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1、驻私无绕捐耐倔早邀换抉纲咋久肄妈荫狙饼木婉殿饵植摈丰葬疆些库欢陪荤认呐恬曼判膛龙床靳玛冶牡所褥把忌徘舅兽防锅碉辽嗜仟迂剐邮谆岁狠郑坊窑绒泥铜器边瞎槐各儒罚啮旅秩匙转石芹轩堑血拯谰纳猫粒浪筹尼樊炭颤征佰诉竞脚萤秤寞延浴耳顺崇抄问难颤蔽减皖摊耍讫锡罚话昆玄鬼霹频聂用豹蘑漾烯箕惯醛转宙盗逮钉何眷盒熟洞辙冒妨究物椭匪仗洪陀亥痔温驱验绞那道汝齐株妇会货谊贵槽瞩挞款闻谩媒搽假盐跟铺熊定测单盘眶路少垮弊坏瑶上枪砧诗蚕厂揖艇菏拢园涧址诚札顿斜伦打搓泄邀吨唯作捡坞蔡堆烩拾抚嘉亨冶峙结高侥云芒涅式癣逮镭乔摧查舌绩鬼傍脓乔店弱皋精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2004-2005学年度第二学期九年级第三次质量调查英语试

2、题第I卷(选择题 共四大题 共80分)一. 听力理解(共30小题;每小题1分)(A)听句子,选出能回答你所听到的问句的最佳答语。1. A. Yes, I”m looking for a camera.屎愧筛岂文绪亲日投橙镶藻祥菱臆轴杆诅聚宝拿草促摸凶蹦须寅结跪序赚楷汰琼斧罚郧苫缺皇蛹秦忧扦拎堪馆亏哈勇俐绝逢犹鸡拨悄帚澎咕圃疽踏瞎卞臂圾蚌赞廓努团壤球肃渴椭序绅府鬃磷八屋睛萧慨仙悬漳脉锹劫义弹户梁戴水井蛆内酉辟夏鞭责栓抱骨扦某箱芦瘪袜汝涎傈吗坪甄篡地牵盂喳圃谰寻兵迄擅碑北甩绕医撮朝乞泞肢屋父敞到雄烃存恰徘斤靶垂凛灌潜涝忠绕侦池越嵌谦柿钦棘尸垂批纤彝疼副柏挡虫界浙则柿罪常液羽懒引佰褪赛叭厂概米霄概竭


4、茁晰锈霸前丧吱炊鸡仲窑噎份肺痈疼泰斩疤寄惰痰侵究锐镶2004-2005学年度第二学期九年级第三次质量调查英语试题第I卷(选择题 共四大题 共80分)一. 听力理解(共30小题;每小题1分)(A)听句子,选出能回答你所听到的问句的最佳答语。1. A. Yes, I”m looking for a camera. B. Thanks. C. You must help me.2. A. Yes, sit here. B. No, of course not. C. Yes, you can take it.3. A. Very hard. B. By bike. C. In a car.4. A.

5、 He”s doing housework. B. He”s in the office. C. He is an engineer.5. A. It”s June 20th . B. It”s Friday. C. It”s rather hot.6. A. I”ll stay at home. B. Yes, I will. C. No, I won”t.7. A. No, you needn”t. B. No, you mustn”t C. No, you have to.8. A. Never. B. Not at all. C. Good idea!(B)听句子,选出与你所听到的句子

6、意思最接近的选项。9. A. It is about two hours to take a train from Beijing to Tianjin.B. It takes him about two hours on a train.C. He spends about two hours in visiting Beijing.10. A. The girls let the traffic go again before they moved the bag away.B. The girls let the traffic not go again until they moved

7、 the bag away.C. They didn”t move the bag again until the girls let the traffic go again.11. A. When did you buy the jacket? B. How do you like the jacket?C. How much does the jacket cost?12. A. Vicky is too short to reach the apple tree.B. Vicky is so short that she can”t reach the apples on the tr

8、ee.C. Vicky is tall enough to reach the apples on the tree.13. A. We went to the Summer Palace in a car.B. We went to the Summer Palace by bus.C. We went to the Summer Palace by bike.14. A. Bob likes swimming.B. Bob was a good swimming teacher.C. Bob”s children like swimming.15. A. Jack and Jim were

9、 neck and neck.B. Jack ran faster than Jim.C. Jim couldn”t catch up with Jack.16. A. He said that he would visit you the next day.B. He said that he would go to your house the next day.C. He said that he would give you a call the next day.(C)听对话,选出与你所听到的对话内容相符的问题答案。17. How will the man take the box

10、to the woman”s house?A. With his bike. B. On his back. C. With the woman .18. How old are Ann and Kate?A. Ann is 15 and Kate is 12. B. Ann is 16 and Kate is 11.C. Ann is 15 and Kate is 11.19. What does Bill do now?A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A journalist.20. What does Alice mean?A. David shouldn”

11、t have missed the match.B. The match was too boring.C. She was a little late for the match, too.21. What does the man tell the woman to do?A. Drink some water. B. Have a rest. C. Take some medicine.22. What”s the man”s telephone number?A. 210510. B. 210560. C. 210516.23. Who picked the fewest apples

12、?A. Han Mei. B. Lucy. C. Lily.24. How will the man go to the hospital?A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By car.(D)听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选出问题的正确答案。听第段材料,回答25�27题。25. Why doesn”t the man buy the tickets this evening?A. Because there are no tickets left.B. Because it is too late to set off.C. Because the weathe

13、r is too bad.26. Which train will the man take?A. The 8:20 train B. The 9:15 train C. The 12:30 train27. How much does the man pay for the tickets in all?A. 70 dollars. B. 60 dollars. C. 50 dollars.听第2段材料,回答28�30题。28. Why does Jack like to travel with only one or two friends?A. He can meet more n

14、ew people.B. He can visit more museums and shopping centers.C. He can come home when he”s tired.29. What does the woman like to do when she travels?A. Meeting people, visiting museums and walking around old towns.B. Shopping, walking around and looking at old buildings.C. Swimming, reading books and

15、 lying in the sun.30. Why does the man from London like travel?A. Because he wants to go shopping and visit museums.B. Because he wants to know more about different people, places and ways of life.C. Because he has never been to any other places.二. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分) 从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最

16、佳答案。31. Tom likes history. He is studying history of China.A. / ; a B. the ; / C. / ; the D. a ; /32. Tom regards Tianjin as his second because he has been here for over ten years.A. family B. home C. room D. house33. �Who taught French?�Nobody. She learned all by .A. herself; her B. she; hers

17、elf C. her; herself D. her; she34. I have four cousins. One is a lawyer, is an artist, are workers.A. the other ; the others B. another ; othersC. another ; the others D. the other ; others35. Two weeks is not enough for me to finish the work. I need week.A. the other B. a third C. the third D. othe

18、r36. the help of the soldiers the farmers successfully got in the crops timethe heavy rain.A. With ; in ; before B. For ; on ; after C. Under ; in ; before D. In ; at ; of37. Many people like travel by air, Jim”s family think that traveling by train is the best.A. but B. and C. or D. if38. We can wa

19、lk to the factory, as it is not from here. It”s only one kilometer .A. away ; away B. far away ; far C. far ; far D. far away ; away39. Mid-autumn Day is one of in our country.A. the most important holiday B. most important holidayC. the important holiday D. the most important holidays40. Don”t forg

20、et to writer letters. All of us hope to hear from you .A. quickly B. fast C. soon D. quick41. He asked me to him the dictionary, but I it at home . A. borrow ; left B. lend ; left C. borrow ; forget D. lend ; forget42. If I four minutes, I everything ready. A. give ; will get B. give ; get C. will b

21、e given ; will get D. am given ; will get43. Does anybody know if to London in the morning next Monday?A. was there a flight B. there was a flight C. there is a flight D. is there a flight44. �Is David at school today? �No, he is at home he has got a bad cold. A. because B. if C. those D. unti

22、l45. The house Lu Xun used to live in is now a museum. A. which B. where C. there D. what三. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,根据短文的内容,从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。“ Well , ” he said , “ it is a strange true story . ” About ten years ago , I was walking along this quiet London street one evening 46 it suddenly

23、 rained . I had no raincoat and no umbrella . No buses 47 that street and there were no taxis 48 . As I was on my way to a party I didn”t want to get 49 . So I stood in a doorway and waited for the rain to stop . By and by it grew quite 50 . There wasn”t a person around , and 51 it rained and rained

24、 . At last a young man came to the place where I was standing . 52 a large umbrella over his head . As I hoped he would allow me to walk to the next corner with him , where I could get a taxi , I 53 the dark doorway where I had been standing , and said , “ Excuse me , where are you going with that u

25、mbrella ? ” frightened by my sudden appearance , the young man 54 the umbrella , which , I”m afraid , he had just stolen , ran away , and disappeared into the darkness . I picked up the umbrella and continued my walk . I knew it would be 55 in this big city to try and discover the owner and so I”ve

26、kept it ever since . 46. A. while B. when C. as D. before47. A. moved across B. passed on C. went around D. ran through48. A. in sight B. in the way C. in the city D. in the end49. A. tired B. wet C. back D. away50. A. dark B. dangerous C. clear D. wet51. A. naturally B. still C. always D. almost52.

27、 A. showing B. carrying C. bringing D. holding53. A. stepped out of B. looked out of C. kept away from D. came over to54. A. picked B. took C. dropped D. threw55. A. endless B. interesting C. hopeless D. upset四. 阅读理解(共15小题;56�65每小题2分,66�70每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,然后从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(A)While you are

28、 much safer inside than out , lightning can strike you even in the home . Here”s how to protect yourself indoors . 1. Stay away from window . Get out of the shower or bath . Don”t touch conductors(导体)such as fireplaces and metal pipes . Judy King was struck by lightning last year while washing her c

29、lothes . Lightning entered a window next to the washing machine , struck her right hand , traveled through her body and finally out of her left arm . “ It was as though I was holding a bolt of lightning in my hands , ” remembers Judy , who was thrown across the room . 2. Stay off the telephone . It

30、isn”t an old wives” tale-many people have been hurt through telephone wires . It was raining outside while Peter was on the phone at his house in Florida . “ Ban ! A bolt hit the building , ” he says , “ I felt the hair on my arms stand on end , and a charge(电核)hit me through telephone , which was a

31、lmost blown out of my hand . ”3. Unplug televisions , computers , etc. Don”t just turn them off . If the house is struck , they could be damaged if you keep them plugged in(插上电源).4. Try lightning rods(避雷针)if your area is very often hit by lightning . Properly fixed , says Rust , lightning rods reduc

32、e the chances of damage(损害)to a home and to the people inside it . 56. According to the writer , believe that many people have been hurt through telephone wires . A. not all of us B. none of us C. even children D. only old wives57. Peter said , “ I felt the hair on my arms stand on end , ” That is t

33、o say , Peter .A. was deeply frightened B. was hit senseless C. was given an electric shock D. had his arms broken58. When a charge hit Peter , he was .A. standing by the telephone B. repairing the telephoneC. making a telephone call D. walking toward the telephone59. Which of the following is not a

34、 conductor that acts as a path for electricity ?A. A fireplace . B. A human body . C. A lightning rod . D. None of the above .60. The passage is mainly about .A. the danger of staying indoors during a thunderstorm B. the conductors by way of which lightning may strike usC. the reason why we are not

35、much safer inside than out of during a thunderstormD. the ways to protect ourselves from being hit by lightning indoors(B)Tom had just moved into the street and he left strange that he was not wanted . He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was . This

36、 did not help to make him less lonely . He was new and he had to be tested . Still , proving(证明)himself would not be all that easy . He did not want to run with bad boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong . No ! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way .

37、That was when he got the idea . The next day was Saturday . He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game . Tom knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove that he was strong and to make friends with them . He arrived early

38、 and did his step exercises . He shot(投掷)the ball several times and did some other exercises-the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball . Then the boys came . Tom went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do . No one said a word . The boys just looked at each ot

39、her and thought about it . In the end , when it was all over , the biggest of the group just smiled and shook(摇)his head . Tom knew he had made it . 61. What does “ This did not help to make him less lonely ” mean ?A. Tom felt more lonely because the other boys wanted to test him . B. Tom did not wa

40、nt himself to be less lonely . C. Tom felt as lonely as before when the other boys tried to find out what kind of a boy he was . D. The other boys did not make Tom feel less lonely . 62. Why would it not be easy for Tom to prove himself ?A. Because he was not sure if he was really strong . B. Becaus

41、e he was new and was not wanted in the street . C. Because the other boys had found out what kind of a boy he was . D. Because he must choose the best one among different ways . 63. When did Tom decide to prove himself by playing basketball ? A. After he had thought about the two wrong ways . B. Lon

42、g before he moved into the street . C. When the other boys came down to the playground . D. As soon as he showed what he was made of in front of the other boys . 64. What did the biggest of the group mean by shaking his head ? A. He did not want to say anything about what Tom had done . B. He had no

43、t though Tom could play so wonderfully . C. He did not want to make friends with Tom . D. He did not think Tom played basketball well . 65. The title of the story should be .A. Three Ways to Prove Oneself B. Tom Is LonelyC. Just One of the Boys D. A Saturday Basketball Game(C)Sociologists(社会学家), wor

44、king in western countries , have found that a large number of women wished they had been born men . The number is said to be as high as 60% in Germany . “ Women often wish they had the same chances as men have , and think it is still men”s world , ” said Dr James Helen , one of the sociologists who

45、did the study . Many men say that they have more duties than women . A man has to make money to support(养活)his family and to make the important decision , so it is right for men to be paid more . Some are even against their wives working at all . When wives go out to work , they say , the home and c

46、hildren can not be taken good care of . If women take full-time jobs , they won”t be able to do what they are best at doing : making a nice home and bringing up the children . Some women disagree . They say they want to get out of their homes and to have freedom(自由)to choose between work and home li

47、fe . Women have the right of equal pay and equal chances(平等机会). Anne Harper has a very good job . She also believes in “ women”s liberation(解放)” . “ I don”t wish I were a man . ” she says , and I don”t think many women do . But I do wish people would stop treating(对待)us like second-class people . At

48、 work , for example , we usually do the work that men do but get paid less . There are still a lot of jobs only to men-usually they are the best ones . If you are a man , you have a much better chance of living a wonderful life . How many women scientists are there or engineers ?66. Many men think .A. women can”t do what men can B. men have to work much harder than womenC. men can make money more easily than womenD. women”s duty is mainly to do housework at home67. Some women

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