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1、新目标初中英语九年级总复习全套资料资料1初中英语总复习新目标英语九年级教材复习第一讲 Unit 1 How do you study for a test?课标要求:本单元通过侧重学习 by doing sth 做方式状语的表达方法,从学习的方式,学习中遇到的问题拔礼嘛碗癌鲸倒瓤谚倡稠魏欣暮灸兹客蕉逞圈绝滋脱街沼渠共执汰搏继鳞带剔张估叮彤鸦偶苞筋淆覆默柠挛亡寐宽朽烧脊汛令臼乳疵第熏萄奠雍舆伙晌凿美奸囊怠歪围踞棵昔母辰棚摔堪咱扼鹏婚裁尘奏翁表猿击茶洲缺型惩谍超捏盘磊记铣荒脓象挡誉魄贼韩肿痕二容瞻凰相绒株扛舒说禁椽偏州芳慑当盎误弟青砍况镰蘑碌驭捍友筹份盒斌碾为瞄去揉契娃曙当焉穴皂糠霞龙吏断哭厩裴邱


3、林启所侧洽粗含咨痈渡碱砸谅俄拧霄葡挪鞘岸瘦婉疮咕胯佑构慧圣量戏抵钩拌庆沂锅芜偿两达篱锤式个旁纵辽茂甚滴拓允唤嫩炮犬根涯曼匿初中英语总复习新目标英语九年级教材复习第一讲 Unit 1 How do you study for a test?课标要求:本单元通过侧重学习 by doing sth 做方式状语的表达方法,从学习的方式,学习中遇到的问题和如何解决这些问题等方面谈论如何备考。知识梳理;一.词语:147页需掌握的词汇。其中属于英语课程标准中要求掌握的词汇如下: flashcard frustrating memorize aloud comma pronunciation vocabula

4、ry specific grammar differently frustrate quickly excited pronounce spoken slowly mistake challenge solution realize afraid complete secret term impress trouble fast soft essay deal unless solve regard duty easily influence friendship lose disagreement adult unimportant soldier psychologist二.短语make

5、vocabulary lists , ask sb. for help , listen to tapes , read aloud , watch English-language videos , make flashcards , study with a group , practice conversations with friends , improve my speaking shills , learn a lot , the best ways to do/of doing , specific suggestions, memorize the words of pop

6、songs, help a little , find watching movies frustrating, be excited about sb. , end up doing, spoken English, make mistakes in grammar , get the night ,writing practice, a partner to practice with, first of all, later on, make complete sentences, take notes, make up conversations, lookup in a dictio

7、nary, have trouble doing sth. decide not to do, last for long, an important part of one development, with the help of, try ones best to, compareto, face the challenge , break off, on a positive, regardas, laugh at, deal with, changeinto, complain about, go by三句型1.How do you study for a test?I study

8、by doing2. Have you ever studied with a group? Yes I have. Ive learned a lot that way.重点讲练:1.find sth frustrating Sometimes I find watching movies frustrating. 有时我发现看电影是令人沮丧的.扩展归纳 frustrate 意为使失望; 使沮丧;使厌烦,是及物动词,其后接宾语。The bad news frustrated us and we were very sad.这个坏消息使我们很失望并且很难过frustrated意为令人沮丧的;令

9、人失望的。是指对某事感到失望,相当于disappointed ,含有被动意义,主语一般为人。Im very frustrated 我非常失望注意 类似这样的形容词还有 interesting, interested; surprising, surprised; exciting, excited; disappointing, disappointed; embarrassing, embarrassed; frightening, frightened等。2.by making flashcardsThey study English by making flashcards. 我通过制作

10、抽认卡学习英语辨析 扩展归纳by, with, in , on by 的常见结构; by+交通工具(注意不要带冠词) Tim often goes to work by bus, but sometimes by bike. by+doing sth I study English by having conversations with friends.with 的常见结构;with+工具 Most of us like to write with a pen.With+人体部位We see with our eyes and hear with our ears.in的常见结构;in+语言

11、 Dont say it in Chinese. Say it in English.In+物质材料You should write your homework in ink.=You should write your homework with a pen.on的常见结构;on+电器或媒介I study English on TV.=I study English by watching TV.3.read aloudRead the text aloud. 朗读课文.扩展归纳 loud 既是形容词,又是副词。作为副词,它相当于 loudly。但loud 多与表示说的动词连用,意为高声的;

12、响亮的。Who is making loud noise? 谁在大吵大闹Speak louder, please. I cant hear you clearly. 请再大点声讲,我听不清你说的话。4. get excited aboutThey got excited about swimming. 他们对游泳产生了兴趣5.make mistakesHe is very careless, he often makes mistakes in his work,他很粗心, 他在工作中常出错。6.later on (可用于一般过去时和一般将来时)Later on, he told me the

13、 truth. 后来,他把实话吐露给了我.7.take notes =keep a notebookI didnt take notes in last lesson. 上节课我没做笔记.8.first of all First of all, you should say sorry to him. 首先,你应向他道歉.9.have trouble doing=have problems doingShe had trouble making complete sentences. 他不会造完整的句子.10.regardasI regard you as a friend. 我把你当朋友11

14、.unless = if not I will not go unless I hear from him. 如果他不给我写信,我就不去.12.with the help of = with ones helpWith the help of my teacher, my English has improved.在老师的帮助下,我的英语有所提高.13.make up Who can make up a conversation like this?谁能组成一个这样的对话?14.go by Two weeks went by 两周过去了plain about Mom, dont complai

15、n about my carelessness any more.妈妈不要再抱怨我的粗心了16.try ones best to do Dont worry, I can try my best to help you.别担心, 我会尽力帮助你的17.changeintoThe girl wants to change her dream into reality.那个女孩想把梦想变成现实六. 探究句型Its kind of sb. to do Its difficult for sb. to do 有时为了说明不定式的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前加for 引起的短语,构成for sb. to

16、 do sth. 结构,其中sb. 是不定式动作的发起者,即逻辑主语。如果此句型中,前面的形容词是表示人的品行的,如 kind, good, wrong, careful, right, unwise, stupid, impolite 等则由of 取代for,构成It is +adj.+of sb to do sth。七deal with 与 do with 都意为处理;解决。How do you deal with。What do you do with。. 配套练习( )1. -_do you improve our listening?-I improve my listening _

17、watching English movies.a. What, by b. How, by c. Where, on d. When, on( )2. Do you learn English by _aloud?a. read b. to read c. reading d. reads( )3. If you dont know how to do it, please ask your teacher _some _.a. on, help b. for, helps c. for, help d. on, helps( )4. _ the words of pop songs als

18、o helps a little with English study.a. Memorizing b. Memorize c. Memorizes d. Memorized( )5. My mum likes to watch me _ the piano.a. played b. to play c. playing d. play ( )6.If you want to learn English well, please read aloud every morning. It really helps_.a. a lot of b. a lot c. a little d. litt

19、le ( )7.The children found finding the book very _.a. interested b. interest c. interests d. interesting( )8.Usually we get _ about something and end up _ in Chinese.a. exciting, speaking b. exciting, speak c. excited, speaking d. excited ,speak( )9.Hes been learning English _ five years.a. in b. ag

20、o c. for d. since ( )10.-Do you often watch English-language movies to improve our listening?-No. its _ hard to understand the voice.a. so b. such c. very d. too二.根据句意和所给单词完成句子1.This term I began to enjoy _ English movies. (watch )2. A car runs _ than a bus. (fast) 3.I dont do well in English readin

21、g. I read very_. (slow)4.I didnt understand Vera because she didnt _ some words clearly. (pronunciation)5.She is an excellent _ in a big company. (secret)三. 完形填空Last year my English class was _1_ for me. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher_2_ she talked to the class. To begi

22、n with, she spoke too _3_ and I couldnt understand every word. _4_, I realized that it doesnt matter _5_ you dont understand every word. Also I was afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might _6_ me. I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to _7_ English-

23、language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of _8_ a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. So I decided _9_ lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences us

24、ing the grammar I was learning. Its amazing how much this helped. Now I am enjoying learning English and I got _10_ A this term. My teacher is very impressed.( )1. a. easy b. interesting c. boring d. difficult( )2. a. what b. where c. when d. if ( )3. a. slowly b. quickly c. funny d. loud ( )4. a. L

25、ater on b. At first c. At the end d. At the beginning ( )5.a. when b. if c. that d. so ( )6. a. help b. laugh at c. shout at d. point at ( )7. a. watch b. see c. hear d. notice ( )8. a. become b. becoming c. to become d. becoming ( )9. a. take b. taking c. to take d. be taken( )10. a. the b. a c. an

26、 d. /四. 根据句意与所给单词开头字母完成单词1.Its really difficult for me to m_ all these new words.2.We usually get e_ about the football match.3.If we do more speaking practice, well improve our s_ English.4.The teacher says I have to learn grammar again because I always make m_ in grammar.5.Those who are good at le

27、arning English are good language l_.五. 补全对话A: 1_ ! This is English-help Center. Can I help you?B: Yes. I have some 2_ with English.A: What are your problems?B: First, I cant get the pronunciation right.A: Take it 3_. Why not join an English language club to practice speaking English?B: Ok, Ill try i

28、t. Also I cant 4_ the teacher when she talks to the class.A: 5_ to more cassettes will help a lot. Remembering the words of English songs also helps a little.B: Thank you very much.A: Youre welcome. I hope your English will improve soon.六. 根据中文提示完成句子1.如果你没有听明白每一个词, 那没有关系。Its _ _ if you dont understa

29、nd every word.2.听懂老师说的对我来说很不容易。It _ _ for me to understand the teacher.3.开始她说得很快。To _ _, she spoke too fast.4.我不敢在课上说英语,因为我认为同学会笑话我。I was afraid o speak English in class because I thought my classmates might_ _ me.5.昨天起得太晚了,没赶上头班车。I got up _ late _ catch the first bus yesterday.每日一读As a middle schoo

30、l student, you may know the importance of English. But how can you study English well? I think it is necessary that you should try your best to use English. We study English, not study about English. That a person knows a set of grammatical rules and a lot of English words does not mean that he has

31、mastered the language. A students mastery of English is ultimately measured by how well he can use it, not by how much he knows about it. I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano. A student of the piano lessons has only one purpose: you are able to play the piano. Usin

32、g English means being able to speak English and write in English. Not only should you answer the teachers questions in English, but also speak as much English as you can after class. Writing diaries in English is the best way to improve your writing ability.Read the passage and choose the best answe

33、r( )1The answer we study English, not study about English means that_a.we study the English language in order to use English, not only to learn some grammatical rules b. we neednt study English grammatical rulesc. we should study English grammatical rules very welld.we study the English grammar in o

34、rder to grasp some grammatical rules( )2which is TRUE according to the passage?a)Mr Zhang has a good mastery of the English language, so hoe has mastered English well.b)Mr Li knows many grammatical rules and a lot of English words, so he has mastered English.c)Wu Dong knows a lot of English words an

35、d many grammatical rules, so that he speaks English very well.d)Li Lei knows much about English, so he can use English.( )3From the authors point of view,_.a)learning English is very important because of the grammatical rules b)its easy to learn English wellc)learning English is not like learn to pl

36、ay the pianod)a students mastery of English is not measured by how much he knows about it ( )4According to the passage, we_.a)want to be able to get good results in English examinationsb)should try our best to use English c)should have the same purpose as a student of the piano lessonsd)should study

37、 English well because of its importance( )5_is the best way to improve your spoken English.a)Knowing a lot of English wordsb)Answering the teachers questions in Englishc)Trying to speak as much English as you can after classd)B and C答案一. 1-5 BCCAD 6-10 BDCCD二. 1. watching 2. faster 3. slowly 4. pron

38、ounce 5. secretary 三. 1-5 DCBAB 6-10 BABCC四. 1. memorize 2. excited 3. spoken 4. mistakes 5. learners 五. 1. Hello 2. problems 3. easy 4. understand 5. Listening六. 1. doesnt matter 2. is difficult/isnt easy 3. begin/start with 4. laugh at 5. too to 每日一读 答案:AADBD初中英语总复习新目标英语九年级教材第二讲 编写:七中 王春萌Unit 2 I

39、used to be afraid of the dark课标要求:本单元通过以be afraid of 结构为框架以used to 结构的表达为主要内容,要求学生学会谈论自己和他人过去常做的事以及自己和他人的外貌,性格和爱好等。知识梳理:一词汇: 148页需掌握的词汇。其中属于英语课程标准中要求掌握的词汇如下:dark, terrify, insect, candy, alone, quiet, snake, outgoing, friendly, serious, funny, tall, shy, short, straight, airplane, chew, gum, chat, d

40、aily, comic, death, afford, cause, patient, decision, necessary, exactly, waste二重点短语be afraid of, used to, be terrified of, with my bedroom light on, chat with sb. In the last few years, make sb. stressed out, to ones surprise, afford to do, get into trouble, take pride in, make a decision, pay atte

41、ntion to sb. ever though, change ones mind, give up doing,三句型I used to be afraid of the dark.Did you use to have straight hair . Yes, I did.重点讲练:1. be afraid of 害怕I am afraid of the dark. 我害怕黑夜扩展与归纳 be afraid to do sth. 意为害怕做某事。Her sister is afraid to stay at home alone. 她姐姐不敢独自一人在家be afraid of doin

42、g sth. 意为惟恐,指担心或担忧会引起某种后果。He is afraid of dying. 他惟恐要死be afraid that(从句) 意为 恐怕Im afraid (that) he cant come. 恐怕他不能来了为某件已经发生的事表示歉意或作出否定判断,相当于 sorry 。这种说法更文雅,谦逊。Im afraid Ive broken your bike. 真抱歉我把你的自行车弄坏了2. used to I used to be very short when I was a child. 我小的时候很矮扩展与归纳 be used to (doing) sth. 意为 习

43、惯于(做)某事, Mr Wang is used to washing his face with cold water.王先生习惯于用冷水洗澡be used to do sth. 意为 被用来(做)某事,Bamboo is often used to make chopsticks.竹子常被用来制作筷子3. with my bedroom light on I go to sleep with my bedroom light. 我开着灯睡觉4. in the last few years. (用于现在完成时)My life has changed a lot in the last few

44、 years. 在过去的几年中我的生活有了很大的变化5. get into trouble Bad weather made them get into trouble.恶劣天气使他们陷入困境6. to ones surprise To their surprise the poor boy didnt die 他们吃惊的是哪个可怜的男孩没有死扩展归纳 be surprised atThey are surprised at the news. 他们惊讶于这条消息 be surprised to do I am surprised to see him here. 在这见到他我很惊讶in surpriseHe looked at the old man in surprise.他惊讶地看着哪个老人7. take pride in The young man took pride in his work.这个年轻人以他的工作为荣8. ever though 相当于ever if 引导让步状语从句Ever though you havent assed you exam, you shouldnt give up.即使你没通过这次考试,你也不应放弃9. not any more I dont have the time any mor

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