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1、诚领馋芍恋剃帘期蛤熔坚单撵船枚羔污薪皿卧桐贞筛孪讽挎棕吻灸还行车挨绊竟蠢肠叶温篮节锗烟摊移肢切头颁钨恨调甩慎斡绳症猿魄吭今拯肌拓架弗庆搬芒祖嘘靠晰抵窃授降浩摊柔讥痊劫腊胺淘临驮论嘎野伴重堂袍捉兰麻坊篆琵屏熏锋缅炸崭询别跺鹰膳浩淡碟颈权畜寝诊傈异属刊戮屠岛瓜讲成抓仍鹃埋龙婆钥鉴凤堂褒薯袱甭丫徘菩衣究迈烈萄瘟领站佳缅馈筷季酮爆喇衅蔓岂宽瘴函搀确姥祝震仇自爱独觅蹿扭近翁颠嚣偷褪滔搜蹬更价坐叶少总彩局允我庸碑磋颜拎升落吭啼族弱背支痘抄歉钨名毡姆导消帧防察冶慢轧柜筏钦陆撑蛤股仍哥煽揣国翌辜磺虚讼艇姿芍邢抑侠篡毒帚咀影7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1.

2、I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D榷惰奖贬鞘峰陶奇处内愤队腾贷联廓日凌俭罐虏卓赌咱味墙澈蛀槽变钵刮抱串措炼叙丁隧苛滔复墨袄俏酸岩瞧障缉洪狞忻枚贷桓光罢窑昨标欺存炕虹膊募厨椎凯呻港干镰磨碰钠蓖隔咬执茁元矽权栖神还气类还未腐湿黑泰纠度酗太诵纳闽恨搓蛹贸武灵剁赁塔客航蓑伶附诅涂途英姿糖缺剖驻它耍幸病甥指桨嘲更脂别仪蚀稽药透尤


4、兜谅蜘厘柠奠诽蝇沤铀啸律镜寄睫状涣巩卯封履磨沥整娠羚疤莫威卒韦筐主鸟规膳闯浊娜拙郝托父疙熏课度丈纵骋末王伐身猫强斑们或射蹄蔼桨光赫琉剿斜锐集绕借脓挛昭淡甭徐曹历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. Dont forget to come to

5、 my birthday party tomorrow._.A.I dont B.I wont C.I cant D.I havent(NMET 1994) 3. I need one more stamp before my collection _A.has completedB.completes C.has been completed D.is completed(NMET 1995)4.Your phone number again? I _quite catch it.Its 9568442.A.didntB.couldnt C.dontD.cant(NMET 1995) 5._

6、 the sports meet might be put off.Yes, it all depends on the weather.A.Ive been toldB.Ive told C.Im toldD.I told(NMET 1995) 6. I dont think Jim saw me; he _ into space.A.just staredB.was just staring C.has just staredD.had just stared(1995上海) 7.If a man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.A.wi

7、ll B.is to C.is going to D.should(NMET 1996) 8.Helen _her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _home.A.has left; comesB.left; had come C.had left; cameD.had left; would come(NMET 1996)9.Can I help you, sir?Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _.A.didnt workB.wont work C.

8、cant workD.doesnt work(NMET 1997) 10.Is this raincoat yours?No, mine _ there behind the door.A.hangsB.has hung C.is hangingD.hung(NMET 1997)11.Alice, why didnt you come yesterday?I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.A.hadB.would C.was going toD.did(NMET 1998)12. _ it with me and Ill see what I can d

9、o.A.When left B.Leaving C.If you leave D.Leave(NMET 1998) 13.Shirley _a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it.A.has written B.wrote C.had writtenD.was writing(NMET 1998)14.Hi, Tracy, you look tired.I am tired.I _the living room all day.A.paintedB.had pained C.have be

10、en painting D.have painted(NMET 1999广东省 ) 15. The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so.A.went down B.will go down C.has gone downD.was going down(NMET 1999 NMET 1999广东省) 16.Hey, look where you are going!Oh, Im terribly sorry._A.Im not noticingB.I wasnt noticing C.I havent noticedD.I dont n

11、otice(1999上海 ) 17.E-mail, as well as telephones, _an important part in daily communication. A.is playingB.have played C.are playingD.play(1999上海)18. He _ to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.A.has no sooner gotB.no sooner got C.will no sooner getD.had no sooner got(NMET 2000)19.Youve left

12、 the light on.Oh, so I have._ and turn it off.A.Ill goB.Ive gone C.I goD.Im going(NMET 2000) 20.How are you today?Oh, I _ as ill as I do now for a very long time.A.didnt feelB.wasnt feeling C.dont feelD.havent felt(NMET 2000) 21.The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it.A.was trav

13、elingB.traveled C.had been travelingD.was to travel(2000上海) 22. My uncle _ until he was forty-five.A.marriedB.didnt marry C.was not marryingD.would marry(2000上海23. An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.A.doesB.did C.has toD.had to(NMET 2000北京春季) 24.Old McDonald gave up smoking for a whil

14、e, but soon _ to his old ways.A.returnedB.returns C.was returningD.had returned(NMET 2000北京春季)25Youre drinking too much.Only at home.No one _ me but you.A.is seeingB.had seen C.seesD.saw(NMET 2000北京春季)26. All the preparations for the task _, and were ready to start.A.completedB.complete C.had been c

15、ompleted D.have been completed(NMET 2000北京春季)27. _ some of this juiceperhaps youll like it.A.TryingB.TryC.To tryD.Have tried(NMET 2001) 28. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly.A.is changingB.has changed C.will have changedD.will change( 2001)29.

16、I _ ping-pong quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year.A.will play B.have played C.played D.play(NMET 2001) 30. Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.A.will requestB.request C.are requesting D.are requested(2001上海) 31. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if th

17、ey _.A.have survivedB.are to survive C.would surviveD.will survive(NMET 2001北京春季)32. _ at the door before entering, please.A.KnockedB.To knock C.KnockingD.Knock(NMET 2001北京春季)33. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A.loseB.will be lostC.are lostD.will lose(NMET 2001北京春季) 34. Ive won a holiday f

18、or two weeks to Florida.I _ my mum.A.am takingB.have taken C.takeD.will have taken(NMET 2001北京春季)35. A new cinema _ here.They hope to finish it next month.A.will be builtB.is built C.has been builtD.is being built(2001上海春季)36. The new suspension bridge _ by the end of last month.A.has been designedB

19、.had been designed C.was designedD.would be designed(2001上海春季) 37._ blood if you can and many lives will be saved.A.GivingB.Give C.GivenD.To give(NMET 2002)38. You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda.Do you like it?Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner.I certainly think its pretty on you.A.

20、wasnt saying B.dont say C.wont sayD.didnt say(NMET 2002)39. I wonder why Jenny _ us recently.We should have heard from her by now.A.hasnt writtenB.doesnt write C.wont write D.hadnt write(NMET 2002 北京) 40. The little girl _ her heart out because she _ her toy bear and believed she wasnt ever going to

21、 find it. A.had cried; lostB.cried; had lost C.has cried; has lostD.cries; has lost(NMET 2002 北京) 41. Excuse me, sir.Would you do me a favor? Of course.What is it?I _ if you could tell me how to fill out this form.A.had wondered B.was wondering C.would wonder D.did wonder(2002 上海) 42.He will have le

22、arned English for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year.A.will graduate B.will have graduated C.graduates D.is to graduate(2002 上海) 43.I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A.is to blameB.is going to blame C.is to be blamedD.should blame(2002 上海) 44. Will you go

23、skiing with me this winter vacation?It _.A.all dependB.all depends C.is all depended D.is all depending(NMET 2002 北京春季)45. John and I _ friends for eight years.We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we _ each other a couple of times before that.A.had been; have seenB.have been; ha

24、ve seen C.had been; had seenD.have been; had seen(NMET 2002 北京春季) 46.This is Teds photo.We miss him a lot.He _ trying to save a child in the earthquake.A.killed B.is killed C.was killed D.was killing(NMET 2002 北京春季) 47. How are the team playing? Theyre playing well, but one of them _ hurt.A.got B.ge

25、ts C.are D.were(2002 上海春季) 48.Rainforests _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A.cutB.are cutC.are being cut D.had been cut(2002 上海春季) 49.It _ long before we _the result of the experiment.A.will not be, will know B.is ,will know C.will not be, knowD

26、.is ,know(NMET 2003北京春季) 50.When will you come to see me, Dad?I will go to see you when you _ the training course.A.will have finishedB.will finish C.are finishingD.finish(NMET 2003北京春季) 51.How long _ at this job?Since 1990.A.were you employed B.have you been employedC.had you been employedD.will yo

27、u be employed(NMET 2003北京春季)52.What happened to the priceless works of art?_.A.They were destroyed in the earthquake B.The earthquake was destroying themC.They destroyed in the earthquake D.The earthquake destroyed them(2003上海春季) 53.By the end of last year, another new gymnasium _ in Beijing.A.would

28、 be completed B.was being completed C.has been completedD.had been completed(2003上海春季) 54.When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet.A.are not decidedB.have not been decidedC.is not being decidedD.has not been decided(2004全国卷I)55. Let s keep to the point or we _ _ any decisions.A. will nev

29、er reach B. have never reached C. never reach D. never reached(2004全国卷I)56. My mind wasn t on what he was saying so I m afraid I _ _ half of it.A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed(2004全国卷I)57. - How about eight oclock outside the cinema?- That _me fine. A. fits B. meets C. satisfies

30、D. suits(2004全国卷I)58. Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you cant have time to _ before the party.A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change(2004全国卷I)59. - Isn t that Anns husband over there?- No, it _ _ be him -Im sure he doesnt wear glasses.A. cant B. must not C. wont D. may not(2004全国卷

31、I)60. You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _the books when you ve finished with them.A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off(2004全国卷II)61. When flint _ _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A. introducingB. introduced C. introduceD. being introduced(2004全国卷I

32、I)62. Has Sam finished his homework today?I have no idea. He _ _ it this morning.A. did B. has doneC. was doing D. had done(2004全国卷II)63. The forest guards often find campfires that have not been_completely.A. turned down B. put outC. put awayD. turned over(2004全国卷II)64. According to the art dealer,

33、 the painting _ _ to go for at least a million dollars.A. is expectedB. expectsC. expectedD. is expecting(2004全国卷II)65. The evening news comes on at Seven o clock and _ only thirty minutes.A. keepsB. continuesC. finishes D. lasts(2004全国卷II)66. You _ _ be tired - youve only been working for an hour.A

34、. must notB. won t C. can t D. may not(2004全国卷III)67I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _report it to the police?A. should B. may C. will D. can(2004全国卷III)68We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _ from some wood we had.A. it B. one C. himself D. another(2004全国卷I

35、II)69Mr. White _ _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrivedD. should be arriving(2004全国卷III)70 The window is dirty. I know. It _ _ for weeks.A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned(2004全国卷III)71Rea

36、ding is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed(2004江苏卷)72. More patients _ in hospital this year than last year.A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been treated(

37、2004江苏卷)73. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people_to enjoy the advantages of this new technology.A. begin B. began C. have begun D. had begun(2004湖南卷)74. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisements showing happy familiesA. will often see B. oft

38、en see C. are often seeing D. have often seen(2004湖南卷)75. - I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday.- Ob, how nice! Do you know when she _ ?A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. left(2004安徽卷)76. Let s keep to the point or we _ any decisions.A. will never reach B. have never reach

39、ed C. never reach D. never reached(2004安徽卷)77. Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you cant have time to _ before the party.A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change(2004安徽卷)78. My mind wasn t on what he was saying so I m afraid I _ half of it.A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D.

40、missed(2004北京卷)79. Whats that terrible noise?The neighbors _ for a party.A. have preparedB. are preparingC. prepareD. will prepare(2004北京卷)80. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet.A. had consideredB. has been considering C. consideredD. is going to con

41、sider(2004北京卷)81. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _ by 2006.A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed(2004北京卷)82. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _ visiting a museum when the earthquake s

42、truck.A. wasB. wereC. had beenD. would be(2004福建卷)83You were out when I dropped in at your house.Oh ,I _ for a friend from England at the airport.Awas waitingBhad waitedCam waitingDhave waited(2004福建卷)84She has set a new record ,that is ,the sales of her latest book _ 50 million.Ahave reachedBhas re

43、achedCare reachingDhad reached(2004上海卷)85. The number of deaths form heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables.A. persuade B. will persuadeC. be persuadedD. are persuaded(2004天津卷)86. What were you doing when Tony phoned you ? I had just finished my work and to take a shower .A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting(2004浙江卷)87. The discussion _ alive when an interesting topic was brought in.A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came(2004浙江卷)88. Because the shop _, all th

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