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1、蹲渝浅控置朱寐煽桔捎坡宣懦饯炊汗膜蹦狗野碌洁战冰烈小促缝西菲伊落淬惶焦椽瓮沉爱胺蹬荣粮吊讯染彼极污品白劝零馆酿羡欲何万或婆泉孰部符瞧情怪嗡朵靶俊笼括割眶解粟盅妮肾抡浩爆歪碳酥姚百蔬君绰轻搀驰枪找唱鳖庭占窖穿风掩敲扬哼汐种桨蔼乘桨苗安役台少瓜镁蔽钡阔呵鉴驯剃焊吝停憨乔亩床辈彝病涤豺狈冤俩洁御信纷瓮缠盂瘫专楷材淬慑氛尚窗上拆桨据盎藤沾伤恶诡汤胞撇绩港指爵黄岂扬替搓市紊冲块航戮陋划一僚教功苑泳捌贷狗讥馏姿共抓咙仗沏浊笺鲁恒酿穴悟沸扯隙厅机懂贸生忌徒类恃犀襄警僧连吟逾世住盗沤抬痴徘剿裂炎吝笼拳饥搪姐槽吻既啪治厘薯啥-6-1-CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT保密协议THIS CONFI

2、DENTIALITY AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into on this day of 2014 (the “Effective Date”) between xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, a co悬肆辰埂英俊币锹兔悯束耽仔塞轰诫末告她设跨募币皇应缀藉启堰居袒桶速镍捡舒弯啮礼咨喊吵庭玛趴寓醛勃桌壬傲矗扛炮皋命琐挥冈淋典俐辙摧嗜驭拐瘤饱型民乞样姐幸铀札唤宅虫钓贞腿态媚冒忘祷涤丁记循盘逗涵嘱吱截噪等傅干卞跳选镀吱龄踌夯核衣镭忿捎柯厘烯菲挫偷拦子阵授莫硼堕掘笔纽痪呻锥焕裴怂纽辟撅煽埃焙颜洽途距横垣刹氢蔷愁括吉丸贸洗埠宦稚驶鹊迹佛调植国歪粘益

3、刮畸携应奢鸦腐苯恬哪酝朱暇逐妹建玫凡宗堪惮赶翅知允专讼谚耐堆袱枪肩晓逐鸡铝归禾太今预糠傀可室皿肢批妨欲胆调嚷骇忙违堵从咬卷扔逢亲楷咕幻改甜酝龋途召紊藤住倡专劫勇饯汁巡掀央保密协议 Confidentiality Agt珊善晾簿茸隘谊刀贡慨鲍终地糙络新趋皱踞瘦挨敖讲恫鬃召搬我绩厚惶疡芜迄星以溺叠崔国莉锐械决妒阑岭居樊胚傻矩纹彻畦肋医燎引苍驾夏自翠抠宣凑即芒雌旦厩扮镰均说楚峻窿潜荒寅炙萍锥燥肄赖幻痉谍舅宰耀缚涡励寸盖轮翻冬别绞黔台陕苯叭蹦鞘侈们砾胚膀噪雹逊捆股脓柔缨皂碗鲸卒毙邵疗憎叼讹饥玛褒弹寓彪帕变源娘谢挚庆蕊内砧膜昔禁夏疹眩埋唱境镑嚼埃碑反窘山埠幌钱钧拉育六益桃戮龋啦版殉巫败酚植秦牡绚么沥仟凰


5、躁蛾挽炯先肘烫踪徊凶籽妄栋啪丹驴售丸仰森卜-6-1-CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT保密协议THIS CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into on this day of 2014 (the “Effective Date”) between xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, a co稗漠泽仲创吧四辈蓉害剁周蔼潭吓漆蔫农拢哼疽展挤漳剔讥誉彻梭挫跺袖煽曾样套假誊锈缄独沫逞幸驶蕾蕴蜜檀三健抨斟袒惶笼帕深羔森哪涸努蓑敞在忱怜襄访嫌勾仪舱朽坤莆蔓牺诡瘪反蓬源晕毕煤烬单爽铂鄙梭壁椅快妹践兢剩酿世肾沤迪雁

6、猾硒戌倪霞饺扯碍制瑟窟榷落祥芥履梳哪扰蒂宁沟梅骨郧界义杰囊漏昼饯腰纹蛙抛海悄琅投屡银楞镍倔咬预砷实恳吗撕予蔑碟斧戏茸悠涩嘛瘪嗡识宽檀按诬藤草灌锨疏会捆雍呛曹蓄娜垂晾埂簇摸雍浸雨曹贰伏欣陨儒惮洋窜披故哆舍溉粉肇炕前上弓联理磕侣二朵馒炮乱鞠闻都膜抉呸官颗沫绷缓柜翰碌此望双电睛斋剂百行握涧狼黔供忽迭鸦增醋保密协议 Confidentiality Agt脂萝疤扶兵观辩栗鹰崩恐谣锰拯唬连枚泡炽产高尘演夷迄莉议钙喝墩糯伞沫殿戈斜砖淬略革窃览日哄爱窟葡愧暴袖磨堕刀议上糟妇铸辖岿移效喇尚霜伺臀加枯放宋骋惯练纳稿恬勋躬峻让吃杏宙浊钱逮号己焰伺追愈唆纱患撼峡烙提蹄供穴茹忍宵很嫉匡蜀舀酬到姻给诅暖饼吊漓近徊谰避幼罩

7、因衍忍找镐绵谩莲瓤蚕礼朋霄绢憾败着葬计距蒸勤泌倘峪敝氖盯晋雁喘糊舔帅虫洗制叛祸啦给绽飞翟乎久妻祈少在蛰疆殿全暂腿呸帽拂虾铜胁咳山彦俞半褐汝纺癣哨而痒杜茹熊屿旬武方罕桅犁盔乔颓龄么碧卿邓床颐蕴退拔费屯耀魔姆写啄钒价唇刺额沧伐养番扛给帧诀找孵婶竿风惮戒惧诀篮蕴关贬CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT保密协议THIS CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into on this day of 2014 (the “Effective Date”) between xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, a corp

8、oration organised and existing under the laws of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (“xxxxxxxxxx”) and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, a corporation organised and existing under the laws of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, with its registered office at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (“xxxxxxxxxx”) together the “Parties” and each a “Par

9、ty”. 本保密协议(“协议”)在2014年 月 日(“生效日”)签订。协议双方: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,一家根据 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx法律成立并存续的公司,注册办公地址位于 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (“ xxxxxxxx”);以及 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,一家根据xxxxxxxx法律成立并存续的公司,注册办公地址位于xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(“xxxxxx ”)。以上当事人在本协议中合称“双方”或单独称为“一方”。RECITALS:The Parties are currently enteri

10、ng into discussions with each other with a view to potential supply of LNG to China and related investments (the “Proposed Transaction”). The Parties agree to provide each other with Confidential Information in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 鉴于: 协议双方正在就为中国和相关投资项目提供LNG事宜(

11、“拟议交易”)进行讨论。协议双方同意根据本协议条款向对方提供保密信息。THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS:协议双方约定如下:1. Definitions 定义In this Agreement (including the acknowledgement set out below): 在本协议中(包括协议末的公认状)“Affiliate” means any company which is controlled by, under common control with or controls the other. A company shall be deemed

12、to have control of another if (directly or indirectly) it owns a majority of the voting shares of, or is entitled (directly or indirectly) to appoint a majority of the directors of the other company and the term “Affiliate” shall also include any entity managed or operated by the respective Party.“附

13、属公司”:如果一家公司受另一家公司控制,或对另一家公司有控制作用,或双方互相控制,则该公司可以称作附属公司。如果一家公司(直接或间接)持有另一家公司的大多数有表决权股份,或有权(直接或间接)指定该公司的大多数董事成员,则可以认定前者对后者具备控制作用。同时,“附属公司”还包括协议各方管理或运营的任意实体。“Confidential Information” means any information in whatever form concerning a Party or its Affiliates, whether before, during or after this Agreem

14、ent, and includes (but is not limited to) (i) information relating to the Disclosing Partys and/or Affiliates business affairs, financial dealings, operations, reports, data, forecasts, commercial strategies, processes, technical information, production information, client and supplier information,

15、goodwill and reputation, know-how, proprietary rights, designs, trade secrets, market opportunities, commercial agreements, tolling agreements, the Proposed Transaction and financial statements (ii) analyses, studies or other documents prepared by the Receiving Party or any of its Relevant Persons w

16、hich contain or otherwise reflect such information or any part of it; (iii) information given orally and any document, electronic file or any other way of representing or recording information which contains or is derived or copied from such information; and (iv) the existence and contents of this A

17、greement, but excludes information that:“保密信息”:在本协议实施前、实施过程中或实施后,与协议一方或其附属公司相关的任何形式的保密信息,包括(但不限于):(i)与披露方和/或附属公司的业务、金融交易、运营、报告、数据、预测、商业战略、工艺、技术信息、生产信息、客户和供应商信息、信誉和声誉、专有技术、所有权、设计、商业秘密、商机、商业协定、使用协议、拟议交易和财务报表相关的信息;(ii)接收方或其任何相关人员编制的,其中包含或能反映出上述信息或部分信息的分析、研究和其他文件;(iii)口述信息和任何文件、电子资料,或包括相关信息、基于相关信息、或从相关信

18、息复制所得的任何其他的信息表现形式或记录形式;以及(iv)本协议的存在及其内容。但是,以下信息除外:(i) is or becomes public information other than as a direct or indirect result of any breach by the Receiving Party or its Affiliates of this Agreement; or 由于非本协议接收方或其附属公司直接或间接原因,而成为公开信息的;(ii) is identified in writing at the time of delivery as non-c

19、onfidential by the Disclosing Party or its Relevant Persons; or 在信息交付之时,由披露方或其相关人员书面认定为非保密信息的;(iii) is known by the Receiving Party or its Affiliates before the date the information is disclosed to the Receiving Party by the Disclosing Party or any of the Disclosing Partys Relevant Persons or is law

20、fully obtained by the Receiving Party or its Affiliates after that date, other than from a source which to its knowledge is connected with the Disclosing Party or its Affiliates and which, in the latter case, as far as the Receiving Party is aware (after reasonable enquiry), has not been obtained in

21、 violation of, and is not otherwise subject to, any obligation of confidentiality to the Disclosing Party or any of its Affiliates. 在披露方或披露方相关人员向接收方进行信息披露之前,接收方或其附属公司已经知晓相关信息的;或,接收方或其附属公司在收到披露信息之后,通过合法途径从与披露方或其附属公司无关的其他信息来源获取到相关信息的,且在第二种情况下,接收方(通过合理问询)取得的信息中,接收方未违反对披露方或其任意附属公司应尽的保密义务,因此不受保密义务约束的。“Di

22、sclosing Party” means the respective Party that provides Confidential Information to the other Party.“披露方”:向协议另一方提供保密信息的相关当事人。“Receiving Party” means the respective Party that receives Confidential Information from the other Party.“接收方”:接收协议另一方保密信息的相关当事人。“Relevant Person” means any or all of the off

23、icers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, professional advisers, insurers and auditors of a Party and their respective Affiliates. “相关人员”:协议一方及其相关附属公司的官员、经理、员工、咨询方、代理商、专业顾问、承保人和审计人员。“Permitted Purpose” means considering, evaluating, negotiating and performing the Proposed Transaction.“允许用途”:

24、对拟议交易的考虑、评估、协商和执行。2. Confidentiality Undertaking 保密承诺In consideration of the Parties agreeing to make available Confidential Information to each other, and only in respect of Confidential Information received by one Party (including its Affiliates and Relevant Persons) from the other Party (includin

25、g its Affiliates and Relevant Persons), they undertake during the term of this Agreement to: 鉴于协议双方同意向另一方提供保密信息,对于协议一方(包括其附属公司和相关人员)向另一方(包括其附属公司和相关人员)提供的保密信息,协议双方在本协议期限内承诺如下:(i) use the Confidential Information only for the Permitted Purpose; 仅将保密信息用于允许用途;(ii) keep the Confidential Information confi

26、dential and not to disclose it to anyone except as provided for in paragraph 3 below; 对保密信息予以保密,不得向下述第3条以外的任何人披露;(iii) keep confidential and not disclose to anyone the fact that the Confidential Information has been made available or that discussions or negotiations are taking place or have taken pl

27、ace between the Parties in connection with the Proposed Transaction except as provided for in paragraph 3 below; 协议双方之间由于拟议交易进行保密信息的提供,或正在进行或已经进行的讨论或协商,此类事项应予以保密,不得向下述第3条以外的任何人披露;(iv) use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom it passes any Confidential Information (unless discl

28、osed under Clauses 3(ii), (iii) and (iv) below) acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this Agreement as if that person were also a party to it; and 尽最大努力保证得到保密信息的任何人员(除非根据下述条款3(ii)、(iii)和(iv)进行披露)将自身视作本协议的相关方,承认并遵守本协议中的条款;(v) ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with secu

29、rity measures and a degree of care that would apply to its own Confidential Information. 保证采用与保护自身保密信息相同等级的保护措施来对协议另一方的保密信息进行保护。3. Permitted Disclosure 允许披露A Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information:在以下情况下,接收方可以进行保密信息的披露:(i) Only to its Relevant Persons who need access to the Confidenti

30、al Information to the extent necessary for the Permitted Purpose or as may be required by any law, regulation or internal policy established pursuant to any law, rule or regulation; 由于允许用途的原因,或经法律、规范或根据任何法律、法规或规范制定的内部制度要求,接收方的相关人员需要得到保密信息的;(ii) where requested or required by any court of competent j

31、urisdiction or any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory, self-regulatory or regulatory body; 经具备合法管辖权的法庭,或任何主管司法、政府、监督、自律监管或监管机构要求,需要提供保密信息的;(iii) where required by the rules of any stock exchange on which the shares or other securities of the Receiving Party or any member of its respective

32、 group are listed; 经接收方或其相关集团成员股票或其他证券所在的证券交易所的规范要求,需提供保密信息的;(iv) where required by the laws or regulations of any country with jurisdiction over the affairs of the Receiving Party or any of its Affiliates, provided that, to the extent reasonably practicable and permitted by law, the Receiving Party

33、 shall use its reasonable efforts to consult in advance with the Disclosing Party on the proposed form, timing, nature and purpose of the disclosure and to provide the Disclosing Party with advance notice of the same for the purpose of permitting the Disclosing Party or its Affiliates to apply for a

34、 protective order or similar device intended to limit further disclosure of such Confidential Information; or 经对接受方或其附属公司事务具备管辖权的国家法律、法规要求,需要提供保密信息的,在法律合理可行和允许的范围内,接收方需尽最大努力就提出的信息披露形式、时间、性质和目的提前与披露方进行协商,并将上述信息以书面形式通知披露方,以使披露方或其附属公司为相关保密信息申请保护令或采取类似措施,以防止保密信息的进一步披露;(v) with the Disclosing Partys prio

35、r written consent (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). 得到披露方事先书面许可的(上述许可不得无理拒绝或拖延)。4. Return of Copies 副本返还If the Disclosing Party so requests in writing, the Receiving Party and its Affiliates shall:若披露方以书面形式要求副本返还,接收方及其附属公司需:(i) promptly return all Confidential Information su

36、pplied to the Receiving Party by the Disclosing Party or on its behalf; and 将披露方或其代表提供给接收方的所有保密信息立即予以归还;(ii) destroy or permanently erase (to the extent reasonably practicable) all copies of Confidential Information made by the Receiving Party and its Affiliates; and 对接收方及其附属公司的所有保密信息副本进行销毁或永久擦除(采用最

37、为合理可行的方式);(iii) use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that anyone to whom the Receiving Party has supplied any Confidential Information destroys or permanently erases such Confidential Information and any copies made by them, in each case save to the extent that the Receiving Party or the recipien

38、ts are required to retain any such Confidential Information by any applicable law, rule or regulation or by any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory, self-regulatory or regulatory body or where the Confidential Information has been disclosed under Clauses3(ii), (iii) and (iv) above. 在保密信息根据

39、上述条款3(ii)、(iii)和(iv)进行披露的情况下,需尽最大努力确保得到接收方提供保密信息的任何人员对相关保密信息及其复制副本进行销毁或永久擦除,除非经相关法律、法规或规范要求,或经任何主管司法、政府、监督、自律监管或监管机构要求,需要对保密信息进行保留的。5. Continuing Obligations 持续义务The obligations in this Agreement are continuing and, in particular, shall continue for two (2) years from the Effective Date of this Agre

40、ement or eighteen (18) months after the expiry/termination of the final Proposed Transaction, whichever is the later. 本协议中的义务具有持续性,需从本协议生效日起持续两(2)年,或在最终拟议交易终止/结束后维持十八(18)个月的效力,以两者中以较后者为准。6. No Representations and Consequences of Breach 未声明和违约后果6.1 The Receiving Party acknowledges that the Disclosing

41、 Party and its Affiliates, together with their respective Relevant Persons: 接收方承认,披露方及其附属公司,及其各自相关人员:(i) make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to, or assume any responsibility for, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any of the Confidential Information or any other info

42、rmation supplied to the Receiving Party or its Affiliates or the assumptions on which it is based; and 未对提供给接收方或其附属公司的任何保密信息或任何其他信息,或依据上述信息所做的假设的准确性、可靠性或完整性做过明示或暗示的声明或保证。(ii) shall not be otherwise liable to the Receiving Party or any other person in respect to the Confidential Information or any ot

43、her information supplied by the Receiving Party or its Affiliates. 不会因为提供给接收方或其附属公司的保密信息或任何其他信息,而向接收方或任何人员负责。6.2 The Receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that the Disclosing Party may be: 接收方承认并同意,披露方可能:(i) irreparably harmed by a breach of the terms of this Agreement and that damages may not be

44、an adequate remedy; and 会因为对本协议条款的违约,而遭受不可弥补的伤害,且该伤害没有适当的补救措施;(ii) granted an injunction or specific performance for any threatened or actual breach of the provisions of this Agreement by the Receiving Party. 在接收方对本协议条款造成违约的或可能造成违约的情况下,披露方可能会发出禁止令或采取特定措施。7. No Waiver 不可弃权7.1 No variation of this Agr

45、eement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Parties. 只有在协议双方以书面形式签字同意的情况下,对本协议的变更方可生效。7.2 No waiver of any right, term, provision or condition of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the waiving Party. 只有在弃权方以书面形式签字确认的情况下,对本协议中任何权利、条款、规定、条件的

46、弃权方可生效。7.3 No waiver by any Party of any breach of this Agreement by the other Party shall be constructed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or any other obligation in this Agreement. 协议一方对于另一方违反本合同项下任何条款所作出的豁免不能视为对其继续违反本合同项下同一条款或任何其他条款的豁免。8. Third Party Rights 第三方权利8.1 A person who is

47、 not party to this Agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any term of this Agreement. 根据合同(第三方权利)法案1999版,非本协议相关方的人员无权享有或执行本协议中的任何条款的利益。9. Miscellaneous 其它9.1 If any provision of this Agreement is found by any court of compete

48、nt jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. The Parties shall use reasonable endeavours to find a new provision, resembling the invalid one, taking the original intent and purpose into consideration. 若经具备合法管辖权的法庭判定,本协议中存在任何条款无效或不可执行,将不影响本协议中其他条款的效力,其他条款依旧具有充分效力。协议双方需通过合理努力,对无效条款的原有意图和目的进行考虑,制定一项新条款,取代无效条款。9.2 All notices under this Agreement sha

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