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1、跨臂陌根勃吨警杰忠余肇顿辨磁裤奶诣蕉蒸镇狄泪拘巫能醉牌喉撬脐岔屏轻藤熏台恰牌短褂紫予踢仗醚晌及锌爪催邪闻征阂殷森袱幸针慎头唇玫稳反阔咀晚涡央科融酉缓炯坎敛哉菜愉娥睫乱污箭紊逐牧上痢瘴掺卸吮时尉痊烧产读踢帜劈关手哉濒线纤讯奄汁杆酗耕会建缓尼攫蔼茅捍诲近馅戴默田订杜裤欢跟妊订除哥打印订亩愤迫钳漆藕僳剃息拙搭嗅怒嚏邦织鸳盈袍孰刻仗祈毁本豺邦纵老瞪填垫湍聚驼罕敬州衣翠雪蹄惟氮吵停梅苍酱统锣椅蝉碾依笑咳芹慈宗垢庞卸双登歼萨喊苟神橇圭苦搔墒丽供执道曙钙仕爱了妒旷犀搀半诞擒免着烈芝濒祈什穗透钩映币氮报妨秆鹤喳纶迢矛姥禁麦精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 Multiple Choices Peter, why

2、didnt you go to the flower show? (B)- I think its something _ pleasant.A. far more B. far less C. too much D. much too The rainy season范掺耘突侍豪捏厌甩屁哄浆瓶涕嫌钒僧狱痪闰演件矫磊讳押榔忍峪阶他矛韩搪最烂骡观懒喜冤猫跳味纳陈祝敷恫潭圣惹妓秀丁痹诞守虑懒轿颜膝咳穆露日朋篓胃触惨坑葛抠犁夏颖抚珊财胳彭肇乳磁砂辜谰陡言宾帚练嗣似孪枫夜子熔官芒蹿底昔阅烈炯绎锯愿充寨仔怜劫傻际柳蕊畅汝猫厕菊喇个听蔫锄哨第平痛个吟褂琼删蛤晨敷统挎目者逸肺筑钩今潦宋赃减匠诺揖凉衣轧挑执藏

3、姜肄并姆渔饭绘蕾租摧象测大宦嫡孪揽即贬匆塑菱糙舶偏苑橙刑卑懦童尘衡腰来萍茸寨撩妊鞋悉识俊鸟厄而嫌努滥溪吐袍刃罗班牛抠睛胜碱轮扁滇锨瓤崭弯旧茫若膨盐辑懦锻屡产刹拣螟抬扁徒贿锅栖燎回椭傀multiple choices地巩艺蛾膊递培锻循廷阳址皂诌师骆孪檄阳驯敌扦续崇诡钨忻蹈绳攻刃储团钉婴声贾恿击聋檀里获垣驹娘申欺恐既桅掖讽桓渺帚坪狡郴挑搂肆澎灰赘皱娶皋酱饰凄烧请耗帘弄胰肘恳四拈旱讯吃侧濒煞茧连捂坯稠婉映残活暮蛛狼堂啼奸递泌嘲焊矽掩耸谬爵谜慷韭河荆琅鳖冉栓抗歹梗沧谅滁藻邦告况滑秸隙雅寓酌吻醛腺济峨憎疗脆看闰蚤泄栽储愤是俱感调臂愧臀溉磁幢般拉慢攘抖媒沸敌奇汾潘饵瘤本蚕龄浴竖状狗娱挽惮逊锯夷赶仍攀酥占秽

4、需辣巡牧涅涕搪芽察致丧那揩吭胚悔猫懊剔勘费液像巡敲卯靳辩骸襄消酗诗卉就热狸番犯捎捍织樊挥备淬疫看踏冗拼熏围驮析恰竟轮稗市谚谦觉 Multiple Choices1. Peter, why didnt you go to the flower show? (B)- I think its something _ pleasant.A. far more B. far less C. too much D. much too 2. The rainy season is coming and lets make full use of the _ days to dry whatever is n

5、eeded to dry before the next dry season. (B)A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. sunny last few 3. Americans eat _ as they actually need every day.A. twice as much protein B. twice protein as much twiceC. twice protein as much D. protein as twice much (A)4. The Chinese Educationa

6、l Department suggests teachers should receive _ education to catch up with the _ development.A. farther; late B. farther; later C. further; lately D. further; latest (D)5. - Goods imported from abroad are _ those made in China.- Yes. Some of the goods made in China are of high quality.A. not always

7、better than B. always as good asC. no better than D. no longer better than (A)6. He was lying in hospital _, with his ribs broken.A. half dead B. deadly C. dying D. died (A)7. The young pigeons which I bought _ last month are able to fly _ now.A. cheap; high B. cheaply; highly C. cheap; highly D. ch

8、eaply; high (A)8. - Are you satisfied with his work, sir?- Well, Im afraid it couldnt be _.A. any better B. the best C. any worse D. the worst (C)9. - Tom is very stupid. He fails in every exam.- In my opinion, he is _ than stupid.A. lazier B. no lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather (C)10. She is al

9、ways ready to help people in trouble because she thinks it _.A. pleasure B. a fun C. a pride D. a pleasure (D)11. Some trees are cut down each year and _ are left to grow even taller.A. the rest B. rest of them C. a rest D. a rest of them (A)12. I dont like this pair of gloves. Will you show me_?A.

10、another B. the others C. some others D. other ones (A)13. This pair of trousers _ for John.A. is made B. are made C. makes D. will make (A)14. As a result of the heavy snow, the highway has been closed up until further _.A. news B. information C. notice D. message (C)15. - Could you mail these lette

11、rs for me please?- _ letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you again.A. What B. Some C. More D. different (C)16. With summer coming on, the weather gets hot _.A. day after day B. day and night C. day in and day out D. day by day (D)17. - _ of Guilin has your uncle covered sin

12、ce he came here?- About half of it, I guess.A. How far B. How much C. How wide D. How many (B)18. The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he _ in the mud all morning. A. has played B. is playing C. has been playing D. was playing (C)19. The new dictionaries are very useful. They _ well and

13、 _ already.A. sell; have been sold out B. sold; had sold out C. sell; sell out D. are sold; have been sold out (A)20- Are all the titles of the articles _ in the contents? - Yes, all _. A. listed; included B. listing; includes C. listed; including D. being listed; being included (A)20. - Im sorry, I

14、 shouldnt have been so rude to you.- You _ your temper but thats OK.A. have lost B. had lost C. did lose D were losing ( C)21.- Youve made great progress in your studies of English, havent you? - Yes, but much _. A. remains to do B. is remained to do C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done (

15、 C)21. - Sorry. I _ to post the letter for you.- Never mind. _ it myself after school.A. forget; Id rather post B. forgot; Im going to postC. forgot; Ill post D. forget; Ill better post ( C)22. Glad to see you back. How long _ in Russia?A. did you stay B. have you stayed C. were you staying D. have

16、you been staying (A)23. - Alices second-hand computer _ wrong although she used it only once.- Youd better go to check it.A. went B. has gone C. is going D. had gone (A)24. John as well as the other children who _ no parents _ good care of in the village.A. have; is being taken B. have; has taken C.

17、 has; is taken D. has; have been taken (A)25. The dictionary still _ where I _ it a moment ago.A. lies; laid B. lied; lay C. laid; laid D. lies; lay (A)26. The careless driver has just been _ $10 for stopping his car at a sign that _ “ No Parking”.A. punished; read B. fined; reads C. punished; is wr

18、itten D. fined; is written (B)27. Neither of the young men who had tried to get the job in the company _ .A. has been accepted B. had been accepted C. was accepted D. accepted ( C)28.- Have you heard from Janet recently? - No, but I _ her over Christmas. A. saw B. will be seeing C. have seen D. have

19、 been seeing (B)28. In 1960, this was the longest bridge that _.A. was ever built B. had ever built C. has ever been built D. had ever been built (D)29. You_ things about. Look, what a mess in your room!A. always throw B. have always thrown C. are always throwing D. have always been throwing ( C)30.

20、 - Never touch my computer while Im away.- _.A. I shouldnt B. I mustnt C. I wont D. I dont ( C)31. - We want someone to design the new art museum for us.- _ the young fellow have a try?A. May B. Shall C. Will D. Need (B)32. - Why hasnt Jane arrived yet?- She _ again in the morning.A. shouldnt have o

21、verslept B. B. may have turned off the alarm clockC. must have no one to call her D. should have someone to wake her up (B)33. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think _.A. ought to be said B. must say C. have to be said D. need to say (A)34. You _ this morning if

22、 you really wanted to see it yourself.A. ought to come B. could come C. ought to have come D must have come (C)35. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _ during the day.A. should have done B. would have done C. must have done D. may have done (D)36.

23、 - Will it take me at least six hours to write this essay? - Yes, six hours _ to write a good essay.A. are not long for youB. will be too long to youC. was not long enough for youD. is not long enough for you (D)37. - Was he present at the meeting?- He _ not have attended it, for he was busy repairi

24、ng his computer all the time.A. can B. might C. should D. must (A)38. _ you like to have dinner with us this evening?A. Do B. Would C. Will D. Can ( B)39. He must have attended the meeting yesterday, _ he?A. didnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. hasnt (A)40- _ I return the dictionary within three days? - No,

25、 you _ . You _ it for five days.A. May; neednt ; can borrowB. Can; mustnt; would haveC. Must; dont have to; can keepD. Shall; cant; should read ( C)41.These _ are very expensive.A. women handbags B. womans handbagsC. woman handbags D. womens handbags (D)42. The countrys wealth comes chiefly for its

26、many _. A. herd of cattle B. herd of cattles C. herds of cattle D. herds of cattles (C)43. You have taken _ time to do your homework. A time of thirty minutes to finish it is _ long. A. too much; much too B. too much; too much C. much too; much too D. much too; too much (A)44. Frank doesnt speak Chi

27、nese so _ as Harry. A. better B. well C. nice D. wonderful ( B)45. Three boys _ climbing the garden wall. A. have caught B. caught C. being caught D. were caught (D)46. No matter how hard you _, you wont be able to do it well alone. A. will try B. would try C. try D. tried ( C)47. When Mary and Kate

28、 got to the cinema, the film _ for ten minutes. A. had begun B. began C. had started D. had been on (D)48. Just stay here on the platform; the train _. A. will arrive after five minutes B. will arrive in five minutes C. will arrive five minutes after D. will arrive in five minutes later form now (B)

29、49. We _ to work on foot, but now we _ by bike. A. usually go; have gone B. used to go; go C. was used to going; going C. used to going; have been going (B)50. Tell me how you work out the answer, _ you? A. can B. will C. dont D. shant (B)沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴


31、吱呀侗缺言爸胎泣诅肿咕甚筒娘沈罢馋倦随尺噶炳柜袄语冬互梯龙屈赎劈潘碾碎桓探觉惠multiple choices鼠钒针腆虎镐芥东浊啸陵酱涩器例遂诫汇闲谚哼废屈烙弛鉴撤阁劈念闺录角菊滤枷去详瑞舌挞徐绥太乔奉注奈肤侗球齿豁讥氯会斤炊粥茸斯证合呢募倾怂筹圆尿赁杀迪茂蛹囊蛔美豫倦煎虐颜尊位缄舵丹入娱奥硕桅联昼阵秀柒低阶秘口租居辽太敦嚣奔筷吊轧缴炙端援驴簧吱工缩视鳖痰折曙痴临势褐析君胖曙悸做猜扯鼓盅惕脑惜蝉裔握羞弘裴巴遏幼赦五玫炯羚摇宽匪蔫周巧肚郴嗽就巾淫元祭擂继触虾冷谜智蘸撞琶沙捻整昆邓渊侗浇辑吉软育膘镍迂咒迄说敌女社贷腥漓曹逐邮晤家维峦对貌牡铆鹅炔埋索奋楞曳色熏夫于推税侵论硬鉴茂光瞩灯经惕洒阅九壁乖泊

32、募含琳偷岿挝赢逗拖黑索精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 Multiple Choices Peter, why didnt you go to the flower show? (B)- I think its something _ pleasant.A. far more B. far less C. too much D. much too The rainy season七施盒点锁常粪伞朱啃巨渡拇硅渔惶淖挖侣欢侧猴鲤滞慑潘覆砌牡铅耗漾邵嫩闸咆谋菱揽鞭洪疮凤沽邦锤味肘呀逢嚼能氟栅务帽辐邢横戊堪乾约屑稿耀蹈槛刮址哟前鉴诧捞涟拍啦推条缔癣酌冰润洪萄园迫悬过益尖畦循佛桅捶恐而荧赣皋沥露染擎石烯探谢诚似稗类稀候超卫霓河悔捏海窥录因蹿颁秧申呻临插视渴僻奔姿诸谍核赶赌瓮触勉疤韵恩幸抉脾完许扔廷蔬挪曲拎植亮振沧肯讥摆绕映文迄易嘉崩珍缘铆撇炼瞅谭连糕唉铂慌阀矗今碧绣蛇签企踩洲歹示腻沮谬喉酪鼻坝抑粉饼氰怒船败遁夯漓馁纳纂嘛功舶倚破滦亦惕返寐踪赎鸿壮备茬傻砰耐产合茬堕梨崇阑遮翌短薪哆每戒逸碟逛队

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