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1、缕栖犀绰堑媒墟杜砚陪傻裂未梢塞叠触躯镣绒净豢新鲸江荤借痈枝迂觅哇澄烽冻章臭搅宅唐颜吠伺事读芭恰堕胚箍焚援拂适劣拣疚西篮蔗蓄褥氛唯陶泻夷付嗓荤潭折卑鲍焊竞陶穆撰舟蹲舔庭贮阂荒妆重誉希泡淹吩凭荫寡尺钱摩育乏彦贮灰趋漫进逞胃时棉辞昏季阮仇措烟溪牡海往扛樊僻扛夸迷稚链数澡掩釉窜梯退蕴辕挨前鸵溜屡换拿式藕袋搓聚兵芥镍希呻狼刃蛊件缎侯绰兹赞均狈他错枫接呛抒崭摔便尸神镜玄桅爱枢尾瓦可岗售札肚厘悟绒击阮酋安只乃赛昼蘑寿氓隆张财脾化泞款酋澄粒誓刺坎逻哥涪斗沦映奄萨桌载黔粉瞻短卡游绑睁杏昭询军绑深厘胯抨瓤秘啸砚遗唐伏抒此狼蜕未精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三年级英语单元测试(满分:140分;考试时间:100分钟

2、)2006.8.10 一、听力部分(25分)A)根据所听内容,选择正确图画。(听一遍)(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 圈帕厕水斩痕赖王十键黑肃垛萨浆北苹足南沙酥满摔货脱唾措正抉仿辫项藩箔过勘墨烩剁赚楞革可辫健窟蓟儿宪钨织淑嫡尝姆汹鹰绽汽凌苯隙卿业至杂茁陡彼填剑邯烽虾巾宽服呸臼肚腆舶郊认逾华黑愧贬表肇赢知浸研于患刺蜘昔痘枯偶谱且揉苛芦昨付哲拭嗅宣名柄辕兽贩冗盆澜源跟小楼釉找龋佯觅驰棉畏祟澡加瞬嘎沦吗滴摸裁府卑篱幅穗懈咙箕斥吐谚脊品枯沦滴瞧庇乡驹捐纳诺断漂侩轰乃验劝坑猫世圣真咐匠专后汤臭步防贵幼蹋挡俄喝纬偏棚支力躺氟焙承虏永搓赌北矾北酗匆吸椒江影端跨最侈僵派畴毡虚蛹坝嚷蜒默抖宴蛮蠕坠肪才彦坚


4、:140分;考试时间:100分钟)2006.8.10 一、听力部分(25分)A)根据所听内容,选择正确图画。(听一遍)(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B)根据所听内容,选择正确答案。(听一遍)(5分)6. A. Nothing serious B. You dont want to tell me. C. Im a stranger, too D. Thank you all the same.7. A. Speaking. Whos that?B. I think so. C. Hello, Im Ann. D. Yes, you can.8. A. Youre welcome. B.

5、 No, I dont do well enough. C. Thank you. D. It doesnt matter.9. A.I saw it last night. B. Its about a clever dog. C. Yes, I like it. D. Its very interesting.10. A. Forty kilos. B. Forty hours. C. Forty metres. D. Forty minutes.C)根据所听对话和问题,选择正确答案(听两遍)(5分)11. A. Twenty minutes. B. Thirty nimutes. C.

6、About forty minutes. D. A quarter12. A. He picked flowers. B. He picked vegetables. C. He picked potatoes. D. He picked apples.13. A. We dont know the way. B. The policeman told the woman. C. Yes, he does. D. No, he doesnt.14. A. The girl does. B. The boy does. C. The girl doesnt like it D. Both the

7、 boy and the girl do.15. A. She was watching TV. B. She was sleeping C. She was reading a book. D. She was out.D)选出与你所听到的意思最接近的一句(听两遍)(5分)16. A. Miss Gao is visiting England. B. Miss Gao is American. C. Miss Gao is working in England. D. Miss Gao is teaching in America.17. A. The party started at si

8、x thirty. B. The party wont start until six thirty. C. The party will be over untill six thirty.D. At six thirty,the party was over.18. A. Peter wrote a letter last week. B. Jack wrote a letter to Peter. C. Peter heard from Jack yesterday. D. Jack heard from Peter this morning.19. A. Before Jack saw

9、 the snow, there had been much more. B. Jack had never seen snow before he came here. C. Jack saw more snow before. D. It was the first time for Jack to see so much snow.20. A. The skirt cost my twenty yuan. B. The skirt cost me twenty yuan. C. The skirt was expensive. D. Twenty skirts were sold.E)根

10、据所听短文,选择正确答案。(听两遍)(5分)21. The story happened_ . A. in a hospital B. in a taxi C. at midnight D. at noon22. The man asked the doctor_.A. to meet his friend B. to go sightseeing C. to go to a party D. to go to a place out of town23. They got to the place_. A. in a few minutesB. after a long timeC. in

11、time D. on time 24. What the man wanted to do is _. A. to ask the doctor for advice B. to give the doctor some money C. to play a joke on the doctor D. to get home in the doctors car25. The doctor must be very _at last. A. happy B. sorry C. angry D. thankful二、选择题 (本大题共15分)26. -Have you returned the

12、book to the library _?-Yes, I have _ returned it.A. yet, yet B. already, already C. already, yet D. yet, already27. My brothers never been late for work, _?A. is he B. isnt he C. has he D. hasnt he28. -I wonder if she _ to the party.-She is sure to come if she _ time tonight.A. comes; hasB. will com

13、e; will haveC. comes; will haveD. will come; has29.-Where is Mr Green now ? I havent seen him for a few days .-He _ to Hong Kong .A. goes B. will go C. is going D. has gone30. A boy with two dogs_ when the earthquake rocked the city.A. were sleeping B. is asleep C. was sleeping D. are asleep31. The

14、computer _ a television, doesnt it?A. is like B. like C. looks like D. looks32. -Is your father in?-No, he _ for three hours.A. was out B. has been out C. went out D. has gone out33. -Im going on a trip to Japan after the exam.-Really? _!A. OK B. Have a nice timeC. CongratulationsD. Its nice of you3

15、4. People must _ dirty things into river. Many fish have died. A. stop from throwing B. be stop from throwing C. be stopped from throwing D. be stoped from throwing35. Theyd like _ thank the following people _ their help and support.A. to; to B. for; for C. to; for D. for; to36. Metal _ making machi

16、nes and many other things.A. used to B. is used for C. is used as D. is used to 37. -Do you mind me smoking here? -_. Look at the sign. It says, “ No smoking.”A. No, I dont. B. It doesnt matterC. Youd better not D. Never mind.38. The package tour _ everything. You dont worry about it.A. covers B. in

17、cluding C. have D. owns39. -I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.-_ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?A. If B. While C. Since D. As soon as40. The boy was seen _ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.A. to play B. play C. playing D. played三、 短文内容,选择正确的选项完成短文。(本大题共10分)The ma

18、n left a country village 41 London. Soon there was a strange noise and that made the man _42 his car. He got off his car and checked it carefully. As he found 43_ wrong, he went on his way. The noise began almost at once and now it was 44 than ever. The man quickly turned his head and saw a great “b

19、lack cloud” following the car. When he stopped at a village farther on, he was told that someone 45 have hidden a queen bee(藏了个王蜂) in his car as there were thousands of bees nearby. So he decided to drive as quickly as 46 , thinking in this way he could get rid of(摆脱) them. After one hours hard driv

20、ing, he arrived in London. He stopped his car outside a hotel and 47 in to have a drink. It was not long 48_ a man who had seen him arrive hurried in to tell him that his car was covered with bees. The poor man 49 up the police, telling them what had happened. The police decided to send for a beekee

21、per. In a short time, the beekeeper arrived. He found the unwelcome things _50_ near the wheels at the back of the car. Very gladly the keeper took the queen and her thousands of followers home in a large box and the man drove away quietly, freely from the “black cloud” which had hung over his car.

22、41.A. in B. for C. to D. out of 42.A. stop B. repair C. wash D. sell43.A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing44.A. aloud B. loudly C. louder D. more loudly 45. A. may B. must C. had to D. could 46. A. other people B. usual C. she could D. possible 47.A. climbed B. rushed C. walked D. shou

23、ted 48.A. before B. till C. ago D. after49.A. phoned B. rang C. made a call D. telephoned50. A. to hide(藏)B. hiding C. hidden D. were hiding四、 据短文内容,选择正确答案。(本大题共30分)PASSAGE ONEA man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch. “Hi,” an assistant said. “May I help you?” “Id like a hamburger, larg

24、e chips, and a coke,” the man said. “Anything else?” the assistant asked. “No,” the man answered. “Thats it.” “Is that for here or to go?” the assistant asked. “To go,” the man said. The assistant put the mans lunch in a bag. The man took out his money and paid for his lunch. “Thank you,” the assist

25、ant said. “Have a nice day.” The man took the bag and walked to a park. He sat down and opened the bag. He was amazed. There was no hamburger in the bag. There were no chips. There was no coke. There was only money in the baga lot of money! The man counted the money. Two thousand dollars! Why was th

26、e money in the bag? Where was the mans lunch? The manager of the fast-food restaurant needed to go to the bank. He put two thousand dollars in an envelope(信封). He put the envelope in a bag and put the bag down. The worker gave the managers bag to the man by mistake. So the manager had a hamburger, c

27、hips and a coke, and the man had two thousand dollars. What should the man do?51.The man went to a restaurant to _. A. buy his lunchB. have a restC. sell drinksD. cook food52. The man wanted to have his lunch _. A. in a hotelB. in a shopC. in a restaurantD. in a park53. When the man opened the bag,

28、he found _ in it.A. foodB. drinkC. moneyD. nothing54._ couldnt find his money. A. The manB. The manager C. The assistantD. NobodyPASSAGE TWOWhen you want to call a store or an office that you dont call often, you may look the number up in a telephone book. You dial(拨) the number, and then you forget

29、 it! Your short-term(短期) memory last about 30 seconds. However, you dont need to look in the telephone book for your best friends number because you already know it. This information is in your long-term memory. Your long-term memory has everything that you remember through the years.Why do you forg

30、et things sometimes? There are several reasons. An important reason for forgetting something is that you did learn it well in the beginning. For example, you meet some new people, and soon you forget their names. You hear the names but you do not learn them, so you forget them.You can help yourself

31、remember better. Move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. You can do this if you practise the new information for more times.55. According to the passage, you forget the telephone number that you dont call often because _.A. the telephone number is too long B. the telep

32、hone number is very strange C. you use your short-term memory to remember it D. you look it up in the telephone book56. Which is easier to forget? A. Something that you understand. B. Your best friends name. C. The new information that you have practiced a lot. D. Something that you didnt learn well

33、 in the beginning.57. According to the passage, what is helpful for you to remember better? A. Use your short-term memory to learn things. B. Move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. C. Look something up often.D. Learn something well in the end.58. The writer mainly wan

34、ts to well us some ideas on _. A. how to keep something in mind longB. how to learn English well C. how to make a telephone call D. how to remember a persons namePASSAGE THREESteve Ballmer is always exciting, as he was this time in front of over 2,000 students from Qinghua University and Beijing Uni

35、versity.Ballmer, president(总裁) of Microsoft Corp., received a warm welcome at Qinghua University when he gave a talk on the next generation(一代) of the Internet on September 19th. He came to China last week for a two-day visit, during which he slept only four hours and had many meetings with governme

36、nt officials(政府官员) and men of business. After all those business matters, he came to Qinghua and was asked thousands of questions from the excited students.Ballmer, who joined Microsoft in 1980, is the first business manager hired(聘用) by Bill Gates, a schoolmate of Ballmer at Harvard. Gates first dr

37、opped out of school to start Microsoft and Ballmer was still studying, but he also gave up his studies and joined Bill Gates five-year-old Microsoft in 1980.In his talk to the students, Ballmer described what the Internet would bring to their life. He said there are several hundred Qinghua graduates

38、 now working or being trained at Microsoft both in China and in the US. He also warned the students not to drop out of school and follow the examples of Bill Gates and himself.59. Ballmer gave a talk on _ at Qinghua.A. the future of the InternetB. how to use the software made in his companyC. what c

39、omputers will bring to universities D. his own experience from Harvard to Microsoft 60. It seemed that Ballmer came to China mainly _. A. to meet some government officialsB. to give a talk at Qinghua University C. to manage business matters D. to visit places of interest 61. He encouraged Chinese st

40、udents _.A. to work for Microsoft in China or in America B. to follow the examples of Bill Gates and himself C. to work on software D. to go on and finish their college education 62. From the passage we know Steve Ballmer _. A. graduated from Harvard UniversityB. asked the students a lot of question

41、s C. is president of Microsoft Corp.D. started Microsoft Corp. in 1980PASSAGE FOURIt is possible to do many simple tricks with numbers. Here is one trick. It has seven steps. First, write down your house number. For example, if your address is 73 Lemon Street, you would write down 73. Next, double i

42、t. In other words, multiply(乘) it by two. Then, add five to this doubled number. For example, if your address is 73 and you have doubled it, you will get 146. Then, if you added five, youd get 151. So, to repeat the first three steps, write down your house number, double it, and add five. Fourth, mu

43、ltiply this number by 50. In our example here, if you multiply 151 by 50, youll get 7550. The fifth step is to add your age to this total. For example, if youre 26 years old, you should add 26 to this total. In our example here, the result would be 7550 plus 26, youll get 7576. Sixth, you have to ad

44、d the number of days in a year, which is 365. In our example here, 365 added to 7576 is 7941. The seventh and final step is this: subtract(减) 615 from the number that you have. In our example, 7941 minus(减) 615 is 7326.The result here, 7-3-2-6, is the trick. The first part of the number is the address and the last part of the number is the age of the person. That is, 73 is the address that we started with, and 26 is the

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