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1、Passage 1Since the earliest civilizations,people have controlled rivers to meet societys demands.Today,rivers are controlled for many reasons,primarily to maintain reliable water supplies for daily,agricultural and industrial needs,for power generation,for navigation (航行),and to prevent flooding.Riv

2、er control is achieved by channelization,a term that covers a range of river engineer in works,including widening,deepening,straightening and stabilization of banks,and by the construction of dams.An important period of channelization took place in Europe during the 19th century,when many large rive

3、rs were straightened and their beds deepened.One of the most dramatically changed was the Tisza River,a branch of the Danube that flows through Hungary.The controlling of the Tisza,designed to reduce flooding and make land for agriculture,included cutting off more than 100 meanders (河曲),shortening t

4、he rivers length by nearly 400 kilometers.One of the most common ways in which people control rivers is by damming them.The past 50 years or so has seen an increase in dam construction worldwide,and at the beginning of the 21st century,there were about 800,000 dams globally,some towering more than 2

5、00 meters in height.Despite their successes,many dams also cause significant environmental changes that prove harmful.Some particularly deep reservoirs (水库) can bring about earthquakes due to the stress on their bottom rocks caused by huge volumes of water.Downstream of a reservoir,the river is cert

6、ainly influenced in many ways:water volume,speed and quality are all affected,leading to changes in the landscape and among plants and animals.答案1.River control2.Reasons3.supply4.agriculture5.flooding6.deepening7.stabilizing8.shortening9.dam construction10.the environmentPassage 2A professor of envi

7、ronmental health and his students began studying the idea of rooftop gardening for cities.“I think vertical farming is an idea that can work in a big way,”said Despommier.Why would we want to build skyscrapers filled with vegetables when weve been farming on the ground for 10,000 years? Because as t

8、he worlds population growsfrom 6.8 billion now to as much as 9 billion by 2050we could run out of productive soil and water.Most of the population growth will occur in cities that cant easily feed themselves.And the fact that modern agriculture and everything associated with itchemical fertilizers a

9、nd transportation full of carbonis a significant contributor to climate change,and suddenly vertical farming doesnt seem so magic one in the sky.“Vertical farming could allow food to be grown locally and sustainably,”says Glen Kertz,CEO of Valcent.The result saves spacevital in urban areasand allows

10、 farmers to irrigate and fertilize with far less waste.At Valcents El Paso lab,crops grow in rows on conveyor belts.Moving them gives the plants the precise amount of light and nutrients needed,letting them grow 15 times as much vegetable as on a normal farm with 5% of the water that traditional agr

11、iculture does.Dedspommier plans to build a 30story,cityblocksize vertical farm that would have transparent walls to maximize sunlight and would produce enough food for 50,000 people.But it would cost hundreds of millions to build a fullscale skyscraper farm.Thats the main drawback: construction and

12、energy costs would probably make vertically raised food more costly than traditional crops.答案1.Vertical Farming2.Reasons/Causes/Contributions3.in cities4.climate change5.Advantages6.vital space7.less water8.light and nutrients9.transparent walls10.energy costsPassage 3Young people are definitely les

13、s courageous (英勇的) than they were three decades ago.Why is this? Its because they are spoiled,and take for granted everything that they have or are given.Three decades ago,there wasnt nearly as much blatant (公然的) disrespect for elders,peers,or other people in general.At that time,young people were t

14、aught that to get anything or get anywhere in life,theyd have to work for it and earn it. If young people arent being taught the basics of respecting others,and arent being taught that they need to work to make a living,then where are they to learn courage.Courage isnt necessarily about risking your

15、 life,for whatever reason.It is about being able to face any kind of hardship,and to make decisions and face the consequences of those decisions.Courage means being able to learn from hard times,and to take those lessons with you through life.It means having the resourcefulness (足智多谋) to find ways t

16、o deal with your problems yourself,and not being afraid to do so.Too many young people now rely on parents,siblings,older relatives and others to get them through life.Too often they turn to these figures whenever they get into trouble,and expect to have their problems solved for them.If we are to h

17、elp our young people become more courageous,we should stop spoiling them,stop doing everything for them,and teach them the skills necessary to make basic life decisions on their own.Once these basic principles are instilled (灌输) in our young people,I think well find that they are more courageous tha

18、n we could have dreamed,and more like the young people of three decades ago than we had ever imagined.Its time to go back to older values and ideas,and to bring courage back into our young people and society.Theme_1_ young people 30 year ago,those are less courageous.The behavior of young people tod

19、ayThey generally show _2_ for elders and other people.They take for granted whatever they have or receive.Many of them are too _3_ their parents or other relatives to get them through life._4_They are not _5_ of the basics of respecting others.They are not taught to work hard to make their dreams _6

20、_.They dont have the _7_ to make wise decisions and overcome difficulties independently.They tend to expect others,such as their parents or siblings,to help them out when they are _8_.TipsNever _9_ them; only help them when necessary.Teach them the skills they need to make basic life decisions by th

21、emselves.ConclusionIts time we went back to older values and ideas,and _10_ into our young people and society.答案1.Compared with2.disrespect/little/less respect3.dependent on4.Reasons5.awaree true7ability8.in trouble9.spoil10.brought courage backPassage 4Is there a “success personality”some winning c

22、ombination of qualities that lead almost inevitably(不行避开的) to achievement? If so,exactly what is that secret success formula(公式),and can anyone develop it? At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success,inquiring into the attitudes of 1,500 distinguished people selected at random

23、 from Who is Who in America.Our research finds out a number of qualities that occur regularly among top achievers.Here is one of the most important,that is common sense. Common sense is the most widely possessed quality of the people surveyed.79% award themselves a top score in this quality.And 61%

24、say that common sense is very important in contributing to their success. To most,common sense means the ability to present sound,practical judgment on daily affairs.To do this,one has to remove extra ideas and get right to the key points of what matters.A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this

25、way“The key ability for success is simplifying.In conduction of meeting and dealing with industry reducing a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important.” Is common sense a quality a person is born with,or can you do something to increase it? The oil mans answer is that common sense can

26、 definitely be developed.He owes his to learning how to debate in school.Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others,learning from their and your own mistakes. Besides common sense,there are many other factors that influence success: knowing your field,selfreliance,

27、intelligence,the ability to get things done,leadership,creativity,relationship with others,and of course luck.But common sense stands out.If you develop these qualities,youll succeed.Any you might even find yourself listed Who is Who someday. _1_Finding of the researchTop achievers have some common

28、_2_,one of which is common sense.Comments on common sense79% of the people surveyed share strong common sense.61% say their _3_ lies in such a qualityUnderstanding of common senseTo most,it means one is able to _4_ daily affairs soundly and practically by _5_ on what really matters._6_ to get common

29、 sense_7_ it through activities like learning how to debate in schoolIncreasing it through _8_ by observing others._9_ leading to successKnowing your field,selfreliance,intelligence,the ability to get things done,leadership,creativity,_10_,and luck.答案1.Secrets to success/How to succeed2.qualities3success4.judge/present judgment on5.focusing6How/Ways7.Developing8.mistakes9.Other factors10.relationship with others

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