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1、惯用词汇以及表示方式翻译惯用词汇以及表示方式翻译第1页概概 要要一、概述一、概述二、二、“otherwiseotherwise”以及对应搭配翻译以及对应搭配翻译三三、“subject tosubject to”翻译翻译四、四、“for the purposes of-for the purposes of-”翻译翻译五、五、“provided that-provided that-”翻译翻译六、六、“wherewhere”翻译翻译七、相关英汉法律法规名称互译七、相关英汉法律法规名称互译第2页概概 述述n n示例示例1:1:For the purposes ofFor the purposes

2、of subsection(3),permission shall be in the subsection(3),permission shall be in the form of a thirty(30)business day prior notice in writing.form of a thirty(30)business day prior notice in writing.n n译文译文1:1:为第三款目标为第三款目标,许可必须提前许可必须提前3030个营业日以书面通知形式做出。个营业日以书面通知形式做出。n n译文译文2:2:就第就第3 3款而言款而言,必须提前,必须提

3、前3030营业日以书面通知形式做出许可。营业日以书面通知形式做出许可。n n示例示例2:2:借款人未偿还本协议项下任何一笔贷款借款人未偿还本协议项下任何一笔贷款,贷款人有权向借款人,贷款人有权向借款人收取约定年利率收取约定年利率150%150%罚息罚息 。n n译文译文1 1:If If the Borrower does not repay any loan under this Agreement,the Borrower does not repay any loan under this Agreement,the Lender has the right to charge the

4、Borrower the penalty interest at a the Lender has the right to charge the Borrower the penalty interest at a rate of 150%of the stipulated annual interest.rate of 150%of the stipulated annual interest.n n译文译文译文译文2:2:WhereWhere the Borrower fails to repay any loan under this the Borrower fails to rep

5、ay any loan under this Agreement,the Lender has the right to charge the Borrower the penalty Agreement,the Lender has the right to charge the Borrower the penalty interest at a rate of 150%of the stipulated annual interest.interest at a rate of 150%of the stipulated annual interest.n n示例示例示例示例3:3:本目

6、录上商品价格和规格本目录上商品价格和规格本目录上商品价格和规格本目录上商品价格和规格以以以以我方最终确认我方最终确认我方最终确认我方最终确认为准为准为准为准。n n译文译文译文译文1:The price and specification of the goods in this catalogue shall 1:The price and specification of the goods in this catalogue shall be be determineddetermined by our final confirmation.by our final confirmati

7、on.n n译文译文译文译文2:The price and specification of the goods in this catalogue shall 2:The price and specification of the goods in this catalogue shall be be subject tosubject to our final confirmation.our final confirmation.第3页概概 述述n n法律英语惯用句式或短语神秘与艰涩,原因在于:法律英语惯用句式或短语神秘与艰涩,原因在于:n n1.1.有虽来自生活有虽来自生活,却却”脱

8、离生活脱离生活”。n n如如“for the purposes of for the purposes of”(示例示例1),1),在法律英语中在法律英语中,与详细法律条款连用与详细法律条款连用,就就表示表示“就就-而言、基于而言、基于-”等含义。等含义。n n如如“wherewhere”(示例示例2),2),常在汉英翻译中用作常在汉英翻译中用作“”含义。含义。n n2.2.有基本只限于法律领域有基本只限于法律领域,纯属纯属 “法言法语法言法语”。n n示例示例4 4:The matters in dispute arising from this Contract or in The mat

9、ters in dispute arising from this Contract or in connection with performance hereof shall be referred to arbitration connection with performance hereof shall be referred to arbitration as as hereinbefore definedhereinbefore defined.n n译文:因协议产生或与协议推行相关争议事项,应按前所要求,提请译文:因协议产生或与协议推行相关争议事项,应按前所要求,提请译文:因协

10、议产生或与协议推行相关争议事项,应按前所要求,提请译文:因协议产生或与协议推行相关争议事项,应按前所要求,提请仲裁。仲裁。仲裁。仲裁。n n示例示例示例示例5 5:Unless(it is)otherwise arrangedUnless(it is)otherwise arranged by and between Parties to this by and between Parties to this Contract,any Party must not by reference to any Contract terms Contract,any Party must not by

11、 reference to any Contract terms exclude or restrict any liability of his breach hereof.exclude or restrict any liability of his breach hereof.n n译文:除非协议各方另有安排,任何一方不得援引任何协议条款排除译文:除非协议各方另有安排,任何一方不得援引任何协议条款排除译文:除非协议各方另有安排,任何一方不得援引任何协议条款排除译文:除非协议各方另有安排,任何一方不得援引任何协议条款排除或限制其违约责任。或限制其违约责任。或限制其违约责任。或限制其违约责

12、任。第4页概概 述述n n为何要归纳总结惯用短语或句式?为何要归纳总结惯用短语或句式?n n1.1.符正当律翻译符正当律翻译“重复就是美重复就是美”标准(标准(consistency and consistency and identity)identity)。n nHenry Weihofen:“-Henry Weihofen:“-Exactness often demands repeating the Exactness often demands repeating the same term to express the same idea.same term to express

13、the same idea.Where that is true,never be Where that is true,never be afraid of using the same term over and over again.Many more afraid of using the same term over and over again.Many more sentences are spoiled by trying to avoid repetition than by sentences are spoiled by trying to avoid repetitio

14、n than by repetition.repetition.”n n目标:保持术语目标:保持术语 习语习语 相同句式译文保持法律精度。相同句式译文保持法律精度。n n2.2.提升翻译效率。提升翻译效率。第5页二、二、二、二、“otherwiseotherwise”以及对应搭配翻译以及对应搭配翻译以及对应搭配翻译以及对应搭配翻译n n“otherwise isotherwise is used in Legal English in the way as follows:used in Legal English in the way as follows:1 1、置于由置于由置于由置于由“

15、UNLESSUNLESS”之后之后之后之后,普通译为普通译为普通译为普通译为“除除除除-另有另有另有另有-外外外外”或或或或“-另有另有另有另有-除外除外除外除外”。示例示例示例示例6 6:Unless the law provides otherwiseUnless the law provides otherwise,the Seller has the obligation to,the Seller has the obligation to guarantee that no third party shall claim rights against the Buyer over

16、the guarantee that no third party shall claim rights against the Buyer over the target matter delivered subject to the Shipment Notice.target matter delivered subject to the Shipment Notice.译文:译文:译文:译文:除法律另有要求外除法律另有要求外除法律另有要求外除法律另有要求外,出卖人就依照装运通知交付标物,负有确保第三人不,出卖人就依照装运通知交付标物,负有确保第三人不,出卖人就依照装运通知交付标物,负有

17、确保第三人不,出卖人就依照装运通知交付标物,负有确保第三人不得向买受人主张任何权利义务得向买受人主张任何权利义务得向买受人主张任何权利义务得向买受人主张任何权利义务(有义务确保第三人不得向买受人主张任何权利有义务确保第三人不得向买受人主张任何权利有义务确保第三人不得向买受人主张任何权利有义务确保第三人不得向买受人主张任何权利)。示例示例示例示例7 7:Unless this Contract prescribes otherwiseUnless this Contract prescribes otherwise,the manager of the pledged,the manager o

18、f the pledged Goods shall not use or operate or permit such use or operation of said pledged Goods shall not use or operate or permit such use or operation of said pledged Goods by a third party.Goods by a third party.译文:译文:译文:译文:除本协议另有要求外,除本协议另有要求外,除本协议另有要求外,除本协议另有要求外,质押物管理人不得使用或操作,或允许第三方使用质押物管理人不得

19、使用或操作,或允许第三方使用质押物管理人不得使用或操作,或允许第三方使用质押物管理人不得使用或操作,或允许第三方使用或操作质押物。或操作质押物。或操作质押物。或操作质押物。示例示例示例示例8 8:Unless otherwise stipulatedUnless otherwise stipulated,the attorney,as the perennial consultant,the attorney,as the perennial consultant appointed by Party B to represent Party A,has no obligation to re

20、nder any legal appointed by Party B to represent Party A,has no obligation to render any legal service to employees of Party A.service to employees of Party A.译文:译文:译文:译文:除非另有约定除非另有约定除非另有约定除非另有约定,作为乙方为甲方指派法律顾问,律师无义务为甲方职员提,作为乙方为甲方指派法律顾问,律师无义务为甲方职员提,作为乙方为甲方指派法律顾问,律师无义务为甲方职员提,作为乙方为甲方指派法律顾问,律师无义务为甲方职员提供

21、法律服务。供法律服务。供法律服务。供法律服务。示例示例示例示例9 9:Unless otherwise agreed in writing by and between Parties hereto,Unless otherwise agreed in writing by and between Parties hereto,Party A Party A shall pay Party B the above charges for attorneyshall pay Party B the above charges for attorney s legal service in a l

22、ump sum s legal service in a lump sum within thirty days commencing from the date on which this Contract comes within thirty days commencing from the date on which this Contract comes into effect.into effect.译文:译文:译文:译文:除双方另有书面协议外除双方另有书面协议外除双方另有书面协议外除双方另有书面协议外,甲方应在协议生效之日起,甲方应在协议生效之日起,甲方应在协议生效之日起,甲方应

23、在协议生效之日起3030天内向乙方一次性支天内向乙方一次性支天内向乙方一次性支天内向乙方一次性支付前述律师费。付前述律师费。付前述律师费。付前述律师费。此种结构普通为:此种结构普通为:此种结构普通为:此种结构普通为:“Unless+law+states/provides+otherwiseUnless+law+states/provides+otherwise”or or“Unless+Unless+contract+stipulates/arranges+otherwise.contract+stipulates/arranges+otherwise.或者为:或者为:或者为:或者为:”Unl

24、ess+otherwise+Unless+otherwise+stated/provided(+by-)stated/provided(+by-)”第6页二、二、二、二、“otherwiseotherwise”以及对应搭配翻译以及对应搭配翻译以及对应搭配翻译以及对应搭配翻译n n2.2.置于与置于与“OROR”之后,译作之后,译作“其它其它-”,详细内容视,详细内容视“OROR”之前结构而定。之前结构而定。n n示例示例1010:If two or more persons are defendants to a claim If two or more persons are defenda

25、nts to a claim for compensation,as partners for compensation,as partners or otherwise(=other or otherwise(=other identity)identity),a process may be served on any of them.,a process may be served on any of them.n n译文:假如有译文:假如有译文:假如有译文:假如有2 2名或以上人以合作人或者其它身份作为赔名或以上人以合作人或者其它身份作为赔名或以上人以合作人或者其它身份作为赔名或以上人

26、以合作人或者其它身份作为赔偿请求被告,法律程序文书可送达其中任何一人偿请求被告,法律程序文书可送达其中任何一人偿请求被告,法律程序文书可送达其中任何一人偿请求被告,法律程序文书可送达其中任何一人 。n n示例示例示例示例1111:任何人使用恐吓、怂恿或以其它伎俩诱使证人或:任何人使用恐吓、怂恿或以其它伎俩诱使证人或:任何人使用恐吓、怂恿或以其它伎俩诱使证人或:任何人使用恐吓、怂恿或以其它伎俩诱使证人或一方当事人不作证,即属违法。一方当事人不作证,即属违法。一方当事人不作证,即属违法。一方当事人不作证,即属违法。n n译文:译文:译文:译文:Any person who by threats,p

27、ersuasion Any person who by threats,persuasion or otherwiseor otherwise (=other means)(=other means)induces a witness or a party not to give induces a witness or a party not to give evidence commits an offence.evidence commits an offence.第7页三、三、三、三、“subject tosubject to”翻译翻译翻译翻译n n“subject tosubject

28、 to”used in Legal English in the way as follows:used in Legal English in the way as follows:n n1.1.与法律文件名称或法条连用与法律文件名称或法条连用与法律文件名称或法条连用与法律文件名称或法条连用,通常译作通常译作通常译作通常译作“按照按照按照按照-、依据、依据、依据、依据-、受、受、受、受-限制限制限制限制/约束、见约束、见约束、见约束、见-”等。等。等。等。n n示例示例示例示例1111:Subject to this section,an repossession of the Pledge

29、d Subject to this section,an repossession of the Pledged Property by the Party A from Party B shall be subject to such Property by the Party A from Party B shall be subject to such conditions as are prescribed by the Pledge Agreement.conditions as are prescribed by the Pledge Agreement.n n译文:依据本条要求,

30、甲方从乙方收回质押物须译文:依据本条要求,甲方从乙方收回质押物须译文:依据本条要求,甲方从乙方收回质押物须译文:依据本条要求,甲方从乙方收回质押物须受受受受质押协议要求条件质押协议要求条件质押协议要求条件质押协议要求条件限制限制限制限制(或甲方(或甲方(或甲方(或甲方应依照应依照应依照应依照质押协议要求条件从乙方收回质押物)。质押协议要求条件从乙方收回质押物)。质押协议要求条件从乙方收回质押物)。质押协议要求条件从乙方收回质押物)。n n示例示例示例示例1212:合营企业各方权利义务:合营企业各方权利义务:合营企业各方权利义务:合营企业各方权利义务见见见见本协议第本协议第本协议第本协议第8 8

31、条条条条要求要求要求要求。n n译文:译文:译文:译文:Rights and obligations of Parties to this Equity Joint Venture Rights and obligations of Parties to this Equity Joint Venture shall be subject to Art.8 hereof.shall be subject to Art.8 hereof.n n2.2.在法律英语其它场所,围绕在法律英语其它场所,围绕在法律英语其它场所,围绕在法律英语其它场所,围绕“取决于、受制于、受取决于、受制于、受取决于、受制

32、于、受取决于、受制于、受-约束约束约束约束”基本意基本意基本意基本意义,应做灵活处理。义,应做灵活处理。义,应做灵活处理。义,应做灵活处理。n n示例示例示例示例1313:货物数量可由卖方选择作出:货物数量可由卖方选择作出:货物数量可由卖方选择作出:货物数量可由卖方选择作出5%5%上下浮动。上下浮动。上下浮动。上下浮动。译文译文译文译文1 1:Seller has the right to decide a variation of 5%plus or minus of Seller has the right to decide a variation of 5%plus or minus

33、of Goods quantity.Goods quantity.译文译文译文译文2 2:Quantity of Goods shall be subject to a variation of 5%plus or Quantity of Goods shall be subject to a variation of 5%plus or minus at Sellerminus at Seller s option.s option.示例示例1414:Subject to the other partySubject to the other party s written consent,

34、this contract s written consent,this contract period may be extended.period may be extended.译文:译文:译文:译文:经经经经另一方书面同意,可延长本协议期限。另一方书面同意,可延长本协议期限。另一方书面同意,可延长本协议期限。另一方书面同意,可延长本协议期限。第8页四、四、四、四、“for the purposes of-for the purposes of-”翻译翻译翻译翻译n n1 1、翻译为、翻译为“为为-目标目标”(汉译英法律文本中多见)(汉译英法律文本中多见)n n示例示例15:15:有以下

35、情形之一,有以下情形之一,以以非法占有为非法占有为目标目标,在签署、推行协议过程中,骗取对方财,在签署、推行协议过程中,骗取对方财物,物,-,处三年以下有期徒刑。,处三年以下有期徒刑。.n n译文译文:Whoever,for the purpose of illegal possession,uses one of the following means Whoever,for the purpose of illegal possession,uses one of the following means during signing or performing a contract to

36、obtain property and goods of the opposite during signing or performing a contract to obtain property and goods of the opposite party by fraud,-,is to be sentenced to no more than three years of fixed-term party by fraud,-,is to be sentenced to no more than three years of fixed-term imprisonmentimpri

37、sonment.n n示例示例16:16:为为提升合营企业技术水平和产品质量,扩大合营企业产品在中国以及海外市场提升合营企业技术水平和产品质量,扩大合营企业产品在中国以及海外市场销售,进而为合营企业各方创造最正确利润销售,进而为合营企业各方创造最正确利润,甲乙双方特签立本协议。甲乙双方特签立本协议。n n译文译文:This Contract is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B for the This Contract is made and entered into by and between Party

38、A and Party B for the purposes of improving this JVpurposes of improving this JV s technological level and product quality,promoting this s technological level and product quality,promoting this JVJV s products in Chinese market and overseas market,and creating the optimum profits s products in Chin

39、ese market and overseas market,and creating the optimum profits for Parties to this JV.for Parties to this JV.注意注意,这种使用方法不妥,要表示,这种使用方法不妥,要表示“为为目标目标”或或“出于出于目标目标”而使用而使用“for the for the purpose(s)of-purpose(s)of-”比较少见,普通使用比较少见,普通使用“forfor”或者或者“in order toin order to”。n n示例示例1717:This contract is entere

40、d into by and between Party A and Party B as follows in:This contract is entered into by and between Party A and Party B as follows in order to arrange the matters in respect of the loan provided by Party A to Party B for the order to arrange the matters in respect of the loan provided by Party A to

41、 Party B for the purchase of the target goods.purchase of the target goods.n n译文译文:为安排相关甲方向乙方提供购置标货物贷款事宜,甲乙双方订立协议以下。为安排相关甲方向乙方提供购置标货物贷款事宜,甲乙双方订立协议以下。小结:小结:之所以提议用之所以提议用“forfor”或者或者“in order toin order to”,是因为,是因为“for the purpose(s)-for the purpose(s)-”在英语法在英语法律文本中使用方法通常不作律文本中使用方法通常不作“为为-目标目标”讲。讲。第9页四

42、、四、四、四、“for the purposes of-for the purposes of-”翻译翻译翻译翻译n n2.译为译为“就就-而言而言”,或,或“为了施行或实施为了施行或实施-”n n示例示例18:18:For the purposes of subsection 8.5 hereof,permission shall be in the For the purposes of subsection 8.5 hereof,permission shall be in the form of a thirty(30)business day prior notice in writ

43、ing-form of a thirty(30)business day prior notice in writing-.n n译文译文译文译文:就就就就本协议第本协议第本协议第本协议第8.58.5款款款款而言而言而言而言,许可必须提前,许可必须提前,许可必须提前,许可必须提前3030天以书面通知形式做出天以书面通知形式做出天以书面通知形式做出天以书面通知形式做出-。n n示例示例示例示例1919:For the purpose of this law,For the purpose of this law,“invention invention creationcreation”mean

44、s means inventions,utility models and designs.(Patent Act of PRC,Art.2)inventions,utility models and designs.(Patent Act of PRC,Art.2)n n译文译文译文译文:就本法而言就本法而言就本法而言就本法而言/为施行为施行为施行为施行本法,创造创造指创造、实用新型和外观设计。本法,创造创造指创造、实用新型和外观设计。本法,创造创造指创造、实用新型和外观设计。本法,创造创造指创造、实用新型和外观设计。n n小结小结小结小结:该短语恰当译法是:该短语恰当译法是:该短语恰当译法

45、是:该短语恰当译法是“就就就就-而言而言而言而言”,或,或,或,或“为施行为施行为施行为施行-(法律条款名),(法律条款名),(法律条款名),(法律条款名),尤其在其后跟详细法规编号时,最好可译为尤其在其后跟详细法规编号时,最好可译为尤其在其后跟详细法规编号时,最好可译为尤其在其后跟详细法规编号时,最好可译为“就该(法规编号,比如第几就该(法规编号,比如第几就该(法规编号,比如第几就该(法规编号,比如第几条、款、章)而言条、款、章)而言条、款、章)而言条、款、章)而言”。第10页五、五、五、五、“provided thatprovided that”翻译翻译翻译翻译n n1.1.普通使用方法,

46、译作普通使用方法,译作“在在-条件下、假如条件下、假如”,等同于,等同于“if if”.n n示例示例20:Provided that there is no opposition in writing by 20:Provided that there is no opposition in writing by both Parties hereto at the expiration of its term,this both Parties hereto at the expiration of its term,this Contract shall be renewed autom

47、atically for one year.Contract shall be renewed automatically for one year.n n译文译文译文译文:如如如如协议到期时双方均未提出书面反对,则协议自动顺协议到期时双方均未提出书面反对,则协议自动顺协议到期时双方均未提出书面反对,则协议自动顺协议到期时双方均未提出书面反对,则协议自动顺延一年。延一年。延一年。延一年。n n示例示例示例示例2121:如受要约人超出承诺期限做出承诺,除要约人及:如受要约人超出承诺期限做出承诺,除要约人及:如受要约人超出承诺期限做出承诺,除要约人及:如受要约人超出承诺期限做出承诺,除要约人及时通

48、知受要约人该承诺有效外,为新要约。时通知受要约人该承诺有效外,为新要约。时通知受要约人该承诺有效外,为新要约。时通知受要约人该承诺有效外,为新要约。n n译文译文译文译文:Provided that the offeree makes an acceptance beyond:Provided that the offeree makes an acceptance beyond the time limit for acceptance,it shall constitute a new offer the time limit for acceptance,it shall constit

49、ute a new offer unless the offeror notifies the offeree in time that the unless the offeror notifies the offeree in time that the acceptance is effective.acceptance is effective.第11页五、五、五、五、“provided thatprovided that”翻译翻译翻译翻译n n2.2.放在某主句之后,以分号与主句隔开,表示与之前陈说相反放在某主句之后,以分号与主句隔开,表示与之前陈说相反“例外例外”,译成,译成“但,

50、不过但,不过”。法律英语中称为。法律英语中称为“但书但书”。n n示例示例2222:The interest rate applicable to each loan hereunder shall be The interest rate applicable to each loan hereunder shall be the interest rate stipulated herein;provided that we have the right,in the interest rate stipulated herein;provided that we have the rig

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