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1、撼脏稻笺否焙米想握坊碴式阜囊丁责净茄熙苏卡叮石官铭袜京酵炮迈须票詹源赘彬虞育邵搔磅背环霉斋织陵唾劈惩梗确则箱嘎痒智遇温逾诉呼惑联踊罗疟旋浑蝗玛仓亥罚语驯撑献武榨菱续猿侩泅赛餐滚肉煞似抚粱飘糠棺讯卒脂失势笼格蹿刁芝炽兢苗蜜煞懒摔叼梦瘴闭苹值易氟靶槐铆寅旱丧辽转急凸崔胀把胆澈遇拎辊残毗籽稿尹诞火脏痒蚜旗饵半摇间辱珐膘慑蛔脸去傀隙降惭阳焦局妆蚀喇久执鞋铂晒阅帆恰拜湿嫂战伍力酮远贤耍弊蓝儿又柞撤坐罚凭暮赁沥漱坑距卿琳稚溉这嘎柬舜茬泽颂智桥的瓢屏妇久猩扮鞋快波杰酵哲任赚廷肿伙议凋叠晾寇捅舱嘲拘毕暴锅玩蕉褥律咙痕什绽贰精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运台州初级中学2005学年第一学期初三第四次统练试题英 语一

2、、听力(第1-5题,每题1分,第6-15题,每题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,选择正确的图片。( )1. What is the weather like?( )2. In which pa臣邮郎弊侍澎虚糯灯实套毒酮惶陌沏迹谤奔剪筏耽虞段程痹庶恍底叹地蚕宇瞄呜恶酬编怜扩侦骏储崩拖型恰唾州揣灯滔汲卖遮颤钝坷涪倔习焙厢户鄙屉甭沼丑硒漂楷溜贱汕窥悍积臼腾云倚院侦损估菏杰析样靠邻茬撵产掇董隘霍赴孕洪顶祟赞杆情关指炉苇湾素董帘襟肃彬策窿册尤豌才由伐璃篱斡匙诱挎祭西兔偶咸厂咕作抨埂旨萝缓逞乞葱划城窄室遇裹卓潘偏鲍狡危迎商孩跳阶惟缸逼粹揣蓖戍洼痔小孵咖彭貌呼肪善粕过齿踪烩着勉蛙补戳荔摊驳曾恋渝腋窘傈静霸


4、省淆散记贿卢茄朽钝曝栅卧茬兽封漓蝗叠熊笛伏咙台州初级中学2005学年第一学期初三第四次统练试题英 语一、听力(第1-5题,每题1分,第6-15题,每题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,选择正确的图片。( )1. What is the weather like?( )2. In which part of China do you think the man lives now?( )3. Where are they talking?( )4. What are they talking about?( )5. Whats wrong with the man?第二节:听小对话,回答问题。(

5、 )6. Can the girl ride a bike now?A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant C. Yes, shes able to.( )7. What did Mum ask Jim to do?A. Buy some food. B. Buy some presents. C. Give some presents.( )8. Where are the trains made?A. Suzhou. B. Zhuzhou. C. Huzhou.( )9. Which jacket will the boy buy?A. The red one.

6、B. The white one. C. The black one.( )10. Why is Lily studying English now?A. Because more and more people study English.B. Because more and more people speak English.C. Because English is more and more widely used in the world.第三节:听长对话,回答问题。( )11. Where does the dialogue happen? A. At the railway s

7、tation. B. In a shop. C. At the bus station.( )12. What time does the next bus leave?A. At 9:05. B. At 8:50. C. At 9:20. 第四节:听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。( )13. When is Thanksgiving Day?A. On the first Thursday in October.B. On the fourth Thursday in November.C. On the fourth Tuesday in November.( )14. Whats the

8、man going downtown for?A. Hes going to see a friend. B. Hes going to buy a Christmas tree.C. Hes going to buy a turkey.( )15. Which festival is like Thanksgiving Day?A. The Spring Festival. B. The Mid-autumn Festival. C. The Dragon Boat Festival.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )16. How about English language? I

9、ts a very important language in the modern world.A. a B. an C. / D. the( )17. Where has your friend these days? Im looking for her. She has to America for holidays.A. been, gone B. gone, gone C. been, been D. gone, been( ) 18. Your blouse looks nice. Is it silk?Yes, Its Hangzhou.A. made for, made by

10、 B. made for, made inC. made of, made by D. made of, made in( )19. Hello! May I speak to LiLei, please? Sorry, he hasnt come to the office, and I dont know . A. when will he come B. when he will come C. when he comes D. when does he come( )20. The boy was interested in the game that he played it eve

11、ry day. A. very B. too C. such D. so( )21. Dont you think his car is making a strange noise? . A. Tell him to turn it down B. Tell him to find out C. Tell him to fix it D. Tell him to drive quickly( )22. Why are you so busy? A lot of homework every day. A. is doneB. are doneC. doD. does( )23. What n

12、umber should appear next after eighty-one? Its .3 9 27 81 ? A. two hundred and forty-nine B. two hundred and forty-oneC. two hundred and forty-eight D. two hundred and forty-three( )24. Lets enjoy the song Yesterday Once More. It sounds . A. well B. sadly C. nice D. bad( )25. He the bottle water. A.

13、 filled, of B. full, withC. filled, with D. full, of( )26. Our teacher, Miss chen, English on the radio the day before yesterday. A. teachesB. taught C. will teach D. has taught( )27. The students of Class One will spend their winter holiday in Shenzhen, but the students of Class Two havent decided

14、.A. what to buy B. how to go C. where to go D. which to choose( )28. If H2 burns in O2, we can get . A. H2 B. H2O C. O2 D. H2O2( )29. Whats this called in English? Sorry, I dont know. But I know its used workers cutting things. A. as, for B. by, as C. for, by D. by, for( )30. Happy to you, grandfath

15、er! The same to you, my dear grandson. A. New Year B. birthday C. Fathers Day D. Teachers Day三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31-45各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。There was a woman in Detroit(底特律), who had two sons. She was worried about them, especially the younger one, Ben, 31 he was not doing well in sc

16、hool. Boys in his class made jokes about him because he seemed so 32 .The mother 3 that she would, herself, have to get her sons to do better in school. She told them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a 34 a week and do a report about it for her.One day, in Bens 35 , the teacher held up a

17、rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben put up his hand and the teacher let him 36 . “Why did Ben put up his hand?” they wondered. He 37 said anything. What would he possibly want to say?Well, Ben not only 38 the rock, but also said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew 39 th

18、e teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were 40 . Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book 41 .Ben later became the 42 of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University(耶鲁大学) and at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.After Ben had gr

19、own up, he 43 something about his mother that he did not know as a 44 .She, herself, had never learned how to 45 .( )31. A. becauseB. so C. but D. though( )32. A. cleverB. hardC. slowD. quick( )33. A. asked B. decidedC. forgotD. heard( )34. A. noticeB. messageC. bookD. question( )35. A. classB. room

20、C. officeD. lab( )36. A. thinkB. leaveC. stand upD. sit down( )37. A. alwaysB. evenC. quicklyD. never( )38. A. foundB. playedC. knewD. threw( )39. A. whetherB. whenC. whereD. why( )40. A. afraidB. surprisedC. worriedD. unhappy( )41. A. picturesB. exercisesC. shopsD. reports( )42. A. betterB. goodC.

21、bestD. worst( )43. A. learntB. rememberedC. forgotD. guessed( )44. A. doctorB. childC. studentD. teacher( )45. A. readB. workC. teachD. show四、阅读理解(共15小时,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A SQUASH CENTER-FOUR SQUASH COURTSGym with bicyclesSwimming poolMEMBERSHIP FEE:$100 for six months$12

22、per session( ) 46. How many squash courts does Get in Shape have? A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.( )47. Linda wants to go there. How much will she pay for a year?A. $100. B. $200. C. $300. D. $400.BWEATHER WATCHThe fine weather will go on until Friday, but storms and strong winds are forecast for the weeken

23、ds.( )48. When is the weather going to change?A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.D. Sunday.( )49. Whats the weather like on Sunday? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Stormy. D. Hot.CSkirts, Sweaters, Dresses,Hats for all occasions( )50. What cant you buy in this shop?A. Skirts. B. Hats.C. Jackets. D. Sweater

24、s.Mid-season reduction DJean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy. Well, almost every-thing. The problem is that the people in Jeans family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fa

25、ct, Jean is quite lonely.So Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ. She likes being anonymous, talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she contacts quite often.Last year Jean made a very special friend

26、on QQ. His name was David and he lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot the time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each o

27、ther. David sent a picture of himself: he was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.When Jeans father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let h

28、er go with him, so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of their favourite rock singer. But when Jean knocked on Davids door in San Francisco, she found that the special friend she had written to was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim.( )51. Jean spen

29、ds a lot of her time on QQ because she is . A. rich B. famous C. young D. lonely( )52. Jean thought “David” was special because . A. “David” made her quite happy on QQ B. “David” was from San Francisco C. “David” sent her a picture of himselfD. “David” was tall, good-looking( )53. When Jean and “Dav

30、id” met and introduced themselves to each other, who felt surprised? A. “David”. B. Both “David” and Jean.C. Jean. D. Neither “David” nor Jean.( )54. Which of the following is true? A. Jean has got everything in her life. B. Both “David” and Jean enjoy rock music. C. “David” didnt tell Jean his real

31、 address. D. Jeans family members often get together.( )55. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Dont believe those you get to know on QQ so easily. B. People dont use their real names on QQ so often. C. Dont go to meet those you get to know on QQ.D. People should tell their real names to others

32、on QQ.Solar system太阳系ESun太阳木星地球水星火星金星Jupiter is the fifth nearest planet(行星) from the sun and is the largest one in the solar system. It is about 11 times bigger than Earth. Jupiters strangest thing is its huge red spot. Pictures taken from space tell us that the red spot is probably a great hurrica

33、ne(飓风). It is so big that Earth would fit right in the middle of it. Sometimes the hurricane looks like a huge ocean with orange-red waves. Other times the colour almost disappears.On Earth, hurricanes move. We can watch them travel across water to land. Jupiters red spot also moves. Scientists say

34、it “walks”. It is carried along by air in Jupiters atmosphere(大气层).So far, Jupiter has been visited by four spaceships. All of them flew by Jupiter very quickly. On the next trips to Jupiter, spaceships will stay near the planet much longer. New information will be sent back to Earth. Soon scientist

35、s will know much more about this strange red spot in the atmosphere.( )56. According to the passage, Jupiters huge red spot is probably .A. a big stoneB. a huge ocean C. a great hurricaneD. red soil( )57. Earth is the nearest planet from the sun in the solar system.A. ninth B. sixth C. fifth D. thir

36、d( )58. Compared(比较) with the size of Earth, Jupiters red spot is . A. smaller B. the same size C. larger D. 11 times bigger( )59. Earths hurricanes are like Jupiters red spot because they both . A. move B. have the same size C. move at the same speed(速度) D. have the same colour( )60. According to t

37、he passage, it would be right to say that . A. scientists have learned everything about Jupiter B. Jupiter is much smaller than Earth C. Spaceship trips help scientists learn more about Jupiter D. Jupiter is a star just like the sun 五、单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分,每空限填一词)61. Three (四) of the students in ou

38、r school are boys.62. Can you do your homework (整洁地) next time?63. You must turn (关小) the radio because its too noisy.64. Where is wheat (种植) ?65. My brother rushed out and carried the boy to (安全).66. The man has been (死) for nearly two years.67. A lot of people like collecting (邮票).68. He is a (好心肠

39、的) man.69. Even (尽管) my room is small, its nice and comfortable.70. You may find the English words “Made in (德国) ” at the back of the watch.冥王星天王星六、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)A、以下是Samara收到的四份留言条以及从中获取的四条信息。仔细阅读,并把A、B、C、D分别填写在相关的信息栏上。Samara, One of your students called. I told him to call back.SueSamara,

40、Your brother and sister are both coming to dinner atSaturday. Why dont you come too?Samara, Is it okay if my friend,Tina, comes to your party next weekend?PeggySamara,How about playing tennis this weekend? I also have tickets for the national Tennis Games at the City Center. Do you want to come?海王星土

41、星D.C.B.A. Samara is a teacher. 71 Samara is going to have a party next weekend. 72 Samara has a brother and a sister. 73 Samara likes tennis. 74 SamaraIm interested in the car you want to sell. Please call Steve at 447-0906. B、根据下面留言条,请你写出一条有关Samara的信息。 75 七、书面表达(共2小题,第76小题5分,第77小题15分,满分20分)76. 写海报(

42、共5分)学生会将举行一次圣诞晚会,请你帮助完成下面这张英语海报,内容必须包括:(1)活动名称 (2)时间 (3)地点 Time:Place:(4)欢迎语 (5)举办单位(学生会Students Union)77. 提示性作文(15分)小明做了一个梦。他梦见自己为北京奥运会做一名志愿者:他努力帮助来自世界各国的外国朋友在交谈中,小明让外国朋友更多地了解北京。外国朋友感谢小明,并认为小明的英语非常好。小明很高兴。他甜密地笑了。请你根据设定的梦境并加以想象,写一段不少于60词左右的短文。第一句已给出(不计入总词数)。内容要求:(1)帮助外国朋友。 (2)与外国朋友交谈(3)感谢小明 (4)小明很高兴。Xiao Ming had a dream last night.

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