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1、第4练完形填空阅读理解短文改错.完形填空(2021宝鸡二检)One evening after reading a story entitled “A Lady”,I began to recall an important moment in my life.It was simple but so precious that it has _1_ inside my mind for years.It was a very cold winter evening when a friend of mine got seriously _2_ and was rushed to Westch

2、ester Medical Center,where she stayed unconscious for quite a while.Finally she was _3_A friend and I decided to _4_ her,so we bought some flowers and were on our way.After quickly parking the car and signing in,we reached her _5_,but only a few minutes were _6_ with her.Pretty soon after our _7_,we

3、 were asked to leave by the nurses.We headed out to the car._8_ did we know that we had to pay for parking.We had no money aside from a spare dollar or two _9_ from our lunch money that day.We had no idea what to do,so I _10_ to pay with whatever money we had,_11_ of course,I was way off.A very swee

4、thearted woman cleared her throat and said “Excuse me” in order to catch my _12_She handed me a $20 bill.I _13_ that she should give me her _14_ and address and I will _15_ pay her back.She refused.I thanked her for her _16_ and told her how much it was appreciated.She turned to me and _17_ with one

5、 sentence,“Thank you;being able to help you makes me happy,too.”Her words were so unusual that I was very _18_ to hear that.What she did might be considered a small act of _19_,but it is something I will never forget because it taught me that helping others could _20_ both the givers and the receive

6、rs.【语篇解读】本文为一篇记叙文。作者无钱付停车费时得到了一个好心人的挂念,表达谢意之后对方的回答让作者感到惊异,这让作者懂得了“予人玫瑰,手留余香”的道理。1A.struggled BremainedCchanged Drecovered答案B依据“so precious that”可知,它很贵重,以至于留在作者心里多年。struggle“奋斗”;remain“留下”;change“转变”;recover“恢复”。依据语境,应选B项。2A.injured BmisunderstoodCpunished Dscolded答案A依据后文中的“where she stayed unconscio

7、us for quite a while”可知,作者的伴侣伤(injured)得很重。misunderstand“误会”;punish“惩处”;scold“责骂”。3A.mad Bill Cawake Dasleep答案C依据前文中的“she stayed unconscious for quite a while”及下文作者和伴侣打算去看她可知,此处表示她最终醒(awake)了。4A.look Bpity Cfind Dvisit答案D依据后文中的“so we bought some flowers and were on our way”可知,作者和一个伴侣打算去探望她。visit“访问,

8、探望”,符合语境。5A.room Bhome Cschool Doffice答案A前文提到作者和一个伴侣去探望那个受伤的伴侣,后文提到护士要求他们离开,因此他们是去了她的病房。6A.counted Bsaved Cadded Dallowed答案D依据后文中的“Pretty soon after our _7_,we were asked to leave by the nurses”可知,作者和伴侣只被允许和她在一起待几分钟。allow“允许”,符合语境。7A.experience BarrivalCdisappearance Dinterview答案B探视时间很短,所以作者和伴侣到达病房后

9、很快就被护士请了出来。experience“经受,阅历”;arrival“到达”;disappearance“消逝”;interview“采访”。故选B项。8A.Little BActually CClearly DMuch答案A依据“did we know”可知,此处使用了部分倒装,选项中只有将表示否定意义的词little放于句首才能构成倒装,因此选择A。9A.earned BleftCexchanged Dborrowed答案B依据前文可知,作者和伴侣不知道要付停车费,后文提到他们不知道该怎么办,所以他们除了吃午饭剩下的一两美元外就没钱了。leave“留下,剩下”,符合语境。10A.att

10、empted BpretendedCafforded Dcontinued答案A依据前文中的“We had no idea what to do”及“so”的因果关系可知,此处表示作者试图(attempted)用全部能拿出来的钱来支付。pretend“假装”;afford“买得起”;continue“连续”。11A.because BandCalthough Dor答案B作者想用全部能拿出来的钱来支付,当然还是差很多。前后为顺承关系,所以选择B。12A.smile BwordCattention Dimpression答案C依据前文中的“cleared her throat and saidE

11、xcuse me”可知,对方是想引起作者的留意。catch ones attention“吸引某人的留意力”。13A.insisted BimaginedCthought Dbelieved答案A依据语境可知,作者坚持让对方留下联系方式以便以后把钱还给她。insist“坚持”,符合语境。从句中使用了虚拟语气。14A.account Btitle Ccontract Dname答案D依据后文中的“and address and I will _15_ pay her back”可知,作者期望她把姓名(name)和地址留下以便于以后还钱。15A.probably BcertainlyCpublic

12、ly Dhonestly答案B作者很感谢对方,说将来确定(certainly)要把钱还给她。probably“可能”;publicly“公开地”;honestly“恳切地”。16A.publicity BloyaltyCgenerosity Dcreativity答案C对方递给了作者20美元,挂念作者付了停车费,因此作者感谢她的慷慨相助。publicity“公开,宣扬”;loyalty“忠诚”;generosity“慷慨”;creativity“制造,制造力”。故选C项。17A.started BshoutedCfollowed Dreplied答案D此处指对方用一句话回答了作者。reply“

13、回答,回应”。18A.frightened BanxiousCsurprised Dcalm答案C依据对方的话以及“so unusual”可知,作者感到吃惊。frightened“可怕的”;anxious“焦虑的”;surprised“吃惊的”;calm“安静的”。故选C项。19A.respect Border Ckindness Dbelief答案C她的做法可能被认为是小的善举,因此选择C。respect“敬重”;order“命令”;kindness“和善,善举”;belief“信仰”。20A.protect Battract Cdirect Dbenefit答案D此处指挂念别人能使赐予挂念

14、和受到挂念的人都受益。protect“疼惜”;attract“吸引”;direct“指挥”;benefit“有益于”。故选D项。.阅读理解体裁:应用文话题:求职词数:378时间:5While you may be doing everything right,ignoring just one or two steps in the process may keep you from getting a job,especially in this fierce market.Here is a checklist that covers some of the major links in

15、the jobsearch chain.THE RESUMEMake sure it is uptodate and tailored to the types of jobs you are seeking for.Have someone else look at your resume.If you cannot afford a career coach,give your resume to friends or family members to scrutinizeHave copies of your resume printed so that you are ready t

16、o hand them out at interviews.COVERING LETTERSMaybe youve set up a few basic styles in advance,but thats not enough.Each covering letter should be designed to suit the job for which you are applying.THE WARDROBE(衣橱)Check your wardrobe to ensure that you have the appropriate professional dress,includ

17、ing shoes,ready for interview.NETWORKINGDont isolate yourself from others for days.Network through email messages,phone calls,appointments and meetings keep you in touch with the outside world and prevent you from becoming depressed.APPLICATIONA glance at huge online job sites isnt usually the best

18、way to find a job.You are more likely to succeed through the people you know via networking.THE FOLLOWUPIt is quite common to apply for a job but never hear back from the company.Take measures,such as following up with a phone call a week or so after you apply.If you know someone at the company,chec

19、k whether that person will put in a good word for you.INTERVIEWSIf youve got plenty of interviews but no return calls or job offers,take a look at your interviewing skills.This is one area where investing in a career coach may pay off.But if you cant afford one,try to find a job group or service tha

20、t conducts free mock(模拟) interviews.SUPPORT SYSTEMSFinally,recognize that looking for a job is rather difficult.Even at the best of times,a job hunt is often about rejection,and that can be hard to endure.Staying in touch with family,friends,professional networks and fellow job seekers can help you

21、to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of perspective.【语篇解读】本文主要就求职过程中可能会遇到的问题给出了一些建议。21The authors purpose of writing this text is to _Asuggest graduates should find suitable jobsBtell people how to improve their interview skillsCteach people how to get ready for an interviewDgive people some

22、tips on searching for jobs答案D推理推断题。从第一段可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是让读者了解求职过程中要留意的一些细节问题。故选D项。22The underlined word “scrutinize” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_”Acheck Buse Crewrite Dcriticize答案A词义猜想题。依据其次段“Have someone else look at your resume”可知此处表示“让其他人看一下你的简历,假如聘不起职业导师的话,可以让伴侣或家人检查一下”,由此可以推出scrutinize的意思是

23、“检查”,故选A项。23Which of the following methods is wrong according to the text?AYou should have your resume read by your friends after finishing it.BYou should create different covering letters for the different jobs you apply for.CSearching online is the most effective way to look for a job.DYou should

24、wear professional clothes and shoes for the interview.答案C细节理解题。从文章第六段“A glance at huge online job sites isnt usually the best way to find a job.”可知C项正确。24What should you do if you dont receive any calls after lots of interviews?AAsk a fellow job seeker to help you.BCarefully review your interviewing

25、 skills.CRewrite your resume as soon as possible.DGo to the managers offices to find out why.答案B细节理解题。依据倒数其次段内容可知,假如经过多次面试,却没有得到公司的回话,那面试者确定要重新端详自己面试过程中的一些技巧问题。故选B项。25It is implied in the text that_Apeople often pay no attention to writing their resumeBthe interview is the most difficult step for in

26、tervieweesCyour social network may help you a lot in your job huntDa career coach often offers free mock interviews to interviewees解析推理推断题。文章第六段隐含着这样一个信息:面试者要多参与社交活动,建立关系网,从而通过伴侣更快地找到工作。答案C.短文改错下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词

27、。留意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。The summer holiday is coming.I am going to do much things that I want to do.For examples,firstly I will join a soccer club,because I like playing the soccer.During this holiday,I want to practice more improve my skills.Secondly I will go to see my grandma,

28、which I miss very much.Because I want to stay with him for several days.Lastly I will help my mother do some housework.She has been really tiring during my school days.Besides taking care of me,she also had to work in a factory.Therefore,help her on holiday is what I want to do most.答案The summer hol

29、iday is coming.I am going to do things that I want to do.For,firstly I will join a soccer club,because I like playing soccer.During this holiday,I want to practice more improve my skills.Secondly I will go to see my grandma, I miss very much. I want to stay with for several days.Lastly I will help my mother do some housework.She has been really during my school days.Besides taking care of me,she also to work in a factory.Therefore, her on holiday is what I want to do most.

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