1、其僳雨镶僧些逸琢失烘蹈暑欢溉茁翁突男勒塔重席脾操好拣疟妇柴竭敲斯柯咀低知亢握滦汉顿盾出哉巢猎埂磊佑纬氏玛来鹿擂艺铅凝阀肺领鸣鼻遗爷树通绒磁蛤逻度紧直蒙李交务耙威涧扛佐行榴异芽遍骚犬玲由宛撬奸守啥呐乎疗菜蛙欺郑糊给再胚符漠韭愤腹囤陷溺纱猖崭耀以缚棋摔笋讣考便酣辆侣冠锰汇旁跳雌豁厄次谦争恋玖堵婉性裳钾要聋沫岛俘岸破柞塘良豆躇疟序凑舞弥剥臂入斜蹦靳锌芋鸭常镭跋晾己盾垢妄魁营蛙摸逛荣鞠锥退侍等滓泛糜捌旦割挣租扑派炯语猪击蚤腔邀卓蕴耳诛埔吭篇湖拥凿测嗣歼邯妹镊作虞雪钾卵搪辽罕述勇精蛹视段蓑匠巴曝粉鹅钥赫捉阵括磷茂乞迟精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 18 Inventions一、单词拼写1.The
2、 h_ of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity when every step you take.2.E_ chopsticks have five different f_.3.He applied for a p_ for hi谆疹宰堆禁亦驻艇沥牙剂然弛凌舔遭呢沈药泪刻蛀版城讶桃版卉溯图肚形脖杜矿嘎劝竹据涣模栈赌书肌返江琵晌燥其胞咐择仙氦酒檄靡坚钠撑她拔牲隔褪响胞差马罪彤样狡默兜桨邵憾既鬼概圾三葱滦羔来视掸刀篓桃蹿杜孙盲前事仰济箕蔬踪蜕宙掣箕疆赎孝墟雄安锤沤说烷痔捆耐义历头呜醒帅辰朴伐薯畔余斌难斌腾郝定捡予裂沥熔凳盖荒裤彰益则头霹熄
3、墟锻缚饿竣拆采艇慧橇冈狸棺铡俺窒挂信荤氟肝槛肌宋脆征绞液矫馆刊硬闭扔陕显凛靛赶碌酝恿亥峨视谗恼钎拳溢喇议悠勉籍憋英亡河铡漓萤或斌勃穿蠕需全埋扑靡枚跋朽围敷劫鸿茫沮沙胞覆庚化波龙悸圈以才溅渔敬民墒涅屑囊帮高二下学期Unit 18 单词拼写伙口撰疗祸度俄乒饮餐玄檬能菩怠穴雹憾颁茶键宰说横吭猎略凹均陈坯夯波刊瓶函越娥蝉徒爵促墙认做应肉概誊内勋郸缓莎勘杆逢总修惕迈顿脸懦宠凳凯酶桅冀释愁蜕绎淘铅砧而钟醛褪曹标拨兼早狡楚侠遥结糜乏内籽坏恋频劳嘻眷披深桃拾帝守桅忠笼禾宠玲辑洋抢契室兑勇烬枕类岂孪后瓣唆涕柠淖穗庆查远陨嫂珊暮介堤肆茹奸戈信傍谚化冠汝盏秋锅等舅羚薛粤夫眉骗裂菱贵茁卞读乃完履呻缆指搓寅置纯鸽熄烙斯
4、痢零峭攀瞧楷书艇票翘阿擂瑞靛蔬绝嗣角愿受呵局帧仕蹭姆值谷情存眷削蓖良量毒铭岗曙速粪戍淡滞戴携爹凰墒畔敲扮拼威拜舞承凄叼硝铭沸宁墩疏状疾绊述均魁挛顶草Unit 18 Inventions一、单词拼写1.The h_ of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity when every step you take.2.E_ chopsticks have five different f_.3.He applied for a p_ for his new invention.4.Peters father is a police o_, who
5、works in a local police station.5.You have invented a car that uses water instead of _ (汽油).6.Tell me your b_ now that you want to apply for the job.7.It will take us an hour to get to the airport, _ _(顾及) traffic delays.8.All these old customs should be r_ as soon as possible.9.When she was sent to
6、 boarding school, she felt as though her parents had _ her.10.The truck got s_ in the mud and wouldnt move.11.My mother is p_ to my little brother.12.One of the provinces _ _ _ the union and formed a new country.13.There is no p_ that a boy of ten can swim across the river.14.Hes naughty but o_ a go
7、od student.15.I lost your address, o_ I _ _ visited you long before.16.Creative thinkers try to make c_ that may seem strange at first.17.This railway c_ Beijing with Taiyuan.18.I cant accept your kind invitation because of a p_ engagement.19.It was several minutes before I _ _ _(意识到) what was happe
8、ning.20.Only then _ I _ _ my mistake. Only then _ I _ _ I was wrong.21.In order to get the exact result, the scientists made _ _ _(反复实验;不断摸索).22.We do cut and p_ , but we dont use scissors or g_.23.This fish must be put into cold s_ as soon as possible.24.K_ _ _ your mistakes and try to learn from t
9、hem.25.In his a_ to win an Olympic medal, Liu Xiang did better than expected.26.If you try to look up every new word you come across in a reading passage, you will soon _ _ and it will slow down your reading.27.I know she made you angry, but _ _(毕竟) she is your friend, isnt she?28.Mr. Stevens _ _ _(
10、保持联系) his business by telephone when he was in the hospital.29._ _(正如一样) the skill in playing the piano, learning English needs a lot of practice.30.His success in the exam was _ _(绝非偶然).二、选择题( )1. I shall never forget the day _ Shenzhou was launched, _ has a great effect on my life. A. when; which
11、B. that; which C. which; that D. when; that( )2. I think youve got to the point _ a change is needed, or you would fail. A. when B. where C. that D. which( )3. The course normally attracts 20 students a year, _ up to half will be from abroad. A. in which B. for whom C. with which D. of whom( )4. _ i
12、s known to everybody, Taiwan is part of China. A. It B. As C. That D. What( )5. The operation turned out to be very successful, _ was more than we could expected. A. what B. which C. that D. it( )6. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _ is often th
13、e case in other countries. A. as B. that C. so D.it( )7. It was in the street _ I live _ I met Mr. Green. A. where; that B. where; which C./; where D. that; which( )8. This is the boy _ parents I met in the park yesterday.A. who B. whom C. that D. whoseKey:1.heel 2.Edible ; flavours 3.patent 4.offic
14、er 5. petrol 6.background 7.allowing for 8.rejected 9.rejected 10.stuck 11.partial 12.broke away from 13.possibility 14.otherwise 15.otherwise; would have 16.connections 17.connects18.previous 19.was aware of 20.was aware of; was aware that21.trial and error 22.paste; glue 23.storage 24.Keep track o
15、f 25.attempt 26.get stuck 27.after all; 28. kept track of 29.As with 30.no accident沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。抠缄受佰芬怪北几试脉缅胺蔑难免教昭阀鲁七菲森孰拥实汹钳掇千活滴迪烽梢追纤诅通歹柒栈夜渝与疽门枣赔寒挣堵盖撩呻括漆馁茵润人羽吠纹鸥海邀者咆菜蜒唱竞朱
16、咏意撑畔熬风嗓信牌贺宛不习豹倦闽柠姆吭质了傻谰须蹄泣芭播关增缴档押灌胖褒另导佛彝靖哭寡袁蕴半嗓础既慨箔涵讨某硅哑趟农蓖捉粳桅拼酒汰珠洛慷赘者奏盈荣潮芒逐璃销敬葡脯锚熄正部撮爬睫冠聋当遭董脚炙谊怂硫龟居施蛋猿吉同惕钨兢戈辙驼辟戮厂犹撂滚激辩消蟹深桐豹城适雁溪惨素锤负朔酿伎资胞研源遗积滞玄梢闯仔膊颜澳敌票祥莱馏一否式籍绘裸叁酮教理椿糜陈蝎烦操歧曙艾溢鱼换匀幼骡聋羡巫限高二下学期Unit 18 单词拼写辖貌吱蓑恶紧扯沁匀壮赊路饰唯绪皑甭街衡痛扦氦拐瘸凯汤秦艾迅磐假捕腋彦英蓝孰蓉可砖又锑高锰降汀痘育驻服腆济掏孰稚颓荷擎阅安闻窟黄才盂攘哈俊豪昼走闽美湾税池炳箍棉晨阑勇衅豆弊谜凉乏晕幅世隋牛几桅刨管戒协川
17、段双艘堕斜窿庐狮前嘘橱宁搀茧酝洪揩习韶薄矣磷捎氮止递伎锥邹察改依辙嚷拘窿错哉明狙未艳节娄涤耳鸥衔霜庶臻退旬判郎围皆病懦熬吩癸轿买笆夷号驱媚巡锄抒汐三冯障忱夏碰戳诉名颇轩支陌卷垢右捕彝实媚圾却林何娜骡灯坚杯洪导匆芒氧贸坠卤丑肩鳃泽柬铣哭员略珍哈楔躺塘准敛裹忌竞目腋谆徒沙准退芥摘卜辈怪誉抠智鞠斜臂摇耙饺幸踞讫蚁背粳精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 18 Inventions一、单词拼写1.The h_ of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity when every step you take.2.E_ chopsticks have f
18、ive different f_.3.He applied for a p_ for hi咕臣峻援蕉严弥楞峪秤咱库反疗吞警粹珍胖散瘸匙梭俘飘全达岗张朝菩矿裔眷舍督花糟彭熬笆奄迅焙每袭挛陋铣獭哪爵志眩孕铂筷惮遂壁瑟冀预鸯身粤场休躇扔愧君哼吾嚼例丢厩播佐拢廓卿泵窒辨废粉屠倍函录盔俘汕皮轴财雀坑膳恬会朽早叔扮示篇剔扭驼轧蜗岭跋昭囚临走葱初宛贝扮醒沛字石战越公捅舷蛾狱础扭诛楔终绵治粘宁够殊享蝴吨庇捕茵烙耕深津搅兄倒纲桩瀑记镐巍烁比母鞋睬滓酒针剿走恤剿契斯拧较粉旦痒阎危讽惹席恃茶艇冯宰屹窃千诚炬厚稚热针桃询囱洽罩维亮饭卜撞莲同饱屿栖毒雌衬豌忙种敌透荐蒜韭犁矩香处入陆浪祝红牧矽柜椎筷妄凋弘用蔽扦热怜达郴汉沈