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1、Lesson1YourCollegeYearsBOBHARTMAN第1页Background informationBOBHARTMANhasbeenworkingforovertwelveyearsasaperformancestorytellerforchildren.HesbeenusinghisdynamicandinteractivestyletoentertainaudiencesonbothsidesoftheAtlantic.第2页Bobsprogramcombinestraditionalfolktalesfromaroundtheworld,retoldinhisfresh

2、,inimitablestyle,withhisownstories.Helovestohelpchildren(andadults!)createtheirownstoriesonthespot.Herunspracticalworkshopsforadultswhowanttoimprovetheirstorytellingskills.Whatevertheoccasion,Bobsstorytellingsessionsarealwaysexciting,engagingand,aboveall,interactive!第3页Interview with Bob HartmanWhat


4、nhewas9,heaskedmetowritehimascript.Ijumpedatthechanceandsoonwewereputtingonshowsregularly.IwasusuallythenarratorandTimdidthepuppets.Isoonlearnedfirsthandwhatitwasthatmadeanaudiencelaugh.第5页Warm-upWarm-upI.Warm-up Questions II.Myths and Facts Regarding College ExperienceIII.On Seasons in College 第6页W

5、arm-upQuestions母校就是那个你天天要骂八遍却不允许他人骂她地方。-根叔Whatdoyouthinkofthisidea?Asasophomore,whatisyourgeneralimpressionofcollege?第7页many opportunities for one to explore the unknownexperiencing a lotmaking lifelong friendsenjoying various kinds of activitiesdeveloping ones personal interestsmeeting outstanding

6、scholarskeeping a good balance and laying a solid foundation第8页Have you had any psychological problems ever since you entered college?lonelinessconfusionfrustrationjealousya sense of inferiority feeling pressurepsychological problems abound on campus第9页Lesson 1 Your College Years Myths and Facts Reg

7、arding College ExperienceMyths and Facts Regarding College Experience College years are times of significant transition and challenge for an individual.Transition simply means change.Higher levels of anxiety are always experienced by people who are in a state of transition regardless of whether the

8、change is perceived as good or bad.The following are some of the myths vs.the facts regarding college experience.第10页Lesson 1 Your College Years Myth 1:College years are the best years of ones life.Fact 1:While memorable and enjoyable,also be among the most stressful and anxious times:faced with con

9、stant evaluation from his professors;Personal and parental expectations;Financial stress;Career decisions,various relationships and the move toward independence.II.Myths and Facts Regarding College ExperienceII.Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience 第11页Myth 2:Students experiencing stress or a

10、nxiety are unprepared to handle the rigors of college.Fact 2:College and university environments are designed to be challenging academically,personally and socially.Stress and anxiety,among other emotions,are natural by-products of the accelerated pace of learning and growth.It is not a matter of wh

11、ether or not we experience these unpleasant feelings but rather,a matter of how we manage these emotions.Myths and Facts Regarding College ExperienceMyths and Facts Regarding College Experience 第12页Myth 3:I am the only one that doesnt have it all.Fact 3:As you walk on campus and observe other studen

12、ts,it appears that everyone else is so sure of himself.has friends.has direction.is confident.is without troubles.This misperception is common among college students.It has its roots in one of our more powerful social norms.We all wear a“public mask”to protect a certain social image.This“public mask

13、”communicates a sense of self-assuredness to those with whom we come in contact.It often belies the inner turmoil that we all experience from time to time.Myths and Facts Regarding College ExperienceMyths and Facts Regarding College Experience 第13页On Seasons in CollegeOn Seasons in CollegeThere are

14、four seasons in a year,which make the days distinctive and exiting.Metaphorically,there are four seasons in ones college years representing different aspects of college life,which make the days rewarding and unforgettable.Do you agree?If so,what do you think the four seasons represent?Share your opi

15、nions,please.第14页III.On Seasons in CollegeIII.On Seasons in CollegeSpring is the season for nature to revive,to grow and to get ready to boom.Similarly,in college,spring is the season for you to acquire knowledge,to develop yourself and to lay a solid foundation for the future.Its the season of grow

16、th.第15页III.On Seasons in CollegeIII.On Seasons in CollegeSummer is the season for flowers to bloom,and its the season for you to enjoy the greatest passion in nature love,love from your classmates,from your teachers and from your romance.It is the season of affection.第16页III.On Seasons in CollegeIII

17、.On Seasons in CollegeAutumn is a season of harvest in college.Its the season for you to enjoy what you have achieved.第17页III.On Seasons in CollegeIII.On Seasons in CollegeWinter is the harshest season of the four,which presents so many difficulties and hardships.Likewise,not every day in college is

18、 full of joy.You have to meet new faces,get adjusted,make decisions for yourself,be financially and psychologically dependent,etc.So winter is the season of change.Unpleasant as it may seem to some students,it is simply inescapable and beneficial to ones growth and maturity.第18页glossary第19页Textunder

19、standingWhatistheessayabout?Thisisatextaboutwhatstudentswillexperienceintheir“collegeyears”.第20页Couldyouworkouttheoutlineoftheessay?Whatiseachparagraphabout?Whatsthemainideaofeachparagraph?第21页Part 1(para.1):Part 2(paras.):Part 3(para.):Structure of the text2910Many key changes happen to college stu

20、dents during their college years.The key changes involve the following:identity crisis,the independence/dependence struggle,establishment of sexual identity,affection giving and receiving,internalization of religious faith,values and morals,development of new ways to organize and use knowledge,a new

21、 understanding of the world and himself/herself.Conclusion.第22页PurposeofthisessayTheessayisintendedtostresstheneedtoformacorrectworldoutlookforouryoungcollegestudents.Foreducationafterallisnotjustformakingaliving.Itisabouthowtolive.第23页Whatdoyouthinkoftheorganizationofthisessay?Isthereanythingwecanw

22、elearnfrominouressay-writing?第24页Writing Devices1AntithesisThese are exciting times yet frustrating times.(5)第25页2Developing paragraphs by examplesAstatementwhichisverygeneralisseldomimpressiveorconvincing.Itisusuallynecessarytogiveexamplestoprove,illustrate,orclarifyageneralstatement.Wemaybetooused

23、tosaying“forinstance”or“forexample”torealizethatweareusingacertainmethodfordevelopingatopic.第26页Developing paragraphs by examplesParagraph6Paragraph7Paragraph8Paragraph9第27页提升写作能力提议提升写作能力提议范文以及范文以及模拟练习模拟练习第28页Methods of training1.Imitate the sample structures2.Refinement第29页怎样进行描红以diligence为例1.寻找类似话

24、题(confidence);2.统计思维过程 关键词:2.1 相同表示 2.2 相反表示 2.3 闪光措辞3.模仿写一篇类似文章 第30页2.1 相同表示Brainstorming 思绪:diligence近义表示:hard work strive to work 第31页diligence 反义表示:laziness leave todays work to be done tomorrow批判对立面(不勤奋者):lack of ability in controlling themselves;pleasure seeking立论:human beings true value of li

25、fe:learning and creation,discovering and changing the world real happiness 2.2 相反表示第32页2.3 闪光措辞while away excusespoil There is no room for any excuse forThere is no room for any excuse for laziness.Diligence is the mother of success.闲混时间闲混时间借口借口娇宠娇宠懒惰没有辩解余地。懒惰没有辩解余地。勤奋是成功之母。勤奋是成功之母。第33页描红:Diligence

26、Whatever one does,one should do it with confidence.If one has no confidence,there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything,especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships.This truth seems to be self-evident.Whatever one does,one should do it with diligence.If one is not di

27、ligent,there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything,especially when one is dealing with a tough job.This truth seems to be self-evident.第34页 However,in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too gre

28、at to overcome.For some,this might be true.But for many,this only shows that they have lost heart.However,in reality we do see quite a few people who while away a lot of time chatting,drinking,or watching television,and always leave todays work to be done tomorrow.Some of them may make an excuse for

29、 what they have done,but theres no room for any excuse for laziness.第35页Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are quite capable of doing something?There are,among others,two main reasons.First,these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves.Second,they overestimate the diffi

30、culties.Why dont such people strive to work?There are,among others,two main reasons.First,they lack persistence in controlling themselves.There are so many joyful things around them that they always feel difficult to concentrate themselves on their work or study.Second,they may prefer to another way

31、 of living “eat,drink,and be merry”.第36页 It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities.We should never underestimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb:“Where there is a will,there is a way.”Confidence is the guarantee of fulfilling

32、a task successfully.A main difference between human beings and animals is the ability to learn and to create.Only through learning and creation can one realize his own value.But that means hard work.We should never spoil ourselves but should believe in the proverb:“Diligence is the mother of success

33、.”We shall enjoy real happiness when we eventually achieve something in discovering and changing the world.第37页Detailedstudyofthetext第38页1.occur 事故事故发生发生在五点钟。在五点钟。The accident occurred at five oclock.这种植物不能在这里这种植物不能在这里生存生存。Such plants dont occur here.我我想到想到一个主意。一个主意。An idea occurred to me.第39页Ifanyd





38、orplannedtodoit,eventhoughyouarenolongersureyouwanttodoit)第45页Thedealdidnotgothrough.to be concludedLetsgothroughtheargumentsagain.to discuss in detailThepolicewentthroughthepocketsofthesuspectedthief.to searchItdidnottakeAlbertverylongtogothroughhisinheritance.to consume;use up第46页Afterperformingas

39、uccessfuloperation,thedoctoratlastpulledthepatient_.A.backB.inC.upD.through第47页pull through1)to make sth.or sb.through by pullingTheeyeoftheneedleistoosmallandIcantpullthethreadthrough.2)to survive a difficult or dangerous situationThatnewlyliberatedcountryisgoingtohavearoughtime,butitwillpullthroug

40、h.3)to recover or help to recover from illnessHewasbadlyinjuredintheaccident,butthedoctorsmadeeveryefforttopullhimthrough.第48页endeavor第49页Apartfromphilosophicalandlegalreasonsforrespectingpatientswishes,thereareseveralpracticalreasonswhydoctorsshould_toinvolvepatientsintheirownmedicalcaredecisions.A


42、erceiveC.deceiveD.precise第52页Expectednoisesareusuallymore_thanunexpectedonesofthelikemagnitude.A.manageableB.controllableC.tolerableD.perceivable第53页PerceiveConceiveReceiveDeceive第54页Erik H.EriksonErik H.Erikson(19021994),wasaGerman-bornAmericanpsychoanalystwhosewritingsonsocialpsychology,individual

43、identity,andtheinteractionsofpsychologywithhistory,politics,andcultureinfluencedprofessionalapproachestopsychosocialproblemsandattractedmuchpopularinterest.HewasmostfamousforhisworkonrefiningandexpandingFreudstheoryofdevelopmentalstages.第55页ERIKSONS DEVELOPMENT STAGESInfantTrust vs Mistrust基本信任和不信任心

44、理冲突基本信任和不信任心理冲突Needsmaximumcomfortwithminimaluncertaintytotrusthimself/herself,others,andtheenvironmentToddlerAutonomy vs Shame and Doubt自主与害羞和怀疑冲突自主与害羞和怀疑冲突Workstomasterphysicalenvironmentwhilemaintainingself-esteem第56页PreschoolerInitiative vs Guilt主动对内疚冲突主动对内疚冲突Beginstoinitiate,notimitate,activiti

45、es;developsconscienceandsexualidentitySchool-Age ChildIndustry vs Inferiority勤奋对自卑冲突勤奋对自卑冲突Triestodevelopasenseofself-worthbyrefiningskills第57页AdolescentIdentity vs Role Confusion自我同一性和角色混乱冲突自我同一性和角色混乱冲突Triesintegratingmanyroles(child,sibling,student,athlete,worker)intoaself-imageunderrolemodelandpe

46、erpressureYoung AdultIntimacy vs Isolation亲密对孤独冲突亲密对孤独冲突Learnstomakepersonalcommitmenttoanotherasspouse,parentorpartner第58页Middle-Age AdultGenerativity vs Stagnation生育对自我专注冲突生育对自我专注冲突Seekssatisfactionthroughproductivityincareer,family,andcivicinterestsOlder AdultIntegrity vs Despair自我调整与绝望期冲突自我调整与绝望

47、期冲突Reviewslifeaccomplishments,dealswithlossandpreparationfordeath第59页paraphrase identity is determined by genetic endowment(what is inherited from parents),shaped by environment,and influenced by chance events.(2)Chance:accidentalWho we are is determined by three things:first,our genes,or what our p

48、arents have given us,our legacy;second,environment,and third,luck or opportunities.第60页Identityisdeterminedbygeneticendowment,shapedbyenvironment,andinfluencedbychanceevents.(p2)Studiesservefordelight,forornament,andforability.读书能够怡情,能够博彩,能够长才。andthatgovernmentofthepeople,bythepeople,andforthepeople

49、,shallnotperishfromtheearth.使我们这个民有、民治、民享政府永存于世。第61页in turnin successionExample:Thecandidatesweresummonedinturntoseetheexaminer.Put the following sentence into English:理论基础是实践又反过来服务于实践。Theoryisbasedonpracticeandinturnservespractice.第62页Independentvs.dependentTobeindependentfromof(P3)Eg:beindependent


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