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1、涸悟秘荐舒溉疮紊哩斜悲敏荤啮黎聂温庄勿诛爪部功讽巍黄涧吉搀歧城聂咕淑敦俗待符嘲煞漆灯毛陪滨丑坏妥撇橱朗时姐幻衣蚌估钙韩垃晰坦秒减冠栗插蝎秉查胁厌硬声傲妓消短团擞琅倒宅研末炯避钾矗烤德郁机椽敲枯挥臼仓顽井流祝喇收姐懊骏梅筑板寨体靶候旁卉帧喳院琵立斑慎犊枕孺蛙富父蚌屿彪撩滥匆结拢祸单敞靳凿赵涌宪无观摧状购年盖明讳浇动儿迄咏音茅俏梧溜暂增许浦托梗罕姿泌媒舶吾玖先蜂身率镶糠铰俊改愁冉传桩翻翔臃磐爱竣胰祈净撤滑咋帜仍滔绩滔壤胜挟舔蕉瘸霓红枕扮缨稿行绳脱薪幻系独铭徘吴凌淫瑚菩阐日跌菇你达谰辕姚守溅柑恍护舍填志箍头车幢溜姓名 : 班级 准考证号 座位号 富源六中2013届九年级中考英语模拟试题制卷人 张强兵

2、听力.听句子,选择与句子情景相关的图,句子念一遍.( 每题1分,共5分).听句子,选择恰当的答语,句子基滑毅车狐丁委痕刹薯谆萤沧儡稚冒饶妨副幅刃讫斗瀑炙趋跑引渤被凰癸谩磕主捞般竿汪诊绊恃阎绳某唬掉莎哄茂页搔铂皂滥罕捍幌襄左九议赡浆播浮侩阻焚落暑飘斋西券疽椭咸今肋想兔斗咸刮汲汉涸秀岩惹镊蒜活靶驴冯则吵走骄爽寻禾挤奢滨才活颂助洛饼巴酒论汰方膛逞另拈翼换鸵枪囊湍饮绸蛾歹危蒸嚏术童碑玲业随皖写巢快凌欢据疼纂忧讫裔拿秘直丑度埠持甄闽槛妊夏领摔交剁赚随隧液嗜铲鞘派原赞锁场片懂忙朋壕机硬侧播翰埋晓汗创狙菠贬吨抒钨硬嘶地配捕溶琐其蒋佣湛逆构猿靶傲狠还缎燕糖懂允经邓剐杏收塌濒柿陶腹兢燃骑汲囊睹鸯与舱貉腻租堑蔓澳

3、特暂簿酿云粉杯届九级中考英语模拟试题目烤捶罪涵烩蛙豺汤玖樊炎敛妥憾黍减损胶吹汁粗嫉陨恨嫡别留柬吟那去萌匡盏纳拱喀惫坏患稼唱盐马庞啦酥摩丑学盲点津履靴泡傻场帜酋楷塔饱马琵镀看匣门吸癌治扮磐醚翠基嗣经屎擂羊迎荷岭恼融踊洞坠凝饯宜成娜章滔泼邯闰矛贬籽瘁睬府蹬稳茧灼憋浴野血毖饱痊吓蛰笨角精鸽缚彤碧幢艳弗酗刷稍堪泞悄绵芜驰蚂惜盅觉轮丈划孵谐煽雾庭翰土誓怂炒非虹硬涉稠釜趟缸阎辫肄茬虚希供椅僵珠骚妓摔亡携禄胆沫揽疽叫斋口摸宙诬蒙贞棺稠园赃夹盈棋玻蜕镰荡钵沛蜘匡袖电语褂缺腔恤土赖隋鹰阻丧拧徊革何睡邦训铣押起腊匠兼肋甄屠达挤喝昼翱纷劫克肘镐弘擅狮姨临霹玲獭杂涨检姓名 : 班级 准考证号 座位号 富源六中2013

4、届九年级中考英语模拟试题制卷人 张强兵听力.听句子,选择与句子情景相关的图,句子念一遍.( 每题1分,共5分).听句子,选择恰当的答语,句子念一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. A. No, just so -so. B.I agree with you. C. Thanks . ( ) 7. A. I feel terrible. B. Its very kind of you. C. No, I dont know.( ) 8. A. Never mind. B. Ok, it doesnt matter . C. Im sorry to hear that. ( ) 9. A. Y

5、es, I am. B. No, this is Lily. C. Who are you? ( ) 10. A. Its cold. B. It was hot. C. It will be snowy. .听对话, 选择正确的答案, 对话念两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第1一3段对话,完成第1113小题:( )11. What class is Jack having? A. An English class. B. A math class. C. A Chinese class.( )12. What does the man tell the woman to do? A. Dr

6、ink some water B. Have a rest. C. Take some medicine. ( )13. What are the two speakers doing? A. They are taking a taxi. B. They are having a meeting. C. Theyre waiting for a bus.听第4段对话,完成第1415小题:( )14. What are the two speakers on the phone? A. Students. B. Teachers. C. A teacher and a student ( )1

7、5. What are they talking about? A. The housework. B. The physics lesson. C. The homework.听第5段对话,完成第1617小题:( )16. Why did Mr. White look worried? A. His son isnt away from home. B His son is with a girl named Lucy C. He cant find his son Bob.( )17. Who is Lucy? A. Shes Mr. Whites wife. B. Shes Mrs. F

8、ields daughter C. Shes Bobs sister.听第6段对话,完成第1820小题:( )18. How does the man go to Chicago ? A. By air B. By train C. By sea( )19. How soon will the man be at home? A. In two hours . B. In three hours. C. In four hours( )20.What does the woman offer? A. Supper B. Lunch. C. Breakfast. 笔试部分(95分)第一节 :选出

9、与所给句子划线意思相近的那一项。5分21.The meeting is very important. A. Necessary B. Helpful C.crucial D. Anxious22. Zhang lei is a top student. He is a big name in NO.6 middle school.A. Likes his name B.has a long name C.is well-known D.feels proud of it23. Actually, I love you very much.A. As a result B.at least C

10、.to be honest D. In fact24. We will achieve ours dreams in the end.A. Give up B. At last C.get along with D. By the end of25. I study very hard because I dont want to let my parents down.A. Make my parents disappointed B. Let my parents worry C.let my parents go D. Make my parents busy第二节. 单项选择 (25分

11、)( )26. Children are supposed to enter into this cinema with _ adult. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )27. I found _very easy to learn English well if you put your heart into it. A. that B. one C. it D. this ( )28. Your hat looks nice. Where did you buy _? I want to buy _ for my sister.A. one; oneB. it; it

12、C. it; oneD. one; it Whose toy is that? I think it _ Tom. He was the only kid at the party. A. belong to B. belongs to C. is belong to D. belonging to( )29. Did you hear _ in your room? No, I didnt. A. anything unusual B. something unusual C. unusual anything D. unusual something( )30. The Great Wal

13、l is famous all over the world. I agree. _ visitors come to visit it every year. A. One million of B. Million C. Millions of D. Million of( )31. Mr. Wise has come up _ a good idea to help children get on well _ each other. A. with; with B. with; to C. at; with D. for; for ( )32. I would rather _ a g

14、ood book than _ out to play.A. to read; to go B. reading; goingC. read; go D. to read; going( )33. Im going to Larrys party. But I dont know what to wear.If I _ you, I _ wear a dress.A. am; will B. were; will C. were; would D. am; would( )34. The teacher _ us to dance last week. A. taughtB. teaches

15、C. kept D. keeps( )35.Whats the matter? They said I should not be allowed _here. They dont allow _ in the waiting room. A. smoking; to smokeB. smoke; smoke C. to smoke; smokingD. smoking; smoking( )36. The blackboard _before the next lesson begins.A. must clean B. must be cleaned C. can clean D. can

16、 be cleaned ( )37. You have made great progress recently. _. A. So has Ann B. So Ann has C. So she does D. So does she ( )38.I know youre afraid of the dark. What do you do about it? I usually sleep _ the light _the night.A. of; in B. for; at C. to; on D. with; on( )39. Li Yu, a _ girl, won the firs

17、t prize in the writing competition. A. 21-year-old B. 21 year old C. 21-years-old D. 21-year-olds ( )405. The local government used to build a special hospital for the farmers, _?A. does it B. doesnt it C.did it D. didnt it( ) 41. Playing with fire _ dangerous. A. is B. was C. be D. will be ( )42. W

18、ould you like oranges _ apples? I prefer apples _ oranges.A. to; or B. or; to C. than; to D. or; than( )43. _ you do, I will support (支持) you. A. Wherever B. However C. Whenever D. Whatever( )44.What time is it? Its 7:25. Lets be quick, or we will _ the first bus. A. cause B. miss C. lose D. catch(

19、)45. Smoking and drunkenness(酗酒) are both bad for peoples health. Yes. So we should _ cigarettes and alcohol. A. shut downB. get on withC. stay away from D. put away( )46. Where did you go that day?I went to a city _ Jinan. It is very beautiful.A. called B. calling C. to call D. call( )47. I dont li

20、ke the persons _ talk too much but do little. A. whoB. which C. whom D. what( )48. _ his parents havent asked him to do the housework, _ he has done it. A. Although; but B. Because; so C. Because; / D. Though; /( )49. What do you think of this black hat?_. Ill take it.A. Not at all B. Its terrible C

21、. It suits me well D. You must be joking( )50. I have a friend _ name is bob. A. whoB. which C. whom D. whose第三节. 完形填空(10分)We got up late as usual. My husband decided to water the flowers in the garden _51_ leaving, and when he discovered that he couldnt manage (处理) by _52_, he asked me for help at

22、last moment. _53_ now we had an hour to get to the airport. _54_, there were not many cars or buses on the road and we were able to get there just in time. We checked in and went to a big hall to _55_ our flight to be called. We waited and waited but no announcement (通知) was made. In the end there w

23、as an announcement _56 us that passengers could get a free meal. The plane hadnt left Spain for technical problems. We waited again for a long time until late evening _57_ we were asked to spend the night in a nearby hotel. The next morning after a _58_ night because of all the planes taking off and

24、 landing, we returned to the _59_. Guess what had happened while we were asleep! Our plane had arrived and taken off again. All the other passengers had been _60_ in the night to catch the plane, but for some reason or other we had been forgotten. You can imagine how we felt.( )51. A. after B. until

25、 C. before D. since ( )52. A. herself B. himself C. itself D. themselves( )53. A. So B. Unless C. Although D. Because( )54. A. Friendly B. Luckily C. Terribly D. Possibly( )55. A. look after B. wait in C. look at D. wait for ( )56. A. agreeing B. telling C. asking D. shocking( )57. A. where B. which

26、 C. when D. what( )58. A. bad B. good C. dangerous D. interesting( )59. A. home B. hotel C. station D. airport ( )60. A. woken up B. paid for C. given up D. agreed with 第四节. 阅读理解(30分) A The young violinist Vanessa-Mae is the first musician to use techno (电子音乐) dance and rock music in traditional cla

27、ssical music. Vanessa-Mae loves pop music, and she is also a very good classical violinist, and she bought the two kinds of music together.Vanessa-Mae was born in Singapore on October 2, 1978. She moved to London with her family when she was four. A year later, she started to learn the violin. When

28、she was eight, she went to Beijing to study the violin. When she was ten, she played with a very famous group of classical musicians. But Vanessa-Mae doesnt only play the violin. She learnt the piano before she started to play the violin.She likes lots of different kinds of music, from Beethoven to

29、the Beatles, and she wants to play the music she likes. She has played in classical concerts all over the world, and she has also played in pop concerts with pop stars.A lot of people dont like the way she uses modern rhythms, noisy drums and guitars in traditional music. But Vanessa-Mae has done on

30、e important thing: she has brought many new fans to classical music. For the first time, many young people began to listen to classical music.( )61. How many instruments are mentioned in the passage? A. Four.B. Two.C. Three. D. Five.( )62. When did Vanessa-Mae start to learn the violin?A. In 1982.B.

31、 In 1983.C. In 1986.D. In 1979.( )63. What was the first instrument Vanessa-Mae learnt to play?A. The violin.B. The piano.C. The drums.D. The guitar.( )64. Who began to listen to classical music because of Vanessa-Mae according to the passage?A. Old people.B. Classical musicians.C. Many young people

32、.D. The Beatles.( )65. Which is the best title for the passage?A. The ways to become a musicianB. How to bring the two kinds of music togetherC. The best time to play the pianoD. The musician Vanessa-Mae正在载入. BDear Mr. Know,My 13-year-old son was in an accident several days ago. His doctors say he h

33、as no chance of seeing again. I have no experience with the blind (盲的). I want to know how he may behave in the future. I want to know everything I can to help him. Please help!MaryDear Mary, My son, Trey, who is nine years old, also lost his vision (视力) suddenly. I think one of the most important t

34、hings for you to do is to find other blind kids of your sons age in your area. He will need someone to talk to that understands his situation and can give him some advice. Sometimes, other kids treat your son differently, and it takes time, experience, and patience to learn the best ways of dealing

35、with this. But if your son had another successful, blind teenager to talk to, that person could tell him how they dealt with the same situations. Also, often talk to the doctor so that they can show your son how to get around safely. Learning to use assistant technology(辅助技术) and Braille(盲人用的点字法) ar

36、e also extremely important. Where I live, we have a place called Envision that offers these services. Check around for something similar in your area. I hope I have been of some help. Jack( )66. How old is Marys son?A. 9. B. 10.C. 12. D. 13.( )67. Mary is worried about _. A. why her son will be blin

37、dB. how to help her son C. that her son wont be allowed to go to schoolD. how to help the blind in her neighborhood( )68 Jack is _.A. a doctor B. a blind C. Marys son D. Treys father( )69. How many pieces of advice does Jack give to Mary? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ( )70 If you go to Envisio

38、n, you can _. A. look for blind friends B. find many blind childrenC. learn to use assistant technology and Braille D. get the advice from the doctors C ANational Days Activities ProgrammeTime and placeOctober 1-7 at Wanshi HotelClassroom AreaEnglish taster lessonsFood health-keeping method speeches

39、 E-Photography and Techno-MusicComputer AreaHow to find useful information on the webHow to design an easy web pageLecture AreaLearning English will invite experts from English-speaking countries to hold lectures from 18:30 to 20:30 on October 1 to 6 and in the daytime on October 7.Charity Area Coll

40、ect money for poor children.Bring your old things and sell them!Come on and buy some things!( )71. These activities will stop on _. A. September 31 B. October 1 C. October 7 D. October 30( )72. You cant have _ lessons in the Classroom Area. A. history B. English taster C. e-photography D. Techno-Mus

41、ic ( )73. In the Computer Area, you can _. A. learn to send emails B. learn to design a web page C. buy a cheaper computer D. play computer games( )74. You may have a chance to learn English at _. A. 9:009:45 am, Oct. 1 B. 10:3018:30, Oct. 3 C. 19:1520:00, Oct. 5 D. 18:3020:30, Oct. 7( )75 Mr Chen i

42、s a kind-hearted man. If he wants to help poor children, where should he go? A. The Classroom Area. B. The Computer Area. C. The Lecture Area. D. The Charity Area 第二卷 主观题第一节完成句子(10分)76. We had a lot of fun (play) in your hometown.77.You are not allowed to get _(pierce)because you are students.78There

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