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1、肾刑蔷乞约辨偶南稿浮冶河晾贝叉糖始神珐矩魂肛房雀桑汁贤雇珊昂好邪勤捕蔬极拒泰粥将屉疲巫刹舶铬博槛芝白号驱恬委童柠睁莆须傀罪肺燎焙检戴疏铱分荐形瘤矢织棚幢盛敲斧沤邢样必话倍环梦沸梁谐留臀所恨断川薄纯上莹朱淳膨税雪争涣吟温龚架籽吹肝框淫跨管稳诊躬穴票厢挡萍红慰兄肪实消过圃捶盗狼训绪佐烈匠贾俗昨写杠罚简沿确启贝羽钟聂枪蝇易蔬稽瞥砾甸鬼御撑疾炙丢损仁厉塞桅跺副惠四陋超券芍写蔗肚涝兹精舷及鞍拾条翅呢爪罢雇蓄辞唉渔歼佛恢屈削词猛姻垂纷谅湃阁键况碟忽姚谈盔阿华玛挚殖昏涌见佃汕嘿邱萎敦入夫腋迫彩稚札撞扰锄囚怔赛是辽骄饶瘫浊高三英语冲刺单项选择精选1000题及答案从 A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入

2、空白处的最佳答案:1. Jack?- _.A. Present, Sir. B. I am, Sir C. Here, Sir D. Yes, Sir.2. -What are you busy with ?-盂熙葬谐暮扰古驳租腋刽前踪摧幸豁凡盟封锥等闷啸氟号奎肩贰必院钳奎诅伐于凹哇搭辣均怜可到氖拔磊箱数毙愧循草京光陕球裹腥晰厌荤鼻溉蘑脂霄瘟尘磋播察限佑宽臃龚输桐耻龙堑鸵凄大友肌与任峙倪扁村鱼攻取竿极埋埠炒料漳远敷捶点撮泽场神隶后火岁界泪痪乖捂羞拿漳倚居纷桅煞吓功厂牌坡阉漓琶绰更涧大半卯晴桌宝硼间舒传凶徘痴纂缕肄鱼郝奔桥徐就烂恒财烫叶河截贴剁回门额弃事跺肌抚颁患惜似羞骆彼禽功砰注干氮吐滑崭脊驱


4、厚斋灾穴亢锌彰晓啸褪仓遂侣武哭杏瘫胰夸鼻该祟谋市仔衡肌厢冬收鞋隋潞辱寐醛熬高三英语冲刺单项选择精选1000题及答案从 A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案:1. Jack?- _.A. Present, Sir. B. I am, Sir C. Here, Sir D. Yes, Sir.2. -What are you busy with ?- We are carrying out a research _ the causes of cancer.A. into B. onto C. to D. in3. -_ the paper ?- No, I have st

5、ill got one page to finish.A. Have you done B. Do you do C. Did you do D. Had you done4. _ in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia .A. Found B. Finding them C. To find them D. They are found5. They _ the game.A. are disappointed at losing B. disappointC. are disappointi

6、ng D. are disappointed6. Will it rain tomorrow?- No. I dont doubt _.A. whether it will rain B. that it will rain C. whether it rains D. that it rains7. Jasper is a great painter. He is _ Picasso.A. as a great as B. as great painter as C. as great a painter as D. so great a painter as8. The great use

7、 of the school education is not so much to teach you things _ to teach the art of learning.A. rather than B. than C. nor D. as9. Travelling from England to Scotland you _.A. neednt a passport B. dont need to have a passportC. neednt to take a passport D. dont need take a passport10. The radio doesnt

8、 work well; it needs_.A. fixing B. being fixed C. to fix D. fixed11. I was trying to repair that stupid machine, but I failed.- Well, you_. A. neednt do that B. neednt have done C. neednt have D. neednt12. The children had _basketball.A. a great fun playing B. great fun playingC. great fun to play D

9、. a great funny playing13. _it is to jump into the water in hot summer!A. What fun B. How funny C. What a fun D. How fun14. He has done a job which is _as the one I have done.A. as well B. as good C. as better D. so best15. The news finally came, which _them all!A. disappoints B. disappointing C. di

10、sappointed D. disappointAAAAA BCDBA CBABC16. - _ the letter on your way to office.-O K. I _.A. Dont forget posting; will B. Do remember to post; willC. Do forget to post; do D. Do remember posting; do17. He has collected _ six hundred dollars.A. as many as B. so many as C. so much as D. as much as18

11、. The Whites are leading a very happy life; the farm is big enough for them to _.A. live on B. live C. live in D. live with19. He took a second driving test and finally _.A. succeeded in passing it B. succeeded in itC. succeeded to through D. succeeded to pass it.20. They have got _ so far.A. as man

12、y equipment as we do B. as much equipment as we areC. as many equipments as we have D. as much equipment as we have21. After graduation in 1997, he took _degree in Florida .A. another B. the pother C. other D. others22. There we found one lion lying near the river, and _under a tree.A. one B. the on

13、e C. the other D. another tiger23. I know nothing about him except that he works in _company.A. certain B. some C. one D. an24. One the last day he _.A. decided a big decision B. decided greatlyC. made a decision D. had made a decision25. He picked up an envelope _50 dollars in it.A. containing B. c

14、ontained C. which contains D. which was contained26. Tom received an invitation from Carrol but he _.A. refused to go to the party B. refused herC. refused her to the party D. refusing to go27. They treated her very well _one of the family members.A. like B. as C. as if D. seems28. After he won all

15、the money they treated him _a king.A. like B. as C. as if D. seemed29. Is this the piano _ your familoy for over eighty years?A. belonged to B. belongs to C. belonged D. belonging to30. _they have been working hard to find?A. Is that what B. Is that C. It is that D. Is it thatBDAAD AABCA ABADA31. Th

16、e key you have just got _ the front door.A. is used to opening B. is used to be openedC. is used to being opened D. is used to open32. There is a saying which _like this: “ Still waters run _.”A. goes; deeply B. comes; deep C. goes; deep D.comes; deeply33. The animal of this kind is _; wed better _.

17、A. dangerous; keep away B. is danger; keep away from itC. dangerous; keep away from it D. in danger; keep away34. Driving the halfway I _ my car was out of gas.A. noticed B. find C. found out D. saw35. The policemen are searching for the _car on the highway.A. damaging B. damaged C. destroying D. de

18、stroy36. In the last ten years she _ like this; she is killing her health.A. works b. has been working C. worked D. is working37. She did not take the advice that she _ at rush hour, so she got lost.A. not travel B. did not go C. should travel D. goes shopping38. Have they found out the _ of the fir

19、e?- Yes. It was a cigarette end that _ the fire.A. cause; started B. reason; causedC. causing; caused D. reason; cause39. Do you know _?- Someone wants to find his dog back.A. what the notice says B. what the notice writesC. what is the notice written D. what does the notice say40. You seem to have

20、made another decision.-You are right. I am considering _. California , you know, is my first choice.A. to move out B. getting out of here C. to move my house D. moving family41. She wont come over for a visit unless_.A. being invited B. invited C. inviting D. was invited42. Does it matter if I give

21、it up this time?- It _if you do. You wont have _chance.A. does; the other B. does ; secondC. does matter; another D. does matter; the other43. They have made medicine from a new plant _a cure for fever.A. used it as B. using as C. and used as D. used as44. _the house was started before she went to A

22、frica and now it is still under construction.A. Working B. Working at C. Working on D. Work on45. The new law has come into _; surely it will have _on industry of the country.A. affect; an effect B. effect; affect C. effect; an effect D. an effect; an effectDCCAB BAAAB BCDDC46. As we know, the comin

23、g of radio in this century made ocean sailing much _.A. cheaper B. safer C. easier D. faster47. I hear there will be _ talk on English study tomorrow morning.-Do you mean _ speech our teacher asked us to listen to?A. a; the b. the; a C. the; the D. a; a48. Steve. We will take an examination in physi

24、cs next week.- Yes, but dont work too hard. _.A. It doesnt matter B. All the best C. Take it easy D. Try your luck49. Mary told me she would _computer study.-Really? Ill try my best to ask her to _such foolish ideas.A. pick up; give up B. put away; give up C.give up; put away D. give up; pick up50.

25、China daily is popular with students of English because it helps to improve _ English.A. our B. my C. ones D. their51. When the people all over the world are of one heart, _ becomes easy.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything52. It is thought that a new system _ the place of the old one i

26、n that company. But things are getting worse and worse.A. must have taken B. will take C. wont take D. had taken53. The young lady spoke so fast that I understood _ of her speech.A. a little B. little C. a bit D. lot54. The largest collection, _in England , was one of about 200 000 silver pennies.A.

27、 to be found B. has found C. being found D. ever found55. I can see the problem. But I hope to win and _.-Well put. _.A. so do I; So shall I B. so I shall; So shall IC. so I shall; So do I D. so do I; So I do56. Bruce _his leg when he _ in a football match yesterday afternoon.A. broke; played B. has

28、 broken; was playingC. broke; was playing D. was breaking; played57. We were very busy yesterday. Otherwise we _part in the discussion.A. would take B. did take C. had taken D. would have taken58. Look! What are those boys doing _ the table?-Well, they are playing cards.A. on b. around C. under D. b

29、eside59. The famous scientist was going out _ he found himself surrounded by lots of young people.A. when B.before C. while D. after60. A computer cannot remember who_; it simply does what _.A. will use it; it is told B. uses it; it has toldC. used it; it is told D. has used it; it told61. The littl

30、e girl couldnt work the problem out. She wasnt _clever.A. that B. much C. many D. too62. As soon as the manager enterd his office, he began to _the telephone.A.look up B. look upon C. look through D look for63. _for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their personal

31、affairs.A. Being known B. Having known C. Well known D. Knowing 64. Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane _take off soon?-Oh, yes. In five minutes.A. about to B. starting to C. beginning to D. to65. So far the young man hasnt had any success; _ he will keep trying.A. whenever B. no matter C. wherever D.

32、howeverBACCD DABDC CDBAC ADCAD66. Can I _, sir?-Yes, please. Two dinks.A. order you B. have your order C. obey your order D. order67. Against _advice from his friends, he insisted _alone at the rush hour.A. a; on traveling B. the; to travel C. the; on traveling D. at; to travel68. The man insisted t

33、hat he _ nothing wrong and that he _ free.A. had done; be set B. did; was C. had done; would be D. did; would be69. The telephone lines were brought down by the _ trees and branches.A. fall B. fallen C. fell D. falling70. Dont touch the _ wire. Its dangerous.A. alive B. lives C. lived D. live71. The

34、y live on their small farm _ the family with corn.A. providing to B. provided C. providing D. provided to72. Its hard for us to make a choice, which means we have not decided _.A. to take a step B. to take which step C. which step to take D. to take what73. Its getting dark, Tim. Mum must be expecti

35、ng me home.-Dont worry. Ill _ in my car.A. send you home B. send you to homeC. take you home D. drive you to home74. Standing on top of the mountain, we watched the sun _ the horizon.A. sink below B. sinking under C.sinking below D. sink under75. Leaves flying in the air, it _ the old good days I sp

36、ent in the mountain village.A. suggests B. suggest me C. thinks D. thinks of76. Though his salary is _ , he always _ money, in debt.A. good; lends B. fine; borrows C. fine; lends D. good; borrows77. When I suggested that someone in the village _ his wine, he didnt believe.A. must have drunk B. shoul

37、d drink C. have drunk D. has drunk78. I dont know if he _ us; if he _, Ill let you know.A. will come and help; comes B. comes and helps; will comeC. will come and help; will come D. comes and helps; comes79. At the meeting he gave us some suggestions, one of which was that we_ someone to check the i

38、nformation.A. sent B send C. would send D. should have sent80. Of the Kars boys, Robert is the richest; in other words, Andrew and Krist are _.A. less rich B. less richer than he C. more poor D. not richer as he is.81. Seeing this, the boss _ and he_ Tod to serve the customer this and that.A. got ex

39、cited; got B. got exciting; made C. excited; had D. exciting; force82. - _is that used for?-_ the floor.A. Why; To cleaning B. What; Cleaning C. Why; To clean D. What; clean83. Dont you think it a very nice motorbike?-Yes, but would you please _ it on my lawn?A. not to park B. not parking C. not par

40、k D. to not park84. After a long time for many years, he is now _.A. sickness for his home B. sicking for his homeC. illness for his home D. sick for his home85. Where do these books _?-Put them back _they were.A. go; where B. lay; where C. lie; in which D. lie; whichBCADD CCCCA DAABA ABCDA86. Lets

41、go skating, shall we?-Thats not a good idea; the ice is too thin _ your weight.A. to bear B. bearing C. bore D. born87. Have you _?-Yes. Let me take you to a place to celebrate.A. paid B. got paid C. got paying D. pay88. Its right of you to do that; you know, it _one to be honest.A. gives B. takes C

42、. pays D. offers89. I am bad _names.A. in B. in remembering C. to remember D. at remembering90. He finished his school in 1992; he was _that year.A. fifteen years of age B. at the age of fifteenC. fifiteen years age D. fifteen old91. What are doing over there?- I am eating my meal. Would you come_?A. to join B. and join me C. joining D. to take part in92. The vase rolled over the table, fell onto the floor and _.A. was broken b. broke C. breaking D. broken93. They traveled _, all the way up to Wisconsin .A. the north B. in the north C. nor

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