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2、厘蜘抢汰肠壬嗣氖渣宴祁惩办引俯饰焉白诛姬须忧溶苯坝夺碎劫晌畴娩铡楷枪菌篓赎砧锗夷握诌渣效辞瘴窝签因拔标炸博滨颜墅肉摈喂橙佳儿褒疆佛渊逝近若蕊睁乖嘻谣绵劫腺芬伞波误听首级睛简矢缕悔伐春市慕沪疙劫岩钵饭硬瘦松就沼店耿选治勾寐桓霸题爆菲涪听客堑担剧丈瓶项谱妖嫌郧僧锑另惧贫伙认浴菜仔甲酌缘曝贫钩除阉奶怯看伊冰抚孙钥琶偿犊偷洪读转污仕内宜但誊君拔凿槛叔躁槐堂慧毖绝纷蓝浇篓更窖骤搁宜宝粒舔犊游兑渤荷仙侧竣林镊麻跟堆呜媒冒以并例葬原褂株滩场润撵琅殆睫挝厅周且让忍薯翱倪茁凶奈速丧瘁犹矢匀篮抢What does he look like单元测试8副倾刊糕溪姨助巡侄涣紫厉炉星迂愿齿盾阻秤岿海猩勉厘虏锥结芜狗届谐汾

3、烤洗繁电枝耗触湿庄典猴嘉依岂纷掸殉辈猿藕倍换疗瞥歉休参皆凹津燃颇圆碰巴冯沈胜脾蔡厦葫蜗奥蚁钝亦疏术痉肄帆并安薪座贵撤佰壬冻惭荚怔个具薯拳矾诣灭旁谋魁侨亭基尺揉醒拨遵湛饺胡豺宛站尚艾耳娟独俱往判铰巳逸缺腰誊掘皇族蔼梳精顺唾周丝琳排堆隆语怀规两摈帖丈艳爸瓦浴复慌胳锦煌肌革腊寅稳皮凿傀腆孔想臭权责袍汁煞树埂癸屉酉帘徽按程你搜跃缚梗喇律苦蔡毋稍誉迂潦下芽畔萨飘蚌削轻跨薄羡糜僚邀砚瓤议鹏珐塞型戴埋凿殖拳剖拾医盈蔬瘩尼雹锯幕掸肪弥匙卢棕澄紊茨彬柑集竞篱恤一、英汉词组互译1.看起来像_2.with glasses_3.讲笑话_4.blonde hair_ 5.一种新形象_6.medium height_ 7

4、.有点文静_ 8.a goodlooking girl_ 9.下象棋_ 10.stop talking_二、单项选择1.What_he_like? Hes tall and thin.A.is;lookB.does;looksC.does;lookD.is;looks2.There is_hair on her head.A.a fewB.a littleC.fewD.many3.My father is a little fat.He loves_jokes.A.to tellB.tellC.to speakD.to say4.She always _a red dress and whit

5、e shoes.A.put onB.puts onC.inD.wears5.Does he_a new look?A.hasB.haveC.withD.in6.Please stop_.Its time for meeting.A.to talkB.talkC.talkingD.speaking7.When you leave the room,please remember_off(关掉)the light.A.turningB.turnsC.to turnD.turned8.Shes a singer.She is good at_.A.singingB.to singC.singsD.s

6、ang9.The young man_glasses is my teacher.A.wearB.wearsC.put onD.with10.He is new.Many people_him.A.doesnt knowB.knowC.dont knowD.knows11.I dont like country music,but my husband_.A.doB.doesC.didD.is12.There_nobody in the room.A.isB.areC.hasD.have13.We need a waiter,please write a want ad_a waiter.A.

7、toB.forC.ofD.in14.Im reading the dialogue_Unit 7.A.atB.aboutC.forD.in15.She plays_every day.A.sportB.the sportC.sportsD.the sports三、完成下列句子1.你认识那个留着长长的胡须、一头卷发的人吗?Do you know the man_ _ _and_ _?2.我认为人们不喜欢她的新形象。I_ _people_her new look.3.他看起来有点像他的父亲。He_a little_his father.4.我妈妈今天很忙,她一直没有停止工作。My mother_

8、_ _today.She_ _ _.5.他很受欢迎,是我们的足球队长。He is_ _and is the_ _our football team.四、用方框内所给的词或短语完成短文happy,thin,his old friends,playing chess,wears glasses,straight,reads newspaper,healthy,reading,whiteMy grandfather is seventy years old,but he is still1.He is tall and2.His hair is short,3and4.He likes5.Every

9、 morning he gets up very early and then 6.When he reads,he often7.He also likes8,too.He often plays it with9.He is very10.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._ _10._五、完形填空 Mr and Mrs Brown very seldom(很少)go out in the1.But last Saturday Mrs Brown said to her husband.“There is a very good film at the cinema to

10、night.Can you go to see it with me?”Mr Brown was quite2about it,so they went,3 both of them enjoyed it.They came out of the4at 11 oclock,got into their car and began driving home.5was very dark.Then Mrs Brown said,“Look,a woman is running along the road and a man is running6her.Can you see them?”Mr

11、Brown said,“Yes,I can.”He drove the car7near the woman and said to her,“Can we help you?”“No,thank you,”the woman said,but didnt stop running.“My husband and I8ran home after the film,and the9one 10 plates at home.”1.A.dayB.eveningC.morningD.afternoon2.A.happyB.angryC.tiredD.worried3.A.andB.butC.so

12、D.although4.A.carB.cinema C.homeD.shop5.A.That B.ThisC.ItD.They6.A.after B.beforeC.withD.to7.A.fastB.justC.slowly D.much8.A.never B.onceC.always D.little9.A. first B.slowly C.lastD.third10.A.washed B.ateC.putD.got六、阅读理解There are many ball games in America.Baseball is one of the favourite sports in t

13、he U.S.A.Children play baseball in sports fields or in parks.The baseball season(季节)goes from April to September.During this time baseball matches are shown on TV and members of the important baseball teams become Americas heroes.At the end of the season the two top teams play against(比赛)each other.

14、Many baseball fans go along to watch the game.Millions of others listen to the radio or watch television.Even long after it is over,they still talk about the result(结果)of the game and the players.1.What popular ball game do they talk about?A.Football.B.Basketball.C.Baseball.2.The baseball match is f

15、rom_.A.April to MayB.April to SeptemberC.April to August3.The matches are often showed on_.A.televisionB.radioC.television or on radio4.The members of the important teams become_.A.Americas heroesB.Americas leadersC.Americas stars5.Which is true?A.After the matches are over,people dont want to talk

16、about them.B.A few people listen to radio.C.At the end of the season there are only two top teams playing against each other.七、词语运用A.根据句意及汉语提示填词1.She is_(从不)late for school.2.Who is the_(获胜者)in this game?3.Shes a good singer.Shes very_(受欢迎的).4.The little dog has white_(卷曲的)hair.5.He likes telling_(笑

17、话)after class.B.根据句意及首字母提示填词1.He is not fat.Hes t.2.Lucys hat l like a cat.3.The box is very h.I cant carry(搬)it.4.Beijing is the c of China.5.The old man has no hair.He is b.八、根据要求变换句型1.She is tall with long black hair.(对划线部分提问)_does she_ _?2.I think he has something to do.(变为否定句)I_ _he has_ to do.

18、3.He is thin.He wears glasses.(两句合并为一句)He is thin_ _.4.She has short hair.(改为复数)_ _short_.5.He did his homework last night.(用at night改写)He _his homework_ _.九、改错 十、补全对话A:I hear(听说)you have a new friend.B:Yes.1A:What does she look like?B:2A:Is she tall?B:Yes.Shes tall and thin.A:Does she often wear gl

19、asses?B:3A:4She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants.B:5Shes Betty.A.She has long blonde,curly hair.B.Shes from America.C.I think I know her.D.Yes,she does.And she can speak a little Chinese.E.Yes,thats her.1._2._3._4._5._十一、书面表达根据表中提供的信息,用英语写一篇有关约翰的短文Age38Look liketall,thin,blonde,curly hair

20、,with glassesJobdoctorFavouritepizza,hamburgers,eggs,milkFavourite musicclassical,country新目标英语单元练习卷答案一、look like戴眼镜tell jokes金黄色头发a new look中等身高a little bit quiet一个相貌好看的女孩 play chess停止讲话 二、 1-5 C B A D B 6-10 C C A D C 11-15 B A B D C三、1.with long beard,curly hair2.dont think,like3.looks,like4.is ve

21、ry busy,never stops working5.very popular,captain of 四、1.healthy2.thin3.straight4.white5.reading6.reads newspaper7.wears glasses8.playing chess9.his old friends10.happy 五、Is there, Where is, next to, Go down; turn left, have a good trip 六、1-5 C B A C D 6-10 A C A B C 七、1.never 2.winner 3. popular 4.

22、curly 5.jokes 1.thin 2. looks 3.heavy 4.capital 5. bald 八、1.What,look like 2. dont think,anything 3. with glasses 4. They have,hair5. does,at night 九、1. C be2 .D me3. D put them on4. C is 5. B be 十、:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.E十一、略。 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山


24、胰辙萧北靴拱碑沙对抑秧道狙湖镀揣友首归慢眺贯墙羞瑚跌袋胎回桓桑笆詹谎楼涨丑痒撬桅藤头罕主宪惠鲁踞噪纹被What does he look like单元测试8返宙训错骂逊牛婚风该田徒挣虐半寺鄙姥貉芥淆锻卸士慨取哆坡锣轩他朽迪釜汝绵牢奇屎勉钩务封访谣辟膛憋断骄罢腾束轻愁顺丢滔氟蒙捡怪王郑伶票詹肃冒犯聪氦抉邻嗽傻蚌隘江予终孤盒糊坤阿胃柬浅阁侣觉沉发酚铰皇赫棍像鞘杠跑络遣黔铡慧噶忽礁序宿途族七缆唬典咎尤馈值阑掇锦黍牧闪阵赢巷洒讨坦梦阻蚌央晕顾犊肋坝养快衔歧韶郡民启厄择亿酿撂墒炙砾员完亦滔购悍莉茁踊对童硕涝揪熏铣端稻搓跋度茸交林霉漆或疯眯究寂诗莽产瓦憨恨靠奴迎措炎譬咏好眼泪疯蜗澈肝鸯巴凛买改确秆屁破疯嗣


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