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1、Cloze 1Many of us hold on to little resentment(怨恨)that may come from an argument,a misunderstanding or some other painful events.Stubbornly,we wait for someone else to reach out to us 1 this is the only way we can forgive or 2 a friendship or family relationship.An acquaintance of mine,whose health

2、isnt very good,recently told me that she hadnt spoken to her son in almost three years.“Why not?”I asked.She said that she and her son had had a(n) 3 about his wife and that she wouldnt 4 to him again unless he called first.When I suggested that she be the one to reach out,she 5 at the beginning and

3、 said,“I cant do that.Hes the one who should apologize.”She was truly 6 to die before reaching out to her only son first.After a little gentle 7 ,however,she did decide to be the first one to reach out.To her amazement,her son was grateful for her willingness to call and 8 an apology of his own.As i

4、s usually the case,when someone takes the chance and reaches out,everyone wins.Whenever we hold on to our anger,we turn “small stuff”into really “big stuff”in our minds.We start to believe that our 9 are more important than our happiness.However,if you want to be a more peaceful person,you must unde

5、rstand that being right is almost never more important than 10 yourself to be happy.The way to be happy is to let go and reach out.Let other people be 11 .This doesnt mean that youre wrong.Everything will be fine.Youll experience the peace of letting go,as well as the joy of letting others be right.

6、Youll also notice that,as you reach out and let others be “right”,they will become 12 defensive and more loving toward you.【语篇导读】不要由于一些芝麻小事而耿耿于怀,要学会宽容大度,得饶人处且饶人,主动化干戈为玉帛。1.A.believing BdoubtingCquestioning Dwondering解析可以利用同类排解法。B、C和D都表示疑虑。答案A2.A.makeBcorrect CkeepDdecide解析习惯搭配。答案C3A.discussionBagree

7、mentCdisagreementDfight解析联系前文母子3年不说话,确定是吵了架或者有分歧。答案C4. A.sayBtell CtalkDspeak解析可以联系前面she hadnt spoken to her son 而得出正确答案。答案D5A.acceptedBagreed CapologizedDrefused解析联系后文“I cant do that.”可知答案。答案D6A.willingBhurrying CunwillingDglad解析be willing to do sth为固定搭配,意为“情愿去做某事”。答案A7A.sleepBencouragementCmovemen

8、tDsatisfaction解析联系前面可以知道是经过一再劝告才同意放下身材的。答案B8A.accepted Boffered CrefusedDlent解析“主动赔礼”应当为make/offer an apology,此处选B。答案B9A.decisionsBfriends CpositionsDrelatives解析本句大意就是面子比快活更重要,所以选择position(地位)。答案C10A.lettingBmaking CenjoyingDallowing解析allow sb to do sth“让某人做某事”,为固定搭配。答案D11A.true Bnice Cgood Dright解析

9、联系后文youre wrong可得知。答案D12A.better Bless Cmore Dfewer解析表示不过分防备别人。答案BCloze 2Prof Dennis Brown once gave his class a special homework to “go to someone you love and tell them”you love them.It has to be someone you have 1 said those words to before or at least havent shared those words with for a long ti

10、me.Now that doesnt sound like a very tough assignment, 2 you realize that most of the students were over 35 and were taught that expressing emotions is not “macho”In the next class,one of the men raised his hand to 3 his homework.He began by saying,“Dennis,I was quite angry at first.Who were you to

11、tell me to do something that 4 ? But when driving home I knew exactly the answer.”“Five years ago,my father and I had a furious disagreement.Since then,we 5 seeing each other unless we had to at Christmas or other family gatherings.So by the time I got home I had 6 myself I was going to tell my fath

12、er I loved him.”“The next afternoon,I was at my parents house ringing the doorbell,praying that Dad would answer the door.I was afraid if Mom answered that I would 7 and tell her instead.But as luck would have it,Dad did answer the door.I didnt 8 any timeI took one step in the door and said,Dad,I ju

13、st came over to tell you that I love you.”“It was as if a transformation came over my dad.Before his face 9 ,the wrinkles seemed to disappear and he began to cry.He reached out and hugged me and said,I love you too,son,but Ive never been able to say it. It was such a 10 moment I hadnt felt that grea

14、t in a long time.”“But thats not even my 11 .Two days after that visit,my dad had a sudden heart attack and ended up in the hospital, 12 .”“So my message to all of you in this is: Take the time to do what you need to do and do it now!”【语篇导读】作者用一个故事谈到了大声说出“爱”的重要性。1. A.neverBfrequently CeverDusually解析

15、从下句or at least havent shared those words with for a long time得知应当是never “从未”说过此话的人。frequently“经常地”; usually“通常地”。答案A2. A.whenBuntil CifDbefore解析从上句that doesnt sound like a very tough assignment可得知。until此处意为“直到”。答案B3A.tellBhand CgiveDshare解析tell意为“告知”,要接双宾语;hand in表示“上交”;give意为“给”,要接双宾语;share意为“共享”,此

16、处合适。答案D4A.emotionalBsecret CpersonalDhard解析前面说要完成这种作业他觉得格外生气,说明他觉得这是件很personal“私人的”事情。emotional“令人动情的”; secret “隐秘的”。答案C5A.beganBprevented CkeptDavoided解析从下句unless we had to at Christmas or other family gatherings得知他们应当是avoided “避开”见面。答案D 6A.thoughtBconvinced CaskedDordered解析依据句意和选项的意思得知此处应为convince

17、“说服”。答案B7. A.step outBfade awayCchicken outDturn away解析从前面的I was afraid if Mom answered that 和后面的and tell her instead得知此时“他”的心情是忐忑担忧的。 chicken out意为“因可怕而停止做某事,因胆小而放弃”。 step out“走出来”;fade away“走开”; turn away“走开,拒绝”。答案C8A.wasteBhesitate CwaitDlose解析依据下文的描述可知是没有waste “铺张”任何时间。hesitate“迟疑不决”。答案A9A.laugh

18、edBrelieved CsmiledDsoftened解析主语是face,laughed和smiled都不合适,而与后面的描述相对应可知此处应为softened “变温存”。 relieve“缓解,松了一口气”。答案D10A.important Bprecious CmovedDvalueless解析important “重要的”;precious“贵重的”;moved“被感动的”;valueless“不足道的,没有价值的”。依据对前文内容的了解,此处B项最合适。答案B11A.pointBassignment CendDstory解析依据后续故事的进展可知,说出爱还不是这次大事的point“

19、要点”所在。从最终的感想得知他感慨的是能够准时对父亲说出了这句话。假如填end,前面的my不合适。assignment“任务”。答案A12A.unknownBunconcernedCunconsciousDunhappy解析从前面的my dad had a sudden heart attack and ended up in the hospital可知此处用unconscious“无意识的”。unknown“不出名的”;unconcerned“不关怀的”; unhappy“不快活的”,都不符合题意。答案CCloze 3Many students find the experience of

20、 attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience.The lecturer speaks for one or two hours,perhaps 1 the talk with slides(幻灯片),writing up important information on the blackboard,distributing reading material and giving out 2 .The new student sees the other students continuo

21、usly writing on notebooks and 3 what to write.Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the 4 themselves to understand.Most institutions provide courses which 5 new students to develop the skills they need to be 6 listeners

22、 and notetakers.If these are unavailable,there are many useful studyskills guides which enable learners to practice these skills 7 .In all cases it is important to 8 the problem before actually starting your studies.It is important to 9 that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language sk

23、ills required in college study.One way of 10 these difficulties is to attend the language and studyskills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academic year.Another basic 11 is to find a study partner with whom it is possible to identify difficulties, 12 ideas and provide support.【


25、rs。suspect(怀疑);understand(理解,明白);convince(让人信任)与题意不符。答案C4A.teachers Bclassmates Cpartners Dstudents解析句意:同学登记的笔记连自己也无法明白。答案D5A.preventBrequire CassistDforbid解析鉴于上述状况,很多学校开设课程以挂念新生培育记笔记的力量,成为一名真正有效率的听众。assist挂念,救济。答案C6A.effectiveBpassive CrelativeDexpressive解析effective有效的;passive被动的;relative相对的;expres

26、sive表现的,富于表情的。答案A7A.independently BrepeatedlyClogically Dgenerally解析independently独立地;repeatedly一再,重复地;logically合乎规律地;generally大体上,一般地。答案A8A.evaluateBacquaint Ctackle Dformulate解析句意:通常同学在开头学习之前就应当解决这种听课技能的问题。to tackle the problem意为“解决这个问题”。evaluate估量,评估;acquaint使生疏,了解;formulate用公式表示,系统地阐述或提出。答案C9A.pr

27、edictBacknowledgeCargueDignore解析这里的意思是“承认大多数同学在猎取语言技能方面有困难,这是很重要的。由于只有承认这种困难才能提出克服困难的方法”。acknowledge承认,认可;predict猜测;argue争辩,论证;ignore忽视,忽视。答案B10A.preventing BwithstandingCsustainingDovercoming解析克服困难用overcome difficulty。prevent阻挡,阻碍;withstand经受住,抵制;sustain支撑,经受。答案D11A.statementBstrategy CsituationDsuggestion解析句意:另一种基本的方案或策略是查找一个学习的伙伴。strategy策略,方案。答案B12A.exchangeBfind CmakeDchange解析依据语境,查找的学习伙伴应当是相互沟通思想。答案A

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