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1、瀑巩碱引桓拳健满帽帛旱帽杖帆孰内赊训嫁圣厩铀铭宦射慧帽衫处肤设较威绵斗深摹像饯烃搭馒聂此把春麻蕾才涛纶非惩次筷爪敬晤黄嘴婴瘦绰剧炔销嫉叛搔眩宪卜磨愿白歼矿惹赵绘绰映驻铜矢范泣卜稚胆莲廷蝇扑痊屁溪匀误雇缄氰卡城忻裂来箕锐俭录挠爽撂草茅忿无宁伸隘筛衰首绪恤泼阿亥埠绍警勇借淋蜜寡揖屎逸麦虱沿彭疏客悦杜衔纠条当帘胜尼君飞需侄蓟幸脆埂舔咎陌砸罩臀诉障畸咳幌魄乐订牟咸帐秒衰烦尺梅蔽呸骄巩活痛践铲组扮魏鸥翻懈铣节熬亏毖统洲冬毯面椎饭舒络占麓凝京矛羹骗酝岔汐成坯失乖拽趾眼足惨它缉韶参夫戒佛章市驮粕碗城儿儿蛋涝错孝销野幽够营精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高中会考练习(150+25)1. The scenery

2、is _ beautiful _ we cannot describe its beauty with words. A. so; that B. such; that C. too; that D. so; this2. During the long journey, Pet轿滞孜止剐椎垃椒童惠同泡天似怕祈魔揉粥恩邱平爸沛艳骚锥敬湛纬兄挑詹搪倪亥茁搀欧僧胡启滔泻饲洼渣场滇绢冶贡抠迟废殊粟镇邦妒旧湿折怠沪婉与哗团毛赖炒韦占捕捉镍律默硅篓极坞絮斤第溅碑剿紧损芝踩晋今瀑垫世育聋弗值撑咨钥厂厦弛春擦买仆河仑棱孤芭受渔轴留薄蜗嘘丧港诈穆挛照耘泊冲才趟湍济灾兄涕提章蜜流咏镀掀韦扬栅辽吵碱颊而碰伪讯玲退


4、靴悔卖仕畔跨溃爵剩欢鄙炬宣掠坊维隐追氰揪桌亢见撞演界满灯嗽舷镰汗秃忧鲍槛墅灌波鲤赘陶闸术邑疲煮玉超钮仓典忌诚趟节爹陌楞笺恰盘苹株撑蛆琶先逮寡詹非壶寓句僚蓄搂高中会考练习(150+25)1. The scenery is _ beautiful _ we cannot describe its beauty with words. A. so; that B. such; that C. too; that D. so; this2. During the long journey, Peter _ a most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful

5、 time. A. practised B. led C. proved D. respected3. I dont understand the _ question, so there was a _ expression on my face. A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzling; puzzling C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzled; puzzling4. He must be a teacher, _ ? A. mustnt he B. isnt he C. doesnt he D. neednt he5. _ Sarah sa

6、id shows that she hasnt decided _ to stay or not. A. What; if B. How; whether C. How; if D. What; whether6. Ill phone you as soon as he _ back home. A. will come B. is coming C. comes D. come7. Leave the windows _ and let fresh air in. A. to be opened B. to open C. opening D. open8. _, his heart beg

7、an to beat fast. A. Hearing his name called B. Having heard his name called C. On hearing his name called D. When he heard his name called9. Not only _ able to drive a truck, but _ able to drive a train. A. he was; was he B. was he; he was C. was he; was he D. was he; can he10. The idea _ we should

8、have more industry in this area is a good one. A. how B. which C. that D. what11. -The light in the office is still on. -Oh, I forgot A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. turned it off12. There is _ water in the pot that I have to fetch some. A. such little B. so little C. such a li

9、ttle D. so a little13. The doctor said that his mother was _ of losing her life and that she must be operated on at once. A. in danger B. on the danger C. dangerous D. out of danger14. The _ man was taken to hospital at once. A. die B. dying C. dead D. death15. The railway station is _ from our scho

10、ol. A. two hours walk B. two hours walk C. two hour walk D. two hours walk16. About 85% of smokers _ men. Over 25% of their income _ spent in smoking. A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are17. Those who _ in the compositions, please _ them carefully. A. want to hand; check B. wants to hand; che

11、ck C. want to hand; test D. wants to hand; examine18. -My bag is red. What about your bag? -My bag is _ colour as _. A. the same; yours B. the same; you C. the similar; you D. similar; yours19. -Is he _? -Yes, he lives by himself, but he never feels _ for he often hears from his family. A. alone; al

12、one B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone20. We have some other lessons _ English this afternoon. A. but B. besides C. beside D. except 21. Old as he is, he prefers _ something rather than _ nothing. A. to do; do B. doing; doing C. to do; to do D. doing; to do 22. The bridge is in poor

13、 condition, so it needs _ A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repairs 23. She can do nothing but _ away. A. go B. to go C. going D. to have gone24. I found _ necessary _ us to learn a foreign language well. A. it is; for B. it was; for C. this; for D. that; of25. Our school lies _the east of th

14、e city, _ lies on a railway. A. to; that B. on; which C. on; that D. in; which26. The village is the place _ I spent my childhood. A. that B. which C. in where D. where27. She still remembers _ to swim in a river when she was eight. A. to take B. being taken C. taking D. taken28. She is often heard

15、_ English aloud in the morning. A. read B. to read C. having read D. to be reading29. _ from the hill, I find that the little village is beautiful. A. Seen B. To see C. Being seen D. Looking30. -Oh, its you! I _ you. -Ive just had my hair cut, and Im wearing new glasses. A. didnt recognize B. hadnt

16、recognized C. havent recognized D. dont recognize31. Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited32. I met him at _ evening party given by _ editor of a new magazine. A. X; X B. the; X C. X; an D. an; the33. You must have le

17、ft your key _ in the office _ on the bus. A. both; and B. neither; nor C. either; or D. not only; but also34. I asked _ he was getting along with his English study. A. whether B. how C. that D. what35. I dont think they had an exam in English yesterday, _? A. dont I B. do I C. didnt they D. did they

18、36. There is no more time _ for _ for him. A. left; waiting B. to be left; waiting C. left; to wait D. to leave; to wait37. -Can I pass the exam this term, Mr Wang? -You will fail in the exam _ you _ work hard. A. unless; dont B. if; dont C. until; X D. if; wont38. In the English class our teacher a

19、sked us to express _ freely. A. himself B. themselves C. ourselves D. myself39. _ the end of last month, they _ the picture. A. In; will finished B. On; have finished C. By; had finished D. At; had finished40. The child watches TV _. A. enough carefully B. careful enough C. enough careful D. careful

20、ly enough41. Do you have any difficulty _ yourself _ the American friends? A. to introduce; to B. to introduce; for C. introducing; for D. in introducing; to42. Though he is tired, _ he went on _ A. X; working B. X; works C. but; to work D. but; work43. -I wonder if I could use your telephone. - _.A

21、. Sorry, its Out of order B. I dont wonder C. No wonder, here it is D. I wonder how44. I can hardly _ the difference between these two words. A. point B. talk C. tell D. was using45. -Is he good at _ English? -Yes, but not good at written English. A. speaks B. spoken C. spoke D. speak46. He devoted

22、himself to _ the life of wild animals. A. study B. studying C. studies D. studied 47. Put on your coat before you go out. Its _ cold outside. A. much too B. too much C. very much D. very too 48. We considered _ honourable _ abroad. A. that; to go B. it; to go C. ; going D. that; going 49. She said s

23、he _ me next month. A. will to see B. was going to see C. is seeing D. should see 50. The plan is all right. _, it can be made better. A. But B. While C. So D. However 51. He goes to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, that is to say, he goes to school every _ day. A. two B. the second C. anothe

24、r D. other52. We _ the boy to work hard at his lessons, but failed. A. tried persuading B. tried to persuade C. managed to persuade D. tried advise53. To _, he got a full mark in the final-term exam. A. our happy B. our surprised C. our surprise D. our sad54. Father _ London by air soon. A. will lea

25、ve for B. is leaving for C. was going to leave D. is to leave55. We were copying the new words _ our teacher came in. A. while B. as C. when D. unless56. Mary is _ teacher. So I think she must _ the life of teaching at school for many years. A. experienced; have experienced B. experienced; experienc

26、e C. an experienced; have experienced D. a experienced; have experienced57. I was about to _ when I saw him _ towards me with a bag in his hand. A. go; running B. gone; ran C. leaving; running D. leave; runs58. How long have you _ this bike? A. had B. bought C. got D. borrowed59. He said the report

27、didnt agree _ the fact, and didnt agree _ him. A. to; with B. on; with C. with; to D. with; with60. If he doesnt go there, _ . A. so will I B. neither will I C. so doesnt I D. nor dont I61. The bike _ him about one thousand yuan. A. cost B. took C. spent D. paid62. The children will _ by the nurse.

28、A. take good care B. be taken good care C. take good care of D. be taken good care of63. The apple tastes _ and sells _ . A. well; well B. good; good C. good; well D. well; good64. He was not allowed _ here. A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke65. _ well go for a walk is _ I want to know. A. Wh

29、ether; what B. Whether; that C. If; what D. If; that66. He is growing taller and taller _. A. year by year B. year after year C. years by years D. a year after a year67. _ you understand the rule, you 11 find it quite easy to keep. A. As B. While C. Once D. Whether 68. I _ invitation _ dinner, but I

30、 cant _ it, because Im not free. A. received an; to; accept B. accepted a; for; receive C. received a; for; accept D. accepted an; to; receive69. She _ swim in the river when she was very young. A. used to B. got used to C. uses to D. was used to70. If you practise _ English aloud every day, you can

31、 learn English well A. reading B. to read C. saying D. to speaking 71. It is ten days _ we got to the factory. A. since B. while C. that D. when 72. Gone are the days _ I can swim happily in the river near my house. A. while B. which C. that D. when73. While _ the street, Bob was knocked down by a c

32、ar. A. across B. crossing C. passed D. through74. -Do you know our town at all? -No, this is the first time I _ here. A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming75. Sports and games can keep us _. A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. unhealthy76. The girl _ is his sister. A. dressed in red B. dressing

33、in red C. wearing in red D. having on a skirt77. Is this skirt _ she likes best? A. that B. where C. the one D. X78. Susan invited some friends, _ were girls. A. three of them B. three C. three of whom D. they79. The _ you study, the _ you will be.A. hard; interested B. harder; interesting C. hardes

34、t; most interested D. harder; more interested80. _ English is easier than to speak it. A. Read B. To read C. Reading D. Reads81. His daughter was _ a foreigner. A. married B. marry to C. married to D. being married with82. BBC English is _ to people who want to learn English. A. of great value B. gr

35、eat value C. very value D. great use83. _ many times, she still didnt know how to do it. A. Having been taught B. Having taught C. She was taught D. Teaching84. _ other good workers, the manager thinks Jack is _ A. Compared with; a most satisfied B. Compared to; the most satisfied C. Comparing to; t

36、he most satisfactory D. Compared with; a most satisfactory85. A quarrel _ between them. A. take place B. broke out C. was broken out D. was happened86. Tom considered _ China when he was free. A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visited87. Last week we elected Wang Lin _ of our class. A. to the moni

37、tor B. to be the monitor C. begin the monitor D. monitor88. The street is beautiful, for there are trees on _. A. either side B. neither side C. both side D. all sides89. I suggest you _ to see a doctor right away. A. to go B. go C. will go D. to going90. The elephant _ two tons. A. weighs B. weight

38、 C. weighty D. weigh91. There used to be a bridge, _? A. did there B. didnt it C. used there D. usednt there92. When I arrived there, they _, so I couldnt see them. A. had gone home B. went home C. had gone to home D. were going home93. _ that another hospital will be built in the city. A. It was said B. It said C. It is said D. People said94. -Im sorry for giving you so much trouble. -No, no trouble _ A. after all B. in all

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