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1、广东省高等教育自学考试高级英语(一)课程(课程代码:07374)考试大纲目 录I 课程性质与设置目的II课程内容和考核目标第一单元 HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第二单元 BEWARE THE DIRTY SEAS一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第三单元 MY FRIEND, ALBERT EINSTEIN一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第四单元 THE INVISIBLE POOR一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第五单元 TV AND THE AM

2、ERICAN FAMILY一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第六单元 PREPARING FOR COLLEGE一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第七单元 GROUPING THE GIFTED:PRO一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第八单元 WHY NOTHING WORKS一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第九单元 WHERE IS THE NEWS LEADING US?一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第十单元 THINGS:THE THROW-AWAY SOCIETY一、学

3、习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第十一单元 CULTIVATING A HOBBY一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第十二单元 THE ROLE OF CUSTOM一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第十三单元 WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (1)一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第十四单元 WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (2)一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求第十五单元 I HAVE A DREAM一、学习目的与要求二、课程内容三、考核知识点四、考核要求 有关说

4、明与实施要求附录:题型举例I 课程性质与设置目的本课程是高等教育自学考试英语教育(本科)考试计划中高级阶段的精读课程,为核心必考课程。该课程是为完成基础阶段学习之后的英语专业学生进一步提高英语语言技能而设置。设置本课程的目的可以归纳为如下几方面:1 引导学生注意吸收语言材料、扩大文化知识,特别是有关英美的文化知识。2 通过对文章的思想内容、篇章结构、语言技巧的分析,提高学生用英文表述对文章的理解、分析及评述的能力。3 继续强化语言基本功,努力发展学生综合运用英语的能力。 II 课程内容与考核目标(考核知识、考核要求)第1单元 HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD一、学习目的与要求T

5、o grasp: 1. the importance of choosing the right word for ones purpose; 2. the double function of the correct choice of words; 3. semantic differences between words of the same root; 4. wrong choice of words caused by failure to recognize their connotations; 5. stylistic differences between synonyms

6、; 6. words of uniquely cultural load; 7. analogy. 二、课程内容:Hit the Nail on the HeadI. The purpose and the organization of the text:1. The passage begins with an analogy to illustrate the similarities between how to drive a nail home and how to use exact English words. In this way the author dramatizes

7、 the importance of choosing the right word for ones purpose; 2. Paragraphs 2-4 are devoted to the double function of the correct choice of words;3. Paragraphs 5-8 are devoted to semantic differences between words of the same root;4. Paragraph 9 is devoted to wrong choice of words caused by failure t

8、o recognize their connotations;5. Paragraph 10 is devoted to stylistic differences between synonyms;6. Paragraph 11 is devoted to words of uniquely cultural load;7. Paragraph 12 is devoted to the abundance of specific words in English for general notions;8. The passage ends with an emphasis on quali

9、ty rather than quantity in the mastery of words. II. Difficult points:1. How to understand the use of analogy; 2. How to associate the end-weight principle with the understanding of the authors purpose.三、考核知识点:1. words and phrases of this unit; 2. the importance of choosing the right word for ones p

10、urpose; 3. semantic differences between words; 4. the abundance of specific words in English for general notions. 四、考核要求: (一) 识记 能够准确地用英语对本课的重点词汇、短语或短句进行解释与表述,例如:1. Hit the nail on the head: to be exactly right (in saying something); 2. drive home the nail: drive the nail into the wood precisely; 3.

11、 deft blow: effortlessly skillful blows; 4. hit the nail on the head: hitting it accurately on the head; 5. so with language: This is also true with language; 6. scrupulous: painstaking; 7. we shall be rewarded by the satisfaction: we shall be satisfied if we can find the right words; 8. bad carpent

12、ry of language: poor mastery of language; 9. rife: common; widespread (of bad things); 10. malapopism: wrong use of a word sounding like the correct one; 11. as if the meaning were held against its will: as if the meaning of the word imprisoned used by the journalist here in the sentence were agains

13、t its original meaning; 12. to be alive to: to be sensitive to; 13. to disprove: to refute. 能够准确地对本课Language Work(练习册)中词汇或短语辨析部分进行判断与选择,例如:1. A clumsy (heavy, stupid, unskillful) workman is likely to find fault with his tools. 2. As John was a deft (skilful, clever, ready) mechanic, he was hired by

14、the joint-venture in no time.(二)领会 能够对本课难句进行转写,能分析不同句子型式间的内在关系,句子转写后其语义不变。 例如:1. Choosing words is a part of the process of realization, of defining our thoughts andfeelings for ourselves, as well as for those who hear or read our words.可转写为:To define our thoughts and feelings for ourselves as well

15、as for those whohear or read our words, we choose our words carefully, which is a part of the process of realization.2. It is hard work choosing the right words, but we shall be rewarded by the satisfactionthat finding them brings.可转写为:We shall be rewarded for our hard work in choosing right words w

16、hen we feelsatisfied after finding them.(三)简单应用 能够运用所学的语法知识与语用知识分析问题,完成完形填空与改错等任务。完形填空任务例如:Above all we should try to c_ an interest in words. They are the most f_ things. The study of words, of their origins and shifting meanings, can tell us a great deal a_ human life and thought. Compare English

17、words w_ words in your own language. Can you translate the English word club, for example, i_ your own language? The French couldnt, and so they took over the English word, but they pronounce it d_. Can you find an exact English e_ for chic (French), weltanschauung (German), ahimsa (Hindi), safari (

18、Swahili)?(四)综合应用能够灵活运用所学的语言语法知识与文化知识分析和解决问题,完成阅读理解与段落划线部分翻译等任务。1) 阅读理解侧重的是对文章的思想内容、篇章结构的分析与理解以及对语言的综合运用。2)段落翻译侧重语言的综合运用,翻译时要求语言使用准确、语句通顺流畅、意义完整。本课重点学习内容例如:(1)英语中有大量的词汇,是一门十分灵活的语言,陈述事物有很多种方法,但即使是意义接近的词语之间也有不同程度的微妙差别。作为学生,对于这些差别必须了如指掌。通过使用字典,最重要的是通过阅读,他可以增强对这些细微差别的判断力,提高准确表达自己思想的能力。(2) 你曾见过一个笨手笨脚的人把钉子

19、钉进箱子里吗?他先把钉子敲到一边,然后又敲到另一边,可能把它完全敲弯了,结果钉子只钉进了一半。但是一个灵巧的木工每次都能准确的敲到钉头上,只需熟练有力的几下,就能把钉子钉进去。语言也是这样,好的语言工匠会选择能确切表达意思的词。一个力求文字精练明晰的作家是不会满足于含糊的字眼,不严密的词语,模棱两可的表述和含混的形容词的。他会尽力每一次都找到完全符合他要求的词。第2单元 BEWARE THE DIRTY SEAS一、学习目的与要求To grasp: 1. the thesis statement: the Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in th

20、e world; 2. the causes and consequences of the pollution in general; 3. cause-effect. 二、课程内容:Beware the Dirty SeasI. The organization of the text: 1. Paras.1-4 introduce the topic. Para.1 is devoted to the thesis statement: The Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in the world. Paras.2-4 are devot

21、ed to the causes and consequences of the pollution in general.2. Paras.5-10 are devoted to the first main cause-sewage. Paras.5-7 are devoted to the improper treatment of sewage by many Mediterranean countries. Paras.8-10 are devoted to the consequences, such as contamination of sea water and fish;

22、greater likelihood of disease.3. Paras.11-13 are devoted to the second main causeindustries, such as untreated wastes emitted from factories along the coast and from factories located far inland.4. Paras.14 and 15 are devoted to other causes of pollution, such as pesticides, detergents, fertilizers

23、and oil.5. Paras.16-20 are devoted to factors that lead to the severity of the case, such as narrow and shallow outlet of the Strait of Gibraltar, weak coastal currents and feeble tides, long-standing practice of dumping wastes into the sea, and multiplication of pollution and increasing number of t

24、ourists.6. Paras.21 and 22 are devoted to the conclusion: efforts made to solve the problem. II. Key points for comprehension:1. The association of the evolution of the Mediterranean culture with the development of the western civilization;2. The significance of discussing the pollution of the Medit

25、erranean.三、考核知识点:1. words and phrases of this unit;2. the thesis statement: The Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in the world;3. the causes and consequences of the pollution in general;4. cause-effect.四、考核要求(一)识记 能够准确地用英语对本课的重点词汇、短语或短句进行解释与表述,例如:1. nurtured: care for;2. fall victim to: suffere

26、d because of;3. the abilities and attitudes that evolved around it: the bad pollution caused by the industry that developed gradually and the ignorance of environmental protection that developed among the people around the sea;4. stifle: stop from breathing properly;5. lurks: exists unseen;6. foul:

27、make dirty and smelly;7. effluents: waste liquid;8. landlocked: enclosed by land;9. cleanse: made clean and pure;10. remorseless: merciless; 能够准确地对本课Language Work(练习册)中词汇或短语辨析部分进行判断与选择,例如:1. When the wind died down, the sailboat drifted toward the beach.a. headed b. floated c. hurried d. returned2.

28、The roof of the house was practically failing in and the front steps were rotting away. a. virtually b. essentially c. always d. basically 3. The plans for the new office and building were _ a few weeks ago. a. drawn to b. drawn out c. drawn up d. drawn in(二)领会 能够对本课难句进行转写,能分析不同句子型式间的内在关系,句子转写后其语义不变

29、。 例如:1. The result is that the Mediterranean, which nurtured so many civilizations, is gravely ill-the first of the seas to fall victim to the abilities and attitudes that evolved around it.可转写为:Having nurtured so many civilizations, the Mediterranean, as a result, is gravely ill and becomes the fir

30、st of the seas to fall victim to the abilities and attitudes that evolved around it.2. But it will be a long time before the measures they approved take effect in cleaning up the sea. 可转写为:A long time will be needed for the measures they approved to take effect in cleaning up the sea.(三)简单应用 能够运用所学的

31、语法知识与语用知识分析问题,完成完形填空与改错等任务。完形填空任务例如:Typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, polio, viral hepatitis and food poisoning are e_ in the area, and there are periodic o_ of cholera. The mournful litany of disease is c_ by sewage. Eighty-five per cent of the waste from the Mediterraneans 120 c_ cities is pushed i

32、nto the waters w_ their people and visitors bathe and fish. What is more, most cities just drop it in straight o_ the beach; rare indeed are the places like Cannes and Tel Aviv w_ pipe it even half a mile offshore.Less than 100,000 of Greeces four million coastal people have their s_ properly treate

33、d and Greece, as our map shows, is one of the cleaner c_ of the northern shore.(四)综合应用能够灵活运用所学的语言语法知识与文化知识分析和解决问题,完成阅读理解与段落划线部分翻译等任务。1) 阅读理解侧重的是对文章的思想内容、篇章结构的分析与理解以及对语言的综合运用。2)段落翻译侧重语言的综合运用,翻译时要求语言使用准确、语句通顺流畅、意义完整。本课重点学习内容例如:(1)每年有上亿的游客被吸引到地中海度假,这个占世界旅游业贸易额三分之一的度假胜地最受人们的欢迎,但同时其遭受的污染也是最为严重的。(2)地中海只占全

34、球海洋面积的百分之一,但其表面却漂浮着覆盖全球洋面的半数以上的石油和柏油。成千上万的工厂把有毒物质倾倒进地中海,沿岸的几乎每个城镇和村庄都开闸向地中海排放未经处理的污水。第3单元 MY FRIEND, ALBERT EINSTEIN一、学习目的与要求To grasp: 1. the chief personalities of man;2. Einsteins chief personalities: modesty, simplicity, etc;3. description developed by examples.二、课程内容:My Friend, Albert EinsteinI.

35、 Key points for discussion:1. In Hoffmanns opinion “simplicity” is the best word to describe the essence of Einsteins character. The abstract notion of simplicity is explained by a phrase in the first paragraph. Which is it?2. From the two anecdotes related in paras.2-4, what impression of Einstein

36、have you got?3. What, according to the author, is Einsteins most outstanding trait as a scientist?4. Why did Einstein insist on working hard when he was so badly shaken by his wifes death?5. How do you interpret the sentence in para.11: “To help him, I steered the discussion away from routine matter

37、s into more difficult theoretical problems?6. What revelation is made through Einsteins comment on Beethoven and Mozarts works? II. Difficult sentences for paraphrasing 1. This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was the secret of his major scientific discoveriesthis and his extra

38、ordinary feeling for beauty; (para.1) 2. The intensity and depth of his concentration were fantastic. When battling a recalcitrant problem, he worried it as an animal worries its prey; (para.9) 3. A dreamy, faraway and yet inward look would come over his face. There was no appearance of concentratio

39、n, no furrowing of the browonly a placid inner communion; (para.10) 4. Each of these assumptions, by itself, was so plausible as to seem primitively obvious. But together they were in such violent conflict that a lesser man would have dropped one or the other and fled in panic. (para.14)三、考核知识点:1. w

40、ords and phrases of this unit;2. the chief personalities of man;3. Einsteins chief personalities: modesty, simplicity, etc;4. description developed by examples.四、考核要求(一)识记 能够准确地用英语对本课的重点词汇、短语或短句进行解释与表述,例如:1. knack: talent;2. as to: as for;3. plead with: continually request;4. was in awe of: had a fe

41、eling of respect mixed with fear and wonder for;5. approaching him: speaking to him (for the first time);6. working on: conceiving;7. inflection: tone;8. awry: turned towards one side;9. endearing request: request that inspires affection and love from others;10. vestiges: visible traces;11. infant p

42、rodigy: child with exceptional talents;12. dullard: mentally dull or stupid person;13. abreast of: side by side with;14. masterwork: masterpiece;15. worked out: produced;16. worried it as an animal worries its prey: never gave it up as an animal chases and bites its prey;17. quaint: strange;18. twir

43、ling a lock of: twisting and winding a lock of. 能够准确地对本课Language Work(练习册)中词汇或短语辨析部分进行判断与选择,例如:1. I hope to obtain your forgiveness, to _ your ill opinion. a. lessen b. reduce c. decrease d. diminish2. The number of nations allied with Germany _ as the war continued. a. dropped b. decreased c. reduc

44、ed d. diminished(二)领会 能够对本课难句进行转写,能分析不同句子型式间的内在关系,句子转写后其语义不变。 例如:1. If I had to convey the essence of Albert Einstein in a single word, I would choose simplicity. 可转写为:Simplicity would be the right choice if I had to convey the essence of Albert Einstein in a single word.2. From that innocent questi

45、on would arise, ten years later, his theory of relativity. 可转写为:That innocent question would be the cause of his theory of relativity ten years later.(三)简单应用 能够运用所学的语法知识与语用知识分析问题,完成完形填空与改错等任务。完形填空任务例如:Einstein f_ his entrance examinations at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School, in Zurich, but was a

46、_ a year later. There he went beyond his regular w_ to study the masterwork of physics o_ his own. Rejected when he a_ for academic positions, he ultimately found work, in 1902, a _ a patent examiner in Berne, and there in 1905 his genius b _ into fabulous flower.(四)综合应用能够灵活运用所学的语言语法知识与文化知识分析和解决问题,完成阅读理解与段落翻译等任务。1) 阅读理解侧重的是对文章的思想内容、篇章结构的分析与理解以及对语言的综合运用。2)段落翻译侧重语言的综合运用,翻译时要求语言使用准确、语句通顺流畅、意义完整。本课重点学习内容例如:()接二连三发生的政治事件使他已经失去平静的生活雪上加霜。纳粹在德国上台执政后,他的理论被官方宣布是错误的,仅因为这些理论是由一个犹太人所提出的。他的财产被充公,据说还有人出钱收买他的人头。()当美国的科学家担心纳粹分子会研制出原

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