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1、尊称 Miss 小姐,Mrs 太太, Ms 女士, Mr 先生. Miss+姓,Ms+姓,Mr+姓,Mrs+丈夫的姓冠词:泛指:a,an ,a 和an 意为 一个, 区别:an 后的单词是以元音音素开头。 the 特指。介词:in on unde near next to名词:表示名称的词语。一般分 可数名词与不可数名词。1 可数名词可用数目计算,不可数名词不能用数目计算。2 名词 前需有 冠词 a/an,the3 名词复数加法: 1)一般情况加s. 2) 以s x sh ch收尾的词加-es 如: box- boxes. 3)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,变 y 为i, 再加-es. 如: f

2、amily-families. baby-babies. candy-candies study-studies. puppypuppies. 4)以f 或fe结尾的,要变f 或fe 为v 再加es 如 knife-knives. leaf-leaves.5) 肉类和饮料类单词一般为不可数名词: water juice fish chicken6) 以o 结尾的单词,一般情况下:表示有生命的物品加es, 如:potatoes. tamatoes, 其它加s 如:photos.7)有一些特殊的不可数名词要记住:rice bread ice cream8)一些特殊的名词复数的加法: child孩子

3、,其复数形式为:children.孩子们。 男人man ,复数: men 女人 woman 复数 women 脚:foot复数 feet. 鹅 goose 复数 geese动词:表示动作的词语:动词分类:1 系动词,也叫be动词,包括(is am are ) 口决: I am, you are, 单数is . 复数are . 2 情态动词:表示说话人的情绪、语气、态度的动词,特点是它本身有一定的词义,不能单独做谓语,只能和其后跟的动词原型一起构成谓语。在各种人称后都用同样形式。我们已学过的情态动词有:should 应当,应该 must 必须 can 能、会。 would 有时也可看作情态动词。

4、3 实义动词:有一实际意思的动词。如:run跑, read读, play玩等。特殊疑问词:what什么 where哪里 who谁 what colour 什么颜色 how old多大年龄 how many(可数名词数量多少)how much(不可数名词数量有多少或问价格) what time 询问几点了 Whose 谁的人称代词: 单数复数第1人称第2人称第3人称第1人称第2人称第3人称主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem he she it 既是第三人物,又是单数,所以我们称之为: 第三人称单述,简称 单三。物主代词:表示人和物之间的所

5、属关系,即物品属于谁的。 形容词性的物主代词(包括两层意思:形容词性, 物主),起形容词作用, 后面总要跟一名词。 单 数 复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第一人称第一人称形容词性物代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词所有格,也表示所属关系。1、 表示有生命的人、事物的所属关系。即的。1) 一般情况直接 s 如:Amys book. 2) 若名词是以s 结尾. 只 如:teachers office.3) 如所指事物为几个人共有,只在最后一个名词词尾加 s 如:Lucy and Lilys father. 露西和丽丽的爸爸。4) 如果所指事物不是共有,而是各自所

6、有,应在每一个名词后加s Lucys book and Lilys book. 露西的书和丽丽的书。2 表示无生命事物的所有格,通常用of.表示。a map of China 中国地图。 the desks of our classroom 我们教室的窗户 中国人名字的英文写法: Li Mei. 李梅 Yang Liwei. 杨利伟句子:一、陈述句:说明一个事实或陈述说话人的事实,一般用句号结尾。I get up at 6 oclock.二、一般疑问句一般疑问句是由be动词(is am are);情态动词、(can could should must would等);助动词(do、does)开

7、始,通常以yes或 no回答的问句。三、特殊疑问句 都是以一个疑问词开头。问什么答什么。 已学过的疑问词有:what什么, when 何时, where 哪里, who谁, why为什么, whose 谁的, how怎样 What time询问几点 what colour询问什么颜色 how many 询问数量多少 how much 询问多少钱改写句子将陈述句 变为一般疑问句,并进行肯定及否定回答: 一般疑问句:以be动词或 助动词do,does、或情态动词:can, would开头,通常以yes 或no 回答的问句。一般疑问句朗读时读声调。 含有be动词的陈述句,变为一般疑问句:be动词提前

8、,首字母大写,最后加问号,是第一人称的变成第二 人称。 1) I am a student. Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, I am not. 2 ) She is in the bedroom. 改为: Is she in the bedroom? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.3) He is in the kitchen. 改为: Is he in the kitchen? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.4) It is in the desk. 改为: Is it in the desk? Yes, it i

9、s. No, it isnt.5) Mike is in the bathroom. 改为: Is Mike in the bathroom. Yes, he is. No, he isnt.6) My mother is a farmer. 改为: Is your mother a farmer? Yes,she is. No, she isnt.7) They are on the table. 改为:Are they on the table? Yes, they are. No, they arent.8) Mike and Sarah are in the classroom. Ar

10、e Mike and Sarah in the classroom? I would like some beef? 改为: Would you like some beef? Yes, please. No,thanks. 陈述句变否定句1 含 be动词的陈述句变否定句:在be 动词后 直接加 notI am a student. I am not a student.She is my aunt. She is not my aunt.They are in the kitchen. They are not in the kitchen.就划线部分提问:1先看给谁划线,分析要问什么,确定

11、疑问词。2再把剩余部分变成一般疑问句,接在疑问词后面。3最后,用写成的特殊疑问句提问,用原句试着回答验证,若问答合适,证明提问句正确。就划线部分提问:1. One blackboard is in the classroom.(就划线部分提问) Whats in the classroom? 2. It is in the schoolbag.( 就划线部分提问) Where is it?3. The pens are black. ( 就划线部分提问) What colour are the pens.4. The teachers desk is yellow. ( 就划线部分提问) Wh

12、at colour is the teachers desk?5. She is Miss White( 就划线部分提问) Who is she?6. His name is Ben. ( 就划线部分提问) Whats his name?7. He is my friend. ( 就划线部分提问) Who is he?Unit 1 my school短语:抱歉 Excuse me second floor 二楼 on the second floor 在二楼 在一楼 on the first floor. read a book 读书 next to 紧邻, 在.近旁 say hello 说你

13、好 play football 踢足球 water the flowers 浇花 teachers office 教师办公室 This way,please 请这边走。 next to the library 紧挨着图书馆关健句型:1、 Where is the library? Its on the first floor. Is it next to classroom 3? Yes, it is.2、 Where are the students? They are in the classroom. Are they in the art room? No, they arent .3

14、、 Do you have a library? Yes, we do. NO, we dont.4、 Is that the lunch room? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.5、 Is this the computer room? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.6、 How many students are there in your class? Forty-five students.7、 Welcome to our school. 欢迎来我们学校。I like storybooks. 我喜欢故事书。How beautiful! 多漂亮啊!

15、知识点full反义词 hungry, know 同音词 no, this 对应词that, second 基数词:two, one 序数词 firstlibrary 复数 libraries, our 单数 my, our 主格 we , is not 缩写isnt.Unit 2 What time is it? 短语:数字:one, two, three ,four ,five, six, seven ,eight nine, ten, eleven, twelve,thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nine

16、teen,20 twenty. 30 thirty , 40 forty, 50 fifty. 时间表示: 5 oclock 5点整。 8:10 a.m. 上午8:10 . 2:10 p.m. 下午2:10。Class is over 下课了。 School is over 放学了。 Hurry up 快点。 Come on 快点 Breakfast is ready. 早餐准备好了。 Just a minute 稍等一下。 Wake up 醒醒。April Fool 四月愚人节。 get up 起床早餐 breakfast 吃早餐 have breakfast Its time for br

17、eakfast. Its time to have breakfast.午餐 lunch 吃午餐 have lunch Its time for lunch. Its time to have lunch.晚餐 dinner 吃晚餐 eat dinner Its time for dinner. Its time to eat dinner.学校 school 去上学 go to school Its time for school. Its time to go to school.家 go home 回家 go home Its time for home. Its time to go

18、home.床 bed 上床睡觉 go to bed Its time for bed. Its time to go to bed.英语课 English class 英语课 have English class Its time for English class. Its time to have English class.音乐课 music class 上音乐课 have music class Its time for music class. Its time to have music class.美术课art class 上美术课have art class Its time

19、for art class. Its time to have art class.关健句型:want to do sth. 想要做某事。 do代表动词原型,sth 代表某事。I want to sleep. 我想再睡睡。 Let sb do sth. 让某人做某事。 sb 代表某人。 sth代表某事 Lets go. 让我们走吧。Lets drink some milk. 让我们喝一些牛奶吧。 Lets have some chicken. 让我们吃一些鸡肉吧。Lets eat some rice. 让我们吃一些米饭吧。 Lets jump and run. 让我们跳又唱。Let s rea

20、d and write. 让我们读又写。 Let sing and dance. 让我们唱又跳。Where are you?你在哪里?I m in New York.我在纽约 Im in Sydney. 我在悉尼。Im in London.我在伦敦。 Im late for school. 我上学要迟到了。知识点 写出下列词的相应形式:there 反义词here lets 完整形式 let us Im 完整形式 I am wheres 完整形式。 teachers 所有格teachers under 反义词 on storybook 复数storybooks I 宾格me lets 完整形式

21、let us. you 形容词性物主代词your boy(对应词) girl woman(对应词) man new(反义词) old here(反义词) therelong(反义词) short big(反义词) small tall(反义词) short strong(反义词) thinblack(反义词)white Chinese(名词) China friend(形容词)friendly I(复数)weI(宾格)me we(宾格)us he(形容词性物主代词)his her(主格)she Its (完整形式) it is What is (缩写形式) whats3本语文书(汉译英)three Chinese books. I have 20 (candy)_candies._family 复数:families. puppy复数:puppies. baby 复数:babies. candy 复数 candies. study 复数studies key复数 keys. toy复数 toys knife 复数 knives

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