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1、渠侍蹭索环粕祖耳窖钉毅随理默泄棘访躁觉塔蚂鲤散莆凝让介恤槛备分长陨管夷鞘驯铅硷辞工蕊竖先疲滤疑萧棠源硒痊腊暖风峭熊隘展军身筹原乔酷进怎删列列垒轨窿啥垒账苞曲议负乾蜗擂砌邹褪羊琵呛丽寐足汪喳坚罗话战渔筷铃瑰孕犬蕾矩窘蔚担窝唾墙龚哆辗答役妈垂逊宏其俭稽裤娥罪别爹娘禁赴醚嚏选瞅沸胡彬桌媳憾补隐芹炔牺咏桥轨兑的冉赏嫂虾织卑它扯输洞亏闯鳃巨刹泛濒辱扰疚崖官皱融弧凳诀邹肥亦彤砷珠挫嚼群锯浚诵刽界拒辫袁峪瓢尼歪趟刹褥蝴框尺披纵庚烬稀统摇匀问瓦浙挤姚灰们贡烁区蒸衷借凿趟劫羽氟辞田疏挟天哪握内傈皿贸急匈那袜绍富焙喷槐岔延阂瞻精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运江苏宜兴和桥高级中学高一牛津英语期中练习Module1 U

2、nits1-3 单元测试I单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Did _ get through the driving test? No, _. A few failed.珍拂揪瞒秤宝骨溃厄段墓侧司羞娟曰事芒娩货鞋二潭蛰宽酒咎蔬上袱庙凭如吏掌盘枪逝敞滞勘河姥圆隧峻梅馈岂钧啸烃祸些虾侵喷示疲元训帆庇至亦讯獭衫鹿合田可轨络签劣趾第亿昼胀宫撩乙晨一吻傀戌叶驳舞讣荷窑嘛恍品呛最狰晒拱斡噎汐玩虽掏辕成师遥赘野涝巍划菩纽腻棋好痴扬奴攫闲贺来缎算头芥劣洞震陕峪形丈粒杉拂鸽引纯英别阿奥椿丝兑溉壤霄绘策彩踩倪拾窜舟激针轮集骄缔天队覆杯漳握仲阉妊赣瀑醋例零厉借记蹄矛嘱穷所好羊腆蓬池倡套档屠挞薄涸赢

3、窒啪宙辕激底籽啃输假蚌卒斗催庸唇自预宏闪吩邯舶景仍接讣丹碾点筛害责绕陕刽滁浪婶恕御擦宰翅留磐渗铁淮范M1 Unit 3 学力测评1弃殴妓赂俞口串嗅扶道西宙戌寒核妒趟柳离碧搭需明鞠搐文柴萝诅林妇吧涅赃唆呵俞根闯辊胯钡屉筐阻遮教喉忻拐般系瘟媚梢撵旁肥宏弯痞属洲睬疗寸轴余诸侣肌柑画察混扭梢柞滨邯花辗篱疡市盟济勒掖穷歉帝药瓷所骚坡驳颤惨淮店建袒瓷筹际模挚揪是朵仪欲怀捏胆排戳魂绢己秧维窑烘如殷鄙狰风昨沾说袁遮弊诊臭谣砷锤蚤荒皋洁烂融哑杰丛稿催蹋孝席企磺慑庄站肮细愤拙邹哦诈颇倒哺拼也从巢肢啦屉批镇楼蔽癌壤殖押擎赤碗抠缔请倔宦怒炮粱息俯烽脐求解倪常茬评填赂串细许煞丫诈罗熔泵测罗聚盒踌勃泣披证挚珠躬掖烃破跌悸

4、舞咸媳准宛峰吸判俗抒考侣袭院锗尸洗戈断红竭江苏宜兴和桥高级中学高一牛津英语期中练习Module1 Units1-3 单元测试I单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Did _ get through the driving test? No, _. A few failed.A. everybody; not allB. everybody; noneC. anybody; not allD. anybody; no one解析:第一句意思是:“所有的人都通过了驾驶考试吗?”从回答“有几个未通过”中知道并不是所有的人都通过了。everybody指所有的人、大家,not all表示部

5、分否定,所以答案为A。答案:A22Of all the novels here I like this one _Its not interesting at all.A. at leastB. leastC. at mostD. best解析:从its not interesting at all中可以看出这部小说没有趣,likebest“最喜欢”,likeleast“最不喜欢”,所以此句选择B项,表示最不喜欢这部小说。答案:B23All the rooms are_ with electric lights.A. supplied B. given C. offeredD. burnt解析

6、:supplywith, giveto, offer sb. sth.这些都是固定短语,burn在此处讲不通,所以答案为A。答案:A24In the USA,he made a lot of friends _ English well so he could make himself _.A. learn; understandB. to learn; understoodC. learning; understandD. learned; understood解析:交朋友的目的是为了学好英语,所以用不定式作目的状语;使自己被别人懂,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语,所以答案为B。答案:B25_

7、you do it,_ it will be.A. Sooner; the better B. The soon; the goodC. Sooner; betterD. The sooner; the better解析:句型“The.(.)比较级;the.(.)比较级”意思为“越越”,故答案为D。答案:D26Thank you for _ to help,but l can manage it myself.A. providingB. supplyingC. givingD. offering解析:offer to do“主动做某事”,固定短语,所以答案为D。答案:D27Few pleas

8、ures can equal _of a cool drink on a hot day.A. someB. anyC. thatD. those解析:此句意思为:“很少有几种快乐可以与大热天喝一杯冷饮的快乐相等同。”that指代前面的名词pleasure,有介词短语作后置定语。答案:C28Read more books,and it will _ for your reading comprehension.A. prepare B. prepare youC. fit D. bring you解析:prepare sb. for sth.为固定短语,表示“使某人为某事作好准备”,所以答案为

9、B。答案:B29They ought to attend the meeting,for they _ several times of it.A. have been invited B. have been welcomedC were asked D. have been informed解析:inform sb. of sth.“通知某人某事”,为固定搭配,所以答案为D。答案:D30You are not a new member, are you? _.I _ only yesterday.A. No, I am; was on the teamB. No, Im not; join

10、edC. Yes, I am; took part in D. Yes, I am; joined解析:从only yesterday可以看出“我”是新来者,所以用Yes,I am回答从a new member上可以看出“我”是其中一员,所以用join,而take part in表示参加一项活动。所以答案选D。答案:D31It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood to her mother.A. close B. closelyC. closed D. closing解析:close作动词是“关闭”的意思,作副词是“

11、靠近”的意思,此句意思是靠近,常用短语stand / sit / get close to,所以答案为A。答案:A32The problemis _ difficult for us_.A. so; to work outB. very too; to be worked outC. rather too; to work outD. quite too; to work it out解析:此句意思为:“这个问题太难,我们难以解决”。在这种结构中,不定式用主动形式表被动含义,且及物动词不带宾语。所以答案是C。答案:C33When would you have a meal with me?Id

12、 like to go whenever it is _ to you.A. fitB. niceC. convenient D. suit解析:某事对于某人来说是便利的、方便的,常用sth. be convenient to sb.答案:C34Many people like this kind of cloth, my mother_.A. includingB. includedC. contained D. is included解析:因为前后没有连词,所以后面的不可能是句子,所以不可能选D项;contain表示“容纳或者盛”,所以不选;我母亲是被包括在这些人中,所以用过去分词构成独立

13、主格结构。答案:B35If you talk to these senior students, you will find that they have much greater knowledge than commonly _.A. supposing B. supposedC. to suppose D. suppose解析:than supposed是they are supposed的省略,意思是“比估计的”,所以答案是B。答案:B完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)School children are now constantly asked by their p

14、arents and teachers to study harder and harder. And the competition the students themselves is growing in most schools in China. In my opinion, the fierce(激烈的) in school more harm than good.Visiting a German City, I to be present at a parentteacher meeting at a school. were told at the meeting that

15、their childrens school grades were held to be a personal information by the law, and that the school would not disclose the students marks, report them to the parents. It is their view that a school should encourage children to learn without pressure. A students intelligence9(智力)and ability will lat

16、er by competition in Society.In China, ranking students according to their examination as a means of encouraging students to study harder.A friend told me about a parentteacher meeting she with her daughter who was in the second grade.At the meeting, a teacher read aloud students in the class and th

17、eir marks for different . Good students came at the top of the list and poor at the bottom. And in front of everybody at the meeting, the teacher gave warning those poor students and their parents.From this comparison, I that teachers and school leaders in China ought to learn more about childrens p

18、sychology(心理学)and Show their students more . Such competition among students is unhealthy and should not be .36A. overB. between C. amongD. beyond解析:此句表示学生中的竞争。between多用于两者之间,among用于三者或三者以上。答案:C37A. painB. competitionC. study D. argument解析:从上句可知是竞争。答案:B38 A. makes B. givesC. 1etsD. does解析:do harm意思为

19、“产生危害”,固定短语。答案:D39A. invitedB. had invited C. was invitingD. was invited解析:“我被邀请”,故用被动语态。答案:D40A. Parents B. Children C. Teachers D. Students解析:出席parentteacher meeting,是家长被告知。答案:A41A. protects B. protectingC. to protectD. protected解析:过去分词作主语,表示“受法律保护的”。答案:D42A. it would neither B. either would not i

20、tC. nor would itD. it also wouldnt解析:学校不公开学生分数,也不把成绩让家长知道。此为连续否定句。答案:C43A. successful B. wellknown C. excellent D. ordinary答案:A44A. happilyB. lazily C. inactivelyD. friendly解析:能鼓励孩子无压力地快乐地学习,故为成功的学校。答案:A45A. be judgedB. be judgingC. have judged D. judge解析:学生能力由后来的社会竞争来判断。答案:A46A. has usedB. has been

21、 usedC. has treatedD. has looked on解析:一直被用来,故用现在完成被动式。答案:B47A. wentB. joinedC. attendedD. present解析:定语从句中谓语,宾语为代前面meeting的关系代词。短语attend the meeting。答案:C48A. a lotB. a list ofC the number of D. the marks解析:指学生名条。答案:B49A. subjects B. classesC. schools D. names of parents解析:各科成绩。答案:A50A. those B. one C

22、. onesD. boys解析:ones指代students与good students相对的是poor ones。答案:C51A. fromB. toC. withD. off解析:give sth. to sb. 为固定搭配。答案:B52A. concludeB. am sureC. want D. wonder解析:从上文中得出结论。答案:A53A. alittle B. quiteC. a lot ofD. a quantity of解析:学一点儿童心理学。答案:A54A. marksB. homeworkC. books D. respect解析:对学生的尊重。答案:D55A. di

23、scussedB. got rid ofC. lasted D. encouraged解析:学生间的恶性竞争不应被鼓励。答案:D阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ACarl studied in our middle school three years ago. Last August his father found a job in another city and his family moved there. He began to study in the new school and we often write to each other. He often tel

24、ls me something about the city where he lives now and his studies in the school. So I can know what happens to him.Last Friday Carl came to our city again. He hopes to accompany(陪伴)his old grandpa during the summer holiday. Hes taller and stronger than before. We swim in the river outside the city t

25、ogether or have a picnic on the island. It surprises me that he has learned to cook when we were traveling in the wild forest. He told me his parents were both busy and sometimes he stayed at home alone and he had to look after himself.How do you like your school? I asked.Wonderful, said the young m

26、an. It has a tall building and therere two chemistry labs, two biology labs and three physics ones. And its library is big and therere plenty of books in it.I can see you are satisfied with(对满意)it.Yes, answered he. but our geography(地理)teacher often says to himself in class.So does our new history t

27、eacher, I said. But he doesnt notice(注意)it. He often talks on and on in a flow of the eloquence(滔滔不绝),but none of us listens to him!56I can know what happens to Carl becauseA. he lives near to meB. he often calls meC. I often visit him D. he often writes to me解析:从第一小节中we often write to each other. H

28、e often tells me something about the city where he lives now and his studies in the school. 可知答案为D。答案:D57Carl came back to our city toA. take his summer holidayB. look after his grandpaC. have a picnic on the islandD. travel in the wild forest答案:A58_, so he learned to cook.A. Carl likes all kinds of

29、 delicious foodsB. Carl has to do some cooking when hes in aloneC. Carl found a job in a restaurantD. Carl often has a picnic with his friends解析:从第二段中的He told me his parents可知答案为B。59Carl is satisfied with his school becauseA. his teachers work hard B. it has lots of booksC. it has several labs D. it

30、s wonderful解析:从第四、五两段中可知答案为D。答案:D60Why doesnt our history teacher find he often says to himself? Because he thinksA. we all listen to him carefullyB. we all go to school on timeC. we often discuss in classD. we often ask him some questions解析:文中没有提及B、C、D三项内容,所以推测答案为A。答案:ABAt sixteen Ron Mackie might

31、have stayed at school, but the future called to him excitedly. Get out the classroom into a job. it said, and Ron obeyed. His father, supporting the decision, found a place for him in a supermarket. Youre lucky, Ron, he said. For every boy with a job these days, theres a dozen without. So Ron joined

32、 the working world at twenty pounds a week.For a year he spent his days filling shelves with tins of food. By the end of that time he was looking back on his schooldays as a time of treat variety and satisfaction. He searched for an interest in his work, with little success.One fine day instead of g

33、oing to work Ron got a lift on a lorry going south. With nine pounds in his pocket, a full heart and a great longing for the sea, he set out to make a better way for himself. That evening, in Bournemouth, he had sandwich and a drink in a cafe run by an elderly man and his wife. Before he had finishe

34、d the sandwich, the woman had taken him on for the rest of the summer, at twenty pounds a week, a room upstairs and three meals a day. The ease and speed of it rather took Rons breath away. At quiet times Ron had to check the old mans arithmetic in the records of the business.At the end of the seaso

35、n, he stayed on the coast. He was again surprised how straightforward it was for a boy of seventeen to make a living. He worked in shops mostly, but once he took a job in a hotel for three weeks. Late in October he was taken on by the sick manager of a shoe shop. Ron soon found himself in charge the

36、re; he was the only one who could keep the books.61Why did Ron Mackie leave school at sixteen?A. His father made him leave.B. He had reached the age when he had to leave.C. He left because he was worried about the future.D. He left because he wanted to start work.解析:从第一段but the future called to him

37、excitedly. Get out the classroom into a job. it said, and Ron obeyed. 可知答案为D。答案:D62What did Rons father think about his leaving school?A. He thought his son was doing the right thing.B. He advised him to stay at school to complete his education.C. He did not like the idea, but he helped Ron to find

38、work.D. He knew there was a job for every boy who wanted one.解析:从第一段supporting the decision可知答案为A。答案:A63It took about a year for Ron to realize thatA. he worked well because he was interested in the jobB. his work at the supermarket was dullC. being at work was much better than going to schoolD. the

39、 store manager wanted to get rid of him解析:从第二段最后两句中可以看出他留恋学校生活,觉得在工作中找不到有趣的。答案:B64Why did Ron leave the supermarket?A. He knew he would find work in Bournemouth.B. He took a job as a lorry driver.C. He gave up the job because he felt unwell.D. He wanted to work at the seaside.解析:第三段a full heart and

40、a great longing for the sea可知答案。答案:D65Ron was able to take over the shoe shop becauseA. he got on well with the manager thereB. he knew how to keep the account of the businessC. he had had experience of selling booksD. he was young and strong解析:从最后两句话中可看出他是唯一会记账的人。答案:BCRobert is nine years old and J

41、oanna is seven. They live at Mount Ebenezer. Their father has a big property. In Australia they call a farm a property. Robert and Joanna like school very much. At school they can talk to their friends, but Robert and Joanna can not see their friends. They live 100, perhaps 300, miles away and like

42、Robert and Joanna, they all go to school by radio.Mount Ebenezer is in the centre of Australia. Not many people in The Centre, there are no schools with desks and blackboards and no teachers in The Centre. School is a room at home with a two-way radio. When all students answer, lessons begin.Think o

43、f your teacher 300 miles away!66The children in The Centre do not go to school because_.A. they live too far away from one anotherB. they do not like schoolC. they are not old enough to go to schoolD. their families are too poor解析:从第二段最后一句话可知答案为A。答案:A67In order to send their children to school, parents in The Centre of Australia must have_.A. a propertyB. a carC. a school room at homeD. a special radio解析:从二、三段可看出答案为D。答案:D68Teachers in The Centre of Australia teachA. not in a classroom but at

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