on the back of it.当turn around 要加宾语为名词时,名词可放在中间或者后

9、面。但是为代词时,要放中间。请把它翻一下。 Please turn it /them around.他转过身发现一个陌生人站在他后面。He turned around and found a stranger standing behind him. look around, jump around, show sb around; many flowers and trees around the house 3. be afraid 害怕 be afraid at sth/ sb. 害怕看到某物或某人 be afraid to do sth. /be afraid of doing sth

10、 害怕做某事他看到我感到很害怕。He is afraid at me/ .He is afraid to see me./ He is afraid of seeing me.4. What happened? 发生什么事了? sth happened to sb 某人发生了某事昨晚他发生了一件交通事故。 Last night a car accident happened to him.Sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事 我碰巧在街上遇到她。I happened to meet her in the street.5. nothing anybody nobody 为不定

11、代词当形容词修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词之后。没有昂贵的东西 nothing expensive; 一些错误的东西 something wrong没有其他人 nobody else不定代词做主语时,主语为单数。6. Nobody replied. reply to do =answer请回答我的问题。Please reply to my question. please answer my question.reply 做名词,a reply =an answer一个答复稍后给你一个答复。 Give a reply to you later. /give you a reply later.G

12、ive an answer to you later/give you an answer later.7. “What is it?” Andy wondered. wonder 琢磨,想知道,感到诧我想知道怎样快速到达那里。I wondered how to get there quickly.wonder 做名词,表奇迹、奇事、奇观、奇才我们在那个地方看到了很多奇观。We saw many wonders in that place.长城是世界七大奇迹之一。The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.8. He sear

13、ched the bushes. search sb/sth 搜某人的身/ 搜警察正在他的身上搜查。The police are searching him now.他们正在搜查他的房间。They are searching his room now.search for =look for 搜寻 他们在树林子搜寻小男孩。They searched for the boy in the forest.They searched the forest for the boy.9. on ones way home 在回家的路上 on ones way to 在去 的路上在我们回家的路上 on o

14、ur way home; 在我们去学校的路上 on our way to school在他去公司的路上 on his way to his company 顺便说一下 by the way挡路 get in the way 用这种方法 in this way在某些方面 in some ways10. strange 形容词,奇怪的,陌生的.然后一件奇怪的事情发生了。Then a strange thing happened.我对这个工作感到陌生。I am strange to the work. 离开这个城市16年后,我对它感到陌生。I am strange to the city after

15、 I left it for 16years. stranger 名词,陌生人。不要跟陌生人讲话。Do not talk with strangers.11. be surprised at sb/ sth 因某人或某事感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth 做某事感到很惊讶看到你我感到很惊讶。I am surprised at you.=I am surprised to see you.12.say to oneself 自言自语这里的say也可以换用其他与“说”有关的词,如speak、talk等,类似的短语还有think to oneself (暗自寻思,心里想)。I c

16、ould look up in the dictionary, she said to herself. “我可以去查字典,”她自言自语道。13. pick up pick up sth= pick sth up pick it/ them up 他从地上捡起一个装满钱的包。 He picked up a bag full of money from the ground.14. later that day那天晚些时候 two days later 两天后15. weak-strong be weak in 在薄弱; be good at他体育方面比较薄弱。 He is weak in sp

17、orts.翻译句子:1.跟往常一样,他听到了一些奇怪的声音。As usual, he heard some strange sounds.2. 他害怕晚上出去。 He is afraid to go out at night.3. 你发生了什么事? What happened to you?4. 在灌木丛里他惊讶地发现了一只虚弱的猫。He is surprised to find a weak cat in the bushes.1._, Mr Wang told us an unusual story today. 2. We had a great time _Suzhou.3. Dani

18、els pen fell from the desk. Lucy _ it _ and gave it back to him.4. We must _ during the class.5. Kitty sings very well. Her voice _ a famous singer. 6. Suddenly, he heard a whisper from his back. He _ at once, but he saw nothing.7.Its funny that the old man always _ .8._ is dangerous on such a rainy

19、 day.9.There are lots of homeless(无家可归) cats and dogs in _ .10.I can hear some strange sounds _.用所给单词的适当形式填空:1.There are some _(bush) in our school.2. Our English teacher told us to listen to the radio _ (careful).3. The _ (follow) week, he was not late for school. 4. “Be quick”, I said to _ (my).5.

20、 I found nothing in my school bag. I knew there was something _ (usual).6. Tom is afraid _ (see) that film.7. Yesterday I _(find) a little dog in my garden.8. Just now Sandy _(hear) a whisper and she _ (run) away quickly.7BU5 Grammar 语言点一词组一个月前 刚才 前天 昨晚 在过去 谈论过去 去博物馆 在历史博物馆度过三个小时 回到学校,拍很多照片 买动物卡片 告诉

21、我所有关于学校的事, 只有11厘米高, 对世界了解许多, 对世界了解更多, 生活在地球上, 很久以前 二过去时 1.规则动词的过去式1) 一般动词加ed 2)以e结尾的加d 3)以辅音加y结尾的,去y ied4)辅元辅并且重读, 双写-ed2.不规则动词的过去式见书P106-107.句中谓语为be动词的一般过去时的构成如下: (1)肯定句:主语+was/were+其他。例如: 昨天晚上我们都在家。(2)否定句:主语+wasnt/werent+其他。(3)一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语+其他?例如:昨天你生病了吗? 是的,我生病了。 不,我没有生病。句中谓语为实义动词的一般过去时的构成【注意

22、】一般过去时的助动词是did,没有人称和数的变化。1.肯定句 主语+实义动词的过去式+其他。上星期我去看他。 2.否定句 主语+didnt +动词原形+其他。 3.一般疑问句 Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+did. 否定回答:N0,主语+didnt.例如: 昨天你参观博物馆了吗? 是的,我们参观了。 不,我们没有。规则动词词-ed的读音说明:1、清念后 /t/ ,即 ed 在清辅音后面念 /t/ ,例:finished helped passed cooked2、元浊后 /d/ ,即 ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念 /d/ , 例:borrowed enjoyed cal

23、led moved 3、/t/ /d/ 之后念 /id/ , 即 ed 在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/ 例:wanted shouted needed counted巧记动词过去时态动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事; be用was或者were, have,has成had;谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志; 一般动词加-ed,若是特殊得硬记。否定句很简单,主语之后didnt添; 疑问句也不难,did放在主语前;如果谓语之前有did,谓语动词需还原; 动词若是was,were,否定就把not添。7BU5Integrated skills 语言点1. be + afraid +of sth. /

24、 doing sth. 害怕(做)某事 e.g. 有些女孩儿害怕蛇。 Some girls are afraid of snakes. 他从不害怕在全班面前唱歌。 He is never afraid of singing songs in front of the whole class.be + afraid +to do sth.害怕做某事e.g. 我害怕爬这座山。 I am afraid to climb this hill. 他害怕晚上独自一人出去 He is afraid to go out alone at night.be + afraid +that从句. 恐怕/害怕e.g.

25、 恐怕要下雨了。 I am afraid that it is going to rain. 我父母亲担心我赢不了这场比赛 My parents are afraid that I wont win the match.2. know about / learn about/ read about 知道、了解或读过有关某事物的情况 e.g. 这个人的情况我一点也不知道。 I know / learn nothing about the man. 前几天你读过有关令人吃惊的动物故事吗? Did you read about any amazing things about animals the

26、 other day?3. without prep. 没有 反义词:with, 后接名词,动名词,或代词做宾语。没有水人就不能生存。Man cant live without water.我想要咖啡,里面不加任何东西。Id like the coffee without nothing in it.without doing sth.他没有吃早饭就去上学了。He went to school without having breakfast.我们可以喝水不发胖。 We can drink water without getting fat. 4. keep our house clean 我

27、们应该保持河流清洁。We should keep the rivers clean.让窗户开着。我想得到一些新鲜空气。 Keep the windows open. I want to get some fresh air.他总是让我们开心。 He always keeps/makes us happy.5. not any more不再, 再也不(=no more)她不再哭了。She didnt cry any more.=She cried no more.你不再是个孩子了。You are not a child any longer.=You are no more a child.不要

28、哭了。你不再是个婴儿了。 Dont cry. You are not a baby any more.6. hear 听说 hear about= hear of sb/sth 听说 hear sb do/ doing sth 听见、听到 hear that 听说 hear from sb.收到某人的来信我是不久前听说这件事的。 I heard about/ of it not long ago.我经常收到我笔友的来信。I often hear from my pen friend.=I often get a letter from my pen friend.我听说他今晚回来。 I hea

29、r he is coming back tonight.你听说过这样有趣的故事吗? Did you hear of/ about such an interesting story?7. the other day= a few days ago几天前几天前我有遇到了这个人。 I met the man again the other day. 8. chalk n.粉笔 a piece of chalk 一支粉笔 但“彩色粉笔”是种类,有复数形式chalks There are some colored chalks in the box.9. He can write with one h

30、and and draw with the other at the same time.(1) with 用 prep. We see with our eyes. We walk with our legs. Can you draw a picture with a piece of chalk?(2) at the same time 同时你不应该同时做作业和听音乐。 You shouldnt do your homework and listen to music at the same time.你不可能同一时间既打喷嚏有眼睛睁着。You cannot sneeze and kee

31、p your eyes open at the same time.10. travel around the world 周游世界 我长大以后想要周游世界。 I want to travel around the world when I grow up.7BU5 Task 语言点1. plan: v. n. (planning, planned) v. plan to do sth; plan a day out with sb n. make a plan for sth= make a plan to do sth明天是周末,他们打算去滨江公园野营。 It is weekend tom

32、orrow. They plan (make a plan) to go camping in Binjiang Park. =Tomorrow will be weekend. They plan for a camping in Binjiang Park.2. collect v. (collecting, collected) 收集 collect stamps; collect coins; collect wood; collect information/food/ money for the poor area/for the earth-stricken area3. San

33、dwich got its name from a man called John Montagu 这旅馆得名于它前面的那座桥。 The hotel got its name from the bridge in front of it. 这座桥得名于他的赞助商。 The bridge got its name from the man who sponsored it. 桂林这个城市得名于它的山和水。The city of Guilin got its name from the hills and rivers. 他的偶像是一个叫姚明的篮球明星。His hero is a basketba

34、ll star called /named Yao Ming. 他去了一个叫三元桥的地方。 He went to a place called/ named Sanyuanqiao. 我看见他走进了叫做文峰大世界的购物中心。I saw him go into a shopping mall called/ named Wenfeng Big World.4. stop for meals stop to do sth; stop doing sth stop for a rest= stop to have a rest stop for meals= stop to have meals 那

35、边有许多人。我们停下来看看发生了什么事。There are many people there. Lets stop to see what is happening.你太累了,停下来休息一会吧。 You are too tired. Stop to have a rest= stop for a rest.不要看电视了。去做作业吧 Stop watching TV to do your homework.5. put meat between two pieces of bread (1)between you and me; between meals between lines 字里行间

36、 如果你饭间饿了,可以吃些水果。If you are hungry between meals, you can eat some fruit. (2) piece: a piece of一片, 一块; a small/ big piece一大/小 片/块 盘子里有一大块肉.There is a big piece of meat on the plate.6. some, and others; onethe other7. same the same as和相同; the same +n相同的. at the same time同时8. later (1)later that day那天晚

37、些时候; later this year今年晚些时候; later this week本周晚些时候 (2)two days later两天后. an hour later一小时后; half an hour later半小时后 (3) later 副词,后来 放句首9. be popular among/ with sb 受某人欢迎 那个老师很受所有学生的喜欢。 That teacher is popular among/ with all the students. 课外活动很受学生的欢迎。 After-school activities are popular among the stud

38、ents.10. all over/ around the world 遍及全世界all over/ around + 地点; all through+时间(all through the year=the whole year)11. show v. n. (1) n. 展览,表演 不要错过那里的京剧展览。Dont miss Beijing opera shows there. 他们喜欢看舞狮子表演。They like watching lion dance shows.a book show书展; a flower show花展; an air show 航展(2)v. 展示,演示 sho

39、w sb sth= show sth to sb 把展示给某人看能把你们这次活动的照片给我看看吗?Can you show me the photos of this activity? show sb around (sp) 带某人参观某地 五一期间他带我参观了整个城市. He showed me around the whole city during May Day.show sb how to do sth 演示给某人看如何做某事 他叫我演示给他看如何用电脑。He asked me to show him how to use the computer. show me the way

40、 to sp 指给我看去某地的路 你能只给我看去地铁出口的路吗? Can you show me the way to the exit of the underground?12. by 乘(交通工具); 在边; 到(时间)为止; by bus/ underground/ train/ air/ sea by the river/ lake/ road by this month/ today/ yesterday/ this year13. in use 在使用中 因为坏了,这座桥不再使用了。Because it is broken, the bridge is no longer in

41、use. = The bridge is not in use any longer because there is something wrong with it.会议室已在使用中。 The meeting room is already in use.14. per= every 15. at least 至少 at most 至多 我们每天至少读英语半个小时。 We read English at least half an hour per day.16. as large as和一样大; asas中间用形容词或副词的原形 他和他哥哥一样高。He is as tall as his

42、elder brother. 这个故事和那个故事一样有趣。This story is as interesting as that one. 这个小女孩舞跳得和她姐姐一样好。The little girl can dance as well as her elder sister. 数词+asas;是的几倍 asas+数词 高/长/宽/远到 This river is three times as long as that one. After supper, his parents often take a walk as far as that park. He grows very qu

43、ickly. Now he is as tall as 1.80 metres. This road is as wide as 20 metres.17. We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things. (1) in the world 在世界上; all over/ around the world 遍及全世界 他是个不同世界的人。He is a person of a different world. (2) 我们居住在许多山水的城市。We live in a beautiful city with many rive

44、rs and hills. 他住在一个有十个房间的大房子里。He lives in a big house with ten rooms.18. ask for sth 请求,要求 他刚才要了一杯不加任何东西的咖啡。He asked for a cup of coffee with nothing in it just now. ask sb for help 向某人求助 如果你不知道答案,可以向老师求助。If you dont know the answer, you can ask the teacher for help. ask sb for sth 向某人要某物 他向我要了几支粉笔。He asked me for some chalk. ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(不要)做某事19. inch-inches 英寸; foot-feet 英尺 我认为他有五英尺六英尺高。 I think he is five feet six inches tall. 7

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